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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Pipa Porto
#321 - 2014-01-11 23:31:59 UTC
TharOkha wrote:
Then ask yourself a question. Why did you joined nullsec aliance in the first place? To make industry somewhere in a remote star system far far away from well supplied trade hubs of New Eden and then btching in GD that it is inefficient?

Nope. Didn't join Nullsec to do industry. Doing so would be pretty stupid, since doing industry is far more pleasant in HS.
But I'd prefer that people not be punished for trying to make their income where they live.

Nullsec industry is about supplying your alliance corpmates so they dont need to travel and haul ships and modules from remote trade hubs It is not about your personal profits. Of course it is more difficult. You don't have well stocked marked near you. But thats not a problem of game mechanics.

Why would you build things locally when it takes far less effort, ISK, and hauling capacity to just import the finished goods?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Yonis Kador
#322 - 2014-01-11 23:59:23 UTC
Oh geebus, lord help me please, I'm falling down the stairs.

This subject makes me dizzy. And as a high-sec industrialist, seeing null players with expansive killboards debate my future in the game can be just a tad stressful. Because I like what I'm doing - even if other ppl think it should be much more difficult for me to do it or that my playstyle is invalid because it doesn't resonate in some way with their notion of what EVE should be.

A majority of characters are in high sec because it is high sec. This is an issue of security. You can move resources around all you like and characters will adapt because high sec will still offer the highest security. The vast majority of posts in this thread assume a majority of characters are in high sec because of its slot allocation or its resource allocation etc. but I propose that it is primarily because of CONCORD protection. Increased isk can already be obtained in lower security space. Increased risk is the problem.

High sec industrialists can mine their own zydrine consistently with but one jump into low sec yet the vast majority of them buy it off the market instead and absorb the cost.

You cannot force risk-averse averse players to become risk-takers by starving them.

Risk-averse players will not chase resources to null (ever) (and considering the tidi problems they're already having there it wouldn't even be advantageous for them to do so - i thought this is already why they're getting null 2.0) and I've seen no evidence that nullbears will suddely decide to manufacture in null while high sec perpetually will offer more safety, customers, easy targets, and the hubs.

The hubs aren't going anywhere as long as high sec offers more safety.

Reducing the average number of slots per high sec system will probably help balance out player fluidity - in high sec. Coupled with reduced refine rates, you could probably establish a population density of your choosing - in high sec. But if you're going to force hi sec industrialists into pos manufacturing by design, production of pos fuel needs to be made orders of magnitude less difficult (since you've just introduced a massive tax far beyond slot cost) and a mechanism to remove unpowered towers holding moons needs to be introduced pronto. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing near-perfect refine rates still obtainable with near-perfect npc corp / faction standings - they should relate in some fashion - just so long as perfection isn't freely given to everyone on day one.

It would be nice since I spent months raising my standings with 14 npc corps (so far) above 6.71 specifically to have multiple perfect refining options. And if I venture more than say 10 jumps from where I roam, (a necessity given that belts respawn in reduced quantities) I constantly run into systems only containing stations which are not part of that 14 and which are thus, not perfect refining options.

I do not agree with the repeated argument that once null has all the slots, resources, and the best of everything whatsoever, that those players will have 'no reason' to manufacture in high sec. I can think of several - the logistics of travelling to the hubs not being the least of them.

I'm not even convinced that resource allocation needs to be mathematically balanced or that it should even be balanced in any way that makes sense to players. It should be balanced in a way that maximizes player retention and the longevity of the product CCP is marketing. If that happens to coincide with what a subset of players thinks makes sense is most likely a secondary concern.


Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#323 - 2014-01-12 00:09:43 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Kimmi Chan wrote:
And what of the new player who decides they'd like to be an industrialist?
They can build slowly using the fewer but less valuable NPC slots that serious industrialists will long since have abandoned.

Abandoned for what? Null sec? Don't you kind of need to buff null sec (again) to get all the "real" industrialists to go there?

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#324 - 2014-01-12 00:15:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
You cannot force risk-averse averse players to become risk-takers by starving them.

Your point being?

