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Make the game more interesting: break empire highsec connections

First post
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2014-02-09 11:22:13 UTC
Z'zauoe Euopaeqorua wrote:
Break all highsec connections between empires.

For example you would have to travel through lowsec from Minmatar to Gallente. Same from Minmatar to Amarr and so on.

Allow highsec connections to only interempire region jumps.

For example you could jump from Metropolis to Heimatar by using highsec connection, but then if you would like to move towards Sinq laison, you would have to cross the dangerous lowsec.

1) Jita's value as largest hub would decrease, because you couldn't run freighters easily with alts.

2) It would make life on lowsec space much more interesting

3) It would spawn up a real need for escorting your haulers and freighters

4) Use of jump freighters would increase, however, it's expensive to use them

5) There has been similar changes in the past, like Jitas connections have been changed few times.

6) You will create a number of lowsec systems that will be permanently camped, probably in such a way that you can't do anything about it

7) Inter empire logistics will happen entirely by jump freighters?

8) Isolation
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#62 - 2014-02-09 11:27:01 UTC
9) SOE Epic arc introducing newbies to all four empires is ruined.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2014-02-09 11:41:30 UTC
Rhanna Khurin wrote:
It kinda does make sense to have a lawless chaotic zone between rival factions borders where their influence isn't as strong

show any place in civilized space on Earth where you have such places?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Keldaur Iehemec
Radiactive bullshit
#64 - 2014-02-09 11:51:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Keldaur Iehemec
March rabbit wrote:
Rhanna Khurin wrote:
It kinda does make sense to have a lawless chaotic zone between rival factions borders where their influence isn't as strong

show any place in civilized space on Earth where you have such places?

Many places on Africa and Middle East, Venezuela / Colombia, Pakistan / India, etfuckingcetera... just make some little research (africa is the biggest example of this tho, with warlords and drug dealers).
But this is a game. Not everything has to make sense, the politics should be dictated by the players, not game mechanichs.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2014-02-09 11:56:20 UTC
Keldaur Iehemec wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Rhanna Khurin wrote:
It kinda does make sense to have a lawless chaotic zone between rival factions borders where their influence isn't as strong

show any place in civilized space on Earth where you have such places?

Many places on Africa and Middle East, Venezuela / Colombia, Pakistan / India, etfuckingcetera... just make some little research (africa is the biggest example of this tho, with warlords and drug dealers).
But this is a game. Not everything has to make sense, the politics should be dictated by the players, not game mechanichs.

Okey. Show me 2 big and strong civilized countries Africa is between of them?

In Eve Online we have 4 big empires. Not every country on Earth counts in this case.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#66 - 2014-02-09 12:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: BrundleMeth
More interesting? No, it makes people waste their time on even more tedius crap...
Fatal Amelana
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#67 - 2014-02-09 12:11:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Fatal Amelana

We neeed a lot more new players. And removing highsec connections will not help anything.
Keldaur Iehemec
Radiactive bullshit
#68 - 2014-02-09 12:16:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Keldaur Iehemec
March rabbit wrote:
Keldaur Iehemec wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Rhanna Khurin wrote:
It kinda does make sense to have a lawless chaotic zone between rival factions borders where their influence isn't as strong

show any place in civilized space on Earth where you have such places?

Many places on Africa and Middle East, Venezuela / Colombia, Pakistan / India, etfuckingcetera... just make some little research (africa is the biggest example of this tho, with warlords and drug dealers).
But this is a game. Not everything has to make sense, the politics should be dictated by the players, not game mechanichs.

Okey. Show me 2 big and strong civilized countries Africa is between of them?

In Eve Online we have 4 big empires. Not every country on Earth counts in this case.

Are you being serious ?

What kind of country does fit your views as Amarr ? As Gallente ? As Minmatar ? Do you want some cherrycoke with it ? By the way, you have the whole east vs west with Africa in the middle, and middle east being a shattered by geopolitical affairs.

You are trying to disprove something that another person said, which is truth, rival faction borders ussually are lawless and chaotic, this is true in the whole globe, but instead of accepting your little mistake (happens to everybody!), you try to pull straws ?

Well, this is the internet, i don't know why i am surprised :P
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#69 - 2014-02-09 12:16:29 UTC
Helia Tranquilis wrote:
This would hardly change the current reality. Uedama, Niarja and Deltole are already the 3 most dangerous systems in "hisec" in terms of freighter pinatas being "catalyzed". Making each a lowsec would at least encourage everyone to treat said systems like they already should.

And yet there are still dozens of freighters per day getting through Uedama without being shot by bored pirates. There are no titans smart bombing the gates either. I think there is something subtly different between Uedama and Rancer but I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about NPCs?
Marie Trudeau
Trudeau Industrie SA
#70 - 2014-02-09 13:12:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Marie Trudeau
This could have a marginal impact on trading and the big picture economy in the very short run. I'd expect that in the long run, the highsec players would congregate in Caldari space, and the other empires would be very underpopulated in general. Of course this would mean that the economy would be mostly concentrated in Caldari space and that there would be regional/empire markets -- but these also already exist to a large degree, anyway, and I'd expect with the lines being cut, more economic heft would shift to the Forge rather than less because more people will concentrate there as it is the deepest market.

