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A question for all capsuleers.

Ghelisis Achasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-01-16 02:21:29 UTC
Ever since I purchased a full license from CONCORD, I have always wanted to ask this, however I have not, call me shy or what not, but I have never connected to this section of Galnet to ask. Here goes...

Has your immediate family ever held a funeral for your baseline? I am asking this, because it seemed like an...interesting question. I have asked on the live feed, and people there thought it interesting enough. That and families of capsuleers might want to pay respects to the person who they grew up with, not some clone, even though you are "you" regardless.

As for me, yes, my family has held a funeral for my baseline. It's been a while, so I do not remember the specifics on how I "died", but my family DID ask the Federation to find my baseline out there in space if their routine patrol passed by there. As I recall, it was recovered by a Federation frigate that broke from its' battlegroup. The officer piloting got temporarily suspended without pay from what I hear, but my family got their wish fulfilled.

Attending my own funeral was...odd to say the least. Gazing upon my baseline's difficult to describe. My family knows that I'm "me", no matter what clone I have, but they still displayed emotion. The kid that got dirty climbing trees on Gallente Prime was no more, I am ascended now, a true capsuleer.

The tombstone reads "Here lies Ghelisis Achasse, still alive, but this incarnation represents the child we grew to love. May no harm come to this child, as he sleeps forever."

Has anyone else gone through similar? I am
Silas Vitalia
#2 - 2014-01-16 03:12:12 UTC

You might find a more receptive audience for this sort of navel-gazing among other Federation capsuleers.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Morgan Wulver
SAYR Reserve Guard
SAYR Galactic
#3 - 2014-01-16 03:14:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Morgan Wulver
You're lucky you had a family that cared for you. I was tube born... That's what I tell myself anyway. My earliest memories before the Legion took me in was of an orphanage, and frankly I'd rather have been born alone than pondering the thought that I had parents and they abandoned me.

Even after the Legion raised me, I still didn't really have any sort of a family to speak of. My closest friend became an immortal soldier, so there wasn't any protest when I became a capsuleer. We both understood the exchange we made with our lives. My only regret was that we couldn't have done it together.

Kirjuun! Uakan! Teknikiara! Kanpai kameitsamuu! Ra ra ra!

Scope Works
#4 - 2014-01-16 04:42:20 UTC

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Erys Charantes
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2014-01-16 06:19:56 UTC
You'll find that a lot of people are going to take this "opportunity" to "prove" just how "Edgy (tm)" they are, rather than answer your query in any way that might indicate it was read, considered, and understood in an adult capacity...

To be fair, it's the first I've heard of a ritual funeral for a capseleers original form. What religion does your family practice?
Esna Pitoojee
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#6 - 2014-01-16 07:45:02 UTC
As far as my family is concerned, I am still alive.
Rin Valador
Professional Amateurs
#7 - 2014-01-16 08:34:18 UTC
That's just... well, weird. What?

Losing the vessel we call the flesh is not a big deal so long as the essence of the person remains. As I am sure you realize but your family seems to have issues with...

"There will be neither compassion nor mercy; Nor peace, nor solace For those who bear witness to these Signs And still do not believe." - The Scriptures, Book of Reclaiming 25:10

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#8 - 2014-01-16 08:53:56 UTC
The essence does not remain, as the soul goes to God for final judgment.

I do not believe my family held a funeral. I am not sure if they know.
Ghelisis Achasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-01-16 09:04:45 UTC
They did it out of respect for my original form. As for my religion, I was raised to believe in a god, much like the Amarr really, sans their unwavering lust for slaves. Standard religion really, although being a capsuleer has changed that somewhat. We have to surpress our emotions to do what we do. Otherwise, we would never fire on another ship.

So to answer, yes the funeral was just a ritual. I suppose if you look at it another way, it does seem odd, but that is what they wanted to do.
Leopold Caine
Stillwater Corporation
#10 - 2014-01-16 09:14:50 UTC
To quote ms. Dougans, My mother does not approve of my lifestyle, so no.

I believe the capsuleer lifestyle is something one's friends and family should learn to accept during the individual's training. I believe most courses involve psychological and/or spiritual counseling regarding such matters, so if they don't decide to pick it up... well, too bad.

My current Family has no issues understanding that. Also, funerals are so... pompous and tacky.
  • Leopold Caine, Domination Malakim

Angels are never far...

Stillwater Corporation Recruitment Open - Angel Cartel Bloc

#11 - 2014-01-16 09:21:16 UTC
I've heard of this sort of thing before. A few SWA mates and Federation born capsuleers I formed friendships with in my null years had these experiences, with varying degrees of discomfort or even relief. I'm no psychologist, so I don't really know if there is more good than bad to it, but it can't hurt the people we leave behind I guess.

