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Totally broken game mechanic who need changed

Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#21 - 2014-01-11 23:19:53 UTC
The Mittani did a little interesting article that applys to this as part of one of their ALOD's. I can see where you are coming from with the sec status mechanics, but its given a lot more than it's taken in the eve community.

And as people have already said, again and again, a lot of fits can be done with just T2 fittings, at the same efficiently but only a faction of the price. 90% of ganks happen because there is PROFIT in it, with the other 10% just because Pirate.

Side note: CCP please fix the forms eating my posts before I can post them Evil

AFK cloaking thread Summary - Provided by Paikis Good Post Etiquette - Provided by CCP Grayscale

Zane Tekitsu
The Munitions Miracle Network
#22 - 2014-01-11 23:25:57 UTC
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2014-01-11 23:27:43 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
How is mission ganking a broken mechanic if it is working as intended?

From the moment when gankers was able to get their security status back for isk, suicide ganking not worked anymore as "intended", because now can be done at infinitum without any backslash.
The negative consequences of losing security status and access to high sec prevented in the past the suicide gangs to get such high numbers and so many kills without any obstruction. Now nothing can stop them getting lots of members and kills...

Whereas before, the gankers would have needed to go to low or nullsec and fly loops around a few systems for an hour or two a week to keep their sec status up, thereby actually EARNING money while improving sec status, rather than spending it...
#24 - 2014-01-11 23:28:34 UTC
Stop flying officer fit battleships!

Suicide ganking actually became much harder recently as CCP removed insurance payouts for kills involving concord. If you fit your ship anywhere in the realm of reasonable, you wont be a gank target.

My rule of thumb is that the fittings for a ship should cost about as much as the ship itself. It isnt a hard fast rule but if youre 2x or 3x that you're probably doing it wrong.

This is coming from someone who has never suicide ganked anyone and doesnt ever plan to.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-01-11 23:32:39 UTC
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2014-01-11 23:44:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Danika Princip wrote:
Whereas before, the gankers would have needed to go to low or nullsec and fly loops around a few systems for an hour or two a week to keep their sec status up, thereby actually EARNING money while improving sec status, rather than spending it...

Two hours to recover security status lost for tens of ships suicide ganked in high sec? Shocked
I did ratting for sec status and believe that was a pain in the a.. to just get 1 point back... and a lot of hours of grinding is not a pleasant activity for the ones who hate doing PVE...
And believe me, that made all people think twice before thrashing characters security status and become unable to fly in high security systems...
Now that is not a problem anymore, you don't need many weeks of ratting to get from -10 to 0 security status like before, you need just some isk. And that is what boost a lot suicide gang activity.
Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-01-11 23:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Gadicus Sharhrizai
Mojo Joo wrote:
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...

Two pages before we actually get the crux of your issue, your confused.

High sec, in no way is for "people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences"

In fact, if you look on the eve wiki, here is what you will find with respect to "hi-sec" and concord:

"High security space (also referred to as Highsec and High-Sec) is systems with a security rating of 1.0 down to 0.5. These systems are policed by CONCORD which awards some safety from pirates. While CONCORD does not prevent acts of piracy in high security space, they will quickly respond to such acts and punish the perpetrator. In many cases the response time is fast enough to save the victim from destruction. They will also punish the act by adjusting the security rating according to how high the security in the system is, the higher the system, the higher the penalty."

Policed is the key takeaway for you.. Police investigate crimes and rarely if ever, prevent them.

No where does is say, hi-sec is care-bear safe and for people who want to live and play a single player game or act like they are on a blue server. You are now making up definitions for sec status and using that as the justification for what you are crying about.

EVE is a PVP game, and that conflict can and will manifest itself in many ways. From markets and resources to lasers and missiles, if you are playing this game make no mistake about it, you are playing a PVP game on a PVP server. There maybe places that you can live /be in eve that are "safer" (like in dock) but you are never safe. Understand and accept that, or uninstall eve and go find something that has blue servers.

This "broken" mechanic is working as intended, find a PVP solution to your problem. Stop running missions solo (FFS) and bring along a few corp mates in frigs /etc to help run interference. (ECM Burst and Smart bombs if you are feeling lucky)... there really are a long list of solutions to this problem, all of them don't require you acting like a 4 year old and running to mom and dad to make life easier for you.

Suck it up, dust off your no-no place, find your courage and go out and have fun and don't forget that at the end of the day, it's just a game.
Dolorous Tremmens
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2014-01-11 23:53:29 UTC
That's because armed people make for polite discourse. Frontiers typically have more ridged law enforcement than densely populated civil areas. Everyone is polite to their friendly neighbors because you want help when its needed, and you go to their rescue too, tit-for-tat. Less rules, more enforcement.

In civilized areas, insurance will cover you, and "the law" gives you a psychological security blanket. A lot more rules, also more bureaucratic loopholes, and complete apathy from your neighbors.

Eve is such a close model to the real world that it is scary sometimes.

Get some Eve. Make it yours.

Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2014-01-11 23:55:21 UTC
Dolorous Tremmens wrote:
That's because armed people make for polite discourse. Frontiers typically have more ridged law enforcement than densely populated civil areas. Everyone is polite to their friendly neighbors because you want help when its needed, and you go to their rescue too, tit-for-tat. Less rules, more enforcement.

In civilized areas, insurance will cover you, and "the law" gives you a psychological security blanket. A lot more rules, also more bureaucratic loopholes, and complete apathy from your neighbors.

Eve is such a close model to the real world that it is scary sometimes.

Zane Tekitsu
The Munitions Miracle Network
#30 - 2014-01-12 00:09:23 UTC
Dolorous Tremmens wrote:
That's because armed people make for polite discourse. Frontiers typically have more ridged law enforcement than densely populated civil areas. Everyone is polite to their friendly neighbors because you want help when its needed, and you go to their rescue too, tit-for-tat. Less rules, more enforcement.

In civilized areas, insurance will cover you, and "the law" gives you a psychological security blanket. A lot more rules, also more bureaucratic loopholes, and complete apathy from your neighbors.

Eve is such a close model to the real world that it is scary sometimes.


Mojo Joo wrote:
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...

Local open, and D-scan up pretty much remove any threat.

  • Rat in a system that is empty or blue,
  • Kill any scramming ships first,
  • Keep an eye on intel channels,
  • be aligned to a POS or a station.

Null-sec systems generally have a low population density, so whenever you see a neut, or someone you don't trust jump in, warp out. For improved security, use a scout and pings.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#31 - 2014-01-12 00:17:09 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:
Whereas before, the gankers would have needed to go to low or nullsec and fly loops around a few systems for an hour or two a week to keep their sec status up, thereby actually EARNING money while improving sec status, rather than spending it...

Two hours to recover security status lost for tens of ships suicide ganked in high sec? Shocked
I did ratting for sec status and believe that was a pain in the a.. to just get 1 point back... and a lot of hours of grinding is not a pleasant activity for the ones who hate doing PVE...
And believe me, that made all people think twice before thrashing characters security status and become unable to fly in high security systems...
Now that is not a problem anymore, you don't need many weeks of ratting to get from -10 to 0 security status like before, you need just some isk. And that is what boost a lot suicide gang activity.

Yes. That's what the guys from the goon ministry of love did, one BS rat per system, in a loop. They changed the way the system works now, but it's still really not hard to grind sec status back up. Certainly doesn't take weeks, but then, it never did.

And anyway, you don't actually need to worry about your sec status at all if you know what you're doing. That guy you linked certainly seems to be a part of an organised ganking group, they'll be perfectly able to do it without bothering about sec status.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2014-01-12 00:50:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Danika Princip wrote:
And anyway, you don't actually need to worry about your sec status at all if you know what you're doing. That guy you linked certainly seems to be a part of an organised ganking group, they'll be perfectly able to do it without bothering about sec status.

Well, if you look in game at all that gankers security status you will see that is still very high despite of so many suicide attacks... And you ignore again main reasons of security status loss... Is not meant to prevent suicide attacks (still make gankers work a lot more complicate), but to prevent people to security trash their characters and become unable to travel in high sec in something else than a shuttle or a cheap frigate...
That was a very strong reason to prevent people to use precious old character that way... They used in exchange throw away chars... Even in character bazaar high security status was an important asset for a character. Now that is not anymore the case!
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2014-01-12 00:55:35 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Gankers can just kill faction ships who worth a lot even t2 fitted because they don't risk anything in the process, and is cool to have tens of expensive ships kills on killboard just using cheap destroyers...
Also main problem is that is no backslash anymore for suicide ganking unlimited number of ships in hisec, because security status is not anymore a limited resource, period.

