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The biggest failure(s) of EVE for new players.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#101 - 2014-01-09 20:38:55 UTC
Logical 101 wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
We are very lucky that the publishers of Eve Online are descendants of Vikings and not the people who safely came over to America on a boat...

You mean like all the Swedes and Danes and Norwegians who came here that way?

Not to mention this guy.
Zircon Dasher
#102 - 2014-01-09 20:46:37 UTC
Poulsbo: Where half the population is named Jorgen and the other half named Sven.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#103 - 2014-01-09 20:47:31 UTC
New players have never had it so easy

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Marsha Mallow
#104 - 2014-01-09 20:50:21 UTC
This last page looks to be mainly people who read only the OP. Castiana has responded multiple times and taken on board a lot of advice and suggestions in pretty decent spirit so don't beat him/her up over the tone of the OP.

It is a bit annoying as a rookie when your corp gets decced and no one really knows what to do, especially if you get on with the people there and don't particularly want to move. It's OK saying "go do some research" but there is tons of info out there to sift through. GD isn't a great place for this btw, especially when you approach it from the "this is a game flaw and I demand a change" angle, but I think judging by the replies you've started to realise that :P

A few suggestions as to how your corp can deal with it further to other comments:

- Evasion
Google Eve-Who, check all members in the corp, add them to your watchlist and send a corpmail linking all of them so other members can do the same. If someone has standings to run locator agents do so (you might be able to purchase this as a service through the sell forums, have a look) but if not, check where their HQ is listed as and roll a rookie alt in an NPC corp and send it across to scout. Try work out between you what time these people are online and what systems they are active in. This is never perfect as they may also have NPC or out of corp alts scouting your system, but it's still worth a try. They may be largely inactive during your timezone, or weekend players, or one person with multiple alts.
If they are fairly far away, which is unlikely, just keep an eye on local and be sensible, ie do your activities in groups, try stay aligned to a safe, make safespot bookmarks for quick warpouts, and use cheap ships you can afford to lose. If they are really close, pack up and arrange an op to relocate, take all members and go chill somewhere else.

- Co-operation
Find out if they have any other active wardecs, and contact those corps if so and try to work together. Check their most recent closed wardecs and contact those corps as well. Talk to people in local and see if anyone is willing to help a rookie corp fight a wardec. You might be mocked, or you might be pleasantly surprised. Have a look at the C&P forums as well, although post on an alt to start or you'll just attract more hassle.

- Fight
Seems like the hardest one but it's not. Previous posters linked quick skillplans for low sp gank fits. Low sp characters can beat high sp alts. Even if you don't have skill or experience you can beat people by numbers. Or just have a go and lose, it's still fun. They'll probably be really pleased if you come out and fight tbh even if you are rubbish, whereas whining and raging will just antagonise them. You could step away from the victim mentality and treat it as an opportunity to PVP right now, rather than sitting around waiting for SP. I'm pretty sure loads of long term empire residents delude themselves that one day, when they have enough SP, they'll PVP. Actually forcing them to might seem a bit harsh, but if it clicks for you, you're set in Eve for a lot of fun.

As per a few previous remarks, a few of us have been decced by people we ended up talking to and learning from. I have alts in corps who decced mine more than once, because the wars were awesome and so were they. It's rarely personal, so don't get too worked up over it, you might find the people are actually fun to play with. If they are idiots just take the **** and wind em up. If they go nuts in local it'll backfire for them via counterdecs. Plus it's really funny.

Good luck!

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Galen Darksmith
Sky Fighters
Rote Kapelle
#105 - 2014-01-09 21:48:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Galen Darksmith
NightCrawler 85 wrote:

While these threads can be amusing to read, it can also be frustrating because it often shows how few people actually reads up on the game and uses the resources made available by both CCP and players to help them get an easier start in the game.

So, its not that a new player dosent know where to look, its simply that they dont bother because "I played ***** for X amount of years, i already know all there is to know about online gaming".

So much this.

