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The biggest failure(s) of EVE for new players.

Serene Repose
#121 - 2014-01-12 09:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Riot Girl wrote:
Yes, great advice for new players. Stay in an NPC corp and mine forever.

You're a riot, girl.

I loved the OP's suggestion to not mission. Heshould stick to ship spinning.
The only dilemma becomes, with the counter on...or OFF?

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Roel Yento
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2014-01-12 16:35:38 UTC
Most wardeccers will not follow you to low or null. Your corp could move to a quiet lowsec area or join faction warfare. At least in those areas fleets that want to rain on your day have to worry about other fleets raining on theirs or if in FW your faction will have fleets up. If your goal is to mission then your corp needs to make sure it has a plan for dealing with wardecs. You could even temporarily move to lowsec as a corp during wars and when they drop move back to highsec.

This game is like the ocean, filled with tons of different fish. Bigger fish have no problem hunting and eating newborns or small fish. If you survive long enough then you will no longer be easy prey or you will be a predator yourself. Don't be under the illusion that "fair" or "even" is a requirement for any interactions in EVE. Sorry corny analogy lol.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#123 - 2014-01-13 01:55:24 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:
If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers.
Problem 2, tip2:

You need to realise that a large part of EVE Online is the so-called meta-game - i.e the game that exists outside of EVE Online.

A lot of what makes EVE work revolves around the organisation and relationships between players outside of game mechanics.

Part of being successful in EVE Online revolves around being able to find, identify and trust the right groups of people. Also to be able to fit in with them, and gain their respect.

If you're sitting there thinking "well how in hell do I do that" then try starting with one of the large newbie-accepting groups like Red vs Blue, Brave Newbies or EVE University.

Conversely, there are roles for solo players and lone wolfs in this game too. But be prepared that it may happen that you find yourself 1000 vs 1 at some point and there is no magic game mechanic to even the odds - whether it be mining or market trading or pvp.

Accept that loss and greif and part of this game but you start with nothing so you only have to lose what spoils you make in a pretend video game about space ships. Enjoy the ride; forget the pixels. Lol

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

ZynnLee Akkori
Caldari State
#124 - 2014-01-14 01:15:11 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:

My impression is ppl are cowardly, and target new players for easy kills and e-*****?^^. I remember when i played wow, we had thoose aholes ganking newbies in strangletorn. When that happened it ended with them getting corpse camped for days afterwards. Cause its a ****** thing to do. And it ruins it for thoose just learning about the game. Theres not even 1% challange in doing it.

Yep. But all you will hear is HTFU!!! The idea seems to be "we were ganked when we joined, so now it's your turn", or something. I find it pretty sad to see there 'pirates' ganking lowbies. Where's the challenge? If they really wanted PvP, they would be in low or null sec where people are more likely to put up a fight.

I think you should stick it out for a couple months though. Take the time needed to find a decent corp. It's work, to be sure, to weed through the scams and lowlifes, but it will make all the difference. In a couple months you should be around 3 million skill points, and if you plan correctly, will be able to fight back. Just take lots of breaks. Take a couple days off while a long skill is training and play something else. Watch Eve video's, read, etc. Don't feel like you have to spend every second in game all the time.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2014-01-14 02:05:50 UTC
The biggest failure to new players that EVE does is highsec. Give them so much safety and so little room for player content along with the best income for so little risk. It leads to a miserable life of mining, mission running and whining on the forums about having to tank your hulk. Top this all off with no incentive to join a player group and you have a recipe for not retaining new players.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2014-01-14 08:58:37 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:

If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Do nto spread lies like that! PEople that spread this shoudl be banned. Joinign a corp is ONLY way to learn eve and stop being a punching bag.

Castiana Sukarala wrote:

Well then you have a problem. You either stay the **** away from corporations. Or you skill upp in mining. Thats what in my experience EVE is to new players. No wonder their playerbase grows so ******* slowly. The most fun parts of the game gets ruined pretty fast because the EVE playerbase apparantly is full off aholes (met alot of friendly folks as well offc. Just mad at how it works). PVP btw is something you can just forget about for 3-4 months at least.

Well your perception is very WRONG. With the ammount of SP you suggest I had already killed several other players, including characters with more than 30 M sp, with help of a couple other characters with less than 1 M sp. So STOP LIEING TO OTHERS AND TO YOURSELF!! You can do PVP in your 5th day in eve!!!! And be HELPFUL to your group!

Yes The PVE is VEry limited, specially in high sec. That is intentional design, because the focus of game is CONFLICT.

But no you do not need to skill up in mining to get into a corp. Just get into a PVP corp ans ask people to TEACH you, that solves most of your problems, including the capability of traveling in low sec without dieing so easily. Then you will start to have access to better PVE also.

On Wars, get into a REAL corp, not one where everyone hides, get into a corp that teaches you how to fight. No where you will hide from us, no matter what the other carebears say. We put thousands of pilots in watch lists among our members and know when someone is online and we go for it, no matter if we need to cross 45 jumps!

EVE is a PVP game, learn to participate on it and enjoy the extreme fun of it ( a single well flown frigate can destablize completely a fight) and prosper on it. Want a hint to what to train? Train a keres, in 2 weeks you will be able to make a difference in a fight, even against high skilled characters.

You know what type of playe stay the LEAST in this game? The ones that want protection and want to be safe. The ones that go direclty to EVE (that means PVP) are the ones that keep playing for years. Think about it.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

John Holt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#127 - 2014-01-14 09:39:38 UTC
This has to be the worst advice for new players that I have ever seen.

Join a corp...preferably a corp for new players (like Eve University). Learn to pvp early. EU will take you into low sec and teach you the ropes.

A life alone, and in high sec exclusively, will make EVE boring pretty quick.

Done my time in null sec, now I'm just a Privateer wandering around High and Low Sec.

Rhatar Khurin
#128 - 2014-01-14 11:32:35 UTC
You'll never catch me mining in high sec!

Oh wait....
Gallente Federation
#129 - 2014-01-14 13:29:52 UTC
So, basically your high sec corp got war deced and you all could not undock and fight ?

Well there are ways to counter this - move your base of operations away from Jita.
Yes it will take more time and effort to sell stuff or haul stuff, but thats life.

As a new player - join EVE Uni.
Player driven community of veterans that decided to help out new pilots.

Man the F***k up and accept the fact you will loos your ship, fleet up with corp mates and engage.
You can fly a hero tackler within days in EVE and afford one as well.

Most of all accept this is NOT an easy going game ment for everyone.
You are expected to live with consequences of your choices - whether its loosing ships, being scammed, 0.1 ISK-ed as a station trader or all of the above.

In EVE no one will hold your hand while you take your first steps. Darwinism at work.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#130 - 2014-01-14 13:47:32 UTC
Get everyone into a griffin/blackbird.
Swarm the war targets in their 3 billion isk legions.
Harvest pirate tears.

Doc Severide
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#131 - 2014-01-14 14:52:28 UTC
Cela Kashuken wrote:
If you need a good starting corp try EVE University or Brave Newbies, both great corps.

Honestly, the fact that people can be really cutthroat in this game is what drew me into it in the first place.


EVE U bites...
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#132 - 2014-01-14 15:55:00 UTC
Stealth nerf-hisec thread, worst thread...I swear its like playing f#$ing whack-a-mole with these...

CCP, can you please increase NPC corp taxes to 50-60% ASAP. Thanks.
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#133 - 2014-01-14 18:38:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
Castiana Sukarala wrote:
Been playing eve for about half a month now, and although i do enjoy the game. The game is broken for new players. Is it worth continuing to play past the 30 days i got for 2`$? That really depends.

Problem 1, tip 1:

If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers. They will wardeck corporations with alot of new players, especially if your based close to a trade hub (which you want to be when your new). And what youll do for the next i don't know how long is basically stay in base and do jackall. Or go out and die.

Problem 2, tip2:

If you get the problem over, you can go to the ass end of nowhere for a while (remain in high sec, ur new u get murdered if you go to lowsec) and mine! For the love of god, do not do missions! Youll die. Now this is a ****** upp mechanic in this game, as theres only so much a new player can do. Its missions, carry around stuff to tradehubs, and do missions.

Problem 3:

You want to be in a corp cause its more fun? You can PVE with friends/new ppl you met that seems nice, or do mining ops. Maybe your lucky and they take you to do a lvl 3 or 4 mission when you get ur new destroyer, just so you can check out whats coming later down the line. And you even get some of the cash garnered. Do you like to trade? Use the market and have a pretty decent cargoship to ferry goods into jita/amarr etc from far flung reaches for some profit? You wanna do missions blow upp stuff and earn standings to do the lvl 3/4 missions when you finally hit your first BC or BS?

Well then you have a problem. You either stay the **** away from corporations. Or you skill upp in mining. Thats what in my experience EVE is to new players. No wonder their playerbase grows so ******* slowly. The most fun parts of the game gets ruined pretty fast because the EVE playerbase apparantly is full off aholes (met alot of friendly folks as well offc. Just mad at how it works). PVP btw is something you can just forget about for 3-4 months at least.

So my gripe is simple. There should be restrictions, EVEN when your at war with another corp to what you can attack. Say you are protected at all times in high-sec untill you reach at least between 2 and 5 million SP unless you activly waiver that protection (still ****** if you go low sec, but give new players a huge ******* sign that says whatll happen to you if you go there). This will allow new players to enjoy the BEST about eve to start with, and at least give them a chance to fight back when thyere not protected anymore. Or is it the developers intention that using corps is a bad ******* thing, and you should just stay alone untill you can fully fit a t2 pvp ship, with lvl 5 on everything that matters? In that case your doing a poor job about promoting this game of yours for new players. Or is it that really all you want new players to do is mine, somewhere far away from everything?

