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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

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A thousand little loc things

First post
CCP Shiny
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2011-11-25 11:39:09 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Frame
As explained in the devblog here, we want to start a project to collect wishes and suggestions for localization. Those may be functional or related to the translations themselves. Here is the passage from the devblog:

It used to be the case that we were at times hesitant to make specific changes to the in-game text for German and Russian, since that text had been in use for a very long time and people were used to it. We were also aware that the players had started to use their own version of terms that had been translated with variations or in an unpopular way. Additionally, we have seen from the comments in the last localization survey that there are areas that need more attention than we had thought, while other areas we had considered important were hardly mentioned.

So bearing all this in mind, we would like to use this opportunity to get in touch with our player base more closely and start a wish list of fixes and features in a similar way as the 1000 Little Things list, but this time for localization specific changes and features.

We are going to put up three separate threads – one each in the German and Russian forums, so players can comment in their own languages, and one in the Issues, Workarounds & Localization section for those who want to comment in English.

We are open to any and all localization specific suggestions, but of course there is a caveat or two: We are not promising that we will be able to make everything posted there happen or that we will be able to reply to every post, but we do promise that we will be reading and considering everything. Some things might also happen sooner, while others will be something we would like to do, but that will not be possible right away. Lastly, we would like to suggest that very small, specific issues (think “there is a spelling mistake in mission x”) be put into a bug report rather than the 1000 Little Loc Things, since that way turnaround will be faster.

CCP Shiny \ Producer NES Localization Services \ @ccp_shiny

#2 - 2011-11-25 13:52:57 UTC
Well, talking about russian localization are you guys aware that the company you have doing russian translation for EVE is just draining money out of you while using pure machine translation? They seem to vigorously deny this but how can a real human mind translate "warp on fleet member" in such way that if you translate it back from russian to english it will sound like "to slide on [male genitalia] of fleet"? You are probably interested in proper translation and not in generation of memes among the russian community.
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2011-11-25 14:14:10 UTC
Gripen wrote:
Well, talking about russian localization are you guys aware that the company you have doing russian translation for EVE is just draining money out of you while using pure machine translation? They seem to vigorously deny this but how can a real human mind translate "warp on fleet member" in such way that if you translate it back from russian to english it will sound like "to slide on [male genitalia] of fleet"? You are probably interested in proper translation and not in generation of memes among the russian community.

Terminology in the example you mentioned has been changed quite a few months ago. With that in mind, you are welcome to check the latest state of localization on Singularity and/or contribute to the Russian localization "Little Things" thread here, or join the discussion with the people working on the localization itself on the EVE-RU forums.

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2011-11-25 14:17:57 UTC
Three words:

(Ingame) Google Translator

... we've got a chrome based ingame browser... with all the talk in the devblog about localization (which is cool btw - more EVE players = better); but in order to allow those players to play with each other via player/ corp/ alliance level interaction, the ability to have a chat translation tool should definitely be on the menu.

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

CCP Ronin
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2011-11-25 14:22:46 UTC
Gripen wrote:
Well, talking about russian localization are you guys aware that the company you have doing russian translation for EVE is just draining money out of you while using pure machine translation? They seem to vigorously deny this but how can a real human mind translate "warp on fleet member" in such way that if you translate it back from russian to english it will sound like "to slide on [male genitalia] of fleet"? You are probably interested in proper translation and not in generation of memes among the russian community.

Hey Gripen,

So as part of this project, all of these kinds of issues will be looked at (especially if we get bug reports), but I did want to mention one thing that we did as part of the migration to our new localization engine that could help alleviate these problems. Pre-Crucible, then UI text (which is usually added by programmers) was sometimes done with a bit of a quick-fix mentality. Your example could very well have happened because a programmer actually found the strings "Warp to" and "Member" existing separately in the localization tables, and just used them together without regard to what the strings actually meant. This was compounded by strings not always having good descriptions, so a translator just gets the string "Member" out of context.

Now, as part of Cerberus, we have instituted guidelines for adding text. Text is, for example, never allowed to be concatenated. If you need the string "Warp to Member", you must actually add the full string "Warp to Member" to the content engine. And QA has tools to test whether strings are being concatenated and will file bugs right away if any such strings are found (without waiting for the translation to inevitably be wrong). Secondly, when adding new strings, descriptions are required, so "Member" should not be ambiguous anymore. Many old texts were changed as part of Crucible to remove concatenation, but this is something we will continue to work on as part of this 1000 little loc things project.

Thanks for your input!

CCP Ronin Senior Programmer -- Internationalization

Ken Kyoukan
#6 - 2011-11-25 15:41:08 UTC
As part of the English update to this can we please get the UK / USA variations done too...


Colour / Color
Vapourise / Vaporize
Authorise / Authorize

And several other words...
David Laurentson
Laurentson INC
#7 - 2011-11-25 15:44:47 UTC
Ken Kyoukan wrote:
As part of the English update to this can we please get the UK / USA variations done too...


