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Totally broken game mechanic who need changed

Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#141 - 2014-01-17 11:29:16 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Silvetica Dian wrote:

Funny i ran SoE missions before the patch in a BS. i saw many many nado and catalyst gangs and felt very very safe.
The people that ran those missions in blinged out faction ships with all those gankers around deserved to lose their stuff.
You really can't expect CCP to fix stupid.

1. Is my ship profitable to gank?
2. Do gankers often frequent this area?

If you answered yes to both those and still went ahead anyway whose fault is it?
not the gankers and not CCP would be my answer

So you felt very safe flying an ordinary raven with t2 fit, right? And people who want better ships and modules... deserve to die... just because you say so. OK. Now explain me a thing, where all deadspace modules will be sold after missioners took your advice and fly tech1 battleships with t2 fits?
A lot of null sec carebears will cry after good money who they get in present from high sec missioners. You want to destroy all the demand for expensive stuff, just because is no place safe enough to use that and everyone who use expensive modules deserve to die? Because you say so? You hate rich people or what? Lol

For this ones what advice you have:

To not fly anymore mining barges and use only ventures? Your vision is so narrow that provoke me an acute sensation of claustrophobia...

No i felt safe flying a T2 fit raven in one of the biggest gank hotspots currently in the game.
If i wanted to use a blinged out ship this would be the last place i would use it.
i have a deadspace fitted Tengu that i run sites in enemy owned nullsec. I am not poor. I use the modules you are talking about. I just wouldn't dream of using them in an area infested with people searching for ships with those modules. People who don't even make an attempt at there own safety have no one to blame but themselves when they lose their stuff foolishly.
Likewise there are plenty of areas of high sec with few to no gankers and those would be the places to fly a blinged out mission runner.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Solace Corp
#142 - 2014-01-17 11:39:39 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
always fly ships we can afford to lose (everybody does that right?).

If everybody did, we would not see threads like this :)

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." -  D. Adams.

Vinyl 41
#143 - 2014-01-17 11:59:40 UTC
i dont rly get why is there such a huge fuzz about those groups - sister l4 hubs allways were the worst place to run missions since they offer you a huge wariety of valuable gank targets like all those multi bilion kills - maybe instead of crying on the forums about "evil gankers OP NERF NERF NEEEEERRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFF" try to change smt with your way of doing missions - small tip read this topic again and hook to some rly good sugetions that were made here
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2014-01-17 13:10:03 UTC
The OP would be well advised to spend some time in wornhole space. It's a good training ground for the much more dangerous hisec space.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#145 - 2014-01-17 13:42:34 UTC
What's up with all the typos and the bad grammar? I'll tell you right away I won't take people seriously who articulate themselves that badly. No effort while writing = No effort in trying to understand your drivel.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#146 - 2014-01-17 14:00:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
Panseluta wrote:
This guys effective do a genocide between people who do missions, i bet at this rate CCP will must do something to not lose a lot of subscribers.
Is very obvious that is way to easy to kill very expensive ships in very cheap ones, and moreover, with new dumb pro-piracy feature of sec status instant boost, using pirate insignias, gankers can get security status back instant, and keep going on suicide gank ships at infinitum as long is very profitable too.
They cannot be stopped in that cheap and fast ships, killrights dont have any use because of same reasons...
Look on this and notice that something looks very wrong there...
So guys take care and brick tank your ships, but that will not help to much as long they use enough destroyers...

Ganking is a 'feature' of eve, and you need to accept that it has been around since launch, and accept that there are no plans to remove it.

It is possible to do due to the disparity between PVE and PVP fits
The disparity is two-fold :-
- How they apply damage
- How they tank damage

One of the developers' many 'long term' plans in eve is to address that disparity and eliminate it.
There is currently no information from the Development Team on how that plan is going.

But rest assured brave capsuleer, one day your pve fit will be equally a pvp fit.
I just don't know when that day will be.

Owen Levanth wrote:
What's up with all the typos and the bad grammar? I'll tell you right away I won't take people seriously who articulate themselves that badly. No effort while writing = No effort in trying to understand your drivel.

I would say that English was not the OP's native language, and I wonder how literate you would be in whatever language that is.
twit brent
Never Not AFK
#147 - 2014-01-17 17:25:08 UTC
I have never been suicide ganked and probably never will.

