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Thinking to train for the Phoenix

Jack Mayhem
Kaer Industries
#21 - 2013-12-04 11:36:14 UTC
First of all, OP, you don't need dreadnought if you ask such questions. Stick to someone smaller. And Phoenix is very terrible, true.

Secondly, this is EVE, not WoW, you don't need to stick to your original race. Just cross-train and enjoy fun ships.
elise densi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2013-12-04 13:35:13 UTC
also u need to have use for a dread since its far from a solo sip aswell u need logi (other carrier prefer) and small webbing t3 or recon ships to make it preform dreads are used in wh's for cap escalation
and bigger pvp fleets aswell as strucktural bashing low/nullsec pocos station sov strucktures
big ships are limited so many things think about b4 getting one
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#23 - 2013-12-04 13:44:00 UTC
If you are in your Phoenix and you get dropped on; the enemy will likely kill the other more dangerous dreads first. This gives you time to escape!
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#24 - 2013-12-04 13:53:56 UTC
Train what you want, it's your character.

Just don't whine if your future alliance mates would rather have you fly tackle! Big smile
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#25 - 2013-12-04 15:56:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Kirkwood Ross wrote:
If you are in your Phoenix and you get dropped on; the enemy will likely kill the other more dangerous dreads first. This gives you time to escape!

The best* way of doing this is to fit a MWD, overload it and hit siege when travelling at 200 m/s. You're be unwebbable during siege and the extra mass will let you barge puny subcaps out of the way. When you exit siege you'll be outside the bubbles and can warp off and switch to a useful dread, like a Moros or Naglfar. Smile

Adeena Torcfist
Right Hand Of The Legion.
Nightshade Alliance
#26 - 2013-12-04 18:43:16 UTC
phoenix is getting looked at, & by the time youve trained it to V & all its supposrting skills, it will more than likely be a worthy ship in fleets.

your decision, theres enough arguements about how bad it is.
The Initiative.
#27 - 2013-12-05 02:24:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Gh0stBust3rs
Honestly when it comes down to it you can fly whatever the hell you want. Just expect to be laughed at every time you undock it.

Against structures they are amazing.

Against anything that goes faster then 100m/s your doing no damage.

So in theory if your shooting a carrier not in triage and its triple webbed scrammed and target painted to **** you might actually hit it with 2-3 volleys before the real dreads blap it off the field.

They are being looked at though so it could get better.

This is how i would fit it


[High Slots]
Siege Module II
Citadel Torpedo Launcher I - Guristas Scourge Citadel Torpedo
Citadel Torpedo Launcher I - Guristas Scourge Citadel Torpedo
Citadel Torpedo Launcher I - Guristas Scourge Citadel Torpedo

[Med Slots]
Capital Shield Booster I
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Heavy Capacitor Booster II - Navy Cap Booster 800

[Low Slots]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Damage Control II

Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I


3% hardwirings are cheap. You need faction bcs 1 for the damage increase and 2 for the cpu. This setup is an injector dread. hence the cap booster. Ideally you use 2 cap boosters
Abdullah Bahdoon
#28 - 2013-12-05 22:56:15 UTC
I thank you all for the enlightenment on this matter !
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-12-05 23:17:58 UTC
Gh0stBust3rs wrote:
So in theory if your shooting a carrier not in triage and its triple webbed scrammed and target painted to **** your first volley will not reach it before the real dreads blap it off the field.

Aaron Zebulun
Sum of Three Halves
#30 - 2013-12-07 13:36:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron Zebulun
Just did some basic EFT warrioring, all skills lv5 T2 mods, T1 ammo no links or implants etc...

