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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#481 - 2014-01-12 14:44:06 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

Actually his numbers are not correct.

90 mil/hr is more the norm on anom ratting with a single account. Ship of choice right now is the ishtar.

Incursions are not run other than to remove them from the area simply because they act as beacons for roaming gangs.
Dave stark
#482 - 2014-01-12 14:50:04 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

so i'm going to skip all of the waffle and focus on what i asked "how much". 200m/hour high sec incursions, semi afk, uninterrupted make me just shy of that *before* lp conversion.

so you're telling me that for all that extra risk, inconvenience, and interrupted play i can earn basically the same?

i hope you now understand why this thread exists.

Actually his numbers are not correct.

90 mil/hr is more the norm on anom ratting with a single account. Ship of choice right now is the ishtar.

Incursions are not run other than to remove them from the area simply because they act as beacons for roaming gangs.

that's **** isk. to be blunt. if an incursion community "boasted" a 90m/hour income they'd be laughed at.
Josef Djugashvilis
#483 - 2014-01-12 15:09:10 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
What does cause my "tears" is all of the people who can not play the game as it is.

Pretty much the same in my case.

I see people all the time tell me that the way I (and many others) like to play shouldn't be allowed. I see changes to that effect having been implemented over and over in the past and even recently (ToS Gate, which they did their best to sweep under the rug with no resolution).

And I'd like some of that rolled back. Because compromise doesn't mean one side getting what they want all the time, ever. Which is what highsec has become, and surprise surprise, they still want more, like this.

Citing the link you provided as evidence of a widespread hi-sec mind set is like using your forum posts as evidence that most null-sec players have your mind set.

Both are just hilarious, my favourite crazy poster.

This is not a signature.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#484 - 2014-01-12 15:14:04 UTC
is like using your forum posts as evidence that most null-sec players have your mind set.

I'm not a null sec player. Not anymore, anyway. Haven't been for a long while.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Josef Djugashvilis
#485 - 2014-01-12 15:27:00 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
is like using your forum posts as evidence that most null-sec players have your mind set.

I'm not a null sec player. Not anymore, anyway. Haven't been for a long while.

The emphasis was on your 'mind set'.

I apologize for not having made that point more explicit.

This is not a signature.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#486 - 2014-01-12 15:33:25 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
is like using your forum posts as evidence that most null-sec players have your mind set.

I'm not a null sec player. Not anymore, anyway. Haven't been for a long while.

The emphasis was on your 'mind set'.

I apologize for not having made that point more explicit.

It makes little sense regardless, since you made a category error from the outset.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#487 - 2014-01-12 15:38:13 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

that's **** isk. to be blunt. if an incursion community "boasted" a 90m/hour income they'd be laughed at.

Would it pain you to learn that that is from our better anom systems?
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#488 - 2014-01-12 16:04:31 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
that's basically he reality; you could make 40% more isk... if they were treated as an income source rather than a nuisance to be eradicated.

Except they're not, because no alliance is going to move a ton of ships and go do incursions in hostile territory.
That's just asking to be ambushed while running the site.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Dave stark
#489 - 2014-01-12 16:07:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
baltec1 wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

that's **** isk. to be blunt. if an incursion community "boasted" a 90m/hour income they'd be laughed at.

Would it pain you to learn that that is from our better anom systems?

no, it makes me smug for abandoning null sec and never looking back. i feel i made the right choice. awoxing high sec mining corps between monthly incursion weekends is far more entertaining.

James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
that's basically he reality; you could make 40% more isk... if they were treated as an income source rather than a nuisance to be eradicated.

Except they're not, because no alliance is going to move a ton of ships and go do incursions in hostile territory.
That's just asking to be ambushed while running the site.

and that's one of the reasons why null doesn't make more isk than high sec, because incursions simply aren't used/treated as an income source. the reason for that, being irrelevant.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#490 - 2014-01-12 16:46:32 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
If Null vanished however, High sec would be destroyed. No T2 Mods or ships at all,

confirming you have no idea what you're talking about, so i won't waste my time here.

Yes... Because T2 mods & ships don't need moon goo products which come from Null Sec, because every high sec system has R32 & 64 moons.... Oh wait.... Really. If you are going to try and call me out, don't talk crap.
Angry Mustache
Goonswarm Federation
#491 - 2014-01-12 16:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Mustache
Dave Stark wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
that's basically he reality; you could make 40% more isk... if they were treated as an income source rather than a nuisance to be eradicated.

Except they're not, because no alliance is going to move a ton of ships and go do incursions in hostile territory.
That's just asking to be ambushed while running the site.

and that's one of the reasons why null doesn't make more isk than high sec, because incursions simply aren't used/treated as an income source. the reason for that, being irrelevant.

Since you have no idea how nullsec or nullsec Incursions work, let me tell you the difference, and why nobody does them.

1. Mobility

-Incursions spawn in random constellation in nullsec, just like highsec. However, that spawn may be in your own space, in neutral space, or in enemy held territory. It is utterly implausible to run incursions in enemy space, and most alliances operate on NBSI, meaning you are not welcome there either, and they will aggressively hunt you down. If an incursion is not in your territory, you don't get to run it. Compared to highsec, you might have an incursion to run about 10-30 % of the time depending on your affiliation (lel provi)

-Lowsec and and Nullsec Incursions are camped by gate rats. Incursion gate rats lock fast and hit hard, this means travel must be done in groups. A incursion runner can not move alone to an incursion system. The fleet must be formed outside of the system, then moved in.

-Traveling 30 jumps to the next Incursion (if it's in friendly space) is a lot more difficult than doing the same in highsec. The alternative is using a Jump capable ship, but Jump freighters can not carry rigged battleships. This require the Incursioner to use a carrier, or have a carrier capable friend lug the battleship around for him. This adds roughly 2 billion to the cost of your incursion setup

2. Risk

-Anyone can attack you in null, including in the Incursion site. If anyone sees a high "NPC killed 24 hour" state in an incursion system, they will know people are attempting an incursion, and will flock the constellation looking for easy kills. A single celestis getting into a site and damping your logi can mean bad things. Never-mind a fleet of Gank Talos or something similarly nasty.

-The very threat of a gank fleet can make a incursion fleet dock up, if 10 neuts/reds are in local, you aren't running incursions.

-This mean it's not plausible to use bling ships, no machariels, no vindictors, no nightmares, and certainly not deadspace tanked. No dead-space tanks means you must bring more logi, further reducing DPS.

The net effect of all this is that to run nullsec incursions, you need to use cheaper ships, and more logistics, drastically reducing DPS. This more than offsets the pitiful 50% extra LP/isk bonus that Nullsec Incursions give. Not to mention the extra hassle of moving battleships in null, movi

An official Member of the Goonswarm Federation Complaints Department.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#492 - 2014-01-12 16:55:20 UTC
@ Angry Mustache:

So that's what you look like. For some reason I actually expected to see the bee with the reporter getup.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Dave stark
#493 - 2014-01-12 17:01:46 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
If Null vanished however, High sec would be destroyed. No T2 Mods or ships at all,

confirming you have no idea what you're talking about, so i won't waste my time here.

Yes... Because T2 mods & ships don't need moon goo products which come from Null Sec, because every high sec system has R32 & 64 moons.... Oh wait.... Really. If you are going to try and call me out, don't talk crap.

to be fair i was content with quoting any random part because the whole post was terrible and i didn't want to quote all of it, that was just the bit that didn't get hit by the delete button.
Prince Kobol
#494 - 2014-01-12 17:02:56 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
If Null vanished however, High sec would be destroyed. No T2 Mods or ships at all,

confirming you have no idea what you're talking about, so i won't waste my time here.

Yes... Because T2 mods & ships don't need moon goo products which come from Null Sec, because every high sec system has R32 & 64 moons.... Oh wait.... Really. If you are going to try and call me out, don't talk crap.

Well you are talking crap as 99.9% people who live in null do not have access to those moons so we do not make any isk from them.
Dave stark
#495 - 2014-01-12 17:03:47 UTC
Angry Mustache wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
that's basically he reality; you could make 40% more isk... if they were treated as an income source rather than a nuisance to be eradicated.

Except they're not, because no alliance is going to move a ton of ships and go do incursions in hostile territory.
That's just asking to be ambushed while running the site.

and that's one of the reasons why null doesn't make more isk than high sec, because incursions simply aren't used/treated as an income source. the reason for that, being irrelevant.

Since you have no idea how nullsec or nullsec Incursions work, let me tell you the difference, and why nobody does them.

1. Mobility

-Incursions spawn in random constellation in nullsec, just like highsec. However, that spawn may be in your own space, in neutral space, or in enemy held territory. It is utterly implausible to run incursions in enemy space, and most alliances operate on NBSI, meaning you are not welcome there either, and they will aggressively hunt you down. If an incursion is not in your territory, you don't get to run it. Compared to highsec, you might have an incursion to run about 10-30 % of the time depending on your affiliation (lel provi)

-Lowsec and and Nullsec Incursions are camped by gate rats. Incursion gate rats lock fast and hit hard, this means travel must be done in groups. A incursion runner can not move alone to an incursion system. The fleet must be formed outside of the system, then moved in.

-Traveling 30 jumps to the next Incursion (if it's in friendly space) is a lot more difficult than doing the same in highsec. The alternative is using a Jump capable ship, but Jump freighters can not carry rigged battleships. This require the Incursioner to use a carrier, or have a carrier capable friend lug the battleship around for him. This adds roughly 2 billion to the cost of your incursion setup

2. Risk

-Anyone can attack you in null, including in the Incursion site. If anyone sees a high "NPC killed 24 hour" state in an incursion system, they will know people are attempting an incursion, and will flock the constellation looking for easy kills. A single celestis getting into a site and damping your logi can mean bad things. Never-mind a fleet of Gank Talos or something similarly nasty.

-The very threat of a gank fleet can make a incursion fleet dock up, if 10 neuts/reds are in local, you aren't running incursions.

-This mean it's not plausible to use bling ships, no machariels, no vindictors, no nightmares, and certainly not deadspace tanked. No dead-space tanks means you must bring more logi, further reducing DPS.

The net effect of all this is that to run nullsec incursions, you need to use cheaper ships, and more logistics, drastically reducing DPS. This more than offsets the pitiful 50% extra LP/isk bonus that Nullsec Incursions give. Not to mention the extra hassle of moving battleships in null, movi

appreciate the effort; but you've told me nothing i didn't already know.
Angry Mustache
Goonswarm Federation
#496 - 2014-01-12 17:15:28 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:

appreciate the effort; but you've told me nothing i didn't already know.

If you already know all this, then you know that Nullsec incursions are much more difficult to clear for much less isk, and therefore shouldn't be done unless for strategic purposes

why are you arguing they are a viable income source?

An official Member of the Goonswarm Federation Complaints Department.

Dave stark
#497 - 2014-01-12 17:16:34 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
150/hr before LP is also is faster than the standard incursion fleet can do. 150/hr is a site every 12 minutes. 15 is a much more normal figure

TVP fleet if you're unaware who TVP are, they're a fleet that isn't particularly shiny, and they're clearing sites every 11 mins.

sorry it took me a while to dig out that screenshot, i genuinely had more important things to do.
Dave stark
#498 - 2014-01-12 17:18:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Angry Mustache wrote:
why are you arguing they are a viable income source?

i'm not. think i've said in several posts that nobody runs them and they aren't treated as an income source... it was even in the post you quoted.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#499 - 2014-01-12 17:25:51 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
150/hr before LP is also is faster than the standard incursion fleet can do. 150/hr is a site every 12 minutes. 15 is a much more normal figure

TVP fleet if you're unaware who TVP are, they're a fleet that isn't particularly shiny, and they're clearing sites every 11 mins.

sorry it took me a while to dig out that screenshot, i genuinely had more important things to do.

I fly with them, 11 mins is not their standard fleet time for site to site. 15 is realistic for them and they are actually pretty damn shiny. They just accept non shiny, but the reality is 90% of the ships in fleet will normally be pirate with T2/Faction/Deadspace/Officer fittings on them. Not T1 BS's with Meta 4 guns. They might pull a site completion in 11 mins sometimes from entry to pay out, but then there is the travel, fleet refill, quick logi re-org. Which mean you are not ticking sites over at that speed most days.
TCRC wall where not a single person drops fleet and it's one of the shiny fleets where everyone listens, yea, ok, that can happen. Which will be why it got screenshotted as an exceptional day.
Dave stark
#500 - 2014-01-12 17:28:20 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
150/hr before LP is also is faster than the standard incursion fleet can do. 150/hr is a site every 12 minutes. 15 is a much more normal figure

TVP fleet if you're unaware who TVP are, they're a fleet that isn't particularly shiny, and they're clearing sites every 11 mins.

sorry it took me a while to dig out that screenshot, i genuinely had more important things to do.

I fly with them, 11 mins is not their standard fleet time for site to site. 15 is realistic for them and they are actually pretty damn shiny. They just accept non shiny, but the reality is 90% of the ships in fleet will normally be pirate with T2/Faction/Deadspace/Officer fittings on them. Not T1 BS's with Meta 4 guns. They might pull a site completion in 11 mins sometimes from entry to pay out, but then there is the travel, fleet refill, quick logi re-org. Which mean you are not ticking sites over at that speed most days.
TCRC wall where not a single person drops fleet and it's one of the shiny fleets where everyone listens, yea, ok, that can happen. Which will be why it got screenshotted as an exceptional day.

i suggest you stop dragging their fleets down then if you only manage 1 site every 15 mins.

that screenshot was from my wallet, about 10 mins ago. most of the time was spent trying to figure out what the site payouts were in the filter.