Or do you actually think I should let them ruin the way I play the game instead? Because, and no mistake, they're trying to. They've been trying to since before I even started playing.

Concord, crimewatch, insurance nerfs, nerf after nerf after nerf, and all to make the way I play the game harder and harder, tightening the noose without end.

And I'm supposed to believe that they couldn't manage to take a nerf themselves? I'm supposed to believe that they deserve to be left alone at this point? That I shouldn't seize every opportunity to hang them with their own rope? That I'm supposed to "live and let live" while they try to legislate me out of existence?

And all because they say "I'll quit" if the slightest talk of tipping the scales in my favor occurs? Because they say they'll flip over the checkerboard if they don't win?

**** no.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Josef Djugashvilis
#325 - 2014-01-12 00:18:15 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
You cannot force risk-averse averse players to become risk-takers by starving them.

Your point being?

Or do you actually think I should let them ruin the way I play the game instead? Because, and no mistake, they're trying to. They've been trying to since before I even started playing.

Concord, crimewatch, insurance nerfs, nerf after nerf after nerf, and all to make the way I play the game harder and harder, tightening the noose without end.

And I'm supposed to believe that they couldn't manage to take a nerf themselves? I'm supposed to believe that they deserve to be left alone at this point? That I shouldn't seize every opportunity to hang them with their own rope? That I'm supposed to "live and let live" while they try to legislate me out of existence?

And all because they say "I'll quit" if the slightest talk of tipping the scales in my favor occurs? Because they say they'll flip over the checkerboard if they don't win?

**** no.

Yet more crazy stuff from my favourite poster.

This is not a signature.

Deunan Tenephais
#326 - 2014-01-12 00:35:12 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Your point being?

Or do you actually think I should let them ruin the way I play the game instead? Because, and no mistake, they're trying to. They've been trying to since before I even started playing.

You're being paranoïd, most of them don't even know you exist.

Concord, crimewatch, insurance nerfs, nerf after nerf after nerf, and all to make the way I play the game harder and harder, tightening the noose without end.

Again you're being either paranoïd or delusionnal, most are simply not even aware of your existence.
And about insurances it was more of a normalization than a nerf, with concord you literally decide to trash your own ship by attacking someone in highsec.
What kind of insurance company would pay you back for trashing the insured thing ?

And I'm supposed to believe that they couldn't manage to take a nerf themselves? I'm supposed to believe that they deserve to be left alone at this point? That I shouldn't seize every opportunity to hang them with their own rope? That I'm supposed to "live and let live" while they try to legislate me out of existence?

And all because they say "I'll quit" if the slightest talk of tipping the scales in my favor occurs? Because they say they'll flip over the checkerboard if they don't win?

**** no.

Win at what game exactly ?
Because if you're talking about highsec ganking then it seems like they are trying to avoid being part of the game.
Unless the cat and mouse thing is also part of the game, but I can safely say that they do not want it either.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#327 - 2014-01-12 00:38:12 UTC
You're being paranoïd, most of them don't even know you exist.

Metaphors, learn about them.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#328 - 2014-01-12 00:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Abandoned for what? Null sec? Don't you kind of need to buff null sec (again) to get all the "real" industrialists to go there?
…which is why it's not something that can happen in isolation, and which is why the “onoz, mah highsec!!” cries of fear and outrage tend to make themselves irrelevant since they've chosen to miss a huge part of the conversation.

For instance…
Yonis Kador wrote:
You cannot force risk-averse averse players to become risk-takers by starving them.
No-one is suggesting anything along those lines either. Rather, the idea is to give the risk-takers something worth-while to actually put their stuff at risk for and to stop forcing them to play in the risk-free zone. The risk-averse can keep doing what they're doing, but they'll have to compensate for that safety somehow, most likely by increased costs and/or reduced capacity.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#329 - 2014-01-12 00:57:02 UTC  |  Edited by: MatrixSkye Mk2
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Your point being?

Or do you actually think I should let them ruin the way I play the game instead? Because, and no mistake, they're trying to. They've been trying to since before I even started playing.

Concord, crimewatch, insurance nerfs, nerf after nerf after nerf, and all to make the way I play the game harder and harder, tightening the noose without end.

