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Totally broken game mechanic

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Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#21 - 2014-01-12 01:21:40 UTC
I noticed a few things about the kill board that you linked.

1. Only ship types with bad tanks were ganked in missions.

2. The ships that don't have bad tanks a.k.a. rattlesnake had mission specific fits.

3. Rattlesnakes were attacked with far more guys, in much more powerful ships for an over all isk loss to the gankers.

4. No proper fit omni tanked Rattle snake was on the list at all. (( One was close but was gate camp and was a dumb target to the many BC's that attacked it as it was the largest loss for least gain on the list ))

I hope this tells you something.

Also the mobile depot is perfect usage for a sentry boat that doesn't move as it kills.
I hope you get the hint.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2014-01-12 01:36:04 UTC
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
I noticed a few things about the kill board that you linked.

1. Only ship types with bad tanks were ganked in missions.

2. The ships that don't have bad tanks a.k.a. rattlesnake had mission specific fits.

3. Rattlesnakes were attacked with far more guys, in much more powerful ships for an over all isk loss to the gankers.

4. No proper fit omni tanked Rattle snake was on the list at all. (( One was close but was gate camp and was a dumb target to the many BC's that attacked it as it was the largest loss for least gain on the list ))

I hope this tells you something.

Also the mobile depot is perfect usage for a sentry boat that doesn't move as it kills.
I hope you get the hint.

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#23 - 2014-01-12 01:45:58 UTC
Yes Saved fits work from the cargo bay, I haven't tried it from the storage in the depot but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

And yes I have done a mission or two, or at least that's what my 7.5 standings to all empire factions would deduce. And have not been ganked once in 4 years, all while flying an over 6 bill Mach, or two.

Keep Local open.
Keep D-scan up.
Don't fly with red's in system.
Always have a Get-out-of-Dodge plan.
Never cry in the forums of how the game treated you unfairly.

If you're getting ganked on the station, you probably don't have a 200km warp point at the station and should make one.
If your getting ganked on the system gate, you weren't watching local and were asking for a red to take your stuff.
if your getting ganked in a site, you missed the probes on D-scan, and then missed the fleet warping into your site, and missed the red's in local, and you should move to lvl-3's in a the Noob systems till you learn to play the game.

I am usually not this harsh in my comments, but really if I can make it 4 years with no losses then the problem is not the game it's the way people are playing it, and loosing.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2014-01-12 01:58:46 UTC
Yeah, I agree. It really is a shame.

Within the past couple of years this game has progressively been skewed to favor suicide gankers and griefers. Probably the best course of action is to hire the services of Merc Corporations.

Anyway, welcome to G̶r̶i̶e̶f̶ ̶O̶n̶l̶i̶n̶e̶ Eve Online.


Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2014-01-12 02:14:59 UTC
Goldiiee wrote:
Yes Saved fits work from the cargo bay, I haven't tried it from the storage in the depot but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

And yes I have done a mission or two, or at least that's what my 7.5 standings to all empire factions would deduce. And have not been ganked once in 4 years, all while flying an over 6 bill Mach, or two.

Keep Local open.
Keep D-scan up.
Don't fly with red's in system.
Always have a Get-out-of-Dodge plan.
Never cry in the forums of how the game treated you unfairly.

If you're getting ganked on the station, you probably don't have a 200km warp point at the station and should make one.
If your getting ganked on the system gate, you weren't watching local and were asking for a red to take your stuff.
if your getting ganked in a site, you missed the probes on D-scan, and then missed the fleet warping into your site, and missed the red's in local, and you should move to lvl-3's in a the Noob systems till you learn to play the game.

I am usually not this harsh in my comments, but really if I can make it 4 years with no losses then the problem is not the game it's the way people are playing it, and loosing.

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#26 - 2014-01-12 02:49:06 UTC
Mojo Joo
Yes gankers make an obscene amount of ISK off the laziness' of mission runners, and I would love to have a system that prevented 1 million ISK from killing 1 billion ISK, or 1 mil SP from killing 50mil SP, but that's not the game we have. So let's work on being prepared rather than indignant.

Or let me try a different approach, as a LVL-4 mission runner you are near the top of the food chain of juicy floating targets, with the exception of Incursion runners (They beat out most mission runners by a few billion any day of the week). In high-sec if you are juicy and good with Chips then you need to be selective of who you fly with (As in who's in Local) and extremely anal about your safety.

