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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#721 - 2014-01-05 00:02:01 UTC
Audio bug: after i jump a gate, the "electricity" sound effect keeps repeating.

Any fixes?
Yonis Kador
#722 - 2014-01-05 08:14:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Yonis Kador
Well I was wrong. It's not a display issue. I literally watched one of my ships turn itself into alignment with the others right before my eyes. All were stopped, facing the stargate and one by one, on their own, my ships turned and realigned to another direction.

Spontaneous realignment.

Volk Midguard
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#723 - 2014-01-09 00:59:18 UTC
The steam launcher is broken?! Help
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#724 - 2014-01-09 01:09:23 UTC
You can use the same EVE executable directly, it's just buried under your Steam apps install.

Look for some path such as "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\eve online\bin\ExeFile.exe"

Put an icon on your desktop and forget Steam and the Launcher
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#725 - 2014-01-09 11:00:37 UTC
Volk Midguard wrote:
The steam launcher is broken?! Help

Can you provide some more details please? What's happening to it that leads you to think it's broken?

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#726 - 2014-01-10 19:51:18 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Audio bug: after i jump a gate, the "electricity" sound effect keeps repeating.

Any fixes?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#727 - 2014-01-15 08:11:36 UTC
Cannot generate any API key, the page is not working (fill in all data, submit, nothing happens, no key generated). Tried from various browsers and computers, no change.

Filed support ticket, tried to update it (add message), the error has occured.

CCP, please FIRE ALL WEB DEVELOPERS you have, this sux !
Zakai Reborn
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#728 - 2014-01-18 05:08:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Zakai Reborn
Cannot generate any API key, the page is not working (fill in all data, submit, nothing happens, no key generated). Tried from various browsers and computers, no change.

It just kicks me to the home page. I'm new so I don't really know what to do but I am trying to join a corp and I need the API key. Do I need to submit a support ticket for this to be fixed?

FYI I am using steam to login.

*Worked in Internet Explorer.
Valgore Meurte
Sebiestor Tribe
#729 - 2014-01-18 16:02:32 UTC
Few things are happening to me on multiple accounts. First is local chat is not showing properly as in I can be on grid or docked in a station with someone and they wont be in local. Second is that every other system I jump into I go into this extreme tunnel vision view mode and gates and station that I can be setting on zero at are not visible. Third I have docked in a station and went to my ships tab to right click it for repair and the ship I should be in isn't there. Hit the fitting button shows I am in a pod. In my home station I can dock and undock and different ships I have will be there or wont be there, it is random.
Valgore Meurte
Sebiestor Tribe
#730 - 2014-01-18 21:37:36 UTC
I have also now encountered that I am not able to use any shortcuts, like to have my drones engage or return to drone bay.
Oraac Ensor
#731 - 2014-01-19 03:07:43 UTC
Oraac Ensor wrote:
Please fix the solar system map.

Previously it would open showing a general view of the whole local system.

Now it opens showing an extreme zoomed-in view of a tiny part of it.

Could this be related in some way to the insane ultra-zoomed-in view of the ship when undocking?

Whatever - please fix these issues.

Could we at least have confirmation that this is on the 'to do' list?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#732 - 2014-01-22 00:23:10 UTC  |  Edited by: H3llHound
I have been having an issue regarding PI for some time. I only realized a few days ago that I had it so I am not sure if it came with Rubicon or was there all along.

When I click on an extractor it shows me the total amount that will be mined,e.g. 400,000 units. Now when I click 'start Program', on some Planets only(Storm/Lava) the total amount drops by a big portion and then shows what amount actually will be mined over the whole program.

In my case I build Coolant and always had a surplus of Water although the Extractors initially showed me I extract more Ionic Sol then Water.


First pic is what I think will be mined
2nd is what actually will be mined after I click 'start Program'
3rd confirming after clicking 'Submit'
Roprocor Ltd
#733 - 2014-01-22 21:57:22 UTC
H3llHound wrote:
I have been having an issue regarding PI for some time. I only realized a few days ago that I had it so I am not sure if it came with Rubicon or was there all along.

When I click on an extractor it shows me the total amount that will be mined,e.g. 400,000 units. Now when I click 'start Program', on some Planets only(Storm/Lava) the total amount drops by a big portion and then shows what amount actually will be mined over the whole program.

In my case I build Coolant and always had a surplus of Water although the Extractors initially showed me I extract more Ionic Sol then Water.


First pic is what I think will be mined
2nd is what actually will be mined after I click 'start Program'
3rd confirming after clicking 'Submit'

What you see on the extractor has as far as i know been like that from the start of PI.
It will show total amount calculated from what your survey skill shows before you start program
after you start program it will show the actual amount given that your survey skill is not perfect
nor does it take into account other people having extractors there beforehand either.

So basically the figure you see is an estimate which can be quite wrong depending on skill and crowding
Lily Liang
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#734 - 2014-01-23 04:29:26 UTC
I have been playing Eve for more than a year now. I have never had so many disconnects until now. Since Rubicon, I am getting a lot of disconnects. The more clients I run, the worse it is. reports 21.61Mbps down/3.7Mbps up right now, but a single client just D/C. If I autopilot across hisec, my ship usually does not get to the destination without one or more disconnects.

I learned how to force the loader to use DX9 only, but that has not fixed the problem. I have changed all the graphics to the most simple settings.

Is there anything else I can do on my end? Keep to one client only? Stay out of losec/nullsec?
Rayford Carpathia
ImperiaI Federation
Goonswarm Federation
#735 - 2014-01-23 06:36:30 UTC
Lily Liang wrote:
I have been playing Eve for more than a year now. I have never had so many disconnects until now. Since Rubicon, I am getting a lot of disconnects. The more clients I run, the worse it is. reports 21.61Mbps down/3.7Mbps up right now, but a single client just D/C. If I autopilot across hisec, my ship usually does not get to the destination without one or more disconnects.

I learned how to force the loader to use DX9 only, but that has not fixed the problem. I have changed all the graphics to the most simple settings.

Is there anything else I can do on my end? Keep to one client only? Stay out of losec/nullsec?

Try resetting your router. That seemed to work for me when I was getting disconnected a lot.

"Things don't get better because you want them to. Starting now, