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ECM (Randomness) Mechanics in other games.

First post
The Dead Rabbit Society
#21 - 2011-11-24 15:04:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Moonaura
Hmmm ECM. It's an interesting one.

On the one hand, it completely takes a ship out for a decent period when it gets a jam. On the other hand, it is not as deadly or effective as cap drain when it comes to actually taking a ship down, especially capitals. Cap drain is incredibly hard to counter, and only a dedicated cap logistics pair or a triage carrier, have a chance of helping against a lot of it in a fleet.

Both Cap Drain and Webbing get a sweet set of faction ships to choose from. A shield ECM ship has to give up tank to use ECM, and while it has range, it doesn't have a great tank if things get personal.

Combined with 4 race specific ECM types, and a pretty weak multi-frequency ECM, I wouldn't say ECM is completely balanced, truly, but it is a hard very hard one to get right. I would however, like to see the Rook get some base Shield HP, its pretty useless as part of a close fleet gang and can't fit a lot of ECM if it is shield tanked, but I think the same could be argued for the Amarr, because the Curse tank is pretty weak too.

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Soi Mala
Whacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubemen
#22 - 2011-11-24 15:06:06 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Minigin wrote:

i think some compelling arguments are raised as to why game mechanics focused on randomness should be phased out of competitive games.

When a falcon has 4 mid slots dedicated to shutting you down, and has spent as many months training EW skills to level 5, there is absolutely nothing random about it. Be grateful they can only get one, maybe two, ships at a time, and quit whining.

So if i train guns for many months, and dedicate 8 high slots for shooting people, surely i should be able to take out one ship? and they should be greatful that i can only take out one, maybe two at a time. Logic, you suck at it.

3 R Corporation
#23 - 2011-11-24 15:08:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
Soi Mala wrote:

So if i train guns for many months, and dedicate 8 high slots for shooting people, surely i should be able to take out one ship? and they should be greatful that i can only take out one, maybe two at a time. Logic, you suck at it.

Yes. Provided you're not jammed. Maybe fit some ECCM if you expect ECM ships? OH NO MY MAGIC FIT!

Edit: You want to be able to 1) Max DPS, 2) Tank everything and 3) Be immune to jamming.

Pick one. Two even. You can't have all 3.
#24 - 2011-11-24 15:10:50 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Indeed. In fact randomness doesnt exist... It just cant be effectively made. However number of equation finished by computer is higher then number of equation done by human being in real time. Simple fact that human beings are dumb as hell and cant compete with speed of computer makes randomness "real"

That is simply not true. The human brain outperforms any computer. Why do you think it is so difficult to mak a robot that can interpret the environment through senses like hearing and vision to gain situational awareness? That is something any human does very well compared to a computer and it incorporates huge amounts of data and advanced calculations.

The human brain though, is not good at randomness. It has been evolutionary shaped to look for patterns and will find them even when there are none.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-11-24 15:16:59 UTC
Quick fix is making ECCM easier to fit and improving its strength.

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#26 - 2011-11-24 15:23:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Minigin wrote:

i think some compelling arguments are raised as to why game mechanics focused on randomness should be phased out of competitive games.

I don't read it as an argument for removing randomness, but rather just one for removing dodge from LoL (finally!). They're still keeping crits as random, for example.

The arguments for and against randomness in general are rather more extensive and complex, but as a general rule I'd lean towards preferring to use something more deterministic, both because randomness makes planning less reliable, and because people's instinctive understanding of statistics/randomness is pretty low.

(For a game aiming to be as competitive as LoL is, I'd not be surprised to see them moving towards eliminating randomness in other mechanics too, and falling back on "every third hit" sort of mechanics where there's a need for variable outcomes. If you look at SC2, for example, I think the only random roll in the entire game is for starting positions, and after that everything is deterministic.)

well to start with you have to find the cause why there is randomness at the first place..

there is randomness to compensate accurate physics. And eve has *oversimplified* physics everywhere. Even the tracking formula is so simple that is causes problems (why do ships orbiting a not moving webbed ship need to track at all for example? Yeah a proper tracking formula *could* fix blasters).

another example
wrecking hits
why do we have them? Because some hits should hurt more as others. The reason for that is that every ship has week points. However to properly get rid of the wrecking hit randomness eve would have to catch up with physics and introduce hit zones. (example: if you hit the engines from behind it will hurt more as from front). Since every ship is a point on the server this would be a long way to go but it could also fix the submarine physics while going this route.

back to ECM. ECM in eve is binary. ether you have the lock or not. Almost nothing in real life is binary. Introducing some kind of "lock quality" could help here out. But since tracking distributors and ECM would be in real life the same thing its quite hard to find some unique mechanics for ECM.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Reilly Duvolle
Hydra Squadron
#27 - 2011-11-24 15:25:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Reilly Duvolle
Well to be frank, chance based ability to prevent targeting solutions alltogehter is pretty much the only thing left after the Gallente got the ability to reduce sensor effectveness through their remote sensor damps - which makes sense given their short range combat profile.