Yes Sisters of Eve LP is a great investment but if it is going to cost you a 5 billion ISK ship once a week then it's a bad investment. High traffic mission hubs are full of lazy people trying to capitalize on your time and investments, as DMC stated it's more Greif-Online than EVE-Online and the only way to win is to deny them the satisfaction. As a group, mission runners should be taking all measures to prevent Ganks, and if successful that would stop these leeches and send them to find a new way to play Lazy-Online. Remember they are doing it to make a profit if they lose more often than they win, they go away.

I can think of a dozen agents in .5 systems with no low sec in 4 jumps that provide missions, most of the time I run in them I am the only one in station, and only one of 3 or 4 in system. If the population goes up check killboards for names, and plan on moving. If you have been missioning in the same system for a week you have probably been scanned, and a decision has been made as to your value as a target. Don't stay there, move to a new system and run for another week. Break up you habit's of mission with cosmos, epic arcs, Incursions, exploration or a quick roam through low and Nul in the new Interceptors (This has the added benefit of generating gate camper tears). All of this and I am still able to net a few hundred mil every couple hours doing missions, not including LP, and 4 to 5 billion a week in general.

So move to a place where you know most of the locals and make your 360 degree warp outs, or don't fly shiny till you have made them.

BTW; 360 warpouts are easy just BM every mission you go to, hit f-11 (Guessing, I made a hot key long ago and don't remember the default) you will see a map of the system and the BM's you have made, the direction your ship is facing shows as a cone (Or the direction your camera is facing), use the BM directly in front of you to Get out of dodge any time you feel threatened. I remember the Bookmarks by naming them to hours on a clock, simple systems/procedures like this are hard to beat and will save your ass. Yes it might mean you have to warp back and do more work but a 2 minute warp is always cheaper than a mission ship. And every time you prevent a gank you are making them more frustrated than you, and hopefully filling the roles of the goon nul-sec suicide squads.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

#27 - 2014-01-12 02:56:48 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
I noticed a few things about the kill board that you linked.

1. Only ship types with bad tanks were ganked in missions.

2. The ships that don't have bad tanks a.k.a. rattlesnake had mission specific fits.

3. Rattlesnakes were attacked with far more guys, in much more powerful ships for an over all isk loss to the gankers.

4. No proper fit omni tanked Rattle snake was on the list at all. (( One was close but was gate camp and was a dumb target to the many BC's that attacked it as it was the largest loss for least gain on the list ))

I hope this tells you something.

Also the mobile depot is perfect usage for a sentry boat that doesn't move as it kills.
I hope you get the hint.

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.

Nobody agrees with that. Divide out the drops from the kills, minus off the fits for the ships and then consider they can't reship till their timer is done, and then there is the time taken to find another target. Profit is largely volume and saltiness of tears, when compared to the fact that mission runners make isk continuously (ie opportunity cost for a gank is considerable).

Not only is a rattlesnake cheap now, but its got a tremendous tank and has no problem sitting on a deployed depot since that's where its sentries will be.

Anything that doesn't use sentries has no excuse for sitting on the beacon, and should be able to warp off when a gang comes through the gate, and d-scan if it has a reason to close on the beacon again,

Honestly I'd expect that during a mission I'd need to d-scan half a dozen times, do a couple of things, perhaps leave a perma setup mobile depot in each system, and then I'd pretty much be max ehp whenever I was in public travel, and I'd be mission fit when I needed to be.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2014-01-12 03:39:02 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Goldiiee wrote:

And yes I have done a mission or two, or at least that's what my 7.5 standings to all empire factions would deduce. And have not been ganked once in 4 years, all while flying an over 6 bill Mach, or two.

....More stuff.....

I am usually not this harsh in my comments, but really if I can make it 4 years with no losses then the problem is not the game it's the way people are playing it, and loosing.

7.5 standings with all Empire Factions ??????

Gotta say I'd like to know how you managed that, especially since I'm currently hovering around +7.00 to the 4 main Empire Factions with all other Empire Factions trailing down below from +5.00 to +2.00 Faction standing.

As for not getting ganked in this game, that's easier said than done. If someone wants you ganked, eventually you're gonna get ganked, no way around that. I've played this game for over 5 1/2 years and have had 13 suicide gank attempts on my ship.

The 13th attempt was successful, a paid assassination. 1/2 dozen Mercs in Battleships hot dropped on my exploration fit T3 while I was multitasking at a Radar site in 0.7 security system. I was sitting still hacking cans, fighting NPC's and scanning down other signatures all at the same time. Basically the Merc's caught me with my pants down, IE, exploration fit up, active tank off while busy with other things.

Anyway, they released Combat Drones when they landed which filled up my overview and due to being surprised, I ended up fumbling with the screen and my overview trying to find a celestial or station to warp to. Of course when Concord showed up, low and behold lag showed up with them due to me playing the game at minimum specs on a 10 year old computer. Next thing I know my ship was gone and right after that I was doing the pod express to the other side of the Eve universe.

Needless to say that was definitely a wake up call and I learned a very expensive lesson from that experience, mainly keep your defenses active, don't multitask and have Drones set to show on a separate overview tab.


Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#29 - 2014-01-12 03:43:05 UTC
The copy paste text you got going is funny.

I see gankers making lots of isk off of people being stupid.

If you consider that a yes so be it.

My point was if a mission runner fits well and plans for ganks that gankers will most likely lose money against them.

I also find the tears funny.

Working as intended.

The only real issue is that destroyers got a buff that should have been saved for faction destroyers that cost a lot more money.

I remember stating as much before the -25 to dps on destroyers was removed.

If people have enough friends to ruin your day or enough isk to burn through tornadoes good for them.
logic principle3
#30 - 2014-01-12 06:35:34 UTC
When your ships mids and lows are nothing but green, blue, and hell; purple, what the hell do you expect? The only things you should ever pimp are the damage mods, and either a cheap c-type prop mod or booster/repairer. Even then I would advise caution.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2014-01-12 09:09:14 UTC
This kills are for profit too or just for tears?
When enough low skill players with a bit of leadership will do this "en masse" you will see that will become a very serious game play problem.
Think, for example, about when some multi-boxers will see that kills on killboard and begin to decimate ships in high sec for money or just for fun and tears...
The only reason for what you still not see it like a broken game mechanic, is that are still not many players who know how funny and easy is to kill very expensive ships at almost no cost (in isk or security status).
To be honest i think very serious to get few friends in destroyers, pay for their security status tags and go ruin the day to all people who i do not like Big smile
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2014-01-12 09:24:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Ireland VonVicious wrote:

I see gankers making lots of isk off of people being stupid.

My point was if a mission runner fits well and plans for ganks that gankers will most likely lose money against them.

If people have enough friends to ruin your day or enough isk to burn through tornadoes good for them.

The problem is that they don't need tornado to kill faction battleships, and a failed attack don't mean any real money lose for them because destroyers are dirty cheap. Using destroyers they kill ships who worth 2000 times more! There is no real cost barrier for them, and with introduction of security tags was lifted the security status trash too.

You think that you are smart ant that will save you? Anytime you will find there a smarter ganker, ready to find a way to kill you, and your false sense of security will not protect against people who are determined to kill you Twisted
Oska Rus
Free Ice Cream People
#33 - 2014-01-12 10:44:44 UTC
The more isk value is your potential drop the biger bullseye is painted on your ship for gankers. The idea is making gankers lose more money on gank then you drop for example not fitting over 1Bil of mods on ship with no buffer. Noone ganks T2 fitted ships. Even catalysts are not for free and their pilots have limited time. Concord arrival times are known and you can compute how much catalysts are nescessay to gank your ship before concord arrives and adjust your fit according to it.

Hi-sec is place with the most kills per player in new eden so play according to it. If you play reasonably cheap you are safe. If you fit all blue you would be safer in nullsec but still... laughing stock after succesful enemy gank.

Ganking is legitimate tactics and is working as intended. Used practice is Tornados for freighters/industrials/missioners on gates, catalysts for missioners in missions and miners in belt.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#34 - 2014-01-12 11:51:39 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

7.5 standings with all Empire Factions ??????


Correction 7.5 with just the four main factions. By using your Plan, each Epic Arc every 90 days, and a rather OCD mission running etiquette of 16 missions and a storyline till I get a something other than 'Materials for War' then go run 16 for another faction.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2014-01-12 13:55:22 UTC
"Even catalysts are not for free and their pilots have limited time"

Yeah, indeed, otherwise we will not had miners and missioners in high sec anymore Lol
Little Blackjack
Money Savers Inc
#36 - 2014-01-12 15:41:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Little Blackjack
Gank in Highsec exists. Yes. Welcome to eve- deal with it. Being helpful at helpchannels, I'd like to give you some hints:

1) Evaluate your current gank risk level!

How can you do so?

