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Highsec wardeccers! You can dec GSF and Red AND Blue for 50M/week!

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Professor Clio
Apocalypse Lancers
#61 - 2014-02-02 15:56:59 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
This was a pretty long read for what basically amounts to:
"Random 3rd parties spend personal money and tears on free RvB content creation."

Someone's laughing... But it ain't rvbee Twisted



Meh, Marmite's efficiency against RvB (going by your own KB campaign) is 59%, not exactly something to brag about. You've lost close to a billion just today.
Leigh Akiga
Kuhri Innovations
#62 - 2014-02-02 16:11:34 UTC
Professor Clio wrote:
Meh, Marmite's efficiency against RvB (going by your own KB campaign) is 59%, not exactly something to brag about. You've lost close to a billion just today.

I'm sure that can be spun as a victory for Marmite with enough emoticons, memes, ROI, opportunity cost or KDR talk.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2014-02-02 17:39:44 UTC
This like the other thread is interesting read, if for no other reason than the amount of vitriol directed towards Mr Goblin. Generally I guess it works like this.. content creators (which Mr Goblin unarguably is!) are to be thanked and applauded except when that content is directed at you, then they must be vilified and crushed beneath the weight of 1000's of mocking posts.

The POCO's whilst I dare say add a fair chunk of income for Mr Mittani, are probably chump change compared to their income from their nullsec renters and R64's.

There are some really nice areas of space in Fountain and Vale of the Silent which provide this income. I recommend visiting that space and enjoying the view, bringing a cloak and a covert cyno is also well worth it. There is a great many BLOPS gangs who are extremely bored and would dearly love for some content.

If you want to 'war goons!' seems to me that would be the most effective way to do so.. and best of all it's free!
Sparkle Motion.
#64 - 2014-02-02 17:58:30 UTC
Xiderpunk wrote:
There are some really nice areas of space in Fountain and Vale of the Silent which provide this income. I recommend visiting that space and enjoying the view, bringing a cloak and a covert cyno is also well worth it. There is a great many BLOPS gangs who are extremely bored and would dearly love for some content.

If you want to 'war goons!' seems to me that would be the most effective way to do so.. and best of all it's free!

This wild and zany idea involves leaving the docking ring of a station, so it's a little pointless recommending it to Marmite.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#65 - 2014-02-02 18:06:29 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:
Xiderpunk wrote:
There are some really nice areas of space in Fountain and Vale of the Silent which provide this income. I recommend visiting that space and enjoying the view, bringing a cloak and a covert cyno is also well worth it. There is a great many BLOPS gangs who are extremely bored and would dearly love for some content.

If you want to 'war goons!' seems to me that would be the most effective way to do so.. and best of all it's free!

This wild and zany idea involves leaving the docking ring of a station, so it's a little pointless recommending it to Marmite.

Yeah I probably should have been a bit more honest and added a disclaimer: This war goons idea will not appeal or work for HS war deccers as there is a slim chance that you might lose your cloaky ship getting to and from the space concerned.
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#66 - 2014-02-02 20:26:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinky Feldman
First off, I just wanna say to hello to my goonfriends here such as Powers, as well as old highsec bros like Tora. I'm not currently active in EVE, but was bored on Superbowl Sunday and this thread caught my eye due to my roots as a former HS-war deccer. As someone who has attempted to organize highsec against le ebil gewns in the past with Save Jita and as someone who is currently blue to them, let me share the biggest hurdles I think need to be overcome for highsec to properly stand against an organized null entity.

1) Highsec pvpers are too disorganized to effectively go up against a well polished nullsec entity.

Part of this is due to the way that highsec naturally tends to organize. You have many corps all on seperate comms, all with seperate staging systems, with no unified doctrine other than kitchen sink comps like close range armor.

When I organized Save Jita to counter the first Burn Jita, one of the major difficulties we faced was the inability to effectively formup and cross communicate efforts across groups since we had to do everything with in-game chat windows, which was cumbersome, slow, and frustrating. Trying to coordinate with a myriad of CEOs and FCs, getting their 5-10 dudes to the same place and all on the same comms was a mess.

Compare that to Goons, which have full jabber access such that all an FC needs to do is send out a ping for a fleet and they're able to get the right pieces in place and formup in the same station. They're on the same comms, same auth, individuals who don't have ships can buy fitted ships off contract. They're playing a completely different game than you are.

