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Noob PVE Corp Brings In Noob PVP Corp

Stoseph Stuarts
Coterie Research and Development
#1 - 2014-02-01 02:33:03 UTC
A couple of days ago a disagreement happened with a corp alled 'Army Ants' this ended up in my corporation war deccing them, they then brought a corp into the war which had just wiped out their suicide fleets out, this corp is called 'aggressive diplomacy'.

Admittedly the 1st night i did get bumped off the station when i wasnt looking but i managed to take 2 guys down when i realised, this wasnt the engagement that counted. This little episode alongside the work of 'merrat ator' and his alt 'poppy ator' acting as location spies for these guys allowing them to kill a couple other members of the corp allowed them to get over confident.

Tonight we managed to field a decent fleet to counter the combined forces of the two corps, 4 of the 5 kills can be found on aggressive diplomacy's killboard at

The fight then took the fancy of 'Failed Diplomacy' who have offered their assistance.

The point behind this story is to show people how a war dec on a bunch of noobs can escalate, please leave some comments below :)

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#2 - 2014-02-01 12:49:40 UTC


Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2014-02-01 14:32:00 UTC

You killed a few with many.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Sniper Wolf18
Aggressive Diplomacy
#4 - 2014-02-01 17:12:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Sniper Wolf18
Good fight, it was a rather unexpected outcome seeing as we'd only seen you flying faction BCs prior to and during the war. I came expecting another night of tough talk and turtling in station and left rather (maybe very) surprised.
I guess the lesson to be learned from this is not to fight on other people's terms.
Gf and flysafe o7

Now that I'm not on my phone and can type more than just a few words per minute I'll give our account of what happened.
We'd decced army ants and while talking to their CEO, decided to ship down in the interest of gfs, which we did. After a night of some incredibly good (and incredibly close) fights we decided to accept a surrender, no ransom required. Shortly after ISK-E decided to dec them, presumably because they assumed they liked suiciding their ships into things and were itching for something to kill, since I find deccing any corp with the will to fight with the intent of vastly outnumbering and outgunning them to be a bit of a douche move, I decided to put in our assistance as an ally, once again it was absolutely free, any corp of people who have balls and are willing to fight despite a lack of SP and experience are pretty cool guys in my book and I'm usually quite happy to offer them my help.
The first night of the wardec the majority of ISK-E stayed docked, their CEO undocking repeatedly until he was bumped and lost his fleet cane. It seemed that ISK-E wouldn't undock unless they believed they'd have a decisive victory.
The second night we at Agg-dip asked failed-dip (who'd been offering to join as an ally for a day or so) to hold off, we put a small group of 2BS on the station that stoseph was docked up at, hoping to get a fight out of him, we decided to keep numbers low and the odds stacked against us because at Aggressive Diplomacy the idea of sitting around all day and not getting a fight is more daunting than the idea of getting a fight and losing horribly; if that makes us a 'noob PvP corp' then so be it. We have to admit that it was an excellent fight, 4 faction BS and six smaller ships was much more than what we, with our 3BS 1t2 and 2 cruisers expected and I salute the person who pulled it off.
After this fight we asked if failed dip felt like still joining the war, in the interest of getting another fight the next day with equal numbers on both sides. Alas this does not seem to the the case, with Stoseph speaking for his corp and saying that him and his members will not log on, or if they do, not undock for the rest of the week. While this is a pity, it was not unexpected, only fighting fights that you know (or atleast strongly feel) that you're going to win is a perfectly acceptable tactic and one that I embraced up until recently (reading the pirate story thread would be the main culprit in making me change my ways), as such we hope that we will get a chance to meet (and beat) ISK-E in the near future.

Since I seem to have typed out a giant wall of text here, I feel I should once again repeat the above message of GF and flysafe to stospeh and his corp. o7
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-02-01 19:53:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Amsoil
So you outnumberd us the first night and fought our ceo with 2bs and 5 cruisers in a single fleet cane, then you admit your intentions with a similar fleet to do the same the next day, however when we do the same to you, you now say you dont beleive in that kind of play because it is unfair??

or is it only unfair when the odds are against you?

in addition we had 3 battleships not 6....
Sniper Wolf18
Aggressive Diplomacy
#6 - 2014-02-01 21:58:28 UTC
Amsoil wrote:
So you outnumberd us the first night and fought our ceo with 2bs and 5 cruisers in a single fleet cane, then you admit your intentions with a similar fleet to do the same the next day, however when we do the same to you, you now say you dont beleive in that kind of play because it is unfair??

or is it only unfair when the odds are against you?

in addition we had 3 battleships not 6....