8067 dps
39346 alpha
3146 tank
3966 burst tank
1.9M ehp
13.5 mins cap

11092 dps
48691 alpha
2691 tank
3966 burst tank
1.9M ehp
9.3 mins cap

9139 dps
35658 alpha
3262 tank
3966 burst tank
1.75M ehp
13.8 mins cap

6571 dps
98009 alpha
3609 tank
6133 burst tank
1.5M ehp
4.3 mins cap

Yeah the phoenix is gimped, way less dps than everything else, even a 4th damage mod doesn't even reach 7k dps. Lowest ehp and terrible cap and that's with 6 cap re-chargers in the mids. The best burst tank, but honestly it probably wouldn't even last the 5 mins to get out of siege and receive reps + cap from supporting carriers.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#31 - 2013-12-07 22:57:37 UTC
As others have told you, the Phoenix is a terrible ship in the current meta. Until it rises again from the ashes, it will not be worth training.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#32 - 2013-12-08 01:16:34 UTC
Aaron Zebulun wrote:
Yeah the phoenix is gimped, way less dps than everything else, even a 4th damage mod doesn't even reach 7k dps. Lowest ehp and terrible cap and that's with 6 cap re-chargers in the mids. The best burst tank, but honestly it probably wouldn't even last the 5 mins to get out of siege and receive reps + cap from supporting carriers.

It's 8214 DPS with kinetic missiles, but it doesn't really matter, apart from putting the Revelation into context a bit better.
Incindir Mauser
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-12-08 07:41:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Incindir Mauser
The Pheonix is **** not so much because of its hull but because of its weapon systems.

Citadel torps and cruise missiles are garbage and a Titan can speed tank the damage.

If you really wanted to poke a stick in CCP's eye you could go so far as to say that missile mechanics in Eve are pretty much screwed to begin with. They nerfed HML's to better match long range turrets, then they buffed long range turrets, now HML's suck and nobody wants to use them.


Citadel launchers are basically hurling missiles and torpedos that are approximately the same size as a Saturn V rocket. The same thing used to put men on the moon. Looking at the raw data used in the game to calculate how these things do damage, something that big carrying a 100 ton warhead that makes pitiful explosions. If you go by CCP math, the fuel in the rocket has more explosive potential than the warheads the morons are putting into Citadel missile and torps. Simply getting hit by the mass of the hull of the missile has more destructive potential than the explosions they are producing.

Never mind the fact that detonations occur at greater than the speed of sound, and in outer space, there is no air resistance to hold the expansion back, so explosion speeds in vacuum would likely exceed the speed of detonation in an atmosphere. So the premise behind explosion velocities in Eve are bogus to begin with.

If one were to apply the maxim... Eve is Real... then the Pheonix and capital missile launchers would be a hilariously destructive device spreading massive amounts of AoE mayhem. Only they're not. So one would be safe to assume that in the universe of New Eden, we don't travel about in the vacuum of space, but something more akin to corn syrup or KY jelly.
Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2013-12-08 21:56:15 UTC
Go ahead and train for the phoenix. By the time you're able to fly one well, and afford it, CCP will be on to the capital ship rebalance.

The reason people say everything you want to train is terrible, is because you're not training for the FOTM. And that's all people on the forums care about. If it doesn't have the best EHP, and the best volley damage, and the best applied DPS, it's crap, and worthless, and CCP clearly hates the race that flies it, and should just delete it from the game.

Welcome to the forums. Now leave, and go play EVE, the game, that's supposed to be fun, and what you want to play.
Grandma Squirel
#35 - 2013-12-09 05:26:41 UTC
I wouldn't count on CCP fixing capital missiles any time soon. When they did the miniature dread rebalance, fixing the Naglfar, the left the phoenix broken. Even if they fix the problem with being unable to damage moving anything, you are still going to run into the classic problem with missile systems, delayed application of damage. Every time you start shooting a new target, you loose dps relative to a turret based setup, as your inflight shots are no longer valuable, and your damage on the new target wont start till your shots arrive. At the major coalition level, the meta seems to be shifting towards alphaing caps off the field, rather then trying to break reps, which the pheonix is always going to be terrible at; by the time your damage starts applying, the target will either be dead, or have caught reps.

All that said, very few people outside the major coalitions use dreads for anything but shooting structures, and that your phoenix will be ok for.
The Initiative.
#36 - 2013-12-09 15:37:51 UTC
Dorian Wylde wrote:
Go ahead and train for the phoenix. By the time you're able to fly one well, and afford it, CCP will be on to the capital ship rebalance.