2) Highsec PVPers hate losing ships compared to nullsec f1 monkeys.

Due to the sizes of HS pvp groups, fleet battles where incoming DPS will always be too high for anyone to catch reps other than maybe the FC are uncommon compared to the fights of nullsec. HS groups tend to fly bling and usually as individuals dislike losing ships, since HS warfare is all about efficiency as a metric of success likely due to the lack of strategic objectives to fight over. While, it may be easy to call them risk averse and leave it at that, I think that's the wrong term to use here and rather I think the bigger factor at play is the lack of SRP that null pvpers have been conditioned with.

3) The disparity in technical FC ability and tactical style.

Highsec FCs tend to lack the technical skills required for larger fleet fights. This doesn't make them bad FCs, in fact as hunters, I would wager that they're hands down better at spotting traps, baiting, and scouting than nullsec FCs.

Unfortunately, they aren't used to the faster pace of large fights where primaries are getting two volleyed, the speed that they process the overview once it fully fills up might be slow, they don't have the right tab filters setup, and most importantly, they're not used to broadcasting primaries.

Many Highsec FCs and players in general are excellent combat probers, but lack the quick-draw probe/fleet warp trigger finger that a null FC like Vee or Elendar might have.

4) Lack of overall HS unity.

Individually, even the largest HS groups will struggle to fight goons on their own, but i'm not convinced the catalyst for them to unite together is possible. Save Jita could have been something amazing if all the HS groups that pledged to show up actually had in the numbers I knew they were capabble of. Unfortunately, they didn't and two of the bigger groups at the time, God Squad and Doubletap completely wussed out. Many groups in HS dislike Goons, but when faced with the option of flying with another HS war dec group who they consider inferior versus continuing business as usual and harvest easy and juicy kills, it will be a struggle to get enough groups in the former category such that you can actually fight goons effectively.

In retrospect, I simply don't think that it's possible to expect HS to unite under the same banner in a single fleet to fight goons with the numbers they need since the egos at play and old grudges are too much. These barriers might be able to be overcome and I hope i'm wrong, but really i'd put my money on GSF teaming up with ex-BoB to kill PL happening before all the major HS groups are willing to unite for any significant period of time.
Goonswarm Federation
#67 - 2014-02-02 20:45:36 UTC
Gevlon Goblin wrote:

So yes, the statement "you can get Goons + RvB for 50M/week forever" is not true. The true statement is
"you can get Goons + RvB for 500M/week forever and you can make it 50M for the first week". Assuming Mynnna remains busy planting new POCOs, you can just drop the Goon war and restart after a day using his next dummy corp for 50M.

is this the big announcement

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Knights Of the Ruined Empire
#68 - 2014-02-02 22:03:50 UTC
Saeger1737 wrote:
Arkady Romanov wrote:
Saeger1737 wrote:
3 weeks one poco? Only like 3000 more to go, you'll be doing this for 9000 weeks at this rate, Or 173.14 years think you need to speed things up... Obviously your horrid at this game.

Have you considered joining RVB? You can then shoot this imbecile for free.

Why would I join rvb when my merc corp is ripping marmite and soon lemmings from stem to stern?

Besides I was already in Red Fed, kick ass RVB!! no fan of marmite but i like fighting rvb and goons. let me know when the war goes valid so i can station camp you

Senn Denroth - Highsec PVP is only for the elite of the elite....

Ex-Rebirth....and miner.  Fight me.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#69 - 2014-02-03 00:54:00 UTC
I really thought Gevlon was cooking his socks and underwear in a pot. This announcement instead is not nearly as nasty.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Powers Sa
#70 - 2014-02-03 02:38:56 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
I was told, Goonswarm came to late (what a surprise), Lost a poco that never could be taken, Goon scout checked poco and got popped and podded, RvB fleet showed up for nothing and got blue balled, Goons ****** up and got shot by Concord, More Goons got popped after 10+ kill rights were activated, Marmites and Lemmings left bored and Goons were so annoyed that all they could do is spam local. Then had to go back to 00 land, to do it all over again in a few days.

