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Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2014-01-12 21:07:29 UTC
Hard to believe but some of us advocate things that are better for the game rather than just for ourselves.

Me, I'd like to see Eve last another decade so I will push for stuff that extends its lifetime, regardless of its effect on me in the short term.

I take the long view.

But I will admit to doin my best to push hard for Eve PvE because that is what I KNOW. I listen and contribute some if null sec issues come up but a few months with triple A is not enough to make me think I know much more than the basics. It is talking from a basis of knowledge, not pushing an agenda. THAT is what I meant when I said Mynnna is one I look towards when exonomics comes up, or Titans. The man has more experience with that than I do. It is what HE KNOWS.

It is hard to differentiate, I know. But the fact that there are different views and factions and politics represented makes the idea that there is a behind the scenes conspiracy a bit harder to advance. If you think that all the null sec folks are all happiness and light together . . .

Not to mention the fact that some of us prefer ships smaller than an apartment building or groups of less than 50. We won't have the same politics or axes to grind.

Pushing for something that makes YOUR game better but will end the games business is just plain stupid. Say what you want about the CSM but dumb? No. So saying that we (the CSM) push agendas that do not benefit the game is accusing us of self-centered stupidity. And even if one or two of us were that stupid . . . there are checks and balances up to and including the fact that CCP won't listen if it is blatant game killing favouritism.

Oh, wait. You are sure that most of CCP is in the pocket of one political faction and dances to their tune. That an entire company will fall on its 10 year swords if ordered to by its 'true masters'



Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#122 - 2014-01-12 21:12:33 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
until you are able to provide proof to a premise to support the conclusion that 'change x was not to benefit the game but to benefit a csm', then yes, a circumstance where a csm supports a change to the benefit of their alliance and the game is just circumstance

i have provided no argument, i am asking you to supply yours, and you have failed

I did supply it. Several times.

I consider it to be evidence of bias that CSM members prioritize supercapitals in a discussion of balance. It effects a small portion of the game and it's relevant to their own home teams.

You consider it to be a coincidence. When I pushed the matter -- you stated that even if the coincidences piled up over and over again, it wouldn't prove anything (which pretty much every mathematician, scientist, logician, statistician, actuary, etc , in the world would disagree with...)

you failed to back up your premises. the argument is not sound

the fact a csm prioritised a certain issue does not indicate that they're corrupt. it only indicates they believe it's an issue worth pursuing. it's relevant to them because they play eve online

i did not state that. even if there were many coincidences (you have named one, and it's shaky), this is only a trend, and even if there was a trend, there's no indication there's a common cause. even then, you need to prove the common cause. which you have not
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#123 - 2014-01-12 21:48:15 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Hard to believe but some of us advocate things that are better for the game rather than just for ourselves.

Since April, I personally have seen a grand total of 2 incidents of CSM communication that happened to strike me as more self interested than game-interested. Both were minor and neither, so far as I have been able to determine, resulted in anything. Perhaps because the CCP people we deal are not, as it turns out, stupid.

Contrastingly, there were hundreds and hundreds of suggestions, replies and questions quite plainly intended to benefit the game as a whole.

Of course all that is a lie because I only got elected in order to benefit the mighty space-power of INIT.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ali Aras
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#124 - 2014-01-12 22:07:09 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:

Please feel free to prove this assertion. (see, look. I can post with zero content like a CSM too!)

If you want some good examples of bias among CSM members, and them being completely utterly useless except to progress the agendas of the alliances/coalitions they work for, then all you have to do is read the minutes or watch their activity.

Ali Aras and Mynnna are the most obvious about it in terms of bias.

A CSM named Malcanis is most obvious about being completely useless. Known for posting with zero content, did not attend CSM summit or participate in any way.

Oh hey this is a new one. I'm kind of confused who you mean, though-- I am at the moment a member of an alliance-for-hire; at the time of the summit, I was a leader of an alliance that had recently reset all their blues and struck off into the wilderness. coalitions here.

(that does give me an idea, though-- if CSMs are just biased lobbyists, maybe I should just lobby for whoever's currently employing Noir! Bet we could charge extra for that.) -- my blog

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#125 - 2014-01-12 22:15:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
Malcanis wrote:
(interesting take on EVE The Drama)

I won't be able to discuss further as my subcription lapses today and I already extended it in december, waiting for the mintues... so i'm taking a break now.

But I want to say that In one hand, I appreciate how... original is your take. EVE as a source of drama for consumers. Shocked

But I don't think it could work. Professionally scripted drama beats reality shows with an arm tied to the back. And right one of the issues with EVE is the inability to tell narratives different than A being a jerk to B.

And frankly, when I want that kind of stories, I just turn on the news and see whatever did my politicians today... Lol

Also, you point an interesting issue: should CCP care about the "wrong" players? What if they were the "right" payers? Who pays the game with money? Anyone at the CSM still haves a x-bucks-a-year account? Or maybe money comes from Joe Pimpship who bought 20 GTC and sold 40 PLEXes for his Pimpship?

