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Timing your static wh collapse ?

Sebero Sinak
#1 - 2011-11-25 06:35:12 UTC
If you watch your static wh collapse and write down the time and use this guide

your wormhole does not collapse on the minute , or the hour. At first i thought it was the stable time plus 4 hours but that isn't true.

Then I thought the collapse seems to be somehow linked to the mass that has passed thru the wormhole. It seemed that i could hasten a collapse by running heavier ships thru even thou i wasn't able to reach the wh mass limit.

Is the collapse determined by the stable time plus a fraction of 4 hrs something like 24 + 4( 1 - mass thru / mass limit ) ?

Or if all my efforts to determine the wh collapse time are way off could you steer me in the right direction.

Eru GoEller
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-11-25 07:06:41 UTC
Think the general agreement is that a wormhole collapses within time to live +approx -10% or +10% added to that time.