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Medical Clones

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#21 - 2014-01-09 17:05:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The only big negative with med clones is that they disincentivise the use of small, cheap, “fun” ships once you start to accumulate large amounts of SP.

This could rather trivially be fixed by modelling the SP loss mechanics after how T3s work, only in an extended fashion. In other words, you only ever risk the SP that goes into the skills actually affecting any single ship and fit and your insurance only ever needs to cover that amount.

So when you're in a T1 frigate on a suicide roam, chances are you're only gambling at the most 10M SP. If you lose a clone, you only need to re-buy that coverage. Ideally, you could even prebuy coverage that way: no more clone grades, but rather a sliding scale of SP costs. So you can go to your clone provider and say “here a billion ISK; bill me as usual and tell me if/when it no longer covers what I'm about to undock in.”

The only tricky part would be how to include non-ship skills (S&I, trade skills, corp and social skills) in that mix so those can be put at risk as well…

I support this.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#22 - 2014-01-09 17:18:19 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
The risk would certainly be diminished a great deal. Personally, I consider the ability to remove SP from another pilot to be a powerful tool. I'm concerned that the proposals in this thread will remove that tool which, to me, is a pretty big deal.
Fair enough, but I'm not sure it really would reduce the risk as much.

Right now, there are only really two things that can happen: forget to re-up when you get podded, or get stuck where you can't re-up. I suppose that my idea would potentially “solve” the second one, but even then, the insurance will run out sooner or later. Even then, the question is how much would people pre-pay even if the option was there? I have a sneaking suspicion that most would cheap out and only do it one loss at a time, much like they do now…
#23 - 2014-01-09 19:02:54 UTC
But how will we take a clone with 100mill skill points we want to SELL for 100mill sp of value in ISK and braindamage it down to 10mill sp before the Transfer is done?

what I don't understand is why it's not an 'elective automatic' payment?

Why can't I tick a box that says "Hey, if I wake up in a clone, pay the insurance on this one plz"

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