You COULD ofc argue that the EWAR mechanics should be revamped in its entirety, both to remove chance based mehanics and to give the races EWAR capabilities that would better reflect their race and their historical struggle against their respective arch enemies.

The Caldari should for example have a drone control jammer to affect the control range of their Gallente enemies drones, and target painters to increase the effectiveness of their missiles.

The Gallente should have remote sensor dampeners to force their enemies closer and a missile defence jammer that affected the accuracy of incomming missiles.

The Minmatar should have the ability to conduct energy warfare against the cap hungry beasts of the Amarr with nos/neuts, and hold their slow moving enemies in place with long points.

The Amarr should have tracking disruptors to reduce the range of minmatar gunbased shirmish ships and long webs to slow down their fast moving enemies in face of the Amarr armored behemoths.
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#28 - 2011-11-24 15:34:02 UTC
The Snowman wrote:
Another problem with 'No random' is that things are too predictable.

It will come to the stage where its so predictable that any fleet simply will not engage another because there is no chance, statistically that they will win.

Even given the randomness of human nature.

You can resolve or at least mitigate this without resorting to actual randomness, though - you just need to ensure that there are enough variables in your equation that any reasonably close fight could go either way, based on the specific details of the starting situation (fitting etc) and the actions taken by players during the engagement. I don't know whether or not this is the case with EVE, but it seems theoretically sound.

Ptraci wrote:
That's fair - but you have to admit that history has proven time and time again that sometimes random events have cost entire battles. Some things you simply can't plan for. And the first casualty of battle is always the plan.

Sure - one of the major advantages of randomness is it lets you simulate certain things cheaply (ie, without running a copy of the entire universe). The question is whether that "realism" is more or less important to you than the overall competitiveness of the game.
Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2011-11-24 15:40:24 UTC
Most of the games, EVE included, where this argument comes up are not competitive.

Even the ones that are, randomness is what makes it a good game. Fighting style games, where the person who has trained himself to push the right combination of buttons the fastest, are boring, and fail miserably very quickly.
Aktaeon Industries
#30 - 2011-11-24 15:43:12 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Zendoren wrote:

As long as the game has a counter to randomness, (be that skillz, mods, or bonuses) I'm fine with randomness in my EVE!

What I'm afraid of is that EVE turns into the "I got the magic item now I always win" game. Last week I lost a Falcon, despite being at max skill. Why? The guy had fit ECCM and honestly Falcons have no tank and no DPS, so if you don't jam you are dead. Now I'm not complaining - this is as it should be. The Falcon is a highly specialized ship and giving it tank or DPS would make it too tough.

But I think that any solution should be skill based. Someone who has taken the time to look up and train all those exotic skills should definitely have a clear advantage over someone who just focused on gunnery. Yet more and more I see that EVE is turning into the "copy the magic ship fit" game and creativity is actually being removed. Witness all the "winmatar" ships. Back in the day (Exodus, when I started) it was the magic Raven. In EVE there always seems to be one single fit that is superior to everything else - and frankly that sucks.

Well, if CCP keeps iterating on the game like they are doing now, This "copy the magic ship fit" issue of yours will be mitigated. Personally, If a person takes the time to meta game and finds that you fly that falcon on every damn sortie, then he should have the ability to reward you with an express route to station. Twisted

❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Playing EVE Online

CCP Guard > Where's the shoot button on this thing?

CCP Space Cadet > What's this "offline guns" button do?

3 R Corporation
#31 - 2011-11-24 15:47:58 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
The question is whether that "realism" is more or less important to you than the overall competitiveness of the game.

What's important to me - and why I play EVE - is the sheer creative possibilities. Anything that locks players down into three or four "standard" ship fits, with a "standard" fleet composition, in my mind, detracts from the very point of the game that is trying to be made with the thousands of ships and modules, leading to millions/billions of different possible combinations.

Removing ECM or nerfing it to the point of making it useless in my mind locks us down to fewer possibilities. I would be much more in favor of introducing ways to avoid or mitigate ECM, like via gang links or dedicated ships. This would add the need for yet another support player in a fleet, with a specialized skill set. Instead of just creating the invincible "uber-ship" that everyone would then fly.
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2011-11-24 15:51:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Riot removed features that were "anti-fun" until what was left was pretty bland and no longer fun.

Wouldn't like to see CCP take that route.
Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#33 - 2011-11-24 15:54:09 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Minigin wrote:

i think some compelling arguments are raised as to why game mechanics focused on randomness should be phased out of competitive games.

I don't read it as an argument for removing randomness, but rather just one for removing dodge from LoL (finally!). They're still keeping crits as random, for example.

The arguments for and against randomness in general are rather more extensive and complex, but as a general rule I'd lean towards preferring to use something more deterministic, both because randomness makes planning less reliable, and because people's instinctive understanding of statistics/randomness is pretty low.