Colour / Color
Vapourise / Vaporize
Authorise / Authorize

And several other words...

There are a few modules with 'optimizer' in the names, and I invariably mess up the market search for them.
Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2011-11-27 12:47:25 UTC
Many open source software allows people to download the English files with all the strings used, so people can create translation projects of the language they want that files translated.

Why not CCP allows us to access these files so we can create translation projects and in a few weeks/months we give them back to you translated to the language x.
Then CCP exposes these files for review to the world and after the review they put them in sisi for 6 months to a year for trial?

I don't mind putting together 5-10 guys and form a translation group and translate, for free, all the game string files to Portuguese. We all would sign any copyright document that protects the original files. We also, if CCP wants to make legal arrangements other than a simple disclaimer, sign any legal document that makes sure we don't mess with the translation and translate it to something "bad taste", let's put it like that.

There are many translation software's out there that allows a group to translate several hundreds of files. Using svn we can exchange and control the distribution of the work and submitted it remotely.
CPP only has to create a SVN project, allows us access to it, provide us the translation software and assign a General Coordination to each translation project created.
The voluntaries translators then vote on a Language Coordinator that is the only person that will talk with CCP. The GC only works with the LC for each language and is up to the LC to coordinate the Translators team and work.

Think about it, there is a lot of people that plays Eve that would like it to see it translated to their language and would help CCP achieve that.

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

3 R Corporation
#9 - 2011-11-28 14:06:43 UTC
Please do not commit the mistake of forcing a language on someone because their IP is in some specific locale. There are many of us who are ex pats and while we may live in a country with language "A", we prefer to play EVE in language "B". If localization and language always remain selectable and or "opt in", then I will be happy. Having a language imposed on me by geography makes me unhappy. Computers are supposed to make life simpler for us, not enslave us and force us to follow someone else's rules.
wolf clank
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-11-29 17:35:14 UTC
it was mentioned before but i would like to add a few comments for a more developed idea (mostly on the development side). this person mentioned that they turn cerberois into a universal eve translater Big smile. that would make me exsatic since people could perform cross language buisness and possibly even have a cross language corp (or at least fleets possible). to make the facilitation of this easier (or possible considering the bad grammer/spelling im sure you have noticed in my comment). add a spellcheck feature to the translater with specific focus on slang ie check out this mod (module) i just got. or jump on contact (jump refers to gate ie the translater would add in the "jump through the gate") and this would also correct little errors like the one i made while typing like "cantact" instead of "contact" witch would have made the translater unable to translate. in addition the translation option can be placed in the chat window options menu and when used will send a code along with the text so that it turns up in all langueges simaltaniously depending on game client. (again making a trans languege fleet possible)
Caldari Heavy Industries Minning Inc.
#11 - 2012-01-08 02:45:43 UTC
1. Make all station Containers unable to be repackaged if there are items in them.

2. Also make it to where if the Container is repackaged, close any open windows for that container.

I am seeing a lot of people with this same problem right now and I am also a victim of this for some major losses. I am also still awaiting a response on my petition.

Hans Hoff
Mine n Mellow
#12 - 2012-02-08 10:53:32 UTC
I was about to start a thread on how to get back to the sub forum that I had just posted in, when I realised that above this grey square. I could vaguely discern something that may be appropriate.
C'mon guys orange text on an orange background?
Hans Hoff
Mine n Mellow
#13 - 2012-02-08 11:12:15 UTC
The ability to right click on an item a linked item, or a market or contract item and select "find in assets" or "find in corp assets"
The ability to enlarge the spaceport inventory box by dragging
Allowing the minimise function to do just that and not shuffling it back to the side bar. I like to see what missions I have open at the bottom of my screen.
If I launch my drones and I had previously had my "drones in space" box open, when I launch them again I want it to be open automatically as it used to be before the Incarna exp.
I would like to do invention in my POS without the message telling me lies and saying I dont have the stuff.
When in fitting, and I want to offline a grouped weapon and it asks me am I sure, I want a box to tick to say "of couse I do or I wouldnt have clicked it, so dont bledywell ask me again thanks".
I would like a get out of jail free card which allows be to blow up Concord once a week without fear of retaliation or standing loss. This could be a great way to let off steam when things in the game P me off.
I got heaps more so when these are fixed I will post the next list of a hundred.
Fire Stone
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-02-13 19:58:52 UTC
Manufacturing paper cuts I would like to be automated/changed

* When putting in a manufacturing job automatically select the slot with the lowest queue/leave the ability to select a different queue thou.
* When putting in a manufacturing job remember the last input and output hangers selected
* Automatically deliver build jobs once complete vs having to click a button for each
* Change the cancel job button so only a director or above can cancel a build job