The reason people say everything you want to train is terrible, is because you're not training for the FOTM. And that's all people on the forums care about. If it doesn't have the best EHP, and the best volley damage, and the best applied DPS, it's crap, and worthless, and CCP clearly hates the race that flies it, and should just delete it from the game.

Welcome to the forums. Now leave, and go play EVE, the game, that's supposed to be fun, and what you want to play.

just a side note that the current FOTM has been the same for 4 years now.

whether its blap dreads or siege dreads the phoenix has never been ideal.

While i agree about the delayed damage thing I wouldnt utilize them like that. Having the phoenixes hit a different target then the turret based dread would allow you to utilize them while also forcing the enemy to split what reps may catch.

While the turret dread alpha **** the phoenixes provided sustained dps on other targets,
Deaf Armada
#37 - 2014-01-17 16:59:05 UTC  |  Edited by: unidenify
Aaron Zebulun wrote:
Just did some basic EFT warrioring, all skills lv5 T2 mods, T1 ammo no links or implants etc...

6571 dps
98009 alpha
3609 tank
6133 burst tank
1.5M ehp
4.3 mins cap

Yeah the phoenix is gimped, way less dps than everything else, even a 4th damage mod doesn't even reach 7k dps. Lowest ehp and terrible cap and that's with 6 cap re-chargers in the mids. The best burst tank, but honestly it probably wouldn't even last the 5 mins to get out of siege and receive reps + cap from supporting carriers.

Burst tank is almost twice of other, so it don't need to run often as other dread.

but consider that you state 6 cap in mid, so I assume that shield tank ability on Phoenix get gimped as well.

pretty hard for me to keep to justify why I should keep to train up skills for Phoenix.

Maybe should switch to Widow since they use same jump skills.
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#38 - 2014-01-17 20:28:21 UTC
Train a phoenix, you will most likely use it for structure bashing and if you get attacked and have to retreat it's ok because you won't be a primary threat. So while the other dreads are dying you can get out of siege then peace out. Then later on when dreadnaught's get reworked phoenix will be boosted and capital torps will probably be the king of damage.
Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2014-01-18 14:48:24 UTC
Abdullah Bahdoon wrote:
Tom K'rathma wrote:
I love the Phoenix, and when I first started it's what I wanted to aim for, but after a while the reality hit me - it's basically useless for anything other than structure bashing. The massive sig radius requirements of the missiles only really make it useful for whacking things the size of a small moon. But skills? I wouldn't settle for anything but 5 on near all cap and shield skills, and missile skills are self explanatory. As for tactics, I know it has an awesome burst local tank like many Caldari ships, and typical of missiles half decent alpha and DPS, so I'd probably say small ish groups of structure bashing would be good, however I would choose the Revelation for prolonged sieges, and the Moros for anti-ship warfare. Never flown one like, this is just 3 years of research and I could be totally wrong.

So you are saying that it's only viable for structure bashing ? I thought that supers are "the size of a small moon" ...
You said that reality hit you after training for one, in other words are you suggesting not to go for one ? Is it that bad as a dreadnaught ? I mean ... it does have capital cruise missiles...

The Pheonix is the joke of null.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Canthan Rogue
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-01-19 08:44:35 UTC
Ok, guys listen. Listen. Guys. CITADEL CRUISE PHOENIXES!

2.08M EHP
6151 dps
187km lock range/flight distance
13591 dps shield tank
Cap stability: 3m20s
Near perfect damage application on moving capitals

[Phoenix, Phoenix fit]

Damage Control II
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Signal Amplifier II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
EM Ward Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Capital Neutron Saturation Injector I
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800
Heavy Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 800

'Limos' Citadel Cruise Launcher I, Guristas Scourge Citadel Cruise Missile
'Limos' Citadel Cruise Launcher I, Guristas Scourge Citadel Cruise Missile
'Limos' Citadel Cruise Launcher I, Guristas Scourge Citadel Cruise Missile
Siege Module II

Capital Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Capital Warhead Flare Catalyst I
Capital Core Defense Field Extender I
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