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What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#101 - 2014-01-09 20:15:03 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

I played the first EQ when it went out, not so long ago I played EQ2, the second seemed clearly less punishing than the first.
But beyond that I don't understand what you mean by "accomplisment", what are we really doing here ?
Playing the content of an entertainment product sold/rent by a company from the private sector.

I must admit I don't get what you mean by "sense of accomplishment" in the case of EVE, I feel like CCP employess are the ones doing something truly worthwile by creating then maintaining the game.

Sure, I'll explain. Having a "death penalty" in the game that includes a loss of items creates a sense of loss.

Without loss, achievement is meaningless. If you can't ever lose it, then you weren't in any real danger in the first place. WoW for instance, sure I can kill your character, but all I am really doing is costing you some small amount of time, nothing more.

In EVE, on the other hand, by killing you I am actually taking something away from your inventory, from the things that you own.

That is real loss. And since it's real loss, it's also real gain when you acquire something.

Since you can genuinely lose it, having it and keeping it is an accomplishment, however small.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Deunan Tenephais
#102 - 2014-01-09 20:30:43 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Sure, I'll explain. Having a "death penalty" in the game that includes a loss of items creates a sense of loss.

Without loss, achievement is meaningless. If you can't ever lose it, then you weren't in any real danger in the first place. WoW for instance, sure I can kill your character, but all I am really doing is costing you some small amount of time, nothing more.

In EVE, on the other hand, by killing you I am actually taking something away from your inventory, from the things that you own.

That is real loss. And since it's real loss, it's also real gain when you acquire something.

Since you can genuinely lose it, having it and keeping it is an accomplishment, however small.

But it's only a real loss with a feeling of loss the first few times someone lose something, after that people are either fed up losing things and leave or desensitize themselves to losses altogether, making the whole itemization trivial beyond what it can moderately achieve.

I personaly dislike game mechanics that trivialize content, it means lower longevity of the gaming experience.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#103 - 2014-01-09 20:38:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Sure, I'll take a crack at it.

At their very core, the carebear is made of 2 things, that may or may not be in equal proportion.

Those things are Fear and Greed. Greed for assets, always more, always increasing. Fear of real players, who might not have strictly better combat skills, but more importantly have the will and ability to use them.

These two things combine together to create a mindset that quite simply cannot handle loss of the imaginary assets we all play with. But most especially, they cannot countenance that loss coming from another player. This both frightens and enrages them simultaneously, hence the bile and vitriol that comes out of them when they are confronted with loss.

This is called "tears", and due to a segment of the playerbase finding this misplaced rage to be hilarious, the extraction of said tears has become a primary industry in EVE Online. That segment that enjoys the verbal flailing of the carebears even does such things as put their various collections online, sharing stories and trading these tears among one another for amusement.

The carebears are not unaware of this, which only heightens their sense of being persecuted.

But for some reason, their behavior doesn't change. They don't see negative consequences arising as a result of their actions, but instead shift all the blame onto the existence of other players. They are unable to consider that they have done anything "wrong".

Which is why so very many of them are bound and determined to act as though this is a single player game.

Well said.

I think some folks don't get it though.

I'm a PVE (mostly player. Yet you see I don't catch much heat from PVP players, hell most of the people I argue with are high sec pve type players, you'd think we'd be allies. The difference is attitude. Their attitude is wrong, and it's not just them (high sec folks), it's every lazy entitled player in the game whether they are in high sec complaining about suicide ganks of null sec complaining about afk cloakers.

The problem with the "carebear" posters is that rather than use ingame methods to protect themselves and punish the (to them) 'bad guys', they come to the forums and whine and beg CCP for change while refusing to take a single lick of responsibility for themselves (like too many people do IRL imo). That's weak and thus annoying. Then the get even more annoying by claiming that those of us telling them to think, fight back and HTFU are "against progress" and "have some agenda" against the innocent masses.

No we don't, we just want them to be freaking adults lol.


I imagine EVE being a game of gazelles and lions. The 'real gazelles' are running around playing tag with the lions, jumping over them, kicking them in the rear when they aren't looking and having a merry old time. The "CareGazelles" are cowering in a cave where the lions can't get to them, writing strongly worded letters to the U.N. demanding that those evil sociopathic lions be nerfed because they have teeth and think the gazelles are delicious. All the while I'm screaming into the cave "WTF did you expect, this is Africa, Lions gonna Lion".
Logical 101
PowerCow Farm
#104 - 2014-01-09 20:40:51 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
"Lions gonna Lion"

Awesome name for either a corporation or a band.

Genre unimportant.
0asis Group
#105 - 2014-01-09 21:32:23 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Beyond low/null seccers' alts, highsec is not populated excusively with carebears you know, there are other kind of people.

Correct. While highsec may not be exclusively carebears, carebears do almost exclusively live in highsec. Kinda of a square-is-a-rectangle sort of thing.

Yea, because countless threads about AFK cloaking are constantly made exclusively by hisec careberas Big smile

Also i should tell you some funny stories about local emo-rages during our nullsec roams Big smile
Snagletooth Johnson
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2014-01-09 21:45:20 UTC

What would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?

Goons would finally get their "You have won Eve! Congratulations!" certificate, but no one else would be around to see them accept it.
Diamond Zerg
Taking Solo Away.
#107 - 2014-01-09 22:16:41 UTC
Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that didn't have much PvE content?
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#108 - 2014-01-09 22:27:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
Diamond Zerg wrote:
Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that didn't have much PvE content?

They do. That's all that's important.

If we're going to nerf high sec, it should be done right. With no warning, after a downtime, high sec comes up like this:

1) no missions beyond the tutorials;

2) no anomalies or signatures beyond the tutorials, including wormholes;

3) all station manufacturing lines removed, except for individual lines in newbie systems instanced for tutorial missions, and restricted to making the product in the tutorial mission;

4) no asteroid belts;

5) no ice belts;

6) no markets;

7) no incursions.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, no PI.

There would be an enormous ocean of tears rolling in with the force of a tsunami, and if you think they would only come from "highsec carebears," you don't understand this game at all.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2014-01-09 22:32:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Diamond Zerg wrote:
Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that didn't have much PvE content?

Personally, because so much else appeals to me:

Fitting spaceships
Flying spaceships
Buying new spaceships
Flying those new spaceships
Changing fittings on those spaceships as changes are made
Flying those spaceships again
Visual appeal of certain spaceships
Visual appeal of the game in general
Passive skill training
Skill system appeals to me more than the character level system
Not restricted to any sort of "class" with a particular character
Never not able to trade/sell something because "soulbound"
Never not able to play with others I know who play the game because of different servers
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#110 - 2014-01-09 22:35:18 UTC
TharOkha wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Beyond low/null seccers' alts, highsec is not populated excusively with carebears you know, there are other kind of people.

Correct. While highsec may not be exclusively carebears, carebears do almost exclusively live in highsec. Kinda of a square-is-a-rectangle sort of thing.

Yea, because countless threads about AFK cloaking are constantly made exclusively by hisec careberas Big smile

Also i should tell you some funny stories about local emo-rages during our nullsec roams Big smile

Because those are nullbears. They're a sub-species.

The nullbear accepts that he may have to leave highsec, but his Fear levels are if anything even higher than the average carebear.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Billy Hix
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#111 - 2014-01-09 22:54:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Billy Hix
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It's fairly obvious this is a troll thread.

But the same question repeated ad nauseam may deserve different replies in different years.

In fact, we are talking about a special product: a sandbox MMO where players perspectives and game features change over time.

I think a subtle line may be drawn: in the past casual players, "PVEers", "F2P", "competing MMOs" were all mostly uncommon or downright not existing things.

Ask this thread question in 2004... nobody would have really cared about most of the factors above.

EvE was an engrossing, new universe to explore, paying an AAA grade sub (multiple subs strongly encouraged by game design!) were obvious things. A blank slate sandbox universe for everyone so bold to go take it? GOOD!

Then the years passed. The blank slate became less blank. CCP's "greed is good" did not reduce a bit, so the AAA grade sub stayed - they actually tried adding more burdens. But hey, it was still "sub MMOs" and the competition games were something pathetic at best.

More years pass. The blank slate now is definitely well full and somewhat tired. New content trickles in, game is in a sort of "active maintenance mode" where great expansions a la Apochrypha are actually and publicly shunned by the very game designers (don't ask me to go find the precise posts, this is all common knowledge or EvE-Searchable anyway). At least partially F2P games become not just a reality but actually almost the norm. Luckily for EvE, the only competition is called Star Trek Online and similar other poor excuses for MMOs.

More years pass. Game's definitely stale. Some off-springs have grandiously failed or shown tight limits (WiS, PI, Dust itself). News about content are sparse and Fanfest is more of a "good intentions talk room" than something followed by facts.
Sub is still AAA grade though. Notice the (not so) subtle change in demographics: in old times, the concurrent player numbers would slowly rise before an expansion and then would stay strong for a couple of months till the "novelty factor" wore off. Nowadays, players come in relatively late, peak at expansion date and then in few weeks they are back to normal.
This is a sign of overall interest declining. Old players return to see if this time CCP finally implemented something worth playing. But whatever they put in, is exhausted and then those players return doing something else.

In the meanwhile, old competitors like Entropia Online (the "evil brother sandbox" implementing several words including an harsher version of a spaceships sandbox) keep churning out new content. Other games like Star Citizen appear on the horizon. And the worrysome truth is that EvE lived so good so far, not because of it's over-time increasing, unbeatable quality and merits but because the others downright sucked hard.

So, EvE in my opinion is slowly losing grip, slowly losing momentum. It's staying playerbase are less and less fidelized, many look around. It's like a big, fat giant standing on feet of clay.
If CCP will keep doing... nothing new, come something big or powerful enough and EvE is ripe to crash.

The first to go will be the many who developed less ties to the game, those who did not develop massive human networks over the years, those who did not invest years learning the "secrets" of the game in its whole.

Who are those less attached to EvE and thus easier to quit?
Worrysome to say, it's a large amount of players, exactly the profile the OP wants to nerf.

Those who only did casual play, who did not invest their being into the deepest game features, who did not develop years strong friendships. Those who form the "players turnover".

All those bring a sizable income to CCP, but it's not reliable. Keep beating on them and they SHALL move to greener pastures.

After all if some dude for inexplicable reasons finds fun to waste his life shooting red crosses and pays for something I'd not do even if paid for, then let him in peace!

EvE is not progressing at the moment, it's mostly stationary. But anything could tip its direction towards a slow but steady decline.
I am very displeased to see a great game being abandoned like that, but it's not in my capability to add new content or features. All I can do is try preserving it as long as possible and flinging nerfs left and right is definitely not the way to preserve anything.

The sad thing is, this is the most important post in this thread and everyone skipped it because it was long.

I think deep down we all know CCP have the game on active maintenance mode. So far growth has stopped but the population isn't in real decline, although I would guess (with no stats) that the number of people playing has dropped but the number of alts has managed to balance it out.

The problem will be as pointed out above when an actual competitor comes around. CCP have had it very easy. If you like spaceships/pvp/item loss your options have been very limited for a long time.
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#112 - 2014-01-09 23:05:24 UTC
Diamond Zerg wrote:

My prediction: Suddenly EVE becomes much more fun, and a better game in general.

Bots are no longer worthwhile as they make easy targets for PvPers.
The EVE economy becomes dominated by intelligent humans, not machines or "bot aspirant" grinders.

Due to the rapid deflation of the market, low and nullsec players find it much easier to use ingame methods to make ISK
(as their main competition, the botting/multiboxing afk/semi afk hisec players' advantage has been nullified.)

Solo and small gang pvp can now be found in abundance as there are targets and organisations of varying sizes everywhere.

Politics and the metagame get a lot deeper as even PvE focused gamers would have to consider how other players affect their gameplay.

What are your thoughts on what would happen if CCP finally nerfed hisec?


Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that doesn't have much PvE content?

highsec has had a number of nerfs over the years and as a result it is boring and lacks character. We can all thank the whiney care bears in null for this.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

EI Digin
#113 - 2014-01-09 23:16:55 UTC
Well, no one is advocating for the deletion of highsec so it looks like the game is not dying just yet.
sparx Thiesant
Can't Someone Else Do It
#114 - 2014-01-09 23:24:52 UTC
If hisec got nurfed into the ground then you elite null f1 pvpers carbare alts would av noware to make your isk

personaly null sec can suck my left nut i av no intrest in game politics or player bullsh#t rules

losec best sec but latly finding hisec fun

I see things bit difrent i dnt think hisec should b nurfed i think losec and null and wh space should b buffed
remove pos the -25% to pos reproceing
make null stations better more build slots more labs and sh#t

but im just a hisec scumbag who couldnt give a f#ck how any of you play your game
Deunan Tenephais
#115 - 2014-01-09 23:29:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Deunan Tenephais
Diamond Zerg wrote:
Hold on a minute guys, I'm getting a lot of replies about how the hisec PvE population will quit.