It's not just EVE either, I've played other MMOs and seen the exact same thing. Doing 5 man groups in WoW? Some douchebag literally doesn't know what what aggro is, or wants to only DPS despite being the only tank or healer in the group. Playing WoT? Some douchebag who paid real money for a premium heavy tank charges in and get slaughtered because hey, heavy tank means I can solo them all, right?

It's really one of the main things I love about EVE: the people who flourish are the ones who actually put a little bit of brainpower into their hobbies, while the idiot douchebags get blown up repeatedly while whining about it on the forums.

Here's hoping the OP avoids this terrible fate.

"EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for." -CCP Wrangler

Castiana Sukarala
#106 - 2014-01-09 23:13:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Castiana Sukarala
Galen Darksmith wrote:
NightCrawler 85 wrote:

While these threads can be amusing to read, it can also be frustrating because it often shows how few people actually reads up on the game and uses the resources made available by both CCP and players to help them get an easier start in the game.

So, its not that a new player dosent know where to look, its simply that they dont bother because "I played ***** for X amount of years, i already know all there is to know about online gaming".

So much this.

It's not just EVE either, I've played other MMOs and seen the exact same thing. Doing 5 man groups in WoW? Some douchebag literally doesn't know what what aggro is, or wants to only DPS despite being the only tank or healer in the group. Playing WoT? Some douchebag who paid real money for a premium heavy tank charges in and get slaughtered because hey, heavy tank means I can solo them all, right?

It's really one of the main things I love about EVE: the people who flourish are the ones who actually put a little bit of brainpower into their hobbies, while the idiot douchebags get blown up repeatedly while whining about it on the forums.

Here's hoping the OP avoids this terrible fate.

Ive answered several replies. And i have also stated i do not get blown upp repetedly. I have also researcehd some, and i do the watchlist, local thing. I align to warp away etc. Move to far far away (halfway across the galaxy from them). But i got agent tracked i guess its called, and 4 wartargets camp the gate i jumped through. Theres probably more you can do to avoid it. But i didn't know that at the time.

Ive also played several MMO's. WOW quite a bit. 5 man grouping withouth tank or healer is the only way to make 5 mans fun. Or was at least.

As for flurishing in EVE, i already have. It just annoyed me to no end, the continuing targeting of "newbs" from much more experienced players, whos basically just trying to find their footing. Its 4-15 day old chars were talking about here.

As for the other stuff. The corp has taken some really nice steps now to prevent the wardecs from succeding anymore, with help from allies. And ive started an alt as well. Because i realized, this char is kinda fail when it comes to SP spending, and is gonna take a while to be good at what i intended for it. So im making one for frigate/destroyer pvping in the meantime.

As a side note. The constant calling out on "newbs" some people clearly enjoy helps absolutly no one. Thoose who actually gave some good advice instead, i followed upp and am better for it. I just don't get the point of the rest of it. Do you not enjoy EVE? Do you wan't it to fail/never gain substantial player base? Because thats the only thing you actually achieve on just calling everyone new to a game dumbasses, instead of shedding some light on how you can do stuff differently. Almost no one, knows the entire game they start to play before they play it, or even research it thorougly. And asking a new player to read 5000 pages of text before they can play it will just put almost everyone off from it. Instead of doing as some others here, and giving the most nessesary stuff you need to know to get to know EVE better in a small overwiev.
Castiana Sukarala
#107 - 2014-01-09 23:30:39 UTC
NightCrawler 85 wrote:
Spurty wrote:
Logical 101 wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
My corp over the last 7 years has been war decd at various times, you either get well away form the majority of your mates for a week, or you give them a few fights and get your nose bloody.

I think the moral of this award-winning story is "don't join fail corps".

Like a new player "KNOWS" who is who or even 'Where to look'?

Got to crack eggs to make a cake or something

If we dont take into the account the people who just randomly see a game and decides to buy it without doing any research most people should at the very least check out some basic information of the game, which should lead them to EVE New Citizens Q&A Resources which contains a lot of information that is really handy for any new player, and they would also find a guide that is made purely to help new players figure out where to look for a corp, what to look for, what to avoid, where to find the information needed and what kind of traps they can fall into if they are not careful.

If a player chooses to not look for any information at all, and instead jump into the game blindly.. well... that leads to threads such as this, this or the thread we are currently posting in.
While these threads can be amusing to read, it can also be frustrating because it often shows how few people actually reads up on the game and uses the resources made available by both CCP and players to help them get an easier start in the game.

So, its not that a new player dosent know where to look, its simply that they dont bother because "I played ***** for X amount of years, i already know all there is to know about online gaming".

Well actually. I had a great start to the game, and got a handle on market/trading etc really quick. Did i expect to have to pvp straight off the bat. No i didn't. I also really enjoyed what the corp did when we where not wardecced. Do most people read through a forum before they start to play a game? Not really. They read as they have to read. But tbh the gripes i had when i wrote this post is irrelevant anyhow for after some nice replies, tips and messages from some verry helpfull people.

A really quick fix from CCP that would help them retain more players would be to simply expand the tutorial a bit when it comes to corps. Maybe even reference a specific thread for it. If you advertise your game on f.ex steam. They will most likely not bother to read the EVE forums before they play. Thats just plain illogical.

As for your last quote " i played for x amount of years etc". I played alot of mmos for alot of years, not so much anymore. And if i saw posts like this, or just random questions thats written answers to somewhere on the interwebs. Or people needing help with something in game (like i got in EVE to kill the SOE last dude) i helped them. Because it is no bloody effort to do it.
Castiana Sukarala
#108 - 2014-01-09 23:42:27 UTC
Logical 101 wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
We are very lucky that the publishers of Eve Online are descendants of Vikings and not the people who safely came over to America on a boat...

You mean like all the Swedes and Danes and Norwegians who came here that way?


Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Remember, you won't get far complaining to a Viking about your feelings.

This, as well as much of the rest of it, I agree with.

Icelandics are norwegian settelers. The norwegians where the first europeeans to reach america. Everyone "back then" came safely over to america in a freakin boat. Except the Native Americans, which is unknown if crossed over ice, or went by boat from Asia. As for Vikings all the above countries had them. Although as i said, the Icelandic where settlers from primarily norway. They weren't icelandic yet. And belive it or not, the Icelandic "ancients" are most known for their writing ^^.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#109 - 2014-01-10 00:51:01 UTC
Galen Darksmith wrote:
NightCrawler 85 wrote:

While these threads can be amusing to read, it can also be frustrating because it often shows how few people actually reads up on the game and uses the resources made available by both CCP and players to help them get an easier start in the game.

So, its not that a new player dosent know where to look, its simply that they dont bother because "I played ***** for X amount of years, i already know all there is to know about online gaming".

So much this.

It's not just EVE either, I've played other MMOs and seen the exact same thing. Doing 5 man groups in WoW? Some douchebag literally doesn't know what what aggro is, or wants to only DPS despite being the only tank or healer in the group. Playing WoT? Some douchebag who paid real money for a premium heavy tank charges in and get slaughtered because hey, heavy tank means I can solo them all, right?

It's really one of the main things I love about EVE: the people who flourish are the ones who actually put a little bit of brainpower into their hobbies, while the idiot douchebags get blown up repeatedly while whining about it on the forums.

Here's hoping the OP avoids this terrible fate.

Yeah lots of truth there.

When a new player was asking me about things, I mainly did light explanation but sent a host of links with the directive "everything you seek is already done by someone else and they may have written about it".

So what happened? That same new player was able to tank a level 4 in a BC at 2 weeks (DPS was another issue though) and shortly after that went into lowsec with a frigate and a decent PVP fit (though lacking a launcher - PG skills I suspect) and managed to get a 1v1 fight.

All this from simply looking up where others have shared information. And there is no shortage whatsoever of players who will share information.

Even people who like to blow up ships will still tell you how to not get blown up. You can tell the real quality of a person when they do this.

I recall one heinous ganking SOB in the Parts system who was always happy to give new players (that he killed) some ISK and advice. I remember the CEO of his corporation posting about how you can get very easy kills combining the Combat Probes and D-Scanner. I never asked for that, it was a thread about "stealth" fits using mids full of ECCMs. That advice kept my exploration ship in one piece for years.