As for me, I am pretty sure the folks back at home have buried something in the ground to save face, but the truth is that they'll have to keep up the lie, as here I am. Still I won't begrudge them their little honour game, I guess they just were not raised right - listening to all the bad press about Nation.

PY-RE Combat Pilot

Karynn Denton
Lekhantsi Salvage Depot
#12 - 2014-01-16 10:29:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Karynn Denton
As spacefaring life is so intrinsic to our people, the ascent to capsuleer status is seen as an extraordinary accomplishment and a great honour. There's certainly no place for grief or sorrow.

The Caravan threw a big party to celebrate my becoming a capsuleer, the loss of my original body wasn't mentioned at all as far as I remember. Although I don't quite remember everything... I had a lot to drink Blink

Pilot Achasse, you mentioned your original body's resting place has a tombstone - does this mean it's, like, buried in the ground? On a planet?
Eww, just the thought of that makes me shiver!

Thanks for bringing up the subject anyway, it'll be fascinating to see how other cultures view this.

Karynn Denton

Caravan Master

Innocent Mind
Alexylva Paradox
#13 - 2014-01-16 10:54:55 UTC
Since you don't remember.
You baseline died on a slab when the techs copied its brain, killed it, and transferred the data to your first capsule grade body.
For all the baselines spying on this (Since they supposedly do): Capsuleer through surgery is a myth.

Hugs, kisses, and lots of edge. o/
#14 - 2014-01-16 10:57:09 UTC
Innocent Mind wrote:
Since you don't remember.
You baseline died on a slab when the techs copied its brain, killed it, and transferred the data to your first capsule grade body.
For all the baselines spying on this (Since they supposedly do): Capsuleer through surgery is a myth.

Hugs, kisses, and lots of edge. o/

That hasn't always been the case, but it was true in my case at least.

PY-RE Combat Pilot

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#15 - 2014-01-16 11:02:59 UTC
Ghelisis Achasse wrote:
Ever since I purchased a full license from CONCORD, I have always wanted to ask this, however I have not, call me shy or what not, but I have never connected to this section of Galnet to ask. Here goes...

No need to be shy, I would say you asked an interesting question.

In answer to your question I was euthanized and cloned under the terms and conditions of my corporate indenture contract with Sukuuvestaa due to wounds suffered in orbital drop training during my compulsory military service with CalNav. My remains were cremated as biological waste material, so that was closure of sorts I suppose.

I suppose being indentured had its benefits, many of my comrades did not survive that operation. May the winds bless their memories.


Innocent Mind
Alexylva Paradox
#16 - 2014-01-16 11:04:05 UTC
Solarienne wrote:

That hasn't always been the case, but it was true in my case at least.

But yeah, that was before they added cloning to the capsule, some 13 years ago?
I'm hard pressed to imagine anyone doing it anymore.
Eran Mintor
Metropolis Commercial Consortium
#17 - 2014-01-16 11:11:29 UTC
No. Until recently, capsuleers had the option of retaining their original body. Now, all the academies insist that the capsuleers experience death at least once. Part of the new training or some nonsense.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#18 - 2014-01-16 11:16:30 UTC
Innocent Mind wrote:
Since you don't remember.
You baseline died on a slab when the techs copied its brain, killed it, and transferred the data to your first capsule grade body.
For all the baselines spying on this (Since they supposedly do): Capsuleer through surgery is a myth.

Hugs, kisses, and lots of edge. o/

This is true for some, it is not true for all. It is only a very recent development, and not one that everyone goes through. I for one elected surgery.
#19 - 2014-01-16 11:24:58 UTC
Eran Mintor wrote:
No. Until recently, capsuleers had the option of retaining their original body. Now, all the academies insist that the capsuleers experience death at least once. Part of the new training or some nonsense.


What he said. I went for the euthanasia route because I'd managed to bang up some of my joints pretty badly over time, a fresh start was pretty appealing both physically and mentally. Not everyone has the same idea, though it seems that as Mintor said, the academies are pushing the euthanasia route these days.

PY-RE Combat Pilot

Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#20 - 2014-01-16 11:27:59 UTC
Nope, for all my flaws, being dead is not one of them.

Morgan Wulver wrote:
You're lucky you had a family that cared for you. I was tube born... That's what I tell myself anyway. My earliest memories before the Legion took me in was of an orphanage, and frankly I'd rather have been born alone than pondering the thought that I had parents and they abandoned me.

This has nothing to do with the thread topic and no one cares about your pitiable upbringing.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

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