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Factional Warfare : Doomed from the beginning? Am I wasting my time?

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#61 - 2011-11-23 16:53:13 UTC
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
After the winter expansion is released CCP will pay attention to FW again, don't worry, they'll devote 10x the Fanfest resources from last year!

I see what you did there

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#62 - 2011-11-23 16:55:46 UTC
Crystal Liche wrote:
I think people expect too much from FW.

If you go in, X up and pew pew it works ok.

When I read the threads on FW features most of what people were looking for was mission related.

When a GM suggested that CONCORD allow WTs into high sec everyone choked.Shocked

Thought it was a PvP system Roll

FW shouldn't be PvE, but it shouldn't be PvP either. It should be PvPvE, or possibly PvEvP.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

Rob Bison
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#63 - 2011-11-24 06:37:45 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

Actually, if you go into FW and just X up, you probably won't even get to the pew part, unless you're comfortable soloing long enough to convince the established corps you're not a spai .... Now, general militia chat is basically the front doorstep in that house where they make soap in fight club. You gotta wait out there and be trolled long enough to show people you really want in. Sad, but true.


And Hans, you are a hero for all the effort you're putting in on this, the other one who did the opinion polls too. Just sayin'.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#64 - 2011-11-24 06:57:51 UTC
FW is like healthcare reform in the US. Everyone likes to talk about how it needs to change but nobody knows how or can be bothered to actually do anything about it despite the fact it is completely broken.
Damassys Kadesh
Royal Khanid Hunting Society
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#65 - 2011-11-24 09:53:01 UTC
Baillif wrote:
FW is like healthcare reform in the US. Everyone likes to talk about how it needs to change but nobody knows how or can be bothered to actually do anything about it despite the fact it is completely broken.


Sourem Itharen > Congratulations Lady Kadesh, you have been selected by trial of fire and blood, under the watchful eyes of God, to represent Lord Khanid as his champion in the Imperial Succession trials -YC117