I don't know, and maybe it doesn't matters. But the same as Nike sells its products to mostly people who wears them as they drive to the mall, or the same as it's all the uneasy butts at Coach class what allow the Business class to fly abroad in style and for a smaller price, maybe the last time a Enabler actually paid money to CCP was when he was 3 months old... maybe all the "good players" are buying time from "Empire Mission Runner #46,184".

Maybe CCP needs "good players" drama and "bad players" money. Maybe this is the dissonance you see in development.

The few and chosen are only good when they pay 15,000 bucks for the privilege... but that would be one weird business model. Blink

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#126 - 2014-01-12 22:36:11 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Anyone at the CSM still haves a x-bucks-a-year account?

I have 2 accounts. 1 (this one) is paid for by CCP whilse I am on the CSM. The other is paid at UK rates on a 6 monthly sub. (£49.99/half year IIRC)

I have paid CCP over £1000 since I've found EVE.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#127 - 2014-01-12 22:43:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

Also, you point an interesting issue: should CCP care about the "wrong" players? What if they were the "right" payers?

The logical consequence of my analysis is tat CCP should categorise the players as follows:

1) Heroes - those who generate the exciting interesting monetisable stories. Paris, Helen, Agammenon, Achilles and Oddyseus, if you like.

2) The cohorts - those who work ingame on behalf of Paris, Helen and so forth, enacting the dramas that they initiate, fight the wars they start and so on. The Anchises, the Myrmidons and so on.

3) The chorus. Players to whom things are done, rather than the players who do things. The mission runner who is ganked, the members of the renter alliance which is disbanded and diverts one side of the war, thus causing a campaign to be won and lost, and so on. The Trojans.

One might, in hindsight, interpret my high-sec manifesto as an attempt to convert more players from the chorus to the cohorts.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#128 - 2014-01-12 22:48:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcanis
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

The few and chosen are only good when they pay 15,000 bucks for the privilege... but that would be one weird business model. Blink


Malcanis wrote:

Yet without people like these, EVE would be sterile and lifeless. Nothing in EVE means anything without a goal to pin it to, and those players who are able to inspire us towards a goal are absolutely priceless to us, the community at large. Without them, there literally is no game, just a rather dull if nicely rendered sim.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Alekseyev Karrde
Templis CALSF
#129 - 2014-01-13 00:54:25 UTC
Ali Aras wrote:
Pinky Hops wrote:

Please feel free to prove this assertion. (see, look. I can post with zero content like a CSM too!)

If you want some good examples of bias among CSM members, and them being completely utterly useless except to progress the agendas of the alliances/coalitions they work for, then all you have to do is read the minutes or watch their activity.

Ali Aras and Mynnna are the most obvious about it in terms of bias.

A CSM named Malcanis is most obvious about being completely useless. Known for posting with zero content, did not attend CSM summit or participate in any way.

Oh hey this is a new one. I'm kind of confused who you mean, though-- I am at the moment a member of an alliance-for-hire; at the time of the summit, I was a leader of an alliance that had recently reset all their blues and struck off into the wilderness. coalitions here.

(that does give me an idea, though-- if CSMs are just biased lobbyists, maybe I should just lobby for whoever's currently employing Noir! Bet we could charge extra for that.)

Ali has been woefully ineffective in pursuing my "PLEX for CEO" agenda. However I do support the idea of renting out her lobbying services to the highest bidder XD

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

Captain Ravanor Eistiras
#130 - 2014-01-13 11:27:32 UTC

i love CSM

Big up
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#131 - 2014-01-13 15:41:35 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Hard to believe but some of us advocate things that are better for the game rather than just for ourselves.

It's a matter of priorities and ordering. There are hundreds, if not thousands, or even countless things that could be done to EVE that would improve it in some way. So it's more important to notice which particular things are being asked for than some generic of whether people intend the game to "improve."

Mike AzariahIt wrote:
is hard to differentiate, I know. But the fact that there are different views and factions and politics represented makes the idea that there is a behind the scenes conspiracy a bit harder to advance. If you think that all the null sec folks are all happiness and light together . . .

What? I don't think anybody ever suggested there was some sort of conspiracy.

I only pointed out that it's primarily a biased committees with people who's main agenda is to push for things that benefit them/their corp/ their alliance/ their coalition/ whatever.

The fear is, that it has become an extension of the EVE metagame, rather than a separate outside entity that tries to do the most positive possible things for the game.

Mike Azariah wrote:
Pushing for something that makes YOUR game better but will end the games business is just plain stupid. Say what you want about the CSM but dumb? No. So saying that we (the CSM) push agendas that do not benefit the game is accusing us of self-centered stupidity.

I never suggested that people were proposing things that only help themselves - just that it was the main goal.