  • get to know gankers tactics. They usually operate at mission hubs, because they know a lot of noobs troll around there.
  • stay cloaky at your favorite systems, whatch gankers work. Add every confirmed ganker to your contact list as -10 standing and have them marked online. Also mark their corp/ally, if this is a gankers corp/ally.
  • watch local and your contact list before undocking. How many reds are online in your sys?

2) Dont fly shiny ships. Fly T2 only. If you prefer shiny ships, there are some basic rules:

  1. always fly omni tanked, never mission specific!
  2. always fly buffer tanked, nevery booster. You want to survive their alpha or if in 0.5 sec maybe their 2-3 alphas before concord saves you
  3. always fly active hardeners and be prepared to immediatly overheat everything as soon as they warp-scramble you. This will gie you 20-40% more EHP. All you need to do ist to survive a maximum of 30 secs. so through it all in!
  4. Fly as much ehp as needed for your fit. if you fly a 10b ship, dont bring just 50k Ehp. Bring 250k minimum plus overheat.
  5. Add an ASB (if shield tanked). Use only navy caps. The ASB will recharge you quickly during the gank and directly after so gankers cant come a second wave.

If you follow the above suggestions, your reward will be extremely well, ISK/h wise. You will collect all the gankers loot and get killrights on each of them. Sell those for 20m each, cause even gankers fly shiny ships in missions here and then. Or they will take the killright off themselves giving you 20m per killright. This way, a failed gank attempt will bring you easily 200-300m in loot/killrights within 30 seconds. There is no better isk/h rate in all eve.

Enjoy and fly safe!
Little Blackjack
Money Savers Inc
#37 - 2014-01-12 15:47:03 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.

Eve is about finding those nieches where you can make obscene amount of isk with zero risk. Ganking is just one of them, scamming another, trading a third and there are much more. Play less risky if you are not ready to take any risk. Stay docked and go for trading. In trading, you can do so much more money than you do in any mission. Just a hint from a mission runner/trader.
Mojo Joo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2014-01-12 17:11:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Mojo Joo
Little Blackjack wrote:
Mojo Joo wrote:

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.

Eve is about finding those nieches where you can make obscene amount of isk with zero risk. Ganking is just one of them, scamming another, trading a third and there are much more. Play less risky if you are not ready to take any risk. Stay docked and go for trading. In trading, you can do so much more money than you do in any mission. Just a hint from a mission runner/trader.

So in Missions & Complexes forum you explain to people that doing mission is normal to be a deadly activity and that is better to do trading? Well, you are obvious focused on expansion of game play....somehow.
Oska Rus
Free Ice Cream People
#39 - 2014-01-12 19:56:38 UTC
Mojo Joo wrote:

You are agree that that gankers make obscene amount of isk very easy with zero risk? That need to be fixed, every player with low skills who get enough friends in destroyers can make a lot of money killing faction ships, or just enjoy killing at low cost a lot of expensive mining barges.

I think that gankers make quite low isk with medicore risk. Their sec status drops and they can be killed by other players. They may loose pods after ganks. Ther target might accidentaly overheat hardeners and survive gank while all gankers dies. Finding proper prey also takes a lot of time. If you would gank a bil fit ship every 15 mins (highly unlikely) youll make 2bil(you get only about half of the fit from drop) an hour divided for 10+- person is 200M/hr at best more likely is something in range 50-100m/hr/person which is close to missions or nulsec anoms. Minus new catalysts which ganker needs a lot his income is below hi-sec mission runner in T2 fit T1 BS.

Traders make obscene amount of isk bil a day for two hours without ever leaving station is possible. WH Cap escallations with 2-3bil/hr for 4 alts running anomalys in secure wormhole with no connections is also good money with reasonable risk imho. Hi sec ganking is for harvesting tears. And as we can all see on this topic it is the most effective way of tear-harvesting in Eve.

Tldr.: Numbers man. Have you seen them in school?
Maxor Swift
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#40 - 2014-01-12 22:01:40 UTC
It would be interesting to see what correlation there is in this thread between people who are in support of suicide ganking and those against, with current mission runners in high sec and members of null sec blobs who grind sov space plexes. I feel quite sure there would be a almost perfect match up.

I personally have little or no time for griefing in any of its guises as in my opinion pirates are criminals and thieves its just unfortunate that CCP doesnt agree being that they make the game.

CCP Fozie once said (on a alliance tourney web cast) that he made it his "mission in (EvE) life to ruin as many peoples day as possible". That says it all really .

"What you talking about willis"

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