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Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2014-01-14 02:39:18 UTC
Bel Tika wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Right or wrong who am i to judge i play my game an others play theres, everything that has happened to me in this game from being ganked to blew up to blew up again can all be attributed down to one thing, i grew careless, even the deaths where someone went out there way an hunted me down it was my own fault because i grew careless.
It's all about you now. Can you tell us more?

lol nothing to tell, can i say i annoy ppl i guess :D
I like you ... for now. ^^

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Bel Tika
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2014-01-14 02:48:46 UTC
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Bel Tika wrote:
Angelica Dreamstar wrote:
Right or wrong who am i to judge i play my game an others play theres, everything that has happened to me in this game from being ganked to blew up to blew up again can all be attributed down to one thing, i grew careless, even the deaths where someone went out there way an hunted me down it was my own fault because i grew careless.
It's all about you now. Can you tell us more?

lol nothing to tell, can i say i annoy ppl i guess :D
I like you ... for now. ^^

It's a phase im told, ends fairly fast lol
Logical 101
PowerCow Farm
#23 - 2014-01-14 02:59:57 UTC
Pix Severus wrote:
As a high sec dweller (primarily) I accept the fact that I can be ganked at any time for any reason, I have also ganked from time to time myself. Without risk, high sec would become stale and pointless, and I believe that it's currently the most dangerous place in New Eden, and I love it.

God bless people like you.

Excellent attitude.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-01-14 08:27:53 UTC
dont fly gankble ships.

no yield mining barges , tank them , avoid fleet ships such as hulks
no 600m in a t1 haulers , use a 300.000 ehp orca
no use of autopilot
dont fly officier fits mission lvl4 ships , really no point for a few extra %

and ofcourse check your kill rights against you , ive had hate mail of ppl thiking i was ganking them but i just bought the kill right.

im scrating my memory , but i think i can safely say i never got ganked in high sec (7 years), and yes i have hauler en mining alts.

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-01-14 08:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
How much ganking goes on any given day is inversely proportionate to the use of safe habits by the denizens of highsec.

That being, how much anyone is or is not ganked in this day and age is a direct consequence of player actions. Ups or downs in the day to day numbers isn't really relevant. Especially not when it consists of purely observational and anecdotal evidence.

That is not 100% true. A bored group can gank t2 fit battleships with Destroyers and Sometimes get on the profit side even.. as long as the Battleship does not have a DC II.

The problem is nto on the ammoutn of ganking, is on how pefious the consequences for the gankers are.

My view is that criminality in eve is a facade. PEople PRetend to be proud of it, but they payt heir way out of negative sec within hours. IF you are a criminal, be a criminal. If I was in charge you would be ble to recover sec status only 7 days after last time you lost sec status.

It woudl be less exploitable, more "realistic" and would bring ganking back to the main level of eve where action have consequences (no, loosing a destroyer is NOT a consequence). As of now is cheaper to gank peopel in high sec than to war dec andhunt them, and easier and more effective. THe mechanics shoudl be balanced. IF wars were made easier to match same level as ganking, they would cost 5 mil only..

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#26 - 2014-01-14 18:07:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Unsuccessful At Everything
Is 'ganking' really the issue? If you got ganked, ask yourself "Why me?"

My freighter got ganked...Why? Was it because I had lots of high ISK stuff I was carrying? Was it because I decided to autopilot through a multiple .5 pipe between dodixie and rens? Did I mouth off in local?

My Mining barge got ganked....why? Was it because I decided to AFK mine and was just sitting there? Was it because I refused to fit any tank and went for a pure yield #YOLO fit? Was it because I mouthed off in local?

My hauler got ganked....why? Was it because I was hauling 10 PLEX in an ittty5? Was it because I decided to fly through a .5 pipe without seeing the activity and ship composition on the gates? Do I have a history of mouthing off in local?

My mission boat got ganked....why? Was I using an MTU? Did I not watch my drones? Was I AFKing my missions? Did I mouth off in local when I saw you?

Now, ill admit, sometimes we gank some things for fun or out of boredom, but 9.5 times out of 10 we gank stuff that is clearly AFK autopilotting, actively mouthing off in local at us 'fail pvpers', or carrying wayyy too much nice stuff. I can tell you that the barges that tank will survive us, the freighters that have webbing support will most times get away, The people who use Viators and Blockade runners to run PLEX we normally cant catch (we will get the lazy ones btw...), and the people who don't mouth off in local when they pop and learn from their mistakes generally don't get ganked twice.

