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Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#181 - 2014-01-23 07:57:38 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:

fun fact, australia only lowered the drinking (and voting) age to 18 to match the age of conscription

And it was a really bad idea.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#182 - 2014-01-23 15:37:06 UTC
"What, you don't like walking in stations? Go make your own game then!"

If CCP operated the way you suggest, EVE would be dead by now.

don't like trammel?

Also remember that although EVE has been around for a long time, it also has a history of having some of the most corrupt development staff of any MMO in the history of gaming - which is why zero external accountability is probably bad.

you mean, that one time one man spawned a blueprint

like that one time one csm member mentioned supercaps

Mallak Azaria wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
fun fact, australia only lowered the drinking (and voting) age to 18 to match the age of conscription

And it was a really bad idea.

I cannot disagree.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#183 - 2014-01-27 20:11:02 UTC
Just FYI we worked our guts out last week.

You're welcome.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#184 - 2014-01-28 01:04:20 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Just FYI we worked our guts out last week.

You're welcome.

Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#185 - 2014-01-29 20:53:32 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Just FYI we worked our guts out last week.

You're welcome.

Thanks for that Malc, really looking forward to seeing some of the stuff thats coming based on whats been teased so far.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#186 - 2014-01-29 23:12:30 UTC
Darek Castigatus wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
Just FYI we worked our guts out last week.

You're welcome.

Thanks for that Malc, really looking forward to seeing some of the stuff thats coming based on whats been teased so far.

It might not be what some of us wanted, but it's what we all needed.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#187 - 2014-01-30 07:16:49 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:
Kesthely wrote:
I am just wondering, why do you even have this debate?

I mean -Clearly- you know better, why haven't you started your own company and designed your own game? I mean the fact that your always right should make investors happy you would have no problems getting a company started? And since your always right you can make a game that everyone enjoys includeing yourself?

So why are you even bothering with this game?

You know this is a bad argument when it works on any and all criticism of the game as a whole.

"What, you don't like walking in stations? Go make your own game then!"

If CCP operated the way you suggest, EVE would be dead by now.

Also remember that although EVE has been around for a long time, it also has a history of having some of the most corrupt development staff of any MMO in the history of gaming - which is why zero external accountability is probably bad.

most corrupt developemtn staff.

im sorry but what... someone has obviously never played SWG or dealt with SOE.

Also, corruption is quickly weeded out by the players the devs are directly involved in ( you know, every group has that ONE white knight running around with his political correctness and holier than thou attitude), and the consequences for royally screwing up in CCP, like any company, are things most people would want to avoid being in the position to receive.

In short, if the CSM and CCP were as self-centered and corrupt as you say, why are there no ttians/cynos/sov in wormholes? why is high/low not nullsec yet? why is there not an alliance of 10-20 "elite" players somehow dominating every coalition in the game in 1000v1 combat? why is highsec still the best money-maker in the game for risk/reward? why is industry hardly viable in nullsec compared to the scale of high?

or the glaring one, if all groups were so corrupt, youd see CCP devs secretly showing "favoritism" in who gets DC'ed in a fight instead of the whole node crashing. hell, nullsec would be alot more imblanced than it is now. and someone would have gotten titans reimbursed from monday.

But no, 2 coalitions, the culmination of 10 eyars of social and political engineering, just dealt eachother fairly serious and lasting wounds, in a surprise fight, in a war thats been fairly stagnant with no clear winner for 6-8 months (if you count Halloween as an indirect extension of Fountain).

probably the ONLY nullsec benefitting mechanic in the game i havent seen CSM try to have rebalanced/nerfed HARD in favor of a better game is force projection, and thats because its hard to balance without making an entire class of ships worthless.

so obviously your claims of bias and corruption are unfounded save for a few remote instances that were DEALT with, and one phrase uttered by a CSM member within a alrger discussion in which was ongoing and relevant.

But go ahead, keep complaining about how bad your representation is, cry about it, throw fits in the forums, your efforts would be better spent trying to fix your own RL government representation, at least that you can have hard proof of corruption for.
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#188 - 2014-01-30 14:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinky Hops
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
im sorry but what... someone has obviously never played SWG or dealt with SOE.

Google "MMO developer misconduct" without the quotes and let me know which game comes up the most.

Hint: it isn't SWG or SoE staff.

Also, there has been misconduct within EVE dev staff as recently as last year.