So my situation. Were @ our 2nd extention at war with one pvp corp, and another has just declared as well. Our corp has some "old" players. And ALOT of new ones, that really can't play the game almost. Quite a few, nice ppl have left corp now just to get away from it so they can play eve. And alot of us just stay in station doing jack all, and just not playing eve. How many will just say **** it and not play eve anymore? Probably a few.

I got really lucky early, earned a good amount of cash, got some planets etc. Besides some planet management, ive put EVERYTHING into SP for PVE missions. And i did some trading/moving of goods. Its what i enjoy doing (mining sucked to do). Now with the second alliance thats declared war with us (the first wasnt that active. But murdered any miners mining in our 1st HQ system, then what we moved to, and what we moved to after that (further and further away from everything). The second alliance uses agents apparently, not that im entirely sure how the hell that works, from what i gathered from other corp mates i can't do missions anymore. Btw, i did my missions on the other side of the fracking galaxy from where this new corp operates. And i died. And now for as long as they keep the war going my EVE experience will be once a day edit skill que, renew planet cycle. Which takes 1 minute. Do i wanna pay 15$ a month to play 1 minute a day? Nope not a chance in hell. Leaving corp won't even help. So i cross my fingers that they will end the wars before sub runs out in 15 days time. And we dont get a new one for a good ******* while. Because i REALLY liked EVE when i could actually play this game (beeing in a corp is a must for it to be fun imo), now its just pissing money for maybe someday be able to play the game.

Stop inhaling your own fumes... PVP is immediately accessible from Day 1. Selling ore on the market? PvP. Everything is PvP... not just combat operations. Having said that... T1 frigates are cheap, accessible and effective when flown by someone who knows how to manually fly - THAT is that part that new players are missing. However, that can be changed rather quickly - Indy stuff doesn't seem like your thing, and thank Bob for that.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#134 - 2014-01-14 19:13:57 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
The biggest failure to new players that EVE does is highsec. Give them so much safety and so little room for player content along with the best income for so little risk. It leads to a miserable life of mining, mission running and whining on the forums about having to tank your hulk. Top this all off with no incentive to join a player group and you have a recipe for not retaining new players.

Most of the safety in highsec is actually for the people noob-harvesting and griefing, a point I make to support the point from the goon.

"No incentive to join a player group" - sadly it's only up to the players to fix this. They won't.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Khalid DeCroix
Matari Trade Federation
Astral Alliance
#135 - 2014-01-16 17:01:08 UTC
High sec wars are a frakking joke. Even when I lived in high sec, a war never stopped me from doing anything. If you die in a HS war, it's because you don't understand the game. HTFU and L2Play. Join a corp that isn't full of bears/morons who can teach you what to do if you can't figure it out for yourself.
3 R Corporation
#136 - 2014-01-17 00:23:56 UTC
Funny, I don't get ganked. I have fights. Some I win, some I lose. Some I get blobbed, some I'm part of the blobbers. But my opponent and I usually both have fun. Being "ganked" is 100% a high sec phenomenon. If you're tired of being ganked, leave high sec. "Oh but a newb will never make it on his own in low/nullsec". Of course not. Who said you had to make it on your own? EVE is a multiplayer game.

Therefore do some reading and join a low or nullsec corp - not a corp full of noob carebear miners who are just as green and as dumb as you are. Believe it or not nullsec corps are ALWAYS recruiting, because they can ALWAYS use another ship in the fleet. We are GLAD to provide as much training as a newb can handle, and then some. The only hurdle is the initial skepticism you'll face because, after all, everyone is a spy. Joining a group of players who actually play the game the way it was intended and who will have your back on the condition that you have to cover theirs' too when they need it is seriously not hard at all.

Anyone who complains about "ganking" is just whining because they're afraid of leaving their comfort zone in high sec and expect the whole game to change to accommodate them. Yeah call me when that works.
Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#137 - 2014-01-17 04:53:01 UTC
I thought you bitter vets didn't want new players messing up your sand box and influencing CCP to make the game easier?

Or did you run out of easy targets?

But anyways... Most new accounts these days are just alts.

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Lady Areola Fappington
#138 - 2014-01-17 09:32:00 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:

Wrong idea 3

My character hasn't got enough SP to pvp and win so I just go do missions.

EVE isn't a solo game and new characters are more suited to learning pvp than older characters. Replacing your ship (if you stick with small and cheap) and pod is the cheapest it will ever be and your fellow corp members will probably cover it anyway. And as I mentioned loss of ship/pod is how you learn.

I'd say, in ways, newbies have an advantage over older players in this area. Older players will get settled in the ship type they want to fly, and not do much experimentation. Newbies, however, are all bright-eyed and bushytailed, willing to try off-the-wall things. Who knows, maybe that shield tanked rocket Coercer might work!

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

General Lemming
The Marmite Mercenaries
#139 - 2014-01-17 11:37:25 UTC
TLDR, Just join the Lemmings and be at war with Goonswarm and the RvB pets for ever...... KIll, so you dont get killed..... Pirate