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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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ashley Eoner
#1921 - 2014-02-02 02:04:12 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Onictus wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:

I think these people are using old pre-nerf numbers from tengu blitzing. The HML platform was nerfed and I believe the tengu has been nerfed too. Hell even the missions have been nerfed since then as you can no longer blitz some due to spawn changes, requirements to clear full rooms to unlock gates and such. Tengus also warp much faster then even the marauders. If you're using a regular BS then blitzing becomes even less efficient.

Heh you see now we have these nifty things called Golems, they do WAY more damage then the Tengu...even the pre-nerf Tengu of old....ever thought of and can preform at that level with a minimum of bling so the 2bil isk loot pinata is gone.....oh yeah 100km every 90 seconds means that when needed a marauder has an average speed of 1111m/s with the MJD.

I did notice that they changed Massive Attack (I think it was) so that you can't just warp to the last room and kill the BSs and bone out, but meh. I made 300mil worth of LP over coffee with a ******* cyno alt. I can't complain.

The old t2 tengus pre-nerf was a bit behind on paper dps when compared to the current t2 golem ( roughly 800 vs 1250). Alas the tengu applied its dps more effectively due to using a medium sized weapon system over the golem's torpedos.

MJD doesn't work anywhere near as precisely as a tengu with a prop mod. Also as stated earlier the golem is much slower at aligning and warping. Seeing as how aligning and warping is where you spend most of your time while blitzing that has a great deal of relevance.

Massive attack is just one of several missions that were changed :(
ashley Eoner
#1922 - 2014-02-02 02:05:22 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Looking at this LP calculator I can't help but notice it doesn't take into account the costs of items needed to buy the rewards.

That clearly causes the estimated isk per LP to be wildly out of line with reality.
#1923 - 2014-02-02 02:09:34 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:

Well that value definitely backs up my comment about the goons using old numbers.

In what way - the mission times haven't changed, and sisters LP is better ?

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1924 - 2014-02-02 02:11:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Onictus
ashley Eoner wrote:
Onictus wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:

I think these people are using old pre-nerf numbers from tengu blitzing. The HML platform was nerfed and I believe the tengu has been nerfed too. Hell even the missions have been nerfed since then as you can no longer blitz some due to spawn changes, requirements to clear full rooms to unlock gates and such. Tengus also warp much faster then even the marauders. If you're using a regular BS then blitzing becomes even less efficient.

Heh you see now we have these nifty things called Golems, they do WAY more damage then the Tengu...even the pre-nerf Tengu of old....ever thought of and can preform at that level with a minimum of bling so the 2bil isk loot pinata is gone.....oh yeah 100km every 90 seconds means that when needed a marauder has an average speed of 1111m/s with the MJD.

I did notice that they changed Massive Attack (I think it was) so that you can't just warp to the last room and kill the BSs and bone out, but meh. I made 300mil worth of LP over coffee with a ******* cyno alt. I can't complain.

The old t2 tengus pre-nerf was a bit behind on paper dps when compared to the current t2 golem ( roughly 900 vs 1250). Alas the tengu applied its dps more effectively due to using a medium sized weapon system over the golem's torpedos.

MJD doesn't work anywhere near as precisely as a tengu with a prop mod. Also as stated earlier the golem is much slower at aligning and warping. Seeing as how aligning and warping is where you spend most of your time while blitzing that has a great deal of relevance.

Massive attack is just one of several missions that were changed :(

The changes to cruise missiles put the current Golem a bit ahead of the old-school HML Tengu. I STILL have my carebear tengu, it just has HAMs on it now. Basically, the Golem (or even CNR) alpha's basically everything non-elite below battleship and 2-3 vollies most battleships.

You do loose time to warping, but its rare that you are making more than a jump or two in reality, the difference in travel time isn't that huge 90% of the time. Plus I cheat that most of the time by running missions off of an alts account. That alt is usually in something like a bomber or blockade runner and THOSE things frigging move. So I usually have the mission ship "on station" so to speak more or less perpetually, with depots, I can swap ammo and tank on the fly.

I've no idea why there are hammerheads on there, its pretty much just hobs and warriors in all of the drone bays....medium drones get blapped by basically everything they just aren't worth hauling along.