Be active, be alert, be friendly, be in a group with support, and fit for a balance or tank, and realize that Highsec isn't Safesec, and youll see that 'ganking' isn't really the issue at all.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Plastic Psycho
#27 - 2014-01-14 18:16:25 UTC
Edwin McAlister wrote:

I have observed a drastic increase in the amount of ganking taking place in high-sec over the past several weeks. Is this a good thing or bad thing?

This is cyclical. Up now, down later, circle 'round again.

If it gets out of control, CCP will nerf something, or buff something else. Nothing to get worried about.
E-2C Hawkeye
#28 - 2014-01-14 18:17:06 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Edwin McAlister wrote:
I have observed a drastic increase in the amount of ganking taking place in high-sec over the past several weeks. Is this a good thing or bad thing?
If it's actually the case, it's a good thing, since they've become far too rare with the constant stream of safety buffs that have been delivered over the years.

How does CCCP control that balance.
From the grave, presumably, since it ceased to exist in 1991.

What would happen to the game /economy if several major power corporations invaded high-sec with unlimited unrestricted warfare upon missioners / miners
Not much.

I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#29 - 2014-01-14 18:26:20 UTC
People usually leave quite quickly when they come into my missions. Maybe it's the 3 MJD, drone assisted T2 Sentry Domi with RR in the high slots that deter them from messing with me, or maybe I am just not worthy of a gank. Sad Even put out a MTU, and they don't bother it. Sad
Plastic Psycho
#30 - 2014-01-14 18:28:51 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
People usually leave quite quickly when they come into my missions. Maybe it's the 3 MJD, drone assisted T2 Sentry Domi with RR in the high slots that deter them from messing with me, or maybe I am just not worthy of a gank. Sad Even put out a MTU, and they don't bother it. Sad

You need to advertise that your hold is full of goodies.
Maybe lollypops.

Yes... lollies...
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#31 - 2014-01-14 18:31:37 UTC
Pix Severus wrote:
As a high sec dweller (primarily) I accept the fact that I can be ganked at any time for any reason, I have also ganked from time to time myself. Without risk, high sec would become stale and pointless, and I believe that it's currently the most dangerous place in New Eden, and I love it.

I don't think there's anything CCP can do to achieve complete balance between ganks and carebear tears. I believe there has been a small increase in the ganking of mission runners using loot piñatas recently, but those mission runners will adapt, and those who fail to adapt deserve everything coming to them.

You must be lying, someone who can actually think and understand the game can't possibly be a high sec dweller. Therefore post with you main (lol).

More seriously, I'm with you (except where you talk about ganking, i have never ganked, the closest I came was flying a cheap torp raven in a gank fleet 2 years ago and we never even fired a shot, so my gank cherry remains unbusted).

Even as a PVE player it's important to know the game and understand that 'gankers' are just playing the game. I spend time and energy avoiding getting ganked (i mission in Lanngisi). Yet I have way more respect for the gankers who are just playing the game as it allows (like the guys slappin hoes in grand theft auto) than i do for the people who fly blinged out mission ships that don't perform much better than a mostly t2 fit version. Wonder of all wonders, they get ganked for being stupid and some of them run right to the forums and cry rather than learn why what they did was dumb.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#32 - 2014-01-14 18:38:13 UTC
Lugalbandak wrote:
dont fly gankble ships.

no yield mining barges , tank them , avoid fleet ships such as hulks
no 600m in a t1 haulers , use a 300.000 ehp orca
no use of autopilot
dont fly officier fits mission lvl4 ships , really no point for a few extra %

and ofcourse check your kill rights against you , ive had hate mail of ppl thiking i was ganking them but i just bought the kill right.

im scrating my memory , but i think i can safely say i never got ganked in high sec (7 years), and yes i have hauler en mining alts.

+1. Been playing since 2007 and same here.

Some people will reject what you say because they have the "min/max forever" mentality. ie, nothing you can do will make you 100% safe even in high sec so why bother, why not just have ccp make it so people just can't get ganked.

This is what people don't tank their mining ships and why some mission runners choose to fly 5 bil machs in 0.5 mission systems known to be gank central (hello Apanake and Lanngisi). "High sec is supposed to be safe".

On a side note I saw the funniest damn thing last week in Lanngisi. A 20 man dessie fleet tried to gank a Golem and the Golem lived. I didn't see that part, but i DID see the golem pilot talking much smack in local about it and the gankers swearing revenge. From local is seem like the Golem pilot was doing some "mobile Depot-fu".

All I could think is "now that's an EVE player".
I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#33 - 2014-01-14 20:40:53 UTC
Plastic Psycho wrote:
I Love Boobies wrote:
People usually leave quite quickly when they come into my missions. Maybe it's the 3 MJD, drone assisted T2 Sentry Domi with RR in the high slots that deter them from messing with me, or maybe I am just not worthy of a gank. Sad Even put out a MTU, and they don't bother it. Sad

You need to advertise that your hold is full of goodies.
Maybe lollypops.