The "moving stuff around" would happen in the short term, and unless this was "sprung" on players by surprise, most people who are active will have moved their stuff around prior to the lines being cut, if you will, so likely only a marginal increase in targets even during the transition phase. After the transition, I wouldn't expect any significant increase in targets for lowsec hunters, because people will still stay put in their highsec space -- although, as I say, I do think that at least half if not more of the playerbase would be crammed into Caldari space, and the Forge especially. Not sure how much CCP would like that due to server load issues, to be honest.

So, yeah, the routes and such have changed over the years a few times, and this type of change wouldn't really change that much, I think, other than likely consolidate much of the highsec playerbase in one of the empires. That would be the case even if there were empire specializations (as has been suggested -- i.e., Gallente accesses FW, Amarr accesses null, etc.), because most people would likely want to be where the deepest market is, and just run their missions there regardless.

It's proven to be virtually impossible to force players who don't want to engage in combat PvP into doing so by means of game mechanics, really, over the years. It's a hard playstyle block.

So I guess I'm fairly neutral on this change -- I don't think it would be very impactful, so either way it wouldn't matter much, other than resulting in a much more crowded Caldari space.
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#71 - 2014-02-09 13:23:02 UTC
Wow what a new and original idea.
Nordic Freelancers inc
#72 - 2014-02-09 13:32:04 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Why is it that the answer to fixing every thing in the game centers on changing HighSec?

HighSec needs to be nerfed to fix NullSec.
HighSec needs to be broken up to fix LowSec.

Can someone explain this to me?

Where is the forum post (in the right forum) that says, "Allowing NullSec alliances to bypass virtually all of lowsec with jump freighters is preventing PvP in LowSec"?

Where is the forum post (in the right forum) that says, "Allowing FW pilots orbiting a button in LowSec to make 600m ISK/hr is making NullSec income look horrible"?

What is it that everyone in LowSec and NullSec has against HighSec? So much so that they are here every day with these kinds of threads?


Problem is that those who control null-sec does not really want to build an empire... they infact hate the whole empire-thing, and seeing that High-sec is a empire working ... where people can produce, trade and do stuff relativly safe ... under the guard of Concord, that really stings.

If however those who control null-sec would even try to build a empire and invite friendlies (people not nessesary belonging to their alliance) to do their stuff in their stations for a fee ofcourse ... that would actually create a proper empire in null-sec, it would make more potential targets in null-sec and more life there...
The Icarus Expedition
Solyaris Chtonium
#73 - 2014-02-09 13:34:38 UTC
Z'zauoe Euopaeqorua wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
The point is to get hapless noobs into those camp, not well-protected convoys.

Back in days I lived in Great Wildlands.

We actually did escort convoys of freighters from Minmatar and Ammatar lowsec to Great Wildlands.

I have to say that the escorting duty in a battleship was hell of a fun! Yes, it was the time when we did fly RRBS fleets. Fun times.

We did get attacked many times and IIRC we did not lose any freighters.

I would love to see other empires rise and caldari state get little smaller economy wise.

Of course fighting in lowsec would be fun, no matter if you are defending or attacking Cool

I have to admit the more I read, the more I like your intentions but not your methods. Breaking hisec as you propose would simply create easier places for the gank proficient groups like Goons, Negative 10, etc... to set up camps but not have to deal with the loss and replacement of ships that Concord demands. This doesn't even take into account the very real possbility of jumping your freighter convo into a capital fleet which very few other entities in the game could match in a reasonable time. There is a reason why very few pilots actually move freighters through nullsec for any great distance without serious support, something your average highec corp could not afford.

And given the warp changes and bumping mechanics, I think your system would simply set up easy fiefdoms that if Nullsec is a guide, would lead to backroom deals where Hisec is carved up to provide toll income for much more powerful nullsec alliances.
Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
#74 - 2014-02-09 16:48:38 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
9) SOE Epic arc introducing newbies to all four empires is ruined.

Not entirely, it would introduce new players to low-sec firsthand. Give the high-sec adjacent gate grids in those systems, minor, minor protections to help dissuade gate campers (similar to the protections granted in Arnon).
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#75 - 2014-02-09 17:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinky Hops
why is this not locked?

it's a duplicate of an existing thread in F&I

it's on the first page of F&I
ISD Flidais Asagiri
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#76 - 2014-02-09 17:47:30 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Flidais Asagiri
Pinky Hops wrote:
why is this not locked?

it's a duplicate of an existing thread in F&I

it's on the first page of F&I

Unfortunately, you are correct, this is a duplicate post and will be locked, and moved to the appropriate forum.

Great discussions though, keep the great ideas coming.

On On

ISD Flidais Asagiri Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department