As to the MJD, you don't need to be accurate, accell gates have a HUGE footprint and pretty much anywhere from 70-110km will land you in easy gate range. Cruise missiles having a +200km range without rigs means that if there isn't a gate you don't have to be accurate at all, just jump away and start spraying.......the only time that sucks is if you fat finger the MJD and jump in the wrong direction, its either slowboat it waiting on the timers or warp off.
#1925 - 2014-02-02 02:15:43 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
ashley Eoner wrote:

Well that value definitely backs up my comment about the goons using old numbers.

If you increase travel time by 50% (a 20AU jump that took 37s prior to Rubicon, now takes 54s), then my Mach numbers are ~14 hours of missioning which comes out to ~101M isk/hour.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

ashley Eoner
#1926 - 2014-02-02 02:49:00 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
Onictus wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
Onictus wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:

I think these people are using old pre-nerf numbers from tengu blitzing. The HML platform was nerfed and I believe the tengu has been nerfed too. Hell even the missions have been nerfed since then as you can no longer blitz some due to spawn changes, requirements to clear full rooms to unlock gates and such. Tengus also warp much faster then even the marauders. If you're using a regular BS then blitzing becomes even less efficient.

Heh you see now we have these nifty things called Golems, they do WAY more damage then the Tengu...even the pre-nerf Tengu of old....ever thought of and can preform at that level with a minimum of bling so the 2bil isk loot pinata is gone.....oh yeah 100km every 90 seconds means that when needed a marauder has an average speed of 1111m/s with the MJD.

I did notice that they changed Massive Attack (I think it was) so that you can't just warp to the last room and kill the BSs and bone out, but meh. I made 300mil worth of LP over coffee with a ******* cyno alt. I can't complain.

The old t2 tengus pre-nerf was a bit behind on paper dps when compared to the current t2 golem ( roughly 900 vs 1250). Alas the tengu applied its dps more effectively due to using a medium sized weapon system over the golem's torpedos.

MJD doesn't work anywhere near as precisely as a tengu with a prop mod. Also as stated earlier the golem is much slower at aligning and warping. Seeing as how aligning and warping is where you spend most of your time while blitzing that has a great deal of relevance.

Massive attack is just one of several missions that were changed :(

The changes to cruise missiles put the current Golem a bit ahead of the old-school HML Tengu. I STILL have my carebear tengu, it just has HAMs on it now. Basically, the Golem (or even CNR) alpha's basically everything non-elite below battleship and 2-3 vollies most battleships.

You do loose time to warping, but its rare that you are making more than a jump or two in reality, the difference in travel time isn't that huge 90% of the time. Plus I cheat that most of the time by running missions off of an alts account. That alt is usually in something like a bomber or blockade runner and THOSE things frigging move. So I usually have the mission ship "on station" so to speak more or less perpetually, with depots, I can swap ammo and tank on the fly.

I've no idea why there are hammerheads on there, its pretty much just hobs and warriors in all of the drone bays....medium drones get blapped by basically everything they just aren't worth hauling along.

As to the MJD, you don't need to be accurate, accell gates have a HUGE footprint and pretty much anywhere from 70-110km will land you in easy gate range. Cruise missiles having a +200km range without rigs means that if there isn't a gate you don't have to be accurate at all, just jump away and start spraying.......the only time that sucks is if you fat finger the MJD and jump in the wrong direction, its either slowboat it waiting on the timers or warp off.
So you're using two accounts... That defeats the whole purpose of this thread.

Is anyone else having issues with the forum posting only the draft version and not the actual current post? I keep being forced into going back and editing my posts so they say what I had wanted to post. This post took three tries to get the forum to finally post the version I wanted.

I did mention mediums at one point but before I posted I changed it because I checked and saw that golems can only fly lights. I forgot to copy paste the rest of my rebuttal and I frankly have lost the patience to even try now. Maybe later I'll try to respond to your post properly.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1927 - 2014-02-02 03:42:13 UTC
ashley Eoner wrote:
That defeats the whole purpose of this thread.


I may be using two accounts, I may not.

depnds on what I am doing with real accounts. Missioning isn't my main income hasn't been for a long time, its something to do while doing boring sov stuff.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1928 - 2014-02-02 04:43:07 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
ashley Eoner wrote:
That is outdated information that has little relevance to today.

You can't overpower level 4s like he was overpowering level 3s and you certainly can't do it in a ship that is as fast as a HAC (warp/alignment/movement/etc). As you stated most of the time is wasted in warping and BSes warp slowly.

Marauders can hit warp speeds of assault frigates. So you can infact go faster than a HAC today.