But really, when you consider it, if someone is going to be of the sort who "cannot be told what to do", perhaps it's only fitting that they get ganked horribly and go ragequitting? There are some people who we are all better off without. I say it before and I say it again "Alphas are going to alpha, and then get alpha'ed".

At what point in the NPE does a player get "that chance" to get information the right way though? I cannot figure that out. Where is the very point, the fork in the road, where a new player can be told "and here is where you get information to learn how to play this game" and where the new player either uses it and prospers or pushes it aside and becomes a statistic?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

#110 - 2014-01-10 01:00:50 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:

Problem 1, tip 1:

If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers. They will wardeck corporations with alot of new players, especially if your based close to a trade hub (which you want to be when your new). And what youll do for the next i don't know how long is basically stay in base and do jackall. Or go out and die.

Terrible advice. The right corporation can provide you with the steppingstones you need to get ahead of the game early on. I'd argue that yes joining some six man up and coming mining "conglomerate" that is destined to be wardecced to oblivion and back is probably a mistake however.

Problem 2, tip2:

If you get the problem over, you can go to the ass end of nowhere for a while (remain in high sec, ur new u get murdered if you go to lowsec) and mine! For the love of god, do not do missions! Youll die. Now this is a ****** upp mechanic in this game, as theres only so much a new player can do. Its missions, carry around stuff to tradehubs, and do missions.

The problem here is you aren't very creative. Sorry. Station/margin trading can make a ton of money, sure it starts a little slow, but v0v. I've seen newbies running around with more isk than I have (I have no taste for those kind of market games, though I could play them if I wanted) simply because they understood basic economics.

Problem 3:

You want to be in a corp cause its more fun? You can PVE with friends/new ppl you met that seems nice, or do mining ops. Maybe your lucky and they take you to do a lvl 3 or 4 mission when you get ur new destroyer, just so you can check out whats coming later down the line. And you even get some of the cash garnered. Do you like to trade? Use the market and have a pretty decent cargoship to ferry goods into jita/amarr etc from far flung reaches for some profit? You wanna do missions blow upp stuff and earn standings to do the lvl 3/4 missions when you finally hit your first BC or BS?

Well then you have a problem. You either stay the **** away from corporations. Or you skill upp in mining. Thats what in my experience EVE is to new players. No wonder their playerbase grows so ******* slowly. The most fun parts of the game gets ruined pretty fast because the EVE playerbase apparantly is full off aholes (met alot of friendly folks as well offc. Just mad at how it works). PVP btw is something you can just forget about for 3-4 months at least.

Stop joining ****** people, make better friends. Really that's what it boils down to.
Castiana Sukarala
#111 - 2014-01-10 01:51:14 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Castiana Sukarala wrote:

Problem 1, tip 1:

If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers. They will wardeck corporations with alot of new players, especially if your based close to a trade hub (which you want to be when your new). And what youll do for the next i don't know how long is basically stay in base and do jackall. Or go out and die.

Terrible advice. The right corporation can provide you with the steppingstones you need to get ahead of the game early on. I'd argue that yes joining some six man up and coming mining "conglomerate" that is destined to be wardecced to oblivion and back is probably a mistake however.

Problem 2, tip2:

If you get the problem over, you can go to the ass end of nowhere for a while (remain in high sec, ur new u get murdered if you go to lowsec) and mine! For the love of god, do not do missions! Youll die. Now this is a ****** upp mechanic in this game, as theres only so much a new player can do. Its missions, carry around stuff to tradehubs, and do missions.

The problem here is you aren't very creative. Sorry. Station/margin trading can make a ton of money, sure it starts a little slow, but v0v. I've seen newbies running around with more isk than I have (I have no taste for those kind of market games, though I could play them if I wanted) simply because they understood basic economics.

Problem 3:

You want to be in a corp cause its more fun? You can PVE with friends/new ppl you met that seems nice, or do mining ops. Maybe your lucky and they take you to do a lvl 3 or 4 mission when you get ur new destroyer, just so you can check out whats coming later down the line. And you even get some of the cash garnered. Do you like to trade? Use the market and have a pretty decent cargoship to ferry goods into jita/amarr etc from far flung reaches for some profit? You wanna do missions blow upp stuff and earn standings to do the lvl 3/4 missions when you finally hit your first BC or BS?

