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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

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Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#1 - 2014-02-05 16:22:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassie Helio
I've read the threads about bumping and CCPs stance on it but those threads were in the context of bumping miners so their lasers would turn off. A miner still has the opportunity to leave. A freighter does not. Consider these issues:

- A ship can bump your freighter and hold your freighter indefinitely. For hours if they want to and you can not align and warp out. You can not retaliate by webbing or scramming in any way without going criminal in high sec.

- War can not be declared on these high sec freighter bumpers because they stay in NPC corps.

- Since they can hold you indefinitely their gank squad doesn't even need to be online when they start bumping you. If they would show up on grid with a gank squad and a tackler and destroy you all before CONCORD shows up that would be fine but that is not what they do. They exploit the bumping mechanic. The gank squad gets CONCORDed but the bumper just goes back to gate and waits for the next victim.

- A Micro Jump Drive Deploy-able will not work either because it has a 60 seconds activation time, more than enough time for them to bump you out of range of the device.

- People say, "Don't carry too much value" but that still doesn't stop the mechanic from happening. I've seen empty freighters be destroyed in High Sec due to this exploit. The players either had bad intel or just wanted to grief the freighter pilot.

- A freighter has no slots available to fit so there is nothing that can be done to increase the effectiveness of the freighter.

- Once a freighter is bumped one time the webbing trick no longer works.

Now considering all of the points above doesn't this seem like an exploit?

My suggestion is that if a player bumps another player too many times that the bumper receives a suspect flag. This would allow other players to attack, scram, or web the bumper to help their friend in the freighter get away. This bumping flag could be turned off within 2000m of a station, plus when a player undocks the current mechanics make the ship invulnerable for a short time and no bumping occurs.

Another idea I have is to allow freighters and Orcas to equip a Micro Jump Drive.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#2 - 2014-02-05 16:34:57 UTC
Invest in a couple of smartbombing battleships or gank the bumper.
Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#3 - 2014-02-05 17:33:57 UTC
mass wise frigates and smaller ships should just "fly on the windowscreen" on capital size ships and since freighters are capital size they should be bump immune to anything but other caps and perhaps battleships which would hold the nessesary mass x speed to make some form of differance


Aquila Sagitta
#4 - 2014-02-05 18:24:34 UTC
You can always just log off P
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2014-02-05 18:49:36 UTC
Aquila Sagitta wrote:
You can always just log off P

How can this be a solution to one questionable tactics when it was removed or made impossible in other instances (namely logging of in PVP, which was removed by introducing the timer)? While bumping is not a PVP interaction, because it does not cause timers or involves weapon fire, suggesting a tactics that was ruled out for PVP is hilarious.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#6 - 2014-02-05 18:56:03 UTC
Aquila Sagitta wrote:
You can always just log off P

Logging off does not work. Your ship won't ewarp unless it can align. The bumping prevents that.
Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#7 - 2014-02-05 18:57:21 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
Invest in a couple of smartbombing battleships or gank the bumper.

This is not an option in high sec. If you attack the bumper you will be CONCORDed.
Liam Inkuras
#8 - 2014-02-05 19:11:04 UTC
Cassie Helio wrote:
-A ship can bump your freighter and hold your freighter indefinitely. For hours if they want to and you can not align and warp out. You can not retaliate by webbing or scramming in any way without going criminal in high sec.

I can scram and web your ship and hold it for hours, why isn't that an exploit?

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#9 - 2014-02-05 19:13:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassie Helio
Liam Inkuras wrote:
Cassie Helio wrote:
-A ship can bump your freighter and hold your freighter indefinitely. For hours if they want to and you can not align and warp out. You can not retaliate by webbing or scramming in any way without going criminal in high sec.

I can scram and web your ship and hold it for hours, why isn't that an exploit?

Because if your were doing that you'd be in low sec or null sec where I or other players can attack your ship. In high sec that is impossible because you will go criminal and be CONCORDed while the bumper is left alone.
#10 - 2014-02-05 19:20:46 UTC
I agree with OP.

For one a freighter is quite damn expensive and thus should have a use for being so expensive. Now carrying enormous amounts of goods is ofcourse a good way to make them worth their price, unfortunately seeing as a single guy can just keep bumping you forever until 20 of his mates arrive to kill you and retrieve your cargo they are more liabilities than useful atm.

And for those of you who say "you should not carry too much in your freighter anyway", that's just a stupid notion. You should be able to atleast sort of safely transport goods through high sec of any value, else the use of a freighter is lost.
Master Odysseus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-02-05 20:44:23 UTC
Another reason that you can not log off is that they have some noob frig aggro-ing you once so that you get a loggoff timer.

The other big problem with the suicide ganging of freighters imo is the introduction of t3 BCs, 6-7 talos's costing very few ISK can gang a freighter, lowering the suicide freighter gang threshold by very much than what it used to be. CCP did/does nothing to balance that. (maybe they like the ISK sink) :-/
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-02-05 21:23:58 UTC
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#13 - 2014-02-05 21:32:56 UTC
Cassie Helio wrote:
Aquila Sagitta wrote:
You can always just log off P

Logging off does not work. Your ship won't ewarp unless it can align. The bumping prevents that.

Use safe log off... and fix safe log off so it is not hurt/canceled by another ship bumping you!
Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#14 - 2014-02-05 21:33:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassie Helio
Kenrailae wrote:
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


Still the problem with this is that the bumper can not be attacked without the defenders going criminal. It doesn't matter how many scouts or buddies you bring with you because the bumper is protected by CONCORD. So even if your buddies destroy the gankers, the bumper will still be able to bump your freighter indefinitely until they can bring another gank squad. They can rinse and repeat and hold your freighter for as long as they want.
Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#15 - 2014-02-05 21:34:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassie Helio
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Cassie Helio wrote:
Aquila Sagitta wrote:
You can always just log off P

Logging off does not work. Your ship won't ewarp unless it can align. The bumping prevents that.