That style of mission running is just as viable today after the sentry changes so it is completely relevant.
ashley Eoner
#1929 - 2014-02-02 06:05:07 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
baltec1 wrote:
ashley Eoner wrote:
That is outdated information that has little relevance to today.

You can't overpower level 4s like he was overpowering level 3s and you certainly can't do it in a ship that is as fast as a HAC (warp/alignment/movement/etc). As you stated most of the time is wasted in warping and BSes warp slowly.

Marauders can hit warp speeds of assault frigates. So you can infact go faster than a HAC today.

That style of mission running is just as viable today after the sentry changes so it is completely relevant.
Build link now.

WHy do you believe having a severe nerf to the range and tracking of sentry drones would have no effect on his runs when he even pointed out he was using 100KM range capability? Why do you think that the decrease in regen rate and thus increased risk of drone loss wouldn't result in drones being pulled in more?

I also said that the warp speed nerf would factor in too. You also stated that most of the time spent blitzing was wasted on warping. So how does warping slower have no effect on the rate?

You keep asserting things without providing anything resembling a justification or citation.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1930 - 2014-02-02 06:22:39 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
ashley Eoner wrote:
Build link now.

WHy do you believe having a severe nerf to the range and tracking of sentry drones would have no effect on his runs when he even pointed out he was using 100KM range capability? Why do you think that the decrease in regen rate and thus increased risk of drone loss wouldn't result in drones being pulled in more?

I also said that the warp speed nerf would factor in too. You also stated that most of the time spent blitzing was wasted on warping. So how does warping slower have no effect on the rate?

You keep asserting things without providing anything resembling a justification or citation.

The sentry nerf is not nearly as bad as people try to make out and you have a lot of other options in the cruiser lineup. Sentries if used correctly will not be getting shot at.

For warp speeds you can make use of the Ascendancy implants and the WS-168 plugin, on the marauder you also have two free rig slots thanks to its massive tank so slap warp speed rigs in there. End result is a battleship with frigate like warp speeds. This is how I got around warp speed issues when flying my Megathrons in cruiser and frigate fleets.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#1931 - 2014-02-02 11:20:03 UTC
So I have some constants in mind as far as agent/fitting. I am going to do some experimenting on Singularity for a week or two. While doing that I'll finish Cruise Missile Spec V and queue up Negotiation to IV and SC to IV. I might also go ahead with Marauders to IV.

The only deficiencies that will leave is that Warhead Upgrades and Guided Missile Precision are still at IV.

This will likely be my last post in this thread until I post the results. I will post them in Missions and Complexes (as that is where this is most appropriate) and link to it here.

Wish me luck. Blink

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#1932 - 2014-02-02 15:39:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Basil Pupkin
And so, the usual story of goons crying about hisec, ignoring every number with "a million of goons can't be wrong" argument, and pretending it is even possible to nerf hisec harder than it already is.

The problems of goons and hisec aren't as deep as people tend to think. Parties will argue forever until they understand each other, so let's define some terms of agreement first.

RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments. But not goons. Goons have a definition of risk which clearly differs them from people who know what are they talking about - and here's why: they see hisec as an invincible enemy. Should they enter hisec, they'll find an overwhelming numbers of entities who jump a goon on sight, which is hardly surprising, and, in goon terms, such engagements are "zero-risk", despite being a "fair" pvp. Goons define risk as "dare to engage us and you will have over9000 goon dreadnoughts on your assets", and since hisec dwellers laugh in their faces over that threat, engaging goons in hisec is indeed "goon-risk-free". That makes goons imagine all sorts of problems with hisec: There's too many people to shoot them there, Money can be made there at all (imagine that, they are making ISK without thinking about goon dreadnoughts, how dare they!), and they cannot be pounced (except some acts involving jita and unsuspecting haulers, or hulk pilots who weren't even aware goons exist).

To goons, hisec is a giant enemy sov they're not allowed to touch, no wonder they misrationalize it as unsandboxy, risk-free and call hisec dwellers names. This comes from a fact that nullsec doesn't see hisec as opponent on their field, thinking it would crumble should they be allowed to touch it, which is the BEST ARGUMENT EVER that it is nullsec which is overpowered, overflowing with ISK, is a rightful target to some nerfing, rather than overnerfed poor hisec.

tl;dr goons think too much of themselves, hisec needs a buff, nullsec needs a nerf.

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#1933 - 2014-02-02 18:13:56 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:
And so, the usual story of goons crying about hisec, ignoring every number with "a million of goons can't be wrong" argument, and pretending it is even possible to nerf hisec harder than it already is.