Well then you have a problem. You either stay the **** away from corporations. Or you skill upp in mining. Thats what in my experience EVE is to new players. No wonder their playerbase grows so ******* slowly. The most fun parts of the game gets ruined pretty fast because the EVE playerbase apparantly is full off aholes (met alot of friendly folks as well offc. Just mad at how it works). PVP btw is something you can just forget about for 3-4 months at least.

Stop joining ****** people, make better friends. Really that's what it boils down to.

If you see the rest of the thread its all worked out. With some advice, and weve sett upp anti wardecking with alliance. Ive also earned about 1.5 billion just trading/using the market. But thats just boring as **** after a while. And i dont have the skills to buy stuff to make me run out anyhow. I got ahead first day i joined the corp (third day of playing with trading for around 360 mill), was on my own that but still.

And anyone not beeing good at PVP the second they start playing are not ****** people ^^.
Xzar Fyrarr
Anime Masters
#112 - 2014-01-10 05:55:33 UTC
Big smile
I enjoyed this thread.
Arwen Ariniel
Shaolin Legacy
#113 - 2014-01-10 18:58:17 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:
Been playing eve for about half a month now, and although i do enjoy the game. The game is broken for new players. Is it worth continuing to play past the 30 days i got for 2`$? That really depends.

Problem 1, tip 1:

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers. They will wardeck corporations with alot of new players, especially if your based close to a trade hub (which you want to be when your new). And what youll do for the next i don't know how long is basically stay in base and do jackall. Or go out and die.

Tip 1: Join an established corp, with veteran players.
Joining up in a player corp with other noobies WILL get you killed, since yes, you're easy prey.

Trust me, you'll get a whole different experience, and likely even your first pvp kill within the second month of your subscription.
Marsha Mallow
#114 - 2014-01-10 20:38:11 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:

If you see the rest of the thread its all worked out. With some advice, and weve sett upp anti wardecking with alliance. Ive also earned about 1.5 billion just trading/using the market. But thats just boring as **** after a while. And i dont have the skills to buy stuff to make me run out anyhow. I got ahead first day i joined the corp (third day of playing with trading for around 360 mill), was on my own that but still.

And anyone not beeing good at PVP the second they start playing are not ****** people ^^.

Well done, seriously. You came into GD, which is rife with trolls and bored bittervets but despite a bit of abuse, got some decent advice. More importantly, listened and acted upon it.

Good luck with the war. Post an updated maybe?

Just keep in mind it's in good fun, regardless how obnoxious some folk appear Twisted

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Grauth Thorner
Vicious Trading Company
#115 - 2014-01-11 13:44:58 UTC
Pro-tip: Get intel about the game before saying the game is flawed...

View real-time damage statistics in-game

>EVE Live DPS Graph application forum thread


Erufen Rito
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#116 - 2014-01-11 20:35:26 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:
Eurydia Vespasian wrote:
you mean noobs expect to do something other than train skills, mine or be tackle bait early in this game?! lol!

what are these advertisements telling these kids? you watch a trailer you think this is how it really is or something?

All the "noobs" are training skills. And thats not the issue. I don't see it as a huge loss if i quit this game. I doubt you do either. All im doing is pointing out a problem to increase playerbase. Because thats what it is. What i expect from a game is to be able to play it. If you have something actually constructive to say i would appreciate it. Tips, or something. Random "flaming" is just not helpfull.

I play League of legends as well, and people say that community is bad ;D. Really ^^.

And im fully aware of how eve works. Its why i only baught it for 2$ when on sale and not the full price. To test it. And there are fun elements for sure! Its a great game. That has failed to take into account the HUMONGUS difference between an entirely new player. And its "ancient" playerbase.

