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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#881 - 2014-01-15 17:50:21 UTC
Spurty wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
TharOkha wrote:

SOE nullsec missions pays 50% more LP than those in hisec. And yet you've done them in hisec. Its the question of security, not about nerfing/buffing missions.


You honestly think anyone not in the CFC can run them?

Yes, next silly arrogant question?

Next question is how many bubbles and station camps to you think I encounter in Lanngisi.

The question after that is how much less isk per hour would I make running those null missions in a ship fast enough to survive vs my machariel and vargur in high sec?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#882 - 2014-01-15 17:56:24 UTC
Spurty wrote:

Yes, next silly arrogant question?

Because we are well known for our NRDS policies.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#883 - 2014-01-15 18:08:45 UTC
Its a sign of the times, nerfing highsec is the answer to all EVE's problems. Highsec has become a horrible metastatic malignant tumor. It must be nerfed for the good of EVE.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#884 - 2014-01-15 18:15:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

you didn't have a point. the complaint isn't against null versus highsec pi or null versus highsec moon minerals. nor do i think there's complaint about sigs. the rest is ad hominem

Assigning a high school debate team tactics label to someone's post doesn't change it either.

Notorious Fellon wrote:
Why? Can't afford it? Don't want to lose out on your passive free income sources of PI and Moon Goo?

You are just complaining about being forced into 10% tidi PVP or being camped by AFK cloakers. You just can't admit it. You want everyone else to suffer with lame mechanics (like AFK cloakers) and fleet battles that take 16 hours for your fast locker to tell your sentries what to do.

Meanwhile, you don't want anything changed with your precious ISK faucets.

Stop the charade.

i wouldn't want to change your ridiculous post for all the world, the butthurt is hilarious

i was kindly informing you as to why not-stupid people can completely dismiss it as a valid argument
Notorious Fellon
#885 - 2014-01-15 18:26:29 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

you didn't have a point. the complaint isn't against null versus highsec pi or null versus highsec moon minerals. nor do i think there's complaint about sigs. the rest is ad hominem

Assigning a high school debate team tactics label to someone's post doesn't change it either.

Notorious Fellon wrote:
Why? Can't afford it? Don't want to lose out on your passive free income sources of PI and Moon Goo?

You are just complaining about being forced into 10% tidi PVP or being camped by AFK cloakers. You just can't admit it. You want everyone else to suffer with lame mechanics (like AFK cloakers) and fleet battles that take 16 hours for your fast locker to tell your sentries what to do.

Meanwhile, you don't want anything changed with your precious ISK faucets.

Stop the charade.

i wouldn't want to change your ridiculous post for all the world, the butthurt is hilarious

i was kindly informing you as to why not-stupid people can completely dismiss it as a valid argument

Keep trying Benny. No butthurt here: I happen to be one of the few who has the balls to admit that ISK flow in null is too passive. Keep trying to attack me personally, over the argument though; it shows where the truth is. Maybe after enough tries you will eventually have a meaningful response that actually addresses the argument. The simple fact that nerfing the place where people go to enjoy the game is not the answer to helping people enjoy the game.

Or maybe, you will address the core ISK flow comparison? Moon Goo + Anoms + Sigs + PI in nullsec dwarfs everything you can do in hisec given the same amount of time and same number of accounts. Every. Single. Time.

There is no comparison. On top of that, you can gain ISK via null PI and Moon Goo *while* making more money elsewhere.

"Nerf Hisec because we spend our time in Hisec while making tons of passive ISK in nullsec" is not the solution.

But keep trying to ignore the obvious points and continue to try and belittle anyone who brings up real comparisons. I know how much ISK flows in null; I have lived in both NPC and Sov (both as a renter and as a part of a large block alliance).

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#886 - 2014-01-15 18:42:22 UTC
Notorious Fellon wrote:
Keep trying Benny. No butthurt here: I happen to be one of the few who has the balls to admit that ISK flow in null is too passive. Keep trying to attack me personally

i have not attacked you personally. it is you that attempted to attack the motivations of others.
Maybe after enough tries you will eventually have a meaningful response that actually addresses the argument.
you didn't actually make one. i will quote your post again for your convenience
I am making an open offer right now to any and all alliances who hold Sov in null:

If it is so terrible, I will gladly take it off your hands. I will gladly rake in the profits from moon goo, PI, Anoms, Sigs and renters fees while begging for buffs to null and nerfs to every other segment of the game. Not one of you will take me up on the offer. Why? Can't afford it? Don't want to lose out on your passive free income sources of PI and Moon Goo?