Mike Azariah wrote:
And even if one or two of us were that stupid . . . there are checks and balances up to and including the fact that CCP won't listen if it is blatant game killing favouritism.

The fact that CCP is usually not dumb enough to fall for the more obvious ploys just means that a large part of the CSM has become a waste of time.
Michael Mach
Arx One
#132 - 2014-01-15 16:01:37 UTC
Midnight Firestarter wrote:
The CSM in its current format is a crock of ****

70% of the people elected simply send out a Alliance mail and they vote. Its has nothing
to do with policies and what 's good they can bring to the game, its all about numbers.

Anyone who says it represents the gaming community, try Biomassing yourself as you are deluded.

CCP would be better to pick 10 Random Active corp CEO's.

Couldn't agree more.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#133 - 2014-01-16 21:02:01 UTC
Michael Mach wrote:
Midnight Firestarter wrote:
The CSM in its current format is a crock of ****

70% of the people elected simply send out a Alliance mail and they vote. Its has nothing
to do with policies and what 's good they can bring to the game, its all about numbers.

Anyone who says it represents the gaming community, try Biomassing yourself as you are deluded.

CCP would be better to pick 10 Random Active corp CEO's.

Couldn't agree more.

How do you account for Goonswarm putting me on their recommended voting list when I was at that time in an alliance who was part of the HBC and actively hostile to them?

If you actually believe what you say, then surely they should have expected me to do whatever I could to harm or hinder them?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Michael Mach
Arx One
#134 - 2014-01-17 01:30:18 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Michael Mach wrote:
Midnight Firestarter wrote:
The CSM in its current format is a crock of ****

70% of the people elected simply send out a Alliance mail and they vote. Its has nothing
to do with policies and what 's good they can bring to the game, its all about numbers.

Anyone who says it represents the gaming community, try Biomassing yourself as you are deluded.

CCP would be better to pick 10 Random Active corp CEO's.

Couldn't agree more.

How do you account for Goonswarm putting me on their recommended voting list when I was at that time in an alliance who was part of the HBC and actively hostile to them?

If you actually believe what you say, then surely they should have expected me to do whatever I could to harm or hinder them?

Cool. So you're one exception.

Either that or it's all an elaborate setup to make us less cynical to the CSM. While the former is most likely the case, I still think it's horribly stacked.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#135 - 2014-01-17 05:33:42 UTC
And Mike azariah? And Ali Aras?
Which big bloc elected Ripard?

Come on, man. This is just lazy of you. You're being taken in by a trite cliche.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Captain Ravanor Eistiras
#136 - 2014-01-17 11:13:56 UTC
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
Kara Trix wrote:
Been playing this game since May 2011

I remember the little CCP president rant issue.

But can't see why we need to give any gamer or small group of gamers any influence over this games design.

They absolutely don't speak for me.

I would rather have a REAL customer service relationship with the publishers that I have a voice rather than an Over the Top gamer who is far too interested in their own personal agenda than to promote mine.

REMOVE THIS FEATURE and fix the relationship... Give each player a voice, be it's still their voice!

I might agree with you if this was truely what you are after but the only reason you made this thread is because a CSM said something about rapid heavy/light missile launchers and then they got balanced (read: not nerfed). If a CSM candidate didn't post anything in your (now locked) rapid launcher rant thread then you wouldn't be here.

and the penny drops
State War Academy
Caldari State
#137 - 2014-01-17 14:15:38 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
And Mike azariah? And Ali Aras?
Which big bloc elected Ripard?

Come on, man. This is just lazy of you. You're being taken in by a trite cliche.

The bloc of players that collectively supported for and cross-voted for you, mike, ali, ripard and trebor at least, duh. Ignore the fact that they were a diverse group of players with a wide ranging set of affiliations and that you five worked very hard to encourage all the cross-voting that made it possible, it's totally a single, monolithic bloc that shut out The Little Guy.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Varius Xeral
#138 - 2014-01-17 14:38:02 UTC
With the new voting system, trying to fill out a whole slate comes down to "does this person seem interested in the game as a whole and willing to actually do something over their term?".

The only real choice involved is in terms of ranking, which comes down to a balance of the candidates unique perspective and their seeming ability to acknowledge the unique perspectives of others.

In the end this is just a blip sideshow in a videogame, and the voter turnout is exactly what you'd expect for it.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#139 - 2014-01-17 14:48:49 UTC
mynnna wrote:
it's totally a single, monolithic bloc that shut out The Little Guy.


I prefer "a totally useless waste of time and money."

How did you guys stand on the ESS? Oh that's right -- complete silence on the matter.

Maybe because you're completely useless and your opinions don't matter to CCP one way or another?

Ali Aras
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#140 - 2014-01-17 15:05:39 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:

How did you guys stand on the ESS? Oh that's right -- complete silence on the matter.

Yes, complete silence Roll -- my blog