You seem to be at a missconception here. The ammount of SP an old player has is irrelevant. And here is why. Take your basic Rifter. To have a decent PVP fit with t2 fittings and max skills relevant to the modules being used and the hull itself. It would take right around 2 months or so to train for.
If I, a 3 year old player took the exact same ship as a 2 month old player who did nothing but train his rifter up to max skills, and we nuked it out, we'd tie. (this is assuming we both sit at each other's optimals, no movement, and fire on each other at the same time with no server lag of any kind). What I'm trying to convey here is that you need to first specialize in one thing. You mentioned you h ave PI and mining and combat. Pick one and stick with it. Same with a race, tank and weapons system.

Then comes the issue of the wardecs. Truth be told, if your corporation who recruits noobies can't fend off griefer corps, it's a **** corporation. I speak from experience. My own corp, back when I first started, recruited nothing but noobs like ourselves. We were wardec'd by a 10 man corp, where as we were a 40+ noob corp, and we got our **** kicked in time after time. Then one good day, we decided that enough was enough, formed up and went balls deep. We fought back, had fun, and won. The wardec ended and that was the end of that tale.
Seeing as to how you complain that you log in to refresh skills and PI, you are in a **** corp. Go back to the NPC corp, and pay your taxes. Or make your own corp and set 0% tax, and the minute you get wardec'd disband it and make another one. That way you can play eve. Sure, it sucks to play solo, and a corp with people to do **** with is best, but the problem here is the lack of a good corp. Find one, it's not hard. Before you even apply, take a look at their killboards. If their killboards are ****, then you know to stay away from a **** corp. *I say this with a <60% efficiency*

This is as nice as I get. Best quote ever

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#117 - 2014-01-11 23:35:02 UTC
Castiana Sukarala wrote:
Been playing eve for about half a month now, and although i do enjoy the game. The game is broken for new players. Is it worth continuing to play past the 30 days i got for 2`$? That really depends.

Problem 1, tip 1:

If your brand new to EVE, do not join a corporation! It will ruin your experience of the game. And its imo a HUGE failure on CCP's part. A design flaw, gaping and open. Especially considering the age of this game, and the irrelevance of actual money/equipemnt you use compared to SP which is really slow to gain.

Why not join a corp? Apparently a rather large base of the players in EVE are ****ers. They will wardeck corporations with alot of new players, especially if your based close to a trade hub (which you want to be when your new). And what youll do for the next i don't know how long is basically stay in base and do jackall. Or go out and die.

Problem 2, tip2:

If you get the problem over, you can go to the ass end of nowhere for a while (remain in high sec, ur new u get murdered if you go to lowsec) and mine! For the love of god, do not do missions! Youll die. Now this is a ****** upp mechanic in this game, as theres only so much a new player can do. Its missions, carry around stuff to tradehubs, and do missions.

Problem 3:

You want to be in a corp cause its more fun? You can PVE with friends/new ppl you met that seems nice, or do mining ops. Maybe your lucky and they take you to do a lvl 3 or 4 mission when you get ur new destroyer, just so you can check out whats coming later down the line. And you even get some of the cash garnered. Do you like to trade? Use the market and have a pretty decent cargoship to ferry goods into jita/amarr etc from far flung reaches for some profit? You wanna do missions blow upp stuff and earn standings to do the lvl 3/4 missions when you finally hit your first BC or BS?

Well then you have a problem. You either stay the **** away from corporations. Or you skill upp in mining. Thats what in my experience EVE is to new players. No wonder their playerbase grows so ******* slowly. The most fun parts of the game gets ruined pretty fast because the EVE playerbase apparantly is full off aholes (met alot of friendly folks as well offc. Just mad at how it works). PVP btw is something you can just forget about for 3-4 months at least.

So my gripe is simple. There should be restrictions, EVEN when your at war with another corp to what you can attack. Say you are protected at all times in high-sec untill you reach at least between 2 and 5 million SP unless you activly waiver that protection (still ****** if you go low sec, but give new players a huge ******* sign that says whatll happen to you if you go there). This will allow new players to enjoy the BEST about eve to start with, and at least give them a chance to fight back when thyere not protected anymore. Or is it the developers intention that using corps is a bad ******* thing, and you should just stay alone untill you can fully fit a t2 pvp ship, with lvl 5 on everything that matters? In that case your doing a poor job about promoting this game of yours for new players. Or is it that really all you want new players to do is mine, somewhere far away from everything?

