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Medical Clones

Thomas Hurt
Future Ventures
#1 - 2014-01-09 15:14:57 UTC
Why is this a game mechanic at all? Would anyone in the game have less fun if medical clones were removed entirely?

(No, I didn't lose Titan 5)
Baali Tekitsu
Verge of Collapse
#2 - 2014-01-09 15:16:44 UTC
Did you lose Doomsday V?


Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#3 - 2014-01-09 15:16:45 UTC
Yes, I would.
Caldari State
#4 - 2014-01-09 15:18:39 UTC
I would have less fun because I wouldn't be able to laugh at people who forget to upgrade their clone.

Play EvE how you want to play it and do not let others dictate how you play. Evolve your playstyle to protect yourself from others! Even in "PVE", "PVP" is there, lurking in the shadows.

Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2014-01-09 15:19:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Revman Zim
There are 2 good reasons for med clones.

1. This is NOT WoW. There are repercussions for your actions, or lack of actions. So, if you engage in PvP (read Undock), you have the possibility to lose your ship and lose your POD. If you fail to update your med clone then you have the opportunity to lose a skill. Getting killed has meaning in this game.

2. Isk Sink. Paying for a med clone destroys isk. It does not transfer to another character, it does not manifest itself in a module. It is removed from the game entirely.

*edit... I have lost Amarr BS 5 due to a minor oversite. Never happened again.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2014-01-09 15:19:53 UTC
He lost Outpost Construction V.

And no, I wouldn't. Medical clones still need to be fixed.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2014-01-09 15:21:52 UTC
Revman Zim wrote:
There are 2 good reasons for med clones.

1. This is NOT WoW. There are repercussions for your actions, or lack of actions. So, if you engage in PvP (read Undock), you have the possibility to lose your ship and lose your POD. If you fail to update your med clone then you have the opportunity to lose a skill. Getting killed has meaning in this game.

2. Isk Sink. Paying for a med clone destroys isk. It does not transfer to another character, it does not manifest itself in a module. It is removed from the game entirely.

Would you support a subscription based medclone system? Whereby you buy a clone and it stays for 90 days no matter how many times you get podded during that period?

Preserves 1 and arguably could be made to increase 2 if done right.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

hedge betts Shiyurida
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-01-09 15:23:12 UTC
We should be allowed to farm corpses for implants.

5% of removing an undamaged one.

Pog mo thoin

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#9 - 2014-01-09 15:31:20 UTC
There should always be a risk, and loosing your pod and "dying" should not be "meaningless". If it was then people would simply stop caring (especially since some have more expensive clones then the ships they fly in PVP Lol ).

If you removed that risk you suddenly take away a lot of the "excitement" and adrenaline rush some people experience when their ship gets blown up and they are clicking like mad trying to get their pod out intact.

If it was obviously difficult to keep your clone updated it would be one thing, but lets face it, its almost impossible to end up in a situation where you dont have access to medical. Only thing i can think about is that you have forgotten to change your cloning station and you end up in a hostile station after its been taken over, but in those cases you most likely have jump clones, and CCP has been known to help you out in situations like that (at least if your returning to the game after a break).

Im also pretty sure the role players would scream if something like this happened since cloning comes up on several occasions in chronicles and similar, and there would need to be another explanation on how we can "continue living" without clones.

And related, when looking around i came across this article, so now you can read how cloning started if your interested Lol

But short version, keep medical clones, things would not be the same without.
Revman Zim
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2014-01-09 15:33:24 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Revman Zim wrote:
There are 2 good reasons for med clones.

1. This is NOT WoW. There are repercussions for your actions, or lack of actions. So, if you engage in PvP (read Undock), you have the possibility to lose your ship and lose your POD. If you fail to update your med clone then you have the opportunity to lose a skill. Getting killed has meaning in this game.

2. Isk Sink. Paying for a med clone destroys isk. It does not transfer to another character, it does not manifest itself in a module. It is removed from the game entirely.

Would you support a subscription based medclone system? Whereby you buy a clone and it stays for 90 days no matter how many times you get podded during that period?

Preserves 1 and arguably could be made to increase 2 if done right.

I would be fine with this, but the Med Clone price would have to be looked at to ensure it still hit the same amount (if not more) of isk destroyed.

There would have to be a "window" for this subscription. It would suck to have your subscription run out while you were in 10% TiDi in a 6 hour battle.

I am assuming the only reason for this proposed change is to force the HiSec carebears to have to update there clone more regularly than just when they go over their SP cap.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-01-09 15:34:05 UTC
I thought one of the benefits of med clones was giving a reason to knock out station services in sov stations. I believe, (but I may be talking out the wrong orifice) once the clone services are out, you cant update clones, so if your station is camped with the services down, and you get podded back to station, you can either keep up the fight in alpha clones (with all the attendant risks) or hunker down and watch the station fall. Granted, its been years since I've shot a station service, so I have no idea if this is right or not, or a tactic anyone has ever used (I remember we knocked out the services when we hellcamped 6VDT the first time a couple of years ago, but I don't know if it was for this reason, or just to be dicks).

I would be sad if med clones were taken out, and I say this as someone who once lost Advanced Weapon Upgrades 5 to a forgot-to-upgrade slip. Even more insulting, I lost a set of +5s in the same podding. And I was flying a Harbinger.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2014-01-09 15:39:44 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Revman Zim wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Revman Zim wrote:
There are 2 good reasons for med clones.