I've corrected the numbers to show that you indeed did have four battleships (not 3), that was my mistake, I should have checked the killmails instead of making a rough estimate.
Could you please quote me on where I said what you did was unfair, as I can't seem to find it in my post. I was congratulating you on a game well played, no need to be a sore winner now.
Jove Death
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-02-01 22:00:59 UTC
Sniper Wolf18 wrote:
Good fight, it was a rather unexpected outcome seeing as we'd only seen you flying faction BCs prior to and during the war. I came expecting another night of tough talk and turtling in station and left rather (maybe very) surprised.
I guess the lesson to be learned from this is not to fight on other people's terms.
Gf and flysafe o7

Now that I'm not on my phone and can type more than just a few words per minute I'll give our account of what happened.
We'd decced army ants and while talking to their CEO, decided to ship down in the interest of gfs, which we did. After a night of some incredibly good (and incredibly close) fights we decided to accept a surrender, no ransom required. Shortly after ISK-E decided to dec them, presumably because they assumed they liked suiciding their ships into things and were itching for something to kill, since I find deccing any corp with the will to fight with the intent of vastly outnumbering and outgunning them to be a bit of a douche move, I decided to put in our assistance as an ally, once again it was absolutely free, any corp of people who have balls and are willing to fight despite a lack of SP and experience are pretty cool guys in my book and I'm usually quite happy to offer them my help.
The first night of the wardec the majority of ISK-E stayed docked, their CEO undocking repeatedly until he was bumped and lost his fleet cane. It seemed that ISK-E wouldn't undock unless they believed they'd have a decisive victory.
The second night we at Agg-dip asked failed-dip (who'd been offering to join as an ally for a day or so) to hold off, we put a small group of 2BS on the station that stoseph was docked up at, hoping to get a fight out of him, we decided to keep numbers low and the odds stacked against us because at Aggressive Diplomacy the idea of sitting around all day and not getting a fight is more daunting than the idea of getting a fight and losing horribly; if that makes us a 'noob PvP corp' then so be it. We have to admit that it was an excellent fight, 4 faction BS and six smaller ships was much more than what we, with our 3BS 1t2 and 2 cruisers expected and I salute the person who pulled it off.
After this fight we asked if failed dip felt like still joining the war, in the interest of getting another fight the next day with equal numbers on both sides. Alas this does not seem to the the case, with Stoseph speaking for his corp and saying that him and his members will not log on, or if they do, not undock for the rest of the week. While this is a pity, it was not unexpected, only fighting fights that you know (or atleast strongly feel) that you're going to win is a perfectly acceptable tactic and one that I embraced up until recently (reading the pirate story thread would be the main culprit in making me change my ways), as such we hope that we will get a chance to meet (and beat) ISK-E in the near future.

Since I seem to have typed out a giant wall of text here, I feel I should once again repeat the above message of GF and flysafe to stospeh and his corp. o7

I dont care who you are. That wall of text is epic Shocked

Quoting "you will die" in EvE is fail Chars dont die in EvE. Unless you have a heart attack eek.

Army Ants
#8 - 2014-02-02 03:19:00 UTC
If anyone would like too know what our disagreement was over I'll try and explain it here from the very beginning in detail so you can make your own mind as it seems stuart wants your opinions on this matter. I'll try to keep this as factual and without opinion as much as possible.

Basically i created a corp, now don't be fooled by the characters age a good portion of that time the character was not active, so i am a noob, as such, my corp is very noob friendly (i dont have much too offer high sp charachters).

Because of this when we got our first wardec our corp was made up of members ranging from a few days to a month and we were up against a small corp of veteran players.

At that point we had several options;

1) Accept the ransom they eventually gave us (400mil).
2) Disband and reform corp under a different name and hope they don't just wardec that one.
3) dock up anything of value, hide in stations if they are around, always paranoid if doing anything in space and basically not play the game.
4) Completely log off and hope they eventually stop the wardec (extreme version of 4).
5) Ship down to what we can afford to loose repeatedly and fight them in some way.

There are probably many other things we could have done mainly variants of the ones above. Diplomacy might have been one but that just got us the ransom offer and i wasn't going to beg.

There are a few reasons why we didn't go with the first option one being that as we where a noob corp we where poor but even then we would rather loose that money in ships ten times over than pay it in a ransom.

The second option was totally off the table as this was our corp.

Three and four aren't a long term solution either as i pay my subscription too play eve not watch tv while sat at my pc.

So that left us with the last option, which out of the options we had was not only the most agreeable in terms of pride it was the only option that seemed to have some fun to it (most of us are here too fly spaceships right?). So over the next couple of days we get our destroyers out and tried to go look for them hoping maybe too catch one of them on there own, we even went into low and pretended too be pirates XD.
However it was a few days later when we finally met our war targets, except for one loss right at the start we hadn't seen sight nor sound of our aggressors and the eventual false sense of security set in it was during a mission run that our invisible foes dropped out of the ether, in our panic to scramble out of there we lost a battle cruiser

Instead of lamenting the loss of the ship we reassembled ourselves quickly and kitted out in the best of t1 destroyers and proceeded to wait outside rens moon 8 brutor tribe hoping if nothing else we would be able to face our mysterious enemy's. Unfortunately our lack of pvp experience and discipline was our undoing here (that and their t2 ships XD)
and they undocked as our "fleet" was in the process of docking up to go to bed not that we had high chances of winning in the first place but it did make a right mess of things.

But this did achieve one thing, we finally came to agreement with our enemy's that they would ship down to t1 frigs and destroyers.

So the next day we met them out side of rens brutor tribe in our t1 destroyers and fought them at the same location and while we did not win the fights i think we did a fairly good effort for a group of noob pve chars and most importantly instead of hiding and letting this ruin our game we had fun with the little resources and skill we had and for whatever there reason was after that battle aggressive diplomacy accepted our 0isk surrender.

Now that was all backstory,
up too this point stuarts wasn't involved in anyway with the war our only contact with stuarts previously to this was his invitation to join his "unofficial alliance" chat channel which i did as i wanted too keep open the possibility of joining an alliance once we had grown. He also gave some advise on advertising for recruits and popped into our public chat every now and then and that was all up until this point.

Now when the war ended I was happy about it as while I like fighting we were ill equipped to deal with it on a long term basis. So i posted about it in our public chat after that Stuarts started commenting on our stupid tactics (in our public chat) we tried to make him understand that we believe having fun is better than not dying by not logging on and our disagreement escalated to the point where he decided to wardec us, i would just like to point out that this all happened in our public chat with Stuarts bringing his corp mates in too embarrass themselves in an attempt to rile us (if anyone would like a chat log of this incident i would be happy too post that and any other chat logs regarding this whole thing)

As for why aggressive diplomacy are now allies in this war, while this was going on i was still in a conversation with some of the members of aggressive diplomacy, (just chatting and they were giving some advise on pvp) when the notification for the wardec came in. I mentioned too them that i would have too go for a few minutes as we had just been wardeced to wich they asked why we had been wardeced after explaining the situation they offered to help us in the war.

Now hopefully with this information you could possibly help stuarts out with whatever reason he thought he needed to post a forum thread about (because i haven't got a clue why) so he could possibly get back to playing to game.

see you in space stuarts o/
Jester Starkiller
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-02-02 03:51:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Jester Starkiller
You don't like fighting unfair fights?

........Thats funny

because before we ever fleeted up and attacked you. I was out flying t1 missions in my noobastic little t1 frigate all by my lonesome.... and when you got info on my location from a former spy (a disgruntled player that was recently kicked from our corp), you didn't hesitate to group gank me 3 to 1 with interceptors. Seems like you weren't very interested in a "fair fight" then

So you'll forgive me if I don't believe that particular line of BS.
agathon Aldurald
Knights of Cerberus Redux
ORION Systems Consortium
#10 - 2014-02-02 05:27:34 UTC
I have to say as someone who (sadly) used to fly with the OP that this made me laugh so hard.
I check to see what he is upto when i am bored and/or looking for a good laugh.
Stoseph is nothing but drama no matter where he goes and this is proof.
He makes a corp and calls it a "Mining and Mission running" corp... does that for less than a month and then starts pushing for PvP pilots in a WH, low sec, and null sec. He has all of these plans (last i heard) to go to null sec and be a big corp and bless him for having goals for being big and doing amazing things. The problem is the drama he brings with him... almost like a child with his favorite blanket. He talks big and acts like he is not afraid of anyone or anything. It is not that that is a bad thing, but as you can see he can not back up what he says.
This reminds me of when i was dealing with him a few months back. (Gather round and bring your popcorn as this might be long dues to some inebriation on my part)
I took him under my wing and was teaching him how to do basic stuff like fitting your ship properly (see: dual tanking) and he actually learned! After a while he started to get really cocky and actually pissed off a few of my corp mates. After a bit of this i got tired of it and we had issues. I removed him from the low sec system my corp was living in at the time and he moved close to amarr. He kept talking **** so my corp dec'd his. there was a lot of **** talking from him and I. The most notable that i can remember is him saying, "Thanks for letting my corp fix our killboard with you."
One (1) hour after the war dec went live (i bought tags to get my guys in high sec) i got a notification for a surrender request and on the notice it said "you were right. we are not ready to fight" (will try to find the screen shot i took of it... but idk where i put it)
My point is... is that this is all you can really expect from this kid (yes a lot of **** talking and then running away when **** looks like it might be bad) he will try to intimidate you with some numbers and his fancy ships, but he will run and complain about blobing and being bullied. If you dont believe what i am saying... look at his corp history. How many of those are started by him and now closed or left with 1 man (alts of his) in them.
I wish that his corp would read this so that they can really learn what his CEO is really about... other than that all i can say is...

P.S. if you read all of this... bravo
Eranicus II
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-02-02 17:40:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Eranicus II
Is this the I got my arse handed over thread? Big smile

The missery, must quit eve nao, who want's my stuff? Roll
Eram Fidard
#12 - 2014-02-03 16:29:08 UTC
eve is real.

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2014-02-03 16:57:44 UTC
Stoseph Stuarts wrote:

...... i did get bumped off the station when i wasnt looking.....

Lol wut?

AFK on station during first night of a wardec = bad idea.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Isabela Valentine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-02-04 14:35:14 UTC
I don't think anyone in C+P actually cares about this internet spaceship drama. Just kill eachother and get it over with already.
Sniper Wolf18
Aggressive Diplomacy
#15 - 2014-02-04 18:37:21 UTC
As much as I hate bumping this thread, there has been an interesting (and highly amusing) development, a whopping eleven members have now dropped out of ISK enterprises. Quite a few of them have done this before and I'm not sure whether it's due to personal issues in the corp, or if it's due to them leaving corp to get out of a war. If it's the latter (which it seems to be due to past corp history) this may be the very first time I've seen PvP players leave a corp due to a war. What makes it all the more amusing however, is that these PvP players left corp due to a war that they started.
If this corp, or these people ever decide to become mercenaries, it may be worth noting that once the going gets tough, they fail to follow through with their actions and quit their corp.
If the leaving corp en-masse was due to something else, someone from ISK-E may want to explain this (extremely funnyLol) turn of events.
Stoseph Stuarts
Coterie Research and Development
#16 - 2014-02-04 19:15:53 UTC
I was going to leave this thread until saturday 8th february when i had managed to form together a fleet to wipe out all of the allies army ants had managed to pull together, but i have decided it is time to reply to the multiple posts. The only post i feel needs attention is sniper wolfs latest.

In this he mentions how my corp is a pvp corp, i must let it be known we are not. We are an indy/pve corp who managed to field a fleet to kill 1 billion isk for no losses. As for corp members dropping corp this is a tactical decision which allows us to raise isk before going to null sec which i've delayed to hold this war. It has been said this is not the first time i've had a war i can't handle and this is try but each time it is either due to being scammed, friends not wanting to help (reason i've cut many old 'friendships') or groups entering the wars we're not equipped to handle.

Army ants who i originally declared war on was no match for us, i could solo their fleets. They then brought in aggressive diplomacy who were also no match as was shown by the first real engagement where we killed 1 billion isk for 0 isk losses (had to repeat because they seem to forget). The moment failed diplomacy entered i worked a strategy to make all 3 corps who were now at war with us think we couldn't handle them which truth be told was true but only because of failed diplomacy. If it hadn't of been for many of my members having to go away for business or a romantic getaway one guy is lucky to have we still would be in corp camping in most of their members.

Stoseph Stuarts
Coterie Research and Development
#17 - 2014-02-04 19:18:08 UTC
And as for dropping corp before that was for a high sec POS but we ended up not going for one, this actually helped draw out a sad excuse for a player let alone person. In-game he is called 'merrat ator', this player felt he was indebted to help our war targets know where we were at all times but a lot of good this did them.

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-02-04 20:59:43 UTC
boring thread is boring

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Eranicus II
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2014-02-04 21:47:16 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
boring thread is boring

It turned into a panty pulling contest of fluffly repercussions, and short sighted forum warrior syndrome. Roll