(For a game aiming to be as competitive as LoL is, I'd not be surprised to see them moving towards eliminating randomness in other mechanics too, and falling back on "every third hit" sort of mechanics where there's a need for variable outcomes. If you look at SC2, for example, I think the only random roll in the entire game is for starting positions, and after that everything is deterministic.)
Response to highlighted.

Welcome to warfare.

History is littered with random events that happen during conflict. A degree of randomness should always remain in EVE if it is to be a true warfare simulator. Even two bullets fired from the same gun one after the other do not have the same effect on a target.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Starlight Kouvo
Howl at the Moon
#34 - 2011-11-24 16:27:58 UTC
Not saying ECM could not due with some tweaks, I am too new at EVE to have any serious game mechanics input but I see the issue in a different light.

As far as I see it, EVE (ship fitting) is a game of chess.

Person A specs their ship for a specific task and goes up against person B who has spec’d some other ship for a specific task.
Now if both players happen to spec for basically the same task and are similar ships then a tight fight will ensue.

If there is a considerable disparity in specs; eg. ECM or webs/warp disrupt vs a mission runner spec) then its a more one sided affair and one player has to hope they can run before they lose that ship.

So your opponent turned up in a highly specialised (as far as I see it more than any other standard ship) ECM ship and your throwing your toys out of the pram because they beat you at the spec game that round then unfortunately for you its possibly dead ship time.

But equally you could equip a Passive Targeter or ECCM as standard by reducing the max firepower / tackle set up you are possibly running in order to help counter such a situation.

And while yes there are "optimum" fits for specific ships for specific tasks, should you end up engaging somebody who’s ship and fit out optimises yours then its tough. Should they run a sub optimal fit but cover more bases and even if they cannot kill you, cause both sides to retire then that just happens to be the outcome rather than a dead ship.

You either say the ECM ship should only be used in fleet actions and therefore is marginalized or you make it capable of performing more directly in a pvp role because its strength is jamming you while it possibly meters out its meagre damage compared to a tackling high DPS ship. Should its ECM TANK fail then its in big trouble.

Just part of the way I see it.

3 R Corporation
#35 - 2011-11-24 16:46:06 UTC
Starlight Kouvo wrote:

Just part of the way I see it.

Well I'm not new I've been playing for close to 7 years now, but I have to say "well said".

There are a certain not so insignificant but also very vocal number of players who love to scream until they get what they want, and what they want is to win every single time. Your comparison to chess is a good one. EVE decided to choose the route of being able to specialize ships by giving us skill, ship bonuses and modules to that effect. If you bring the wrong ship to a fight then you musn't blame the devs or scream that the game is broken - it's not. The queen can be taken by a pawn if she's in the wrong place.

The Falcon is far from being an elite ship at anything except jamming, and then only with the proper skill, and THEN only with the proper type of racial module unless, thanks to "random", you happen to be lucky over and over again. Players screaming that they should not be able to be jammed so easily is like miners complaining that they are able to get suicide ganked so easily. The reply to them is always: lolz the game mechanics allow it, HTFU.

While ECM is far from perfect and absolutely no one likes to be jammed, in order for a Falcon to jam someone it must have a lock on someone (ECM burst suck, AFAIK) and it is limited in the amount of people it can affect in a given time period. So either find a way to break its lock or get those who aren't jammed to kill it post-haste. However when you have a fleet of 8 autocannon/blaster ships and 1 interceptor then no, you aren't going to be able to hit that Falcon 80km away and it serves you right. Bring a sniper or two and hope the sniper doesn't get jammed, or accept that you can't have all have a perfect fit and not a single one of you get jammed.
Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
#36 - 2011-11-24 16:59:18 UTC
I have never on any of my characters had caldari cruiser 5

YES falcons were OP a couple of years ago.

NO they are not OP now

Seriously were are all you guys flying? I hardly even see falcons, Scorpions are far better most of the time as at least they have some staying power. If you don't like ECM stop flying logistics ships and chances are you will hardly ever encounter it.

1 apoc with some ECCM will pop falcons beore they can even warp

ECM is not overpowered it is a valid tactic without which RR gangs would be far more difficult to crack.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2011-11-24 17:10:43 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
The Snowman wrote:
Another problem with 'No random' is that things are too predictable.

It will come to the stage where its so predictable that any fleet simply will not engage another because there is no chance, statistically that they will win.

Even given the randomness of human nature.

Indeed. In fact randomness doesnt exist... It just cant be effectively made. However number of equation finished by computer is higher then number of equation done by human being in real time. Simple fact that human beings are dumb as hell and cant compete with speed of computer makes randomness "real"

lol wat
Lek Arthie
#38 - 2011-11-24 17:11:29 UTC
ECM is fine.
Azn Empire
#39 - 2011-11-24 17:22:56 UTC
Personally I prefer randomness, as it makes for a far more interesting game.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#40 - 2011-11-24 17:42:04 UTC
Pinaculus wrote:
How effective would a smart-bomb loaded cruiser on standby be for anti-falcon tactics?

I know it isn't ideal, but I'd prefer to discuss tactics using existing mechanics rather than whine about changing them. It seems more productive.


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