Use safe log off... and fix safe log off so it is not hurt/canceled by another ship bumping you!

You can not use safe log off when there is another ship close to you or while you are locked.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2014-02-05 21:39:18 UTC
Cassie Helio wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


Still the problem with this is that the bumper can not be attacked without the defenders going criminal. It doesn't matter how many scouts or buddies you bring with you because the bumper is protected by CONCORD.

You're missing the point. If you have your own friends:

A) You can counter bump

B) You can web yourself into warp

C) You will not likely be ganked because the chance of success is too low

D) you can sacrifice a 10m isk cruiser to kill the bumper(gank it) and save the freighter

E) your playbook actually has some plays in it rather than sit there until they get bored or kill you

F) You can recover some of the drop, or else destroy all of it and deny them their prize

G) At least then you TRIED to do it right. And yeah, even then sometimes a gank will still succeed.

H) ANYTHING is better than being a cow lead to the slaughter house.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2014-02-05 21:47:14 UTC
Seranova Farreach wrote:
mass wise frigates and smaller ships should just "fly on the windowscreen" on capital size ships and since freighters are capital size they should be bump immune to anything but other caps and perhaps battleships which would hold the nessesary mass x speed to make some form of differance

This sounds like the best idea to combat this. And with how slow freighters move, if you cant get 6 or more guys at the next jump or 2 in time to kill him then you shouldn't be trying to gank one.
Cassie Helio
Push Industries
Push Interstellar Network
#18 - 2014-02-05 21:49:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassie Helio
Kenrailae wrote:
Cassie Helio wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


Still the problem with this is that the bumper can not be attacked without the defenders going criminal. It doesn't matter how many scouts or buddies you bring with you because the bumper is protected by CONCORD.

You're missing the point. If you have your own friends:

A) You can counter bump

B) You can web yourself into warp

C) You will not likely be ganked because the chance of success is too low

D) you can sacrifice a 10m isk cruiser to kill the bumper(gank it) and save the freighter

E) your playbook actually has some plays in it rather than sit there until they get bored or kill you

F) You can recover some of the drop, or else destroy all of it and deny them their prize

G) At least then you TRIED to do it right. And yeah, even then sometimes a gank will still succeed.

H) ANYTHING is better than being a cow lead to the slaughter house.

The point is that it is a loophole in the CrimeWatch system. They are clearly committing an aggressive act but it is not flagged as so. CONCORD does not allow aggressive acts such as scramming or webbing in high sec, yet for a freighter it is essentially the same thing. Either the loophole needs to be corrected or freighters need a slight buff. Like I mentioned in the original post, one solution would be to allow micro jump drives on freighter.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#19 - 2014-02-05 21:52:13 UTC
You cannot counter-bump a destroyer.
Webbing doesn't help if you are bumped.
People gank for tears, not for necessarily for profits.
You sacrifice several cruisers, who cannot insta-kill a destroyer with sufficient transveral, to kill off several bumpers.
I have no counter to E because I don't understand what you are talking about.
You normally cannot recover anything because either the ganker destroy the wreck or loot it.
Trying is no counter to this.
As a freighter, you always are a (potential) cow that is led to the slaughter house.

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-02-05 21:53:29 UTC
Cassie Helio wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
Cassie Helio wrote:
Kenrailae wrote:
I'll give you the same response I've given every other 'Stop the Evil gankers' thread:

STOP assuming you can slowboat/autopilot your freighter with all your goodies and all your alliance's buddies stuff through high sec all on your onesie and be completely safe. You want to be safe from Gankers? Put the SAME or more effort into being safe as they are putting into ganking you.

Wanna know what the basics of a gank are?

1 or more scouts
1 or more haulers
4 or more gankers

At least 6 characters.

No, you cannot have a ship that is 100% safe from 6 characters focused on killing it. You want to be safe? Bring your buddies with you to escort you. What does it take for High Sec players in particular to realize that we've not been lying? Eve is designed to be played with people. The individual will ALWAYS be at greater risk. Want to be Safe? Play Eve the way it was meant to be: With friends. Safety in Numbers. Like a school of anchovies.


Still the problem with this is that the bumper can not be attacked without the defenders going criminal. It doesn't matter how many scouts or buddies you bring with you because the bumper is protected by CONCORD.

You're missing the point. If you have your own friends:

A) You can counter bump

B) You can web yourself into warp

C) You will not likely be ganked because the chance of success is too low

D) you can sacrifice a 10m isk cruiser to kill the bumper(gank it) and save the freighter

E) your playbook actually has some plays in it rather than sit there until they get bored or kill you

F) You can recover some of the drop, or else destroy all of it and deny them their prize

G) At least then you TRIED to do it right. And yeah, even then sometimes a gank will still succeed.

H) ANYTHING is better than being a cow lead to the slaughter house.

The point is that it is a loophole in the CrimeWatch system. They are clearly committing an aggressive act but it is not flagged as so. CONCORD does not allow aggressive acts such as scramming or webbing in high sec, yet for a freighter it is essentially the same thing. Either the loophole needs to be corrected or freighters need a slight buff. Like I mentioned in the original post, one solution would be to allow micro jump drives on freighter.

The point is Freighters are fine. CrimeWatch works fine. Have a friend in a vigilant with you dual webs. Those webs will get you into warp as fast as the vigilant can lock. It's not a loop hole. It's a change. Adapt.

Again, Stop assuming you can be perfectly safe. Adapt to the Evolving Eve.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

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