Edit: to the below posters, there's no point in me responding to you if you don't know how to use google. There has been multiple instances of dev misconduct over the years, not just one instance and not just one specific type of misconduct. Google is your friend.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#189 - 2014-01-31 04:27:02 UTC
so we are talking about that one guy that spawned a blueprint that one time

not exactly a trend is it

i hope noone mentioned supercaps in the winter summit, that'd be two summits in a row and absolute proof of systemic corruption in the csm Sad
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#190 - 2014-01-31 10:16:11 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
im sorry but what... someone has obviously never played SWG or dealt with SOE.

Google "MMO developer misconduct" without the quotes and let me know which game comes up the most.

Hint: it isn't SWG or SoE staff.

Also, there has been misconduct within EVE dev staff as recently as last year.

*Citation needed*

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Minmatar Mining and Manufacturing.
#191 - 2014-02-02 01:59:29 UTC
I Google'd that (I'm not promoting Google either)

sure enough EVE hands down....I even Binged it..same.

I thought maybe someone had bribed these search I went back and installed Netscape web browser and used ask Jeeves, same results.

well this is a lot like the famous lie, " If you Like Your Doctor, you can keep him." and all of that stuff. Just like the real world big over site is always a good thing. Oh! wait, that is what my Government is telling me. Ugh
Ice Fire Warriors
#192 - 2014-02-02 02:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Pinky Hops wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
im sorry but what... someone has obviously never played SWG or dealt with SOE.

Google "MMO developer misconduct" without the quotes and let me know which game comes up the most.

Hint: it isn't SWG or SoE staff.

Also, there has been misconduct within EVE dev staff as recently as last year.

Edit: to the below posters, there's no point in me responding to you if you don't know how to use google. There has been multiple instances of dev misconduct over the years, not just one instance and not just one specific type of misconduct. Google is your friend.

So I humored you... I Googled "MMO developer misconduct" and then went down the results, link by link... they either had to do with that one incident back in 2007 (with the DEV spawning BPOs) or are conspiracy theories that relate back to the 2007 incident (the kind where you can "smell" crazy).

This is just a guess... but perhaps the reason it comes up so often as a search result is because the incident was made transparent and lots of stuff was written about it.

It's like how people see a few bad reviews for a restaurant and then assume that it must be a bad restaurant overall... when the incident that prompted those reviews only happened one time (plus, people have this interesting tendency to crucify a person or organization over one incident regardless of how much other good stuff they do).

CCP can be a lot of things... a little sloppy, obstinate, trollish, promising/doing more than they can deliver... but I don't think they are corrupt the way you are painting them to be (they are not even allowed to partake in piracy or "outlaw activities" on their personal accounts).

Now, indulge me. What "misconduct" did a DEV do last year? Because I'm coming up empty on Google.

edit: re-worded and added some stuff
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#193 - 2014-02-02 03:37:26 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Pinky Hops wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
im sorry but what... someone has obviously never played SWG or dealt with SOE.

Google "MMO developer misconduct" without the quotes and let me know which game comes up the most.

Hint: it isn't SWG or SoE staff.

Also, there has been misconduct within EVE dev staff as recently as last year.

Edit: to the below posters, there's no point in me responding to you if you don't know how to use google. There has been multiple instances of dev misconduct over the years, not just one instance and not just one specific type of misconduct. Google is your friend.

So I humored you... I Googled "MMO developer misconduct" and then went down the results, link by link... they either had to do with that one incident back in 2007 (with the DEV spawning BPOs) or are conspiracy theories that relate back to the 2007 incident (the kind where you can "smell" crazy).

This is just a guess... but perhaps the reason it comes up so often as a search result is because the incident was made transparent and lots of stuff was written about it.

It's like how people see one bad review for a restaurant and then assume that it must be a bad restaurant overall... when the incident that prompted it only happened one time.

CCP can be a lot of things... a little sloppy, obstinate, trollish, promising/doing more than they can deliver... but I don't think they are corrupt the way you are painting them to be (they are not even allowed to partake in piracy or "outlaw activities" on their personal accounts).

Now, your turn. What "misconduct" did a DEV do last year? Because I'm coming up empty on Google (humor me).

This man speaks truth.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#194 - 2014-02-02 08:46:54 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Now, indulge me. What "misconduct" did a DEV do last year? Because I'm coming up empty on Google.

betting the answer is 'd3 said a thing and noone cared'
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#195 - 2014-02-02 16:37:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinky Hops
ShahFluffers wrote:
Now, indulge me. What "misconduct" did a DEV do last year? Because I'm coming up empty on Google.

It's hard to be too specific on the official forums because it's "classified" within CCP - meaning me speaking of it might get me banned.

