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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Pipa Porto
#201 - 2014-01-11 01:07:59 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
What happens when we find that your hypothesis is wrong, and what drives null sec pilots to make ISK in hi sec is the AFK safety, knowing full well that the potential income in null sec is an order of magnitude higher but requires them to be at-keyboard? What about the players to care bear it up in hi sec to avoid CTAs?

Potential income in nullsec is almost identical to that of HS.

Some players will accept a lower income for increased safety and that's perfectly fine. The problem is that that's not the choice offered right now. The choice available right now is between lower and higher safety with no significant change in income.

Would a reduction in the numbers of people in hi sec by players leaving the game be a "win" or "lose" outcome for you?

Why would anyone leave the game?
If you're living in HS full time, there's no change in your lifestyle, the point tally just goes up a little slower.
If you're living in Nullsec, you can now make more money more conveniently since you no longer have to commute.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Deunan Tenephais
#202 - 2014-01-11 01:08:06 UTC
Frankly, all these threads about nerfing highsec when the problem is nullsec profitability are becoming tiresome.

Actually, nullsec offers a better absolute income than highsec, it has already been debated in other threads and admitted by all that if the actual income in nullsec is inferior to highsec it's because nullseccers typically interrupt their activity when their infoweb tell them a non-blue is nearby.

But that's their choice, they could go on doing what they are doing and have a better income/hour, yet they chose not to.
It's their concern, if they do not take the risk involved then they do not get the reward.

And highsec is not absolutely risk free, it's enough to look up osmon, jita, lanngisi and apanake podkill/day to realize it, so let's throw this idea of total babysitting out of the window, it's simply not true.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#203 - 2014-01-11 01:52:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Frankly, all these threads about nerfing highsec when the problem is nullsec profitability are becoming tiresome.

It's not just nullsec. It's low and wormholes too. Highsec risk/isk ratio is too skewed toward isk, and that's the end of it. They need either more risk or less isk.

Actually, nullsec offers a better absolute income than highsec, it has already been debated in other threads and admitted by all that if the actual income in nullsec is inferior to highsec it's because nullseccers typically interrupt their activity when their infoweb tell them a non-blue is nearby.

It's theoretical upper bounds for a single person (single person is the key there) are higher, yes.

But not the average per player. It's nowhere close. Yes, there are a few guys out there making bank, but you can say the same thing of the highsec trading magnates.

But you cannot say that the anomnomnoms are there for all in nullsec. So very much of that space is truesec that is barely worth living in. Fit for nothing but renters and day trippers.

This is because the income in nullsec is subtractive, whereas the income in highsec is only multiplicative. That's the real problem. Yeah, 1 guy out of 100 can make a ton doing anoms in nullsec.

But 100 out of 100 can farm an L4 all day.

And highsec is not absolutely risk free, it's enough to look up osmon, jita, lanngisi and apanake podkill/day to realize it, so let's throw this idea of total babysitting out of the window, it's simply not true.

Those are the exception, not the rule. Otherwise no one would do it.

If highsec actually were dangerous, and these numbers not just the product of people taking advantage of the stupid sheep who won't defend themselves, then other areas of space would be more viable.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#204 - 2014-01-11 02:01:35 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Would a reduction in the numbers of people in hi sec by players leaving the game be a "win" or "lose" outcome for you?

Why would anyone leave the game?
If you're living in HS full time, there's no change in your lifestyle, the point tally just goes up a little slower.
If you're living in Nullsec, you can now make more money more conveniently since you no longer have to commute.

Who is commuting? Nullsec players just have alts in HS. They're not flying their alts here. Their alts live here. As far as the logistics of shipping loot and salvage to HS... that isn't going to change either just from nerfing HS income.

And as far as people in Nullsec making more money - how? If all you're doing is lowering rewards or adding risk in HS, that does not equal an increase in income in Null. If you want to make more money in Null - lobby to buff Null income. Or are you talking income relative to HS? In which case the question becomes why is important to nerf this part of the game, not for the benefit of anyone, but just because?

Is there a reason why people can't just pay their sub and play the game as it is? I swear, CCP Devs must absolutely hate their jobs. All day, every day:

Nerf ganking!
Buff ganking!
Nerf AFK Cloaker *******!
Nerf Drone Assist!
Nerf SuperCapitals!
Nerf Incursions!
Nerf Bastion Modules!
Change Bastion Modules!
******* MTU got me killed - MTU is ******* fail! (MTU for CSM!)
Nerf High Sec!
Nerf Null Sec!
Buff Corpses!

All day long - these poor bastards at CCP put together a pretty ******* awesome game and everyone playing it apparently ******* hates it because they come here on a daily basis to argue about the changes that it absolutely must have or:

Eve will die
I and my 8 accounts will quit
Things will be unbalanced
The sky will fall
Player base will stagnate
New players will leave

Seriously, what kind of sense does that make?

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#205 - 2014-01-11 02:01:38 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Potential income in nullsec is almost identical to that of HS.

Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).

Pipa Porto wrote:
If you're living in Nullsec, you can now make more money more conveniently since you no longer have to commute.

Commute? Do you even play the game? Why would you commute from null sec to hi sec when you can use alts or jump clones to travel instantaneously?
EI Digin
#206 - 2014-01-11 02:18:52 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).
Are you seriously quoting statistics that were generated over three years ago?
EI Digin
#207 - 2014-01-11 02:28:13 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:

Is there a reason why people can't just pay their sub and play the game as it is? I swear, CCP Devs must absolutely hate their jobs. All day, every day:

Nerf ganking!
Buff ganking!
Nerf AFK Cloaker *******!
Nerf Drone Assist!
Nerf SuperCapitals!
Nerf Incursions!
Nerf Bastion Modules!
Change Bastion Modules!
******* MTU got me killed - MTU is ******* fail! (MTU for CSM!)
Nerf High Sec!
Nerf Null Sec!
Buff Corpses!

All day long - these poor bastards at CCP put together a pretty ******* awesome game and everyone playing it apparently ******* hates it because they come here on a daily basis to argue about the changes that it absolutely must have or:

Eve will die
I and my 8 accounts will quit
Things will be unbalanced
The sky will fall
Player base will stagnate
New players will leave

Seriously, what kind of sense does that make?

Welcome to General Discussion. Home of the ideological forever-war.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#208 - 2014-01-11 02:31:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Mara Rinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Potential income in nullsec is almost identical to that of HS.

Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).

Pretty sure this is out of date. Can't find the source but i think incursion payouts are currently topping the list of injected isk.

Nope I lied, it was bounty payouts, though with no breakdown for sec status.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#209 - 2014-01-11 02:33:21 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Potential income in nullsec is almost identical to that of HS.

Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).

Pretty sure this is out of date. Can't find the source but i think incursion payouts are currently topping the list of injected isk.

They are. Someone posted it in the Infinity Ziona Threadnaught of Lies, and since I wasted so much time in that thread I remember that particular piece of stats distinctly.

Which kinda makes me sad, considering that I have trouble remembering my sibling's birthdays since I got married. But then, I have a lot of siblings.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Pipa Porto
#210 - 2014-01-11 02:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
Mara Rinn wrote:
Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).

Most of the income from l4s is not created in the form of ISK.

If ratting generated 5m ISK/hr and mining generated 50m ISK/hr, ratting would be the bigger ISK faucet but you'd be nuts to argue that that meant it was the higher income activity.

Commute? Do you even play the game? Why would you commute from null sec to hi sec when you can use alts or jump clones to travel instantaneously?

Wikipedia wrote:
Commuting is regular travel between one's place of residence and place of work or full-time study.

Just because it consists of logging off one character and logging on another doesn't change that it is commuting.

Kimmi Chan wrote:
And as far as people in Nullsec making more money - how? If all you're doing is lowering rewards or adding risk in HS, that does not equal an increase in income in Null. If you want to make more money in Null - lobby to buff Null income. Or are you talking income relative to HS? In which case the question becomes why is important to nerf this part of the game, not for the benefit of anyone, but just because?

More money than they would in HS.

I explained the reason why simply buffing income in Nullsec is a worse idea than nerfing HS income. Because if you buff nullsec income, you also have to try to buff LS and WH income in perfect step with that, which would have the exact same effect as nerfing HS except that you'd cause more inflation.

Look up the concept of a Zero-Sum game. Buffing everything but HS and Nerfing HS are functionally identical actions.

And it isn't "just because." There is currently no rational reason for even the most risk hungry player to try to make money doing PvE outside of HS. The income in the lower risk area of HS is just as good. Providing a difference in income potential is the benefit, and nerfing HS is the least costly method.

EI Digin wrote:
Welcome to General Discussion. Home of the ideological forever-war.

Once they could talk, the first question was 'Why did you start this thing?' and the answer was 'Me?”

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Josh Tempelaar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#211 - 2014-01-11 02:40:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Josh Tempelaar
Isn't the whole point of having hi-sec and low-sec and null-sec to give players a choice as to whether or not they wish to take on the risks of being their?. Why would you want to play with people that have little interest or skill in PvP? (unless your just looking for a quick easy kill, or can't pvp well enough to last yourself in Low-sec or Null-Sec).
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2014-01-11 02:51:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Potential income in nullsec is almost identical to that of HS.

Despite CCP continually pointing out that the greatest ISK faucets are null sec anomalies? This is what led to the anomaly nerf of 2011 (announced while FanFest was in full swing).

Pretty sure this is out of date. Can't find the source but i think incursion payouts are currently topping the list of injected isk.

They are. Someone posted it in the Infinity Ziona Threadnaught of Lies, and since I wasted so much time in that thread I remember that particular piece of stats distinctly.

Which kinda makes me sad, considering that I have trouble remembering my sibling's birthdays since I got married. But then, I have a lot of siblings.

I didn't look much at that thread, but the most recent numbers I'm aware of were from a year ago from CCP Diagoras. Those put incursions (301.8 billion ISK) 3rd behind bounty payouts (896.34 billion ISK) and NPC buy orders (337.4 billion ISK) for the month of January 2012. That would have to be a REALLY big swing in activity, bigger than the concurrent incursion count to support I'd imagine, to cause it to topple bounties.

If there are more recent numbers I'd love to see them.

ED: Double checked and that was pre-nerf incursions, so we wouldn't have been looking at depressed numbers during the adaptation period.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#213 - 2014-01-11 02:52:30 UTC
Why would you want to play with people that have little interest or skill in PvP?

Because this is a one universe game.

The concept of one group who does not play with any real risk receiving equal or near equal rewards as people who actually accept risk is fairly distasteful.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Deunan Tenephais
#214 - 2014-01-11 03:00:29 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
It's not just nullsec. It's low and wormholes too. Highsec risk/isk ratio is too skewed toward isk, and that's the end of it. They need either more risk or less isk.

At the basis it is not, bounties and salvage/loot are what they are, the isk rewards from missions are pocket change, only the LP matters if one can optimize the mission farming.
But the LP/isk ratio is market related, it depends on the desirability of the items sold.
Cut down the LPs and the items will be more rare, their price will go up, and the isk/LP ratio will grow and the same people will do the same amount of money through less LPs, that's all.
The only change will be that people with lower income will not be able to buy some of the things anymore, and if their income is subpar then they couldn't buy much already, so it won't be a big enough loss of customerhood that the prices will get down because of it.
It will only decrease the access to content for some people.

It's theoretical upper bounds for a single person (single person is the key there) are higher, yes.

But not the average per player. It's nowhere close. Yes, there are a few guys out there making bank, but you can say the same thing of the highsec trading magnates.

But you cannot say that the anomnomnoms are there for all in nullsec. So very much of that space is truesec that is barely worth living in. Fit for nothing but renters and day trippers.

This is because the income in nullsec is subtractive, whereas the income in highsec is only multiplicative. That's the real problem. Yeah, 1 guy out of 100 can make a ton doing anoms in nullsec.

But 100 out of 100 can farm an L4 all day.

You have mission agents in some parts of nullsec too, you know.
On the complexes I agree that they should be more numerous in null sec than what they are if, considering the low number of active residents, people have to resort to high sec farming.
And nerfing missions will not hinder the biggest way to wealth: trading, there will still be market hubs.

Those are the exception, not the rule. Otherwise no one would do it.

If highsec actually were dangerous, and these numbers not just the product of people taking advantage of the stupid sheep who won't defend themselves, then other areas of space would be more viable.

Those are the main wealth generating systems in highsec, so they are not exceptions at all, people go where there is economical potential and gankers go where many targets go, it's that simple.
So yes, a satisfying income in highsec means taking some risk in getting podded, less than in low or null admittedly but that's only fair as the rewards for an uninterrupted farming session are not the same.
High sec income is prefered because it is safer, not because it is safe.

And that's precisely the problem, it's not that people are doing highsec farming because it is better, but because it is safer.
The problem is not reward related, it is risk related.
Look at an the incursion actually happening in gallente space, look its progression level.
Then look where it is.
See, incursions are supposed to pay even better than SOE L4, but no one is doing this one, because it is in serpent's coil.
Risk related, not isk related.
Josh Tempelaar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#215 - 2014-01-11 03:07:07 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Why would you want to play with people that have little interest or skill in PvP?

Because this is a one universe game.

The concept of one group who does not play with any real risk receiving equal or near equal rewards as people who actually accept risk is fairly distasteful.

So your saying that because a Hi-sec person chooses not to risk as much as a low-sec person they get equal share in rewards I find that hard to believe. But if it bothers you so much why not just go to Hi-sec and pod them there? Or is the RISK to high for you?
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#216 - 2014-01-11 03:21:21 UTC
At the basis it is not, bounties and salvage/loot are what they are, the isk rewards from missions are pocket change, only the LP matters if one can optimize the mission farming.
But the LP/isk ratio is market related, it depends on the desirability of the items sold.
Cut down the LPs and the items will be more rare, their price will go up, and the isk/LP ratio will grow and the same people will do the same amount of money through less LPs, that's all.
The only change will be that people with lower income will not be able to buy some of the things anymore, and if their income is subpar then they couldn't buy much already, so it won't be a big enough loss of customerhood that the prices will get down because of it.
It will only decrease the access to content for some people.

Which is why my suggestion has been for some time to leave their payouts alone, and increase their risk.

Make wardecs generate killrights on a person who drops corp during a war. That'd be a good step for starters. If people don't like it, then there's always NPC corps, which if they dec dodge they belong in anyway.

It's about time to stamp these 5 man highsec corps out of existence anyway.

On the complexes I agree that they should be more numerous in null sec than what they are if, considering the low number of active residents, people have to resort to high sec farming.

No. This will cause inflation. Inflation is so bad it's hard to adequately describe it.

Actually giving people a reason to live in nullsec, you know, increase their ability to perform industrial activities and improve their infrastructure and such, would be more helpful.

High sec income is prefered because it is safer, not because it is safe.

If you're awake, it is almost impossible to die in highsec. It's too safe, if anything.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#217 - 2014-01-11 03:24:28 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
It's about time to stamp these 5 man highsec corps out of existence anyway.


"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#218 - 2014-01-11 03:33:00 UTC
Kimmi Chan wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
It's about time to stamp these 5 man highsec corps out of existence anyway.


I blame them as partially responsible for the poor newbie turnaround rate and overall poor new player experience.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Deunan Tenephais
#219 - 2014-01-11 03:40:15 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Which is why my suggestion has been for some time to leave their payouts alone, and increase their risk.

Make wardecs generate killrights on a person who drops corp during a war. That'd be a good step for starters. If people don't like it, then there's always NPC corps, which if they dec dodge they belong in anyway.

It's about time to stamp these 5 man highsec corps out of existence anyway.

Agreed about mainly everything but the killrights, it would convince people to stay in their corp, stay in station until end of wardec and then drop for npc corps, not fundamentally different from now, only slower at no bettering of the system, only that these people would bore themselves, we can't have that in an entertainment product.
And bout the 5 man corps, you're talking about alt corps ?

No. This will cause inflation. Inflation is so bad it's hard to adequately describe it.

Actually giving people a reason to live in nullsec, you know, increase their ability to perform industrial activities and improve their infrastructure and such, would be more helpful.

Inflation ?
Inflation is created when an amout of monetary mass is introduced in the economy in a noticable way, so economical agents up the prices because they want at least part of this money.
I fail to see the relation with complexes...

And about infrastructures it seems a reworking of POS is in the working, I don't know if anything was disclosed yet.
A good idea would be for POS to have vastly more ME research slots than traditionnal high sec stations, THAT would endear people to null sec.

If you're awake, it is almost impossible to die in highsec. It's too safe, if anything.

Not true, some missions with big amount of NPCs can hurt the ships, like a serpentis blockade with maddening ewar and random waves triggers, last time I lost 2 hammerheads over it and had to go back to station with my mega's hull smoking a few times.
Even at a 130+ km targeting range I was reduced to 12km by the ewar, I thought I was gonna blow a fuse.

If a ganker got me at this time....
Khumaak Flying Circus
#220 - 2014-01-11 04:55:09 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Bots all but abandoned null years ago. They make more isk in far greater safety in high sec.

That's news to me. Probably also to the botters who were freaking out about the warp speed and interceptor changes because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to warp off in time anymore. Probably also to the people who go to botting forums looking for space in null sec to rent. Also probably news to the null sec CEOs who go to botting forums trying to recruit botters. And probably news to PL's leadership, who reportedly were laughing about some of their tenants wishing to know if they could pay their rent via PayPal.

There is a train of thought among some botters that null sec is safer than high sec because there are less people around who will use the Report Bot button. If a neutral comes into system, the bot can warp to a POS or safe spot and log off. A CCP ban is a little more disruptive. P

I am not saying that there are more botters in null than in high, but to say it doesn't go on is a little naive, to say the least.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"