I hope RvB is enjoying this 100% purple fleet from here on. Cuz that's all RvB will be for a longggg time. RvB used to be a great alliance, but your deal with Goonswarm is ******* that up big-time. What a shame Ugh Don't want to stay purple and have 280398 rules, I suggest you join our brothers and sisters in 'Darwins Lemmings'.

The joy, great victory, congrats Blink

lmao, i guess gevlon is imparting his wild imagination and fiction upon others. You had the opportunity to fight, but didn't. I saw your proteus there, when you decided to leave like a coward.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Goonswarm Federation
#71 - 2014-02-03 03:41:04 UTC
apparently this was the big announcement:

i would say more but i'm gasping for air laughing

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#72 - 2014-02-03 03:42:05 UTC
send help need oxygen

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#73 - 2014-02-03 03:44:50 UTC
For a billion I also got the Razor killboard data for comparison purposes.

razor got a billion isk for killboard data oh my god that's amazing




Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Enya Dorne
#74 - 2014-02-03 04:15:48 UTC
After reading that wall of text this is my favorite part,

"Stop being pets! Goons are holding their power because of the myth that they are strong and everyone else is just tagging along and should be grateful for the opportunity. The truth is the opposite: their effort and PvP power is trivial compared to their size. Stop falling for their propaganda and get hard numbers! It's you who claimed the regions for the CFC, you should be reaping the rewards, you should be calling the shots, not that bunch of forum trolls!"

I nearly died from laughter, Gevlon you have no idea what you are talking about do you?
Pinky Feldman
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#75 - 2014-02-03 04:24:23 UTC
Serious question though, Tora. What's the deal with with HS nerds not fighting back against goons? You know you have the firepower to absolutely lock down that area and goons actively contesting means awesome content outside the standard station/gate camping.

Sure there might be obstacles, such as the ones I highlighted, but by no means are they impossible to overcome and I want to make it clear that I wrote those not to discourage anyone, but to paint a clear picture to Gevlon difficulties that must be planned for an overcome. Use of a social movement alone to combat goons in highsec isn't enough, sinec EVE is a game. You have to generate fun content for your troops and give them a reason to log in too.
elise densi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2014-02-03 09:23:07 UTC
guys i ran out of popcon and soda how can i continue watching this drama with out please help me :)
Joan Greywind
The Lazy Crabs
#77 - 2014-02-03 09:41:16 UTC
But guys you are missing the point, that poco costs like a 100m, that is not a devastating blow, but that is at least 4 month in moon income. Great victory indeed. Here gevlon will accomplish what the biggest super power in EVE couldn't accomplish, forever remove the goon cancer from EVE by the ingenious method of destroying their morale by taking their highsec poco. Leave no highsec POCO behind.

All rejoice for no content to write about so I create some bullshit content myself gevlon. YaY
Sparkle Motion.
#78 - 2014-02-03 11:07:20 UTC
"based on hours of data crunching that I paid 1bil ISK for even though it is free if I knew what I was doing i have concluded that goonwaffe, a corp who recruits out-of-game and has no in-game activity or ability requirements has a poor kda"
"i probably should have realised this was a self-evident truth but then i wouldnt be able to tilt at my "call everyone pets to win" windmill"

Honestly, your "No it was everyone elses fault I failed" post is going to be so amazing already, I can't wait to see how many more deluded chapters this story has first.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Lucy Oreless
Rise of Rephaim
#79 - 2014-02-03 11:31:56 UTC
Joan Greywind wrote:
But guys you are missing the point, that poco costs like a 100m, that is not a devastating blow, but that is at least 4 month in moon income. Great victory indeed. Here gevlon will accomplish what the biggest super power in EVE couldn't accomplish, forever remove the goon cancer from EVE by the ingenious method of destroying their morale by taking their highsec poco. Leave no highsec POCO behind.

All rejoice for no content to write about so I create some bullshit content myself gevlon. YaY

hahahaahahah Lol

When Mitten's grandkids asks him what made hes empire fall apart, i realy doubt the answer will be... the high-sec poco we lost Lol

I love Gevlon, even mental-pasients withouth medicine cant come up with better dribble than him!

 I did not have sexual relations to THAT woman....

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#80 - 2014-02-03 14:20:56 UTC
Does anyone have secrets to sell to Gevlon? He needs more nasty surprises and is willing to pay through the nose.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.