Yes... lollies...

Plastic Psycho
#34 - 2014-01-14 20:49:54 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
Plastic Psycho wrote:
I Love Boobies wrote:
People usually leave quite quickly when they come into my missions. Maybe it's the 3 MJD, drone assisted T2 Sentry Domi with RR in the high slots that deter them from messing with me, or maybe I am just not worthy of a gank. Sad Even put out a MTU, and they don't bother it. Sad

You need to advertise that your hold is full of goodies.
Maybe lollypops.

Yes... lollies...


:: facepalm ::

Of course. Who wouldn't want Fedos? Indeed, who wouldn't bring a fleet, just on the off-chance of acquiring even a single Fedo?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#35 - 2014-01-14 20:55:27 UTC
Edwin McAlister wrote:
Ganking, it happens, it is an accepted part of the EVE game play.
It is also what helps drive the economy,

Ganking has so many different impacts on game play, I have ganked, I have been ganked, I have watched people get ganked.

However, what im curious about is the balance.

I have observed a drastic increase in the amount of ganking taking place in high-sec over the past several weeks. Is this a good thing or bad thing?

At what point does the amount of ganking negatively impact the game overall?

Yes, there is that particular group of players that would love to see high-sec nurfed all to hell and total unlimited / unrestricted 100% pvp take place in the 4 corners of the universe. This I have to say is a bad thing and would result in the death of the game. You know this yet still push for it with out looking at the big picture.

Yes there is the group of players that want to see high-sec become immune to pvp, and yes, this would destroy the game, the economy would crash as the amount of risk free isk / resources would flood the market and destroy any type of market stability.

How does CCCP control that balance.

What would happen to the game /economy if several major power corporations invaded high-sec with unlimited unrestricted warfare upon missioners / miners (im talking far beyond hulkageddon, im talking total unrestricted free fire on empire space, and to heck with concord /milita response)

My recent observations of the vastly increased amount of ganking taking place, I am finding it to have a negative impact but it is borderline.

Well actually, if highsec was "removed" such that there was "no safety" it would become just as risky for the gankers to be there and we would see a separation of the true PVPers from the "gankbears".

But how safe you are in highsec is really governed more by how much ISK you are worth, either in loot drop or KB "green" and how much ISK it will take to kill you than any safety measures or Concord.

There are many a tale of hauler, poorly tanked or not, killed because it had enough loot in it to justify the cost of killing it. This is referring to those who see their goal being ISK.

For example, if I have a hauler that is not tanked such that it would take one destroyer to suicide gank it (roughly 2-5 million ISK depending on skills of the ganker and market prices of turrets) and put in say 50 million ISK worth of stuff, then it's worthy enough to suicide gank, and a perfectly legitimate target too.

If I take the same ship, and tank it, so that in the amount of time it would take to kill it in highsec would require a tier 3 battle cruiser, now we are looking at anywhere from 70-80 million ISK to kill the hauler. A hauler with 50 million ISK of stuff in it is not a worthy target. If I take the same well-tanked hauler and load it with say, 500 million ISK worth of stuff, it's now once more profitable to suicide gank it.

Naturally the level of highsec that governs the Concord response also matters. So the value of the cargo PLUS the security status of the system may be the factor that tips the scale such that at say 0.9 space, it might take 2 ships to kill the hauler in time, but in 0.5 space, it could take only 1. So we can see cases of people getting suicide ganked who were already hauling in 0.7 or higher but get ganked trying to move to 0.5, and not knowing about response times, end up wondering why.

Even so, you never know who can pull what trick too. For example, how many cheap alpha frigates can still destroy a hauler that is too tough for a couple of destroyers but too cheap for a Tier 3 battle cruiser? Hence even so, it's best to be treating all gates like camps and using the MWD-CLOAK maneuver. And given that, a suicide gank is likely to be done to AFK haulers in many cases.

Leaving us with the "KB green" angle too - I recently saw a highsec gank of a Tech 3 strategic cruiser that was AFK. Funny thing was, the two players who did it with Tier 3 battle cruisers even said in local "Hey, an AFK Tengu!" and a few minutes later, they put a major load of ISK on their KB and from a 3rd party looting it, in their wallets too. Being AFK made the Tengu a perfectly legitimate target for these reasons.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2014-01-14 21:11:21 UTC
Edwin McAlister wrote:

On a side note, I can not seem to manufacture catalysts / tornadoes fast enough..... and they still turn a profit

Keep pumping them out mate! We need good ppl like yourself to keep us stocked!
Plastic Psycho
#37 - 2014-01-14 21:32:19 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