So my situation. Were @ our 2nd extention at war with one pvp corp, and another has just declared as well. Our corp has some "old" players. And ALOT of new ones, that really can't play the game almost. Quite a few, nice ppl have left corp now just to get away from it so they can play eve. And alot of us just stay in station doing jack all, and just not playing eve. How many will just say **** it and not play eve anymore? Probably a few.

I got really lucky early, earned a good amount of cash, got some planets etc. Besides some planet management, ive put EVERYTHING into SP for PVE missions. And i did some trading/moving of goods. Its what i enjoy doing (mining sucked to do). Now with the second alliance thats declared war with us (the first wasnt that active. But murdered any miners mining in our 1st HQ system, then what we moved to, and what we moved to after that (further and further away from everything). The second alliance uses agents apparently, not that im entirely sure how the hell that works, from what i gathered from other corp mates i can't do missions anymore. Btw, i did my missions on the other side of the fracking galaxy from where this new corp operates. And i died. And now for as long as they keep the war going my EVE experience will be once a day edit skill que, renew planet cycle. Which takes 1 minute. Do i wanna pay 15$ a month to play 1 minute a day? Nope not a chance in hell. Leaving corp won't even help. So i cross my fingers that they will end the wars before sub runs out in 15 days time. And we dont get a new one for a good ******* while. Because i REALLY liked EVE when i could actually play this game (beeing in a corp is a must for it to be fun imo), now its just pissing money for maybe someday be able to play the game.

Problem 1...wrong.
Tip 1...even worse.

Problem 2...even worse...stop reading there because OP clearly has no idea what he is talking about.

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#118 - 2014-01-12 00:21:01 UTC
Bobby Frutt wrote:
OP, you have solutions ya know.

It's very, very, very, VERY easy to drop corp during wardecs. If your corp is filled with indy players that cannot defend themselves well, your corp should have a system in place where they can either join a sister corp during wars, or have a chat channel to communicate in while in NPC corps during the duration of the war.

This game, it's players, and the developers are intent on forcing PVP on players at all costs. While I agree with you, OP, that it's frustrating and almost childish sometimes... there are ways to avoid it outside of the rare occasion.

It's about knowledge, and being led by those who are knowledgeable.

THIS. everyone drops corp, invites your friends to private chat channel, or joins sister corp, problem solved more or less.

But yes, wardecking new players sucks. I feel for you. if its any consolation, if you stick it out, eventually living with danger becomes second nature for you. I live in wormholes, I dont even HAVE local channel, only my probes and scanner to keep me safe :) Well, and 30 dudes in t3s to back me up :)
Dark Reignz
#119 - 2014-01-12 00:48:16 UTC
If you don't have the balls, the firepower nor the skills to fight back just watch locals and go about your business. They will get bored eventually and it will have been a waist of ISK to deck.

Be warned though, some of these players are seriously mentally unstable and will take greifing to the next level if they like you. Griefing noobs can quickly become tiresome stalking, they sometimes follow people or groups around to different corps etc.

There is a lot of fcked up people playing this game and its gotten worse since 2005 when I orginally came to Eve. The worst of them usually show there alter-ego epeens in threads such as this.

Troll Mode - ON

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2014-01-12 01:14:49 UTC
Biggest problem with new to EVE players is they get the wrong ideas.

Wrong idea 1.

Get the biggest most expensive ship as fast as possible and you will rule the universe.

Yes, this will get your corp a war dec and high sec gankers will hunt you down. CCP likes this because new players buy and sell PLEX to do it. Stick with small and cheap and actually learn to play the game you will not have these problem.

Wrong idea 2.

Losing ships and pods is bad.

EVE is mostly an open PVP game that involves loss. Losing ships is how you learn.

Wrong idea 3

My character hasn't got enough SP to pvp and win so I just go do missions.

EVE isn't a solo game and new characters are more suited to learning pvp than older characters. Replacing your ship (if you stick with small and cheap) and pod is the cheapest it will ever be and your fellow corp members will probably cover it anyway. And as I mentioned loss of ship/pod is how you learn.