There is a leaked internal CCP document describing what happened - you can find it pretty easily with a search engine. The misconduct involved the developer misusing his access to information, and it happened (or was leaked) in mid 2013.

ShahFluffers wrote:
This is just a guess... but perhaps the reason it comes up so often as a search result is because the incident was made transparent and lots of stuff was written about it.

You probably weren't around when this happened.

CCP didn't try to be transparent about it. Quite the contrary - they did everything in their power to hide and obscure it. The only reason it even reached attention was because a specific player did the legwork of proving it.

That specific player was banned from the game, and even his name was censored from the forums. Some "transparency."

Future cases of misconduct were treated similarly - hiding them as much as possible.

CCP only publicly admitted wrongdoing as an absolute last resort.
Ice Fire Warriors
#196 - 2014-02-02 18:54:44 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Pinky Hops wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
Now, indulge me. What "misconduct" did a DEV do last year? Because I'm coming up empty on Google.

It's hard to be too specific on the official forums because it's "classified" within CCP - meaning me speaking of it might get me banned.

There is a leaked internal CCP document describing what happened - you can find it pretty easily with a search engine. The misconduct involved the developer misusing his access to information, and it happened (or was leaked) in mid 2013.

In other words... nothing of importance happened.

Until you can cite something more specific than "it's easy to find on a search engine" (which it isn't) I can't take your word for it... you know... the same way you can't take the word of anyone else (including a DEV's) because they can't provide specific evidence.

Pinky Hops wrote:
ShahFluffers wrote:
This is just a guess... but perhaps the reason it comes up so often as a search result is because the incident was made transparent and lots of stuff was written about it.

You probably weren't around when this happened.

CCP didn't try to be transparent about it. Quite the contrary - they did everything in their power to hide and obscure it. The only reason it even reached attention was because a specific player did the legwork of proving it.

That specific player was banned from the game, and even his name was censored from the forums. Some "transparency."

Future cases of misconduct were treated similarly - hiding them as much as possible.

CCP only publicly admitted wrongdoing as an absolute last resort.

And? Any company in any industry worth its salt does the same thing to whistleblowers (yes there are laws protecting such people... no, they don't work... the person will just be jerked around and made miserable until they quit).

The fact that eventually they fessed up to it and made the necessary changes to their internal workings is a goddamn miracle... because no other company would even consider such an action.

In an age where a single wrong can torpedo entire industries (by people who scream and whine like you do OP) you cannot blame businesses of all specialties for having adopted a policy of "there is nothing wrong no matter what the evidence suggests"... because admission is tantamount to corporate suicide.
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#197 - 2014-02-02 19:03:11 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Until you can cite something more specific than "it's easy to find on a search engine" (which it isn't) I can't take your word for it... you know... the same way you can't take the word of anyone else (including a DEV's) because they can't provide specific evidence.

I'd be more than happy to e-mail you a link of the document... but there's no way in hell I'm posting it on the forums.

Maybe you're trying to bait me into getting myself banned? Roll

ShahFluffers wrote:
because admission is tantamount to corporate suicide.

Oh please.

It's not the admission that is corporate suicide - it's allowing it to happen in the first place.

They had to admit to it because people knew. The entire community found out.

Inaction would have been far more suicidal than admission.
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#198 - 2014-02-02 23:39:31 UTC
So not only are you a rumour mongering tinfoil spouting moron, and yes until you post specific proof rumours are all you have, you're a hypocrite too. Colour me ******* shocked I tell you.

The only thing I can find from last year that even remotely resembles developer misconduct was one CSM member using insider info for market speculation while drunk one night after a CSM session, which they admitted, were censured for and kicked off the council.

If you really think theres something we should be getting outraged about then shoot me an evemail in game, ill send you an email address so you can present your evidence. Until then please stop shitting up the forums with your pants on head stupidity.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#199 - 2014-02-03 00:40:16 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:
It's hard to be too specific on the official forums because it's "classified" within CCP - meaning me speaking of it might get me banned.

There is a leaked internal CCP document describing what happened - you can find it pretty easily with a search engine. The misconduct involved the developer misusing his access to information, and it happened (or was leaked) in mid 2013.

Benny Ohu wrote:
betting the answer is 'd3 said a thing and noone cared'

Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#200 - 2014-02-03 01:39:56 UTC
Darek Castigatus wrote:
CSM member using insider info for market speculation while drunk one night after a CSM session, which they admitted, were censured for and kicked off the council.

I wasn't aware of this, but that's rather hilarious.

Also -- kind of unsurprising, in a sad way.