The problems of goons and hisec aren't as deep as people tend to think. Parties will argue forever until they understand each other, so let's define some terms of agreement first.

RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments. But not goons. Goons have a definition of risk which clearly differs them from people who know what are they talking about - and here's why: they see hisec as an invincible enemy. Should they enter hisec, they'll find an overwhelming numbers of entities who jump a goon on sight, which is hardly surprising, and, in goon terms, such engagements are "zero-risk", despite being a "fair" pvp. Goons define risk as "dare to engage us and you will have over9000 goon dreadnoughts on your assets", and since hisec dwellers laugh in their faces over that threat, engaging goons in hisec is indeed "goon-risk-free". That makes goons imagine all sorts of problems with hisec: There's too many people to shoot them there, Money can be made there at all (imagine that, they are making ISK without thinking about goon dreadnoughts, how dare they!), and they cannot be pounced (except some acts involving jita and unsuspecting haulers, or hulk pilots who weren't even aware goons exist).

To goons, hisec is a giant enemy sov they're not allowed to touch, no wonder they misrationalize it as unsandboxy, risk-free and call hisec dwellers names. This comes from a fact that nullsec doesn't see hisec as opponent on their field, thinking it would crumble should they be allowed to touch it, which is the BEST ARGUMENT EVER that it is nullsec which is overpowered, overflowing with ISK, is a rightful target to some nerfing, rather than overnerfed poor hisec.

tl;dr goons think too much of themselves, hisec needs a buff, nullsec needs a nerf.

Watch the changes that will be announced in a few months.
High sec will be soon owned by goons too. POCO's were just the tip of the iceberg.
Read some of the blogs like Jester's Blog, where he dances around the monstrous changes coming, where he comments about how a lot of people won't like where Eve is going, but too bad for them.

Does anyone rational, for one second, think he is talking about changes that restrict or lessen the control the cartels will have on the game, especially since the current theme is "the empires are losing their grasp"? Or is Jester talking about game mechanics changes that will allow the null sec cartels (actually, soon to be only the cfc when they are done with N3 and the Russians then go back to hammering each other) to dominate high sec, making the life of the high sec casual player hell?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1934 - 2014-02-02 18:18:33 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:
And so, the usual story of goons crying about hisec, ignoring every number with "a million of goons can't be wrong" argument, and pretending it is even possible to nerf hisec harder than it already is.

The problems of goons and hisec aren't as deep as people tend to think. Parties will argue forever until they understand each other, so let's define some terms of agreement first.

RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments. But not goons. Goons have a definition of risk which clearly differs them from people who know what are they talking about - and here's why: they see hisec as an invincible enemy. Should they enter hisec, they'll find an overwhelming numbers of entities who jump a goon on sight, which is hardly surprising, and, in goon terms, such engagements are "zero-risk", despite being a "fair" pvp. Goons define risk as "dare to engage us and you will have over9000 goon dreadnoughts on your assets", and since hisec dwellers laugh in their faces over that threat, engaging goons in hisec is indeed "goon-risk-free". That makes goons imagine all sorts of problems with hisec: There's too many people to shoot them there, Money can be made there at all (imagine that, they are making ISK without thinking about goon dreadnoughts, how dare they!), and they cannot be pounced (except some acts involving jita and unsuspecting haulers, or hulk pilots who weren't even aware goons exist).

To goons, hisec is a giant enemy sov they're not allowed to touch, no wonder they misrationalize it as unsandboxy, risk-free and call hisec dwellers names. This comes from a fact that nullsec doesn't see hisec as opponent on their field, thinking it would crumble should they be allowed to touch it, which is the BEST ARGUMENT EVER that it is nullsec which is overpowered, overflowing with ISK, is a rightful target to some nerfing, rather than overnerfed poor hisec.

tl;dr goons think too much of themselves, hisec needs a buff, nullsec needs a nerf.

The above, ladies and gentlegoons is a terrible grr goons post by a real pubbie carebear. Look upon this example of terrible posting and tinfoilery and avoid the same pitfalls. See how its blood boils and that vein in his head throbs with blind hatred of all things swarm as he furiously types his response to my post. Notice the utter lack of reading and unwillingness to take part in what has become a near none shiptoast thread on income level imbalances.
Basil Pupkin
Republic Military School
#1935 - 2014-02-02 18:26:21 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Basil Pupkin wrote:
And so, the usual story of goons crying about hisec, ignoring every number with "a million of goons can't be wrong" argument, and pretending it is even possible to nerf hisec harder than it already is.