1. This is NOT WoW. There are repercussions for your actions, or lack of actions. So, if you engage in PvP (read Undock), you have the possibility to lose your ship and lose your POD. If you fail to update your med clone then you have the opportunity to lose a skill. Getting killed has meaning in this game.

2. Isk Sink. Paying for a med clone destroys isk. It does not transfer to another character, it does not manifest itself in a module. It is removed from the game entirely.

Would you support a subscription based medclone system? Whereby you buy a clone and it stays for 90 days no matter how many times you get podded during that period?

Preserves 1 and arguably could be made to increase 2 if done right.

I would be fine with this, but the Med Clone price would have to be looked at to ensure it still hit the same amount (if not more) of isk destroyed.

There would have to be a "window" for this subscription. It would suck to have your subscription run out while you were in 10% TiDi in a 6 hour battle.

I am assuming the only reason for this proposed change is to force the HiSec carebears to have to update there clone more regularly than just when they go over their SP cap.

Agreed one the first point. The intent is to preserve or increase the isk sink (increase if possible).
I think regarding the second point you should get a notification that you have a day left to upgrade. EVEMon could serve this purpose however.
And while it's not the only reason for my proposal it's definitely a big one. That's part of why I think this would increase the ISK sink.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#13 - 2014-01-09 15:45:20 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Agreed one the first point. The intent is to preserve or increase the isk sink (increase if possible).
I think regarding the second point you should get a notification that you have a day left to upgrade. EVEMon could serve this purpose however.
And while it's not the only reason for my proposal it's definitely a big one. That's part of why I think this would increase the ISK sink.

But how are people going to lose SP from podding?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#14 - 2014-01-09 15:48:16 UTC
The only big negative with med clones is that they disincentivise the use of small, cheap, “fun” ships once you start to accumulate large amounts of SP.

This could rather trivially be fixed by modelling the SP loss mechanics after how T3s work, only in an extended fashion. In other words, you only ever risk the SP that goes into the skills actually affecting any single ship and fit and your insurance only ever needs to cover that amount.

So when you're in a T1 frigate on a suicide roam, chances are you're only gambling at the most 10M SP. If you lose a clone, you only need to re-buy that coverage. Ideally, you could even prebuy coverage that way: no more clone grades, but rather a sliding scale of SP costs. So you can go to your clone provider and say “here a billion ISK; bill me as usual and tell me if/when it no longer covers what I'm about to undock in.”

The only tricky part would be how to include non-ship skills (S&I, trade skills, corp and social skills) in that mix so those can be put at risk as well…
Professional Forum Alt
#15 - 2014-01-09 16:38:14 UTC
On this rare subject I have to fully agree with Tippia Shocked

At a cost of 45m/60m for purely the clone (not including implants which is optional) - there are a lot of PvP, people do not wishing / can afford to take part in, as cost of the clone is so much higher then the ship and fittting.

So you have a game mechanic that encourage you to do less PvP, the more you training skills... - Which I find to be really BAD.

I would love to see med. clones cost be completely removed, as I find the offer very little good to the game. It's not like losing a ship is bad enough. Often also losing implants or being returned to home station fare away from the death. You also have that if you PvP in null/WH, is just more often cost more, as you are more likely to loss PODs. Which should be the other way around :)

Have the ISK sink from the cost of moving med. clone location, and jump cloning. This could be tied into the capsuleers gaining more power, and new black market jump cloning technics. Might even keep a 1k ISK per million SP cost of clones if really need be.

I believe that this would make a lot of people more willing to take part in PvP. Specially the older chars and in POD hostile space, at least I would for sure.

This is Angelica Everstar's alt

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2014-01-09 16:55:49 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Agreed one the first point. The intent is to preserve or increase the isk sink (increase if possible).
I think regarding the second point you should get a notification that you have a day left to upgrade. EVEMon could serve this purpose however.
And while it's not the only reason for my proposal it's definitely a big one. That's part of why I think this would increase the ISK sink.

But how are people going to lose SP from podding?

If they forget to insure their pod, or if their sp surpasses their insurance level.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#17 - 2014-01-09 16:57:00 UTC
Tippia wrote:
“here a billion ISK; bill me as usual and tell me if/when it no longer covers what I'm about to undock in.”

The only tricky part would be how to include non-ship skills (S&I, trade skills, corp and social skills) in that mix so those can be put at risk as well…

I don't see how any skills are at risk when you can pay for a lifetime of clones in advance.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#18 - 2014-01-09 16:59:12 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I don't see how any skills are at risk when you can pay for a lifetime of clones in advance.
Same way as now: you might occasionally forget to pay for them.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#19 - 2014-01-09 16:59:47 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
If they forget to insure their pod, or if their sp surpasses their insurance level.

So they have to buy a larger clone to cover their SP gain for the next 90 days? That's fair but I don't like the idea of only being at risk of losing SP once every 90 days (and only if you ignore the warning mail).
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#20 - 2014-01-09 17:04:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Tippia wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
I don't see how any skills are at risk when you can pay for a lifetime of clones in advance.
Same way as now: you might occasionally forget to pay for them.
The risk would certainly be diminished a great deal. Personally, I consider the ability to remove SP from another pilot to be a powerful tool. I'm concerned that the proposals in this thread will remove that tool which, to me, is a pretty big deal.
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