You are just complaining about being forced into 10% tidi PVP or being camped by AFK cloakers. You just can't admit it. You want everyone else to suffer with lame mechanics (like AFK cloakers) and fleet battles that take 16 hours for your fast locker to tell your sentries what to do.

Meanwhile, you don't want anything changed with your precious ISK faucets.

Stop the charade. If hi sec is a better place to make ISK (while raking in the ISK profits from your null sources) then maybe we should be looking into making more space like hi sec? It is better by your own declaration. The crying in this thread is by far the most hypocritical garbage I have heard.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#887 - 2014-01-15 18:45:48 UTC
So have the two parties of HS and NS come to an agreement about a balanced way to un**** this real or imagined imblance?


All right, carry on.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#888 - 2014-01-15 18:53:21 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
So have the two parties of HS and NS come to an agreement about a balanced way to un**** this real or imagined imblance?

hahaha, funny jokes

honestly, i feel nerfing station services alongside starbase and wardec iteration might be a really entertaining highsec gameplay buff

i mean, if -somehow- station manufacturing could still be viable (think: newbies), but it was worth putting up a manufacturing starbase for additional profit,
and also if it was better -somehow- to leave a starbase up during a wardec instead of immediately taking it down,
wardecs and industry might be a bit more entertaining and allow room for additional degrees of success in industry

i haven't actually thought this through properly but you get the picture
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#889 - 2014-01-15 20:17:40 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Kimmi Chan wrote:
So have the two parties of HS and NS come to an agreement about a balanced way to un**** this real or imagined imblance?

hahaha, funny jokes

honestly, i feel nerfing station services alongside starbase and wardec iteration might be a really entertaining highsec gameplay buff

i mean, if -somehow- station manufacturing could still be viable (think: newbies), but it was worth putting up a manufacturing starbase for additional profit,
and also if it was better -somehow- to leave a starbase up during a wardec instead of immediately taking it down,
wardecs and industry might be a bit more entertaining and allow room for additional degrees of success in industry

i haven't actually thought this through properly but you get the picture

Increasing costs and/or decreasing NPC station manufacturing efficiency would likely be enough for better incentivising POS, though the issue of wanting to leave it up and defend it I'm not sure of. In most cases there is no worthwhile reason to fight a highsec war as a defender, so making a POS desirable to leave up will need to resolve that first.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#890 - 2014-01-15 20:36:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
yeah. if the wardecced corp can say to themselves 'well, we could just pull it down, but if we do, this negative thing happens, and we'll need to consider if defending is the better option here', then i think that's a success in creating gameplay

if the defending corp says to themselves 'well we done the sums and it's worth hiring mercs for this timer, we'll still be able to profit here', that's a great success

i don't know if it's feasible but i'll always support that ideal of actually having something to fight for

e: i know the topic's about null. the point is, an industrial rebalance and npc station nerf might affect gameplay in all areas of space positively
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#891 - 2014-01-15 20:54:59 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
yeah. if the wardecced corp can say to themselves 'well, we could just pull it down, but if we do, this negative thing happens, and we'll need to consider if defending is the better option here', then i think that's a success in creating gameplay

if the defending corp says to themselves 'well we done the sums and it's worth hiring mercs for this timer, we'll still be able to profit here', that's a great success

i don't know if it's feasible but i'll always support that ideal of actually having something to fight for

e: i know the topic's about null. the point is, an industrial rebalance and npc station nerf might affect gameplay in all areas of space positively