And I'm supposed to believe that they couldn't manage to take a nerf themselves? I'm supposed to believe that they deserve to be left alone at this point? That I shouldn't seize every opportunity to hang them with their own rope? That I'm supposed to "live and let live" while they try to legislate me out of existence?

And all because they say "I'll quit" if the slightest talk of tipping the scales in my favor occurs? Because they say they'll flip over the checkerboard if they don't win?

**** no.

And this is why these threads cannot be taken seriously. They're full of so much political pork (hatred, disdain, self-entitlement, animosity) towards a play style they don't approve of that it's hard to distinguish "the problem" (if there really is one) from the wishful systemic purging of hi sec players/carebears/PVE'ers.

It's always the same group of people too. Make an anti-carebear/anti-hi sec/anti-PVE thread and you'll notice it's always the same 5 or 6 players flooding the thread with venomous vitriol while claiming it isn't emotional and all "facts". But I suspect, sadly, that the sentiment above is what, for the most part, drives them to supporting anything that handicaps these "pubbies" or what they consider a lower sub-species of players.

And if they end up quitting the game? **** 'em. They're not welcome in my game anyway.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Deunan Tenephais
#330 - 2014-01-12 00:57:03 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
You're being paranoïd, most of them don't even know you exist.

Metaphors, learn about them.

Hyperboles in this case then, rethorical overstatements.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#331 - 2014-01-12 01:00:28 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
You're being paranoïd, most of them don't even know you exist.

Metaphors, learn about them.

Hyperboles in this case then, rethorical overstatements.

Heh, no. The game's history is rife with buffs to highsec. It's like nerfing Caldari, it's pretty much been a constant for a while.

As for the "paranoia" thing, it's not about a sense of personal persecution, more that my playstyle (ganking, scamming, etc) has been curtailed time and time again by the cries of the "risk averse" (their proper name is carebears).

And I think it's about time the scales tipped in the other direction for once. Highsec is too safe, the cattle too are too fat.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#332 - 2014-01-12 01:01:11 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
And this is why these threads cannot be taken seriously. They're full of so much political pork (hatred, disdain, self-entitlement, animosity) towards a play style they don't approve of that it's hard to distinguish "the problem" (if there really is one) from the wishful systemic purging of hi sec players/carebears/PVE'ers.
You have lots of examples of the latter to show, then, since it's apparently so common…?
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#333 - 2014-01-12 01:12:14 UTC
And if they end up quitting the game? **** 'em. They're not welcome in my game anyway.

Like I'm welcome in their game? Most of the ones I've ever dealt with act like they're playing a single player game, and how dare I prove otherwise. How dare I shine the light on that hole in the ground they have their heads buried in.

How dare I want to kill people in a spaceship game about killing people. Shock and alarm.

The difference is, I'm the one playing the game correctly.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#334 - 2014-01-12 01:21:12 UTC
Tippia wrote:
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
And this is why these threads cannot be taken seriously. They're full of so much political pork (hatred, disdain, self-entitlement, animosity) towards a play style they don't approve of that it's hard to distinguish "the problem" (if there really is one) from the wishful systemic purging of hi sec players/carebears/PVE'ers.
You have lots of examples of the latter to show, then, since it's apparently so common…?

Common on these threads? Absolutely. Examples? Yes to that as well. In fact, you yourself haven't been shy about expressing how you feel about hi sec players and carebears in general. Chances are that, if it's a hi-sec- or carebear-hating thread, you're in it in support of this ideology.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Deunan Tenephais
#335 - 2014-01-12 01:22:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Deunan Tenephais
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
You're being paranoïd, most of them don't even know you exist.

Metaphors, learn about them.

Hyperboles in this case then, rethorical overstatements.

Heh, no. The game's history is rife with buffs to highsec. It's like nerfing Caldari, it's pretty much been a constant for a while.

As for the "paranoia" thing, it's not about a sense of personal persecution, more that my playstyle (ganking, scamming, etc) has been curtailed time and time again by the cries of the "risk averse" (their proper name is carebears).

And I think it's about time the scales tipped in the other direction for once. Highsec is too safe, the cattle too are too fat.