The problems of goons and hisec aren't as deep as people tend to think. Parties will argue forever until they understand each other, so let's define some terms of agreement first.

RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments. But not goons. Goons have a definition of risk which clearly differs them from people who know what are they talking about - and here's why: they see hisec as an invincible enemy. Should they enter hisec, they'll find an overwhelming numbers of entities who jump a goon on sight, which is hardly surprising, and, in goon terms, such engagements are "zero-risk", despite being a "fair" pvp. Goons define risk as "dare to engage us and you will have over9000 goon dreadnoughts on your assets", and since hisec dwellers laugh in their faces over that threat, engaging goons in hisec is indeed "goon-risk-free". That makes goons imagine all sorts of problems with hisec: There's too many people to shoot them there, Money can be made there at all (imagine that, they are making ISK without thinking about goon dreadnoughts, how dare they!), and they cannot be pounced (except some acts involving jita and unsuspecting haulers, or hulk pilots who weren't even aware goons exist).

To goons, hisec is a giant enemy sov they're not allowed to touch, no wonder they misrationalize it as unsandboxy, risk-free and call hisec dwellers names. This comes from a fact that nullsec doesn't see hisec as opponent on their field, thinking it would crumble should they be allowed to touch it, which is the BEST ARGUMENT EVER that it is nullsec which is overpowered, overflowing with ISK, is a rightful target to some nerfing, rather than overnerfed poor hisec.

tl;dr goons think too much of themselves, hisec needs a buff, nullsec needs a nerf.

The above, ladies and gentlegoons is a terrible grr goons post by a real pubbie carebear. Look upon this example of terrible posting and tinfoilery and avoid the same pitfalls. See how its blood boils and that vein in his head throbs with blind hatred of all things swarm as he furiously types his response to my post. Notice the utter lack of reading and unwillingness to take part in what has become a near none shiptoast thread on income level imbalances.

Big smile
Exactly what I expected, a copy&paste personal attack which doesn't even mention the actual points of a post.
Well, can't expect more from a goon, can we?

Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.

If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.

EI Digin
#1936 - 2014-02-02 18:29:41 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:
RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments.
The majority of people are immune from wardecs.

You can avoid suicide ganks by not stuffing billions upon billions of isk worth of stuff into one ship.

Disconnections are avoided by not having a terrible internet connection, and not engaging in risky content in the first place if you feel there is a chance that you may disconnect.

That leaves me to believe that there is no risk involved with living in highsec.
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1937 - 2014-02-02 18:31:00 UTC
Basil Pupkin wrote:
Exactly what I expected, a copy&paste personal attack which doesn't even mention the actual points of a post.
Well, can't expect more from a goon, can we?

Well, it's one step up from the Goonswarm Insult Generator, which involves a random mishmash of the words "pubbie," "sperglord," "tears," and "carebear."

Then again, I do some of those words in there.

This thread consists of two groups of people:

Group 1:
The worst players in the history of EVE Online complaining about how they can't figure out how to make ISK in nullsec.

Group 2:
Those of us making fun of Group 1.
Scope Works
#1938 - 2014-02-02 18:31:42 UTC
EI Digin wrote:
Basil Pupkin wrote:
RISK - people who know what are they talking about understand hisec risks as wardecs, gankers, and oh-****-logi-disconnected incursion moments.
The majority of people are immune from wardecs.

You can avoid suicide ganks by not stuffing billions upon billions of isk worth of stuff into one ship.

Disconnections are avoided by not having a terrible internet connection, and not engaging in risky content in the first place if you feel there is a chance that you may disconnect.

That leaves me to believe that there is no risk involved with living in highsec.

The kill mails say otherwise.

Don't you have a cap fleet to rebuild or something?

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1939 - 2014-02-02 18:39:59 UTC
Anslo wrote:

The kill mails say otherwise.

Don't you have a cap fleet to rebuild or something?

The killmails show only bling fit mission runners getting killed. The smart ones never get killed.
EI Digin
#1940 - 2014-02-02 18:47:01 UTC
Anslo wrote:
The kill mails say otherwise.
The amount of people who are suicide ganked per day is so low that in the grand scheme of things, it means absolutely nothing.

Think of how many freighters are suicide ganked per day, compared to the amount of freighter trips that are made across highsec daily. Think of the tens of thousands of people who are PvEing right now, compared to the handful of people who get ganked per day. It really is just statistical noise when you think about it.