Suicide ganking is ******** in the fact that you can't fight back at all. To fight them i would need killrights which means i need to lose a ship to them which i'm not willing to do. I can't suicide gank them because they fly cheap ships and i would lose more.

So what? everyone is saying i just can't fit past a certain value? i can't invest in my ship? yeah that's a great way to play a game. Maybe everyone should just fly dominixes and nothing else.
Dolorous Tremmens
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#148 - 2014-01-17 18:04:23 UTC
That's right, eve has scum that are real scum. You can only fight them by sinking to their level, and there's a lot more of them.
You have to isk tank. Cheap enough to do the job, expensive enough to do in a reasonable amount of time, not enough to be worth ganking.

You'll still get ganked, eventually. But they won't be getting anything from it.

Eve is a model of the real world, much more so than any mmo out there. It should not be a surprise to find that our game promotes scum like this, so does our society.

Be a better person and don't shoot them. Or don't and do shoot them.

Why are you picking on the domi?

Get some Eve. Make it yours.

twit brent
Never Not AFK
#149 - 2014-01-17 18:12:21 UTC
Not picking on domi, just saying you can run missions with them for not much isk invested.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#150 - 2014-01-17 18:26:08 UTC
Took one look at tuffFukas Vindi loss and literally dropped my eyeballs on the floor. The fits people use for missioning are just... beyond ********.

Let this be a lesson. Just because you can give CCP money to buy your stuff does not make your ship an automatic solopwnmobile. Isk cost is not a balancing point.

#151 - 2014-01-17 19:24:15 UTC
I think this also ties into why nobody's really fighting the New Order or anything.

Because you CAN'T fight them. Their stuff is cheap and expendable. There's nothing you can do but either pay or accept that your loss is going to be worth possibly more than their's.

"Dynamic content" or not, it'd be more interesting if people could do something about them. Right now you really can't, it seems.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#152 - 2014-01-17 19:56:15 UTC
quote=twit brent]So what? everyone is saying i just can't fit past a certain value? i can't invest in my ship? yeah that's a great way to play a game. Maybe everyone should just fly dominixes and nothing else.[/quote]

Not at all. Plenty of people fly with some pimped ships safely. You have to use common sense. As it has been pointed out multiple times, the kills posted by the OP have been pretty much all SOE mission hubs. Probably because tons of mission runners decided since rubicon was annouced they needed to farm SOE LP as fast as possible.

It's no wonder Suicide ganks have been on the rise IN THAT AREA.

Other mission hubs are nice and quiet.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#153 - 2014-01-19 13:02:49 UTC
Aglais wrote:
I think this also ties into why nobody's really fighting the New Order or anything.

Because you CAN'T fight them. Their stuff is cheap and expendable. There's nothing you can do but either pay or accept that your loss is going to be worth possibly more than their's.

"Dynamic content" or not, it'd be more interesting if people could do something about them. Right now you really can't, it seems.

Then use cheap and expendable stuff yourself to fight them? Is that really so hard to grasp? No-one forces you to fight the New Order with a blingy ship.
Owen Levanth
Sagittarius Unlimited Exploration
#154 - 2014-01-19 13:04:41 UTC
twit brent wrote:
Not picking on domi, just saying you can run missions with them for not much isk invested.

Or take a meta-fit sniper-Raven, a meta-fit sniper Apoc, the possibilities are endless, even without expensive bling. (Just to name two of my favourite battleships. Lol)
twit brent
Never Not AFK
#155 - 2014-01-20 11:04:47 UTC
Owen Levanth wrote:
Aglais wrote:
I think this also ties into why nobody's really fighting the New Order or anything.

Because you CAN'T fight them. Their stuff is cheap and expendable. There's nothing you can do but either pay or accept that your loss is going to be worth possibly more than their's.

"Dynamic content" or not, it'd be more interesting if people could do something about them. Right now you really can't, it seems.

Then use cheap and expendable stuff yourself to fight them? Is that really so hard to grasp? No-one forces you to fight the New Order with a blingy ship.

Man you have no idea.

There is no possible way to do this, if you had any idea what this thread was about you would understand