Well actually, if highsec was "removed" such that there was "no safety" it would become just as risky for the gankers to be there and we would see a separation of the true PVPers from the "gankbears".
Have a hard time buying that: Every time you go on a gank, it's a guarantee that, kill or no kill, your ship *will* be lost. Can't see how you could make that any more risky - It's 100% loss-of-ship-no-two-ways-about-it already.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#38 - 2014-01-14 22:05:36 UTC
Plastic Psycho wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

Well actually, if highsec was "removed" such that there was "no safety" it would become just as risky for the gankers to be there and we would see a separation of the true PVPers from the "gankbears".
Have a hard time buying that: Every time you go on a gank, it's a guarantee that, kill or no kill, your ship *will* be lost. Can't see how you could make that any more risky - It's 100% loss-of-ship-no-two-ways-about-it already.

My experience is that I don't see as much ganking in nullsec as I see in highsec. Of course there's no suicide ganking in nullsec.

So my point is that if you remove Concord or any other protection from highsec, then it's just as risky to sit on a gate "waiting for a juicy target" and the KB/ISK cost-return ratio is nuked. (the same reason is given for not running missions in lowsec)

If highsec went free-for-all, even if the trade and mission hubs remained, for whatever reason (or by miracle) the hunters would be just as hunted.

Now, just because the ganking ship is lost, this has nothing to do with "gankbears" - it has everything to do with being able to leisurely select or wait for a target that justifies the expected loss of the ship per the cost of killing it and the worth of the target (KB) or what the target is carrying (loot). I don't understand this "hurrr durrr I'll be losing my ship therefore it's PVP and I'm leet" mentality. If you lose a 70 million ISK ship to pop a ship having 10 times that value in loot, or cost 10 times that in ISK, and KB or loot was your goal, then the ship is basically on the same level as ammo in cost effect and usage.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Sunlight...Through The Blight.
#39 - 2014-01-14 22:25:50 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Is 'ganking' really the issue? If you got ganked, ask yourself "Why me?"

My freighter got ganked...Why? Was it because I had lots of high ISK stuff I was carrying? Was it because I decided to autopilot through a multiple .5 pipe between dodixie and rens? Did I mouth off in local?

My Mining barge got ganked....why? Was it because I decided to AFK mine and was just sitting there? Was it because I refused to fit any tank and went for a pure yield #YOLO fit? Was it because I mouthed off in local?

My hauler got ganked....why? Was it because I was hauling 10 PLEX in an ittty5? Was it because I decided to fly through a .5 pipe without seeing the activity and ship composition on the gates? Do I have a history of mouthing off in local?

My mission boat got ganked....why? Was I using an MTU? Did I not watch my drones? Was I AFKing my missions? Did I mouth off in local when I saw you?

Now, ill admit, sometimes we gank some things for fun or out of boredom, but 9.5 times out of 10 we gank stuff that is clearly AFK autopilotting, actively mouthing off in local at us 'fail pvpers', or carrying wayyy too much nice stuff. I can tell you that the barges that tank will survive us, the freighters that have webbing support will most times get away, The people who use Viators and Blockade runners to run PLEX we normally cant catch (we will get the lazy ones btw...), and the people who don't mouth off in local when they pop and learn from their mistakes generally don't get ganked twice.

Be active, be alert, be friendly, be in a group with support, and fit for a balance or tank, and realize that Highsec isn't Safesec, and youll see that 'ganking' isn't really the issue at all.

I think this pretty much sums it up.


Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#40 - 2014-01-14 22:35:39 UTC
I think the thing that gets me most about the people that complain about ganking is that they're not considering what a small thing it is.

How much money have you made in that max yield retriever before you got ganked?

If it was enough to buy another retriever (or better a procurer or skiff) then you're not really losing anything.

How much money have made in the blinged out Raven Navy Issue before you got ganked?

If it was enough to buy another RNI (or better something that doesn't have a huge bullseye on it) then you're not really losing anything.

Haulers might be a different story. I can't say.

I've always gotten the impression that people in high sec, myself included, get on fine for months or even years without ever being ganked. Think about the money the ship you just lost has made you over time. Then instead of losing your ****, screaming all manner of obscenities into local and spewing "GANKING MUST STOP!" all over the forum, logoff, take a deep breath, consider where you are, and think about whether it is really worth having a coronary episode over the whole thing. Then, log back on, buy a new ship and fittings, and go back to doing what you enjoy doing.

Even better, grab a cheap frigate or rookie ship (just dock anywhere in a pod), and hunt down the mother ****** that ganked you. Once you find him, fill his ass with anti-matter. You may not beat him but it might make you feel a little better and then you can go back to what you were doing.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

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