I was writing about the fact that YOU, personally YOU are the target is an hyperbolic statement.

But as far as ganking pvers goes it's a lot like a tug of war, your playstyle hinders theirs, their requests hinders yours, unless there is a precise equilibrium that all sides agree upon (an unrealistic outcome) it will endlessly go one way or another.
MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#336 - 2014-01-12 01:24:05 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
The difference is, I'm the one playing the game correctly.

Of course you are, snowflake. If they ain't playing like you, they playinitwrong™.

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#337 - 2014-01-12 01:26:57 UTC
MatrixSkye Mk2 wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
The difference is, I'm the one playing the game correctly.

Of course you are, snowflake. If they ain't playing like you, they playinitwrong™.

Nothing of the sort.

But if you're trying to play it like other people don't exist? If you think you get to be immune to other people in a multiplayer game? That is playing it wrong.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Yonis Kador
#338 - 2014-01-12 01:31:24 UTC
Tippia wrote:

For instance…
Yonis Kador wrote:
You cannot force risk-averse averse players to become risk-takers by starving them.
No-one is suggesting anything along those lines either. Rather, the idea is to give the risk-takers something worth-while to actually put their stuff at risk for and to stop forcing them to play in the risk-free zone. The risk-averse can keep doing what they're doing, but they'll have to compensate for that safety somehow, most likely by increased costs and/or reduced capacity.

Over in features and ideas I met nullbears who were advocating for mining to be made into a mini-game because they get so bored mining their super-roids in null with nothing to do that they often play other games on a 2nd monitor. They laughed at me when I asked them how safe null really was and told me that if you're in a decent alliance it's much safer than high sec.

I explained to them that in high sec, I have to watch local because there are always people I don't know in my system and that I don't have super-roids. My rocks pop in 2-3 cycles usually and if they were mined the day before, even sooner, so as a high-sec industrialist, I didn't have time to play mining mini-games. I've got to multi-task constantly to maintain any desirable level of efficiency.

So what kind of post-apocalyptic vision do you guys propose for high sec, terrible enough to motivate all those 'risk-takers' to travel back to null where it is already so safe it's laughable? Whether you nerf high sec or buff null, the net result is buffing null. So how much booty is going to be enough to settle this argument definatively? Or what kind of scavanger/armageddon vision for high sec would supply null with enough of a sense of superiority to end this debate?

Or will this argument simply go so long as high sec exists?


Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#339 - 2014-01-12 01:34:26 UTC
I was writing about the fact that YOU, personally YOU are the target is an hyperbolic statement.

And I'm telling you that "me" is metaphorically myself and everyone else who plays the way I do. I know it's not me, Kaarous, personally, as I already explained to you.

But as far as ganking pvers goes it's a lot like a tug of war, your playstyle hinders theirs, their requests hinders yours, unless there is a precise equilibrium that all sides agree upon (an unrealistic outcome) it will endlessly go one way or another.

That's the problem. There is no "equilibrium", there is nothing "all sides agree upon".

It's just them getting what they want, over and over again.

Every nerf, every time, the real players adapt and find ways to play our game. And every time, they say that we shouldn't be allowed to do it.

A simple search of the forums shows this off clearly. "Freighters should be able to be bumped!" "Freighters need more EHP so they cant be ganked!" "No one should be able to go into my mission pocket!" "Ban people who use Margin Trading scams!"

They never stop, no matter how much they take, it's never enough for them.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

MatrixSkye Mk2
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#340 - 2014-01-12 01:37:08 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
But if you're trying to play it like other people don't exist? If you think you get to be immune to other people in a multiplayer game? That is playing it wrong.

And who is it exactly that is trying to play like other people don't exist? Are you referring to hi sec players? Players avoiding PVP? Because it seems to me these players are playing exactly how the mechanics allow them to play.

I haven't (combat) PVP'd in my entire stay in Eve (~8 years) except maybe for once or twice, even though I spend most of my time in lo sec (75% of my time, to give a number). Do you think I'm playing the game wrong? Do you think I'm playing like other people don't exist?

Successfully doinitwrong™ since 2006.