Sorry but you have yet to show that there has been any sort of mass proliferation of suicie ganking since tags for sec was introduced.

Bottom line is that suicide ganking has been rampant for YEARS. Nothing new here.

And did anyone look closely at that KB? Some of those pretty pimp ships were being flown by pilots under an ACTIVE WARDEC.

Darwin's law is still true.
Gadicus Sharhrizai
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#34 - 2014-01-12 01:06:25 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
[quote=Mojo Joo]
And did anyone look closely at that KB? Some of those pretty pimp ships were being flown by pilots under an ACTIVE WARDEC.

Darwin's law is still true.

Lolz.. Didn't notice that until you said something.

I would also think that someone of them may have also been from the first ganker warping in and baiting by stealing lutz... I've had people try to do that to me and just laugh (specially when d-scan shows a bunch of his friends.)

Edwin McAlister
Empire Hooligans
#35 - 2014-01-12 01:08:10 UTC
while ganking is an accepted part of the game, has been , and always will be....

there is a very good question being brought up in this .........

At what point does it cross the line from being an acceptable part of the game and economy to being a disruption upon the game and costing the company active subscriptions??

while only cccp can see the actual numbers, this is a valid point and should be closely watched..

the ganker community needs to be fully aware of the cost of their actions on the game overall and be ready to accept the end result.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2014-01-12 01:12:30 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Darwin's law is still true.

Is not, and you are the proof. All that ships are killed in same area by same gankers, not by war targets.
Ice Fire Warriors
#37 - 2014-01-12 01:14:00 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
And you ignore again main reasons of security status loss... Is not meant to prevent suicide attacks (still make gankers work a lot more complicate),

No it doesn't. Just get a guy (usually a neutral alt) to warp over to a safespot close to station/stargate and leave gank ships there. Then the gankers warp the same safespot in their pods (CONCORD and Faction Police won't show up for or engage pods) and wait until their neutral scout finds a good target. Then they hop into the ships, warp, and execute.

The "real risk" in suicide ganking comes from ...
- damage not being applied properly and the target surviving.
- someone else grabbing the loot before the scout can (in which case the whole thing is a loss).

Mojo Joo wrote:
but to prevent people to security trash their characters and become unable to travel in high sec in something else than a shuttle or a cheap frigate...

As an outlaw with close to -10 security status I can safely confirm that it is possible to warp around high-sec in a cruiser or nano-battlecruiser.

Mojo Joo wrote:
That was a very strong reason to prevent people to use precious old character that way... They used in exchange throw away chars... Even in character bazaar high security status was an important asset for a character. Now that is not anymore the case!

You're looking at things too much from a "carebear" perspective. Gankers, pirates, and outlaws generally DO NOT CARE about security status... in fact, it's a point of pride for us to be -5.0 or lower.
So how do we do our shopping? Simple... we have neutral alts do our shopping for us. This allows our mains characters to gank away without a problem.
#38 - 2014-01-12 01:23:05 UTC
Somhow i get the felling this has to do with the new SOA lvl 4 agent, to many ppl close to Hek. And i do recall a guy ganking pods there just for fun.
Ganking mission runners, minners etc. etc is part of the game, and it keeps the high priced market running. Other whis we all end up with pimped high sec ships
#39 - 2014-01-12 01:29:02 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Zane Tekitsu wrote:
Nullsec is always an option you know... The money is better, and the systems are safer than 1.0 systems...

True, but that is not a realistic solution for all people. Also high security is supposedly called that way because is meant to be home for people who don't want to be shot at any moment without real consequences like in 0.0 ...

I believe this is correct, High sec is for people who dont want to get shot at without their attacker suffering some sort of consequences.

Those consequences are the loss of their ship and any insurance that ship had.

Now I understand that you think those consequences arent enough, but you have yet to make a suggestion to change them. BTW as a non-ganker, I think those consequences are enough. Nobody should ever be 100% safe in New Eden unless docked or logged off, and TBH i believe docking shouldnt even be safe in 0.0 which is why I would like stations in 0.0 to be destructible.
Sean Parisi
Blackrise Vanguard
#40 - 2014-01-12 01:47:04 UTC
Simple Darwinism