To me, this doesn't make much sense. There are many other games with a much more focused, sophisticated PVE experience.

Why would many PvE gamers play a game that didn't have much PvE content?

PvP players often do not get it by themselves, it's due to the fact that they are as much Players vs Players as they are players VERSUS players.
Now to explain something: people like me do not think much of EVE pve content, we do agree that it is deeply lacking.
What is much more interesting and more enthralling is the PWE content, the ability to play WITH the environment.

Planets and moons and asteroids and gas clouds to be harvested, with raw materials to be refined in usable shape by manufacture lines, with the need for specific blueprints, for research lines, for invention process, for the calculation of supply lines, find new and better markets, all for interstellar economy.

Exploration of new and old secrets, missions grinded to get the LP stuff, stable ratings needed to be able to circulate and get a better margin to be injected into something else than isk destruction by npc.

And ships! Ships !
Ships of all shape and size, each with its own purpose, with different battle tactic and philosophy depending of the empire and the situation you're in, with myriads of possibilities with thousands of configuration, each new fitting refined as near perfect as possible is an adventure in itself.

All of this, and much more.

People like me do not like to play AGAINST the environment, but WITH it.
You could say I play EVE because it is a prettier, deeper, overall better Minecraft.

The bad thing is that extraction of much needed ressources is often pisspoorly implemented by CCP, on this point they nearly always fail to deliver, and it's a big let-down.
Take mining for an example: target roid, start miner, wait...
See the problem ?

EDIT: In fact, "PVE" is misleading, PVE is to fight mobs, PWE is to build things with ressources coming from the environment.
A better umbrella word would be PIE, Player Interact (with) Environment.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#116 - 2014-01-09 23:46:11 UTC
The assumption that all the carebears will suddenly join a null corp is ridiculous.

Anyway ... the real problem is the way CCP attracts new players:

- II tells them it is a "sandbox" where you can do what you want, which attracts a lot of independent types who like to wing it solo and casually log in when real life allows it.

- It then puts them in a starter school in the middle of highsec in an NPC corp with minimal interaction with other new players and minimal PvP opportunities at low SP other than being challenged to a duel by a km whore who flies circles around them.

- So they try mining only to be bullied by a bunch of fascists trying to force some "code" on them for no reason other than they are on a personal power-trip and are told scare stories about losec and null to the point that most of them are afraid to even enter 0.4 space in a remote boondocks area straight after reset.

- However suddenly they are told they got it all wrong, they need to HTFU and join a PVP corp and become a team player and start doing PvP becasue its awesome and move to null and become a null bear and they will love it.

Seriously ... if the game IS all about PvP and living in null ... why are we dumping new players straight into highsec schools in a scenario where they learn very quickly to avoid PvP or even other players altogether and positively encourages them to aim for solo level IV missioning as a goal ?
Logical 101
PowerCow Farm
#117 - 2014-01-09 23:54:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Logical 101
Hasikan Miallok wrote:

What amuses me as I read these treads from time to time is the emphasis that people put on CCP's perceived responsibilities, whether toward veterans or new players, not what they have done and actually do on a daily basis.

The truth is, some people sink and some people swim, no matter what environment they operate in. The steeper the learning curve and the harsher the environment, the better the game imo. You either figure it out, or you don't.

I often wonder if these same CCP commenters have any experience with Funcom...
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#118 - 2014-01-09 23:54:52 UTC
Because the game isn't all PvP. Refer to recent CSM minutes where they discuss player retention.
The players that stay the best are those who's early time in the game is PvE. People who get into PvP fast often tend to leave fast.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#119 - 2014-01-10 00:40:06 UTC
Well there's suspect flagging and attackable depots, MTUs, etc.

I would say that they will blur the lines between highsec and the other sectors before they nerf it, because by then nobody will care.

And yeah if the game is such that it's ISK ISK and nothing but ISK is all that ever matters and not being able to grind it while semi-AFK means un-subbing, then good riddance. ISK snatchers are as bad as killboard addicts.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#120 - 2014-01-10 00:44:43 UTC
Yet, most highsec players are not grinding for infinite isk. But just for one reason or another not interested in the other area's of space in a serious way at this point in time. And at the end of the day you have to make a living somewhere & how. The harder you make a highsec player grind for that new ship by reducing their income, the less likely they are to ever risk it anywhere else.