Well, that all still has a series of dependencies. The negative aspect to taking down the POS needs to be in some way worse than losing the POS to be worthwhile. Even then, if the defending corp isn't capable of keeping the pos safe alone the cost now expands to merc costs + the possibility of still losing it due to the mercs failing or worse not intending to really defend it to begin with.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#892 - 2014-01-15 21:05:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
yeh i didn't say it wasn't tricky

i imagine that if it was feasible there'd be circumstances where it'd be better to take the starbase down. circumstances where the defenders can make themselves not worth attacking. circumstances it's not worth hiring a merc corp. but these all are thinking and engaging with the game

the situation now has highsec stations as the best place to manufacture all but drugs and capitals (e: few other things, but you get the point). there's no gameplay at all! almost anything would be better

i'm not going to propose a complete idea with specific numbers or mechanics... i'm not a game designer. but i can say 'this is a goal that would be fun, this might create more degrees of achievement, this might be a game more worth playing'
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#893 - 2014-01-16 00:13:28 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Its a sign of the times, nerfing highsec is the answer to all EVE's problems. Highsec has become a horrible metastatic malignant tumor. It must be nerfed for the good of EVE.

Fine, start by removing jump freighters from hi-sec. should impact the isk income to high sec industry.
Josef Djugashvilis
#894 - 2014-01-16 09:01:08 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Some time ago, the constant complaints from the pixel hard-men 'persuaded' CCP to nerf level 4 mission loot.

CCP complied by introducing 'metal scraps' into level 4 missions.

The same pixel hard-men then complained that the introduction of metal scraps was, in fact, a nerf against those who attacked mission ships and or got to the mission wrecks first.

I have never been able to take the complaints of those who wish to nerf hi-sec seriously since.

Some Eve Online players are professional whingers ( from hi-sec, lo-sec and null-sec ) it is unlikely CCP will ever be able to satisfy them. If CCP did decide to nerf hi-sec the professional whingers would still not be happy.


The meta 0 nerf was to help industrialists who could not compete in the level 1 mod market due to drops.

The scrap nerf was to help miners who were being out mined by mission runners.

These nerfs happened in all areas of space.

You know and I know that it was effectively a hi-sec nerf as the overwhelming majority of level 4 missions are run in hi-sec.

It was funny to see the tears from the pixel hard-men though.

To the other poster, no I cannot remember the names of the folk who wanted the nerf, and then complained that it was actually in some strange way, CCP giving in to the hi-sec care bears.

It bears repeating that I do not care where or how folk play so long as they stay within the rules set by CCP.

Rather than making the odd visit to null-sec to die as I do now, I would like to move there permanently, but null-sec folk keep telling me how awful it is, so there seems to be little point in doing so.

This is not a signature.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#895 - 2014-01-16 10:06:49 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Some time ago, the constant complaints from the pixel hard-men 'persuaded' CCP to nerf level 4 mission loot.

CCP complied by introducing 'metal scraps' into level 4 missions.

The same pixel hard-men then complained that the introduction of metal scraps was, in fact, a nerf against those who attacked mission ships and or got to the mission wrecks first.

I have never been able to take the complaints of those who wish to nerf hi-sec seriously since.

Some Eve Online players are professional whingers ( from hi-sec, lo-sec and null-sec ) it is unlikely CCP will ever be able to satisfy them. If CCP did decide to nerf hi-sec the professional whingers would still not be happy.


The meta 0 nerf was to help industrialists who could not compete in the level 1 mod market due to drops.

The scrap nerf was to help miners who were being out mined by mission runners.

These nerfs happened in all areas of space.

You know and I know that it was effectively a hi-sec nerf as the overwhelming majority of level 4 missions are run in hi-sec.

It was funny to see the tears from the pixel hard-men though.

It was a nerf to everyone including null as it hit everything that dropped loot/salvage but it was a much needed one and it was indeed funny to watch all of the rage from mission runners and clueless nullbears.
ZynnLee Akkori
Caldari State
#896 - 2014-01-16 13:55:30 UTC  |  Edited by: ZynnLee Akkori
I've seen a few mentions about how doing this-or-that to highsec (nerf) would make the game more 'fun'. The problem is, it would make it more fun for *you* and people like you. It wouldn't make it more 'fun' for me and people like me. There are a lot more people like me than like you (witness the population of highsec vs low and null).

A better solution is to find out how to make null more attractive without nerfing highsec. I like the idea of maybe nerfing jump freighters. Give the null alliances motivation to actually support the carebears in null instead of mocking, scamming, and popping them.
Gallali Egidall
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#897 - 2014-01-16 14:05:50 UTC
I'm baffled by this discussion.

A bunch of people are saying it's "too hard" to manufacture in Null Sec. It's unsafe. It's too expensive. There's no effective supply chain.

It's effectively "too lawless", which is the very thing they love about Null Sec space.

Null gets the "best" of all the raw materials in the game. Huge asteroids, the best ice/gas, the best PI percentages. They get L5 missions and anomolies and complexes and things I (personally) probably don't even know exist in game.

And, again, Null Sec is too lawless to allow widespread mining and manufacturing. Because the residents of Null Sec like it that way.

And...their answer is say that High Sec manufacturing is broken and needs to be downgraded to push manufacturing into lower security space? Also, at least one person was claiming Null ought to be self-sufficient. Null residents are somehow entitled to changes that will allow them to manufacture in such a way that they not "need" High Sec at all at the cost of High Sec manufacturing???

Does no one supporting that position understand real world economics? Null sec residents are the Somali pirates. Apple is not going to build their shiny new factory next to your docks. And there's no point in pretending to be surprised that Apple's employees don't want to play your reindeer games when you spent the past *decade* shooting every work party that cruised through your waters on the way to picking up some Unobtanium.

I think a number of people are misunderstanding the concept of "Risk vs Reward". RvR does not mean "Every possible activity in Null Sec should pay significantly better because it's riskier there". Part of the "risk" of Null is that it's such a harsh uncaring place that it's financial suicide for ANY corporation to set up large scale manufacturing.

You're living on the f-cking frontier. Rolling out of bed, riffling through your latest buy orders, and then setting up a set of production jobs while you're still wearing your jammies is for those people who live in high sec safety. It's the whole f-cking POINT of High Sec.

The point of High Sec is to provide enough stability and safety to keep the assorted empires from collapsing back into the frontier-style Null Sec lawlessness that occurred after the original Eve stargate collapsed.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#898 - 2014-01-16 15:38:49 UTC
GetSirrus wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Its a sign of the times, nerfing highsec is the answer to all EVE's problems. Highsec has become a horrible metastatic malignant tumor. It must be nerfed for the good of EVE.

Fine, start by removing jump freighters from hi-sec. should impact the isk income to high sec industry.

Of course, but this doesn't go far enough. Anything bigger than a frigate is banned from highsec, all asteroids are now empire property and npc corps are now slave owners. Highsec people will be forced to run missions or be beaten by their NPC overlords.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#899 - 2014-01-16 16:35:54 UTC
Gallali Egidall wrote:
Does no one supporting that position understand real world economics?

the one where hiring a building and getting something manufactured in the middle of manhattan costs more than seventy cents and a stick of gum?

"nullsec gameplay should mostly involve your capsuleer dying of dysentery" - carebears, 2014
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#900 - 2014-01-16 16:51:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Pinky Hops
Benny Ohu wrote:
Gallali Egidall wrote:
Does no one supporting that position understand real world economics?

the one where hiring a building and getting something manufactured in the middle of manhattan costs more than seventy cents and a stick of gum?

"nullsec gameplay should mostly involve your capsuleer dying of dysentery" - carebears, 2014

A lot of what he says makes a lot of of sense, if you actually read it.

There's a blog post of a fairly wealthy player who talks about the process of seeding nullsec station with goods.

His strategy was to seed stations with all the most common PvP items/modules at 10 - 30% markup over Jita prices (that's extremely reasonable given the convenience factor). It made him ISK and was profitable. People did indeed buy his wares.

He stopped doing it.


Because in his own words, he got sick of waiting at the stations in his JF trying to undock because the "elite pvp scrubs" were "super interested in destroying cyno ships"

He was literally delivering them the most common, useful, and necessary items to fit PvP ships out to remove nullsec stations on a silver platter -- and he was hassled for it and delayed. There's a lot of truth to these types of posts and experiences.

Somalia sucks for industry and trade, in summary.

You could all be dying of sickness and disease, and if somebody tried to deliver you medicine in the jump freighter, you would blow it up (or try to)