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Let me buy Skill Points with Plex.

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#61 - 2014-01-13 13:37:06 UTC
Not a good idea. This character is a year old with 25m SP. She would join the 100m SP club in an instant if this were brought in. Not to mention killing the character bazaar.

Anyway, this has been done to death at least a hundred times.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Anomaly One
#62 - 2014-01-13 13:54:03 UTC
Everyone would quit
What a dumbass idea

We really need a downvote button

Never forget. Trust me, I'm an Anomaly. DUST 514 FOR PC

Kyt Thrace
Lightspeed Enterprises
Goonswarm Federation
#63 - 2014-01-13 14:00:23 UTC
Why not let us Remove some Unwanted/Unused Skills with PLEX.

I DO NOT want the skill points or price of the skill books reimbursed.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#64 - 2014-01-13 14:16:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Tchulen
Kyt Thrace wrote:
Why not let us Remove some Unwanted/Unused Skills with PLEX.

I DO NOT want the skill points or price of the skill books reimbursed.

As this is a different request to the OP, please post your own thread with your own request rather than derailing the OP's. Mind you, you could just do a quick search of past requests similar and the same as yours and see how little support that one gets as well.

As an aside, you also might want to get some medical help for that OCD you're obviously suffering from.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#65 - 2014-01-13 15:08:03 UTC
These are many of the arguments I have discerned so far about why we should not be able to buy skillpoints. I'm sure I missed a few:

Skillpoints matter:

Buying skillpoints is paying to win, and paying to win is bad.

EVE would die because veteran players would see all their hard earned advantages evaporate when Bill Gates and Barrack Obama bought everyone infinite skillpoints to play internet spaceships, thus causing the veteran players to quit en mass.

Veteran players deserve to have more skillpoints and thus advantage because they didn't just pay money; they paid time to earn those skillpoints and that advantage.

Veteran players would dominate the game if you could buy skillpoints, because veteran players can afford to buy more skillpoints than noobs.

New players should be satisfied with their inferiority.

Skillpoints don't matter:

A noob in a Rifter can kill a veteran in a Titan because skillpoints don't matter in this game, so allowing players to buy them would make no difference.

EVE would die because new players would buy a bunch of skillpoints but still suck at the game, which would cause them to quit en mass.

It doesn't matter whether skillpoints matter or don't matter:

The character bazaar makes it possible to buy skillpoints. There is no need for another option.

EVE is my game. Go find your own.

EVE is not a "fair" game.
A Big Enough Lever
#66 - 2014-01-13 16:15:28 UTC
what you want sir - is the implant that allows you to train skills 3 times as fast, that plugs into slot 10, and can only be plugged into characters under 30d, (and will degrade when that character reaches 30d)

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Dr Sraggles
The Covenant of Blood
#67 - 2014-01-13 16:28:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Sraggles
The only things different than this proposal and the Character Bazaar are:

1. No one would be compensated but yourself and CCP when you add SP. When you buy "SP" currently (ie buy a toon in the Character Bizarre with more than yourself) the difference is an ingame toon gets paid in addition to the transfer fees.....hmmmmm?

2. Old toons defend the status quo that greatly benefits themselves.....who knew?

Nothing posted that I have seen is seems to be anything more than that...other than the one post that suggested we might all spend our isk on SP to the detriment of other goods and services thus ruining the economy. The rest of the posts reek of protecting self interest, not in making Eve a better game.

/carry on
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#68 - 2014-01-13 16:32:16 UTC
Dr Sraggles wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
How does it help a new player to 'catch up' if older players are suddenly gaining millions of extra SP?

Because older players already have complete frig/dessie skills. Newer players could buy a month or two and no longer be fodder.

Do you even know how long it takes to gather 600M+ for a new player? This would not help new players in absolutely no way whatsoever, instead it makes it all a lot more harder for them. Not just catching up on skill points, but also affording a real-money free gameplay via plexing their account(s).

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Dr Sraggles
The Covenant of Blood
#69 - 2014-01-13 16:32:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Sraggles
Crazy Legs Finnigan wrote:
This idea is horrible. I'm going to wardec your corp OP

Let me guess. You grow toons in a vat with isk from your corp and then sell them in the Character Bazaar?

Alternatively, we would not find it surprising that you were Bullied in high school and you now revel in being an internet bully?

c'mon, man....really?
Dr Sraggles
The Covenant of Blood
#70 - 2014-01-13 16:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Sraggles
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Dr Sraggles wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
How does it help a new player to 'catch up' if older players are suddenly gaining millions of extra SP?

Because older players already have complete frig/dessie skills. Newer players could buy a month or two and no longer be fodder.

Do you even know how long it takes to gather 600M+ for a new player? This would not help new players in absolutely no way whatsoever, instead it makes it all a lot more harder for them. Not just catching up on skill points, but also affording a real-money free gameplay via plexing their account(s).

Do you know how long it takes someone with a job to earn $20? Minutes.

Where do you think those PLEX for sale come from?

I do agree that it would lead to PLEX inflation which is a concern.
Angry Mustellid
#71 - 2014-01-13 17:12:40 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Dr Sraggles wrote:

Who cares if an old toon suddenly has Carrier 5?

Would not the game benefit from more players with Frigate 5?
Everyone with balance in mind cares.

The game benefits from players with longevity in mind, not want it now get board 20 minutes later. Eve is not WoW in space and it's skill system is nothing like it either. It is one of the best systems I've come across and allows new players to compete very early on.


The day they allow the purchase of SP is the day to biomass your characters and move on.

NBSI shall be the whole of the Law

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#72 - 2014-01-13 18:02:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Alvatore DiMarco
OP seems to be blind. He cannot see that the self-interests we defend here are not the ones he accuses us of defending. He cannot see that many of us "veterans" for whom he has such an irrational and intense dislike are actually defending the game we enjoy and not our wallets (certainly not my wallet, I don't make any money from any of this).

OP's initial and subsequent posts as well as his continued belittling of any and all detractors and dissenters shows that he lacks something very important that the skill-over-time system is designed to allow the development of: An understanding of EVE, its mechanics and how everything works. He is either ignoring or unaware of the importance that experience has, instead believing like so many others that having skillpoints, a T2 ship and expensive modules are all you need to win. While this may be (and oftentimes is) true in other games, it does not apply in EVE whatsoever.

Even a perfect fitting, if such a thing could ever exist, on the strongest ship in the game (again, if such a thing actually existed), will be quickly rendered into scrap metal and dropped loot if the pilot is unable to fly that ship effectively. In EVE, it isn't so much about skillpoints and ships and modules as it is about gameplay skills.

Gameplay skills are an ability that you cannot buy even with ten thousand PLEX.

OP is on a crusade against something he views as possibly evil and absolutely damaging to the game, all the while completely unwilling to accept that his own ideal may be what's actually dangerous, simply because the ones telling him as much are the very veterans he despises and holds bias against.

OP lacks a basic understanding of where the power in EVE actually comes from (no, OP, officer modules aren't as amazing as you seem to think they are) and wishes to overturn everything just to sate his own impatience and dare I say it, ignorance.

OP, like so many others who have come creeping around the F&I forums lately, has no understanding of what "pay to win" actually means; he and all the others sling it around at every opportunity like a catchphrase, club motto or a magic phrase that should dismiss any arguments against them and make their own points utterly irrefutable. Unfortunately for them, this is not the case.

OP, if you cannot understand why your idea is unequivocally terrible, you have not played EVE long enough to make such a suggestion in the first place. Instead, perhaps you can train your Logical Thought skill.
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#73 - 2014-01-13 18:22:55 UTC

Skill points are the only thing sacred to this game, a common grind from the paupers to the market tycoons.

This would kill what is at the heart of Eve. The holy skill que. The reason I log in on the third day of my vacation, for 30 seconds.

The idea proposed kills it in ways that have been adaquetely explained. For shame op, for shame.
#74 - 2014-01-13 18:30:44 UTC
Buying skill points with plex will instantly decimate a large player base.

If people would be able to buy skill points with plexes, this would immediatly become an immensely popular use of it. Prices of plexes would immediatly sky rocket, and the amount of available plexes would immediatly drop significantly. What would this mean for the new player. This would mean that a 500M plex suddenly would become a 500B plex Since you litterly have players and alliances with multi trillions to spend. The'd become the so called "godfathers" hordeing all free available plexes. The new player, can't afford a plex with ingame currency anymore.

At the same point older players, especially those that play regularly on a monhtly basis, and don't subscribe to the game anymore but play it purely by earning enough isk monthly to buy plexes to afford there accounts, suddenly have no available plexes to buy, and thus either have to start paying real live money again, or quit. Because a number of these money makers provide with a substantional amount of the mining, building and tradeing, multiple aspects of the economy will die out as well. In the mean time, the new player still hasn't been able to buy a plex.

Because the manufacturers are now fewer, and the gathered resources are now fewer, items become more and more expensive. Tradeing will stagnate, wich will encourage more people to train and build there own stuff, wich in turn will stagnate tradeing even more.

At this time the "godfathers" will start lureing other people over to do their bidding, Their hoarded plexes, will instigate a "if you suicide gank this and that entity 10x, you'll be rewarded a plex" The newer player, who happens to belong to that entity will find himself beeing harrased more and more and will have a verry displeaseing experiance with eve. Eventually many will leave, and instead of telling others how much fun Eve can be, the'll tell people not to play that game.

Your total playerpool will shrink even further.

In the mean time, only real life rich people will benefit, the'll be able to buy plexes, and sell a few to get billions of isk, and use the other ones to speed up their training. Confident that the've maxed there skills, and bought the shiniest ship with the shiniest modules they head outside of a station, Where it will instantly get suicide ganked, cause its something shiny. Haveng spend hundreds of dollars / euros / insert currency those rich people will say "screw this game"

Eventually Eve will be dead, just because unlike a few million people who have played this game for over a decade, one single new player wanted to get some extra skill points
Noxisia Arkana
Deadspace Knights
#75 - 2014-01-13 19:12:28 UTC
Kesthely wrote:
Buying skill points with plex will instantly decimate a large player base.

Spells out armegeddon

Eventually Eve will be dead, just because unlike a few million people who have played this game for over a decade, one single new player wanted to get some extra skill points

Any number of things could happen, there are a lot of assumptions in the above post but the end result is you upset the majority of the player base which I believe to be the truth. Cats marrying dogs, total anarchy.
D'ni Pyremere
Blue Eyes and Exodia Toon Duelist Kingdom Duelers
#76 - 2014-01-13 22:57:26 UTC
This is blatant pay-to-win and that would destroy the game. To address your "bling" factor, yes, officer mods do give you nice bonuses for billions of ISK you put at risk every time you fly your ship. In addition that ISK investment may transfer at least in part to your killer when they loot your wreck. To use Estamel's Adaptive Invulnerability Field as an example, you would be lucky to even FIND one for sale firstly, secondly people are OFFERING over 16 billion just to get one of them. Let's stick with good ol' Estamel and take a look at Estamel's Modified 425mm Railgun. Average price? 1.2 billion. Then consider most ships will fit at least 4, some as many as 8. So tell me, how exactly does the cost and associated risk of officer modules line up with buying skill points?

Early TL;DR: Buying skill points is a no risk pay-to-win option. Buying officer modules is a very high risk option with tens of or even hundreds of billions of ISK on the line.

When it comes to providing extra skill points to players there is only one system I think I would support. That being awarding players extra skill points for actually playing the game. If you are actively hunting down NPCs or other players you would be rewarded extra skill points directly proportional to the enemy killed. Much like a traditional EXP system. This would lessen the issue of people simple sitting in stations waiting for SP and encourage more active players. And as long as these skill point awards were scaled to the current skill points they wouldn't give older players an advantage. If you have 100 million SP you shouldn't get any SP for killing frigs. Or perhaps a better option would be to base it on the power of the ship being used. Ships get reduced SP for killing ships smaller than themselves (or of lower tech level), full SP for killing ships of equal size, and bonus SP for killing larger ships.

But even this idea would get no support. People like the current system. Let them like it. It isn't bad anyway. New players can do TONS. You can even do a lot in PvP. You just need to learn the ropes. Now the prior comment of a Rifter killing a Titan? Come on... Really? More like a Rifter orbits a Titan shooting it for eternity and a day, does so little damage the Ttian pilot doesn't even notice he is there until 3 days later, calls in a small ship and has the Rifter killed... But just because a frigate can't solo the biggest ships in the game doesn't mean a frigate like a Rifter is useless in PvP by any means. Frigates can really pis
Guardians of the Dodixie
#77 - 2014-01-13 23:24:19 UTC
I can't believe how shortsighted people can be.
Everyone even remotely suggesting that buying SP for real money should be a valid idea should have his forum permissions revoked immediatly.

My Condor costs less than that module!

Dr Sraggles
The Covenant of Blood
#78 - 2014-01-14 01:58:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Sraggles
TehCloud wrote:
I can't believe how shortsighted people can be.
Everyone even remotely suggesting that buying SP for real money should be a valid idea should have his forum permissions revoked immediatly.

Do realize there is such a thing as the Character Bazaari and it happens every day that people buy SP for cash because they bought the Plex with cash?
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2014-01-14 02:18:07 UTC
Dr Sraggles wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
I can't believe how shortsighted people can be.
Everyone even remotely suggesting that buying SP for real money should be a valid idea should have his forum permissions revoked immediatly.

Do realize there is such a thing as the Character Bizarre and it happens every day that people buy SP for cash because they bought the Plex with cash?

Buying a character off the bazarr is not the same as buying SP.
A character from the bazarr has been trained up just like every one else, often times for years.
Also a character will never sell for less than (its age in days * (cost of plex /30))

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Iyacia Cyric'ai
Lai Dai Counterintelligence
#80 - 2014-01-14 02:45:39 UTC
Dr Sraggles wrote:
Training Amarr BS 1 takes minutes, then bling can make a huge difference in performance. Using one Plex to get Amarr BS 5 is the end of the world?

Please tell me who is flying T1 Battleships with only level 1 skills and with officer mods. Also tell me when they log on and where they fly them. Thanks.