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New Order Valentines Contest 2014

First post
Elizabeth Brown
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2014-02-02 17:58:29 UTC
Arduemont wrote:

and Erotica 1 gets off on forcing people to smother themselves in mayo.*

That. Is. Hilarious.
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2014-02-02 20:54:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcolm Shinhwa
Miner Tears Run Deep

Thread after thread eve-o turns page after page,
Miner tears run deep; a voice for comfort and rage.
Miners deprived of isk and ship by bump and gank,
They know it is more, but hope it is a prank.

"Why, why must I pay for a permit," they wail through the cold of space,
AFK miners give no comfort, warmth can find no place.
So miners of fragile constitution create posts quite large,
While alt-tabbed from their mining barge.

"Hisec is safe so you cannot do this!"
"I won't dock up when I need to ****!"
"It is not fair, I will write a petition!"
"The Code is a lie and I'll see its abolition!"

The miner continues his post still furious and upset
Adding a Hitler reference, to sweeten the threat.
Startled, what screech pierces the sobs and stillness?
It is the New Order of Hisec, and permits are serious business.

Stupid filter... you know when you go #1 in kindergarten ... and that guy, he was in all the papers, created some not very fun sleep away camps back in the 40s.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#23 - 2014-02-02 22:39:07 UTC
What, no mining permits as a prize?

Because you are a fun lot a haiku for New Order:

New Order two years,
Bumping Miners, not griefing,
Buy a permit naow!
raider womb
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#24 - 2014-02-03 03:14:55 UTC
Feel free to use my poster for ads and the like.

But I would still like those catalysts :P
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#25 - 2014-02-03 03:30:37 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
If you make a picture of yourself showing off all your man-boob glory slathered in mayo as a prize, I will submit an entry.

Mr Epeen Cool

Remind me not to look at the entries.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#26 - 2014-02-03 17:05:09 UTC
Thread has been moved to In-Game Events and Gatherings.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#27 - 2014-02-03 17:07:34 UTC
ISD LackOfFaith wrote:
Thread has been moved to In-Game Events and Gatherings.


See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

raider womb
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#28 - 2014-02-05 04:30:32 UTC
I somehow missed the part with "valentine".
Are multiple entries allowed or can I still win/update my art?
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#29 - 2014-02-05 07:41:51 UTC
raider womb wrote:
I somehow missed the part with "valentine".
Are multiple entries allowed or can I still win/update my art?

The more you enter, the better your chances!

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Cassia Aetius
Goonswarm Federation
#30 - 2014-02-11 12:51:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Cassia Aetius
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#31 - 2014-02-15 14:38:04 UTC
We have winners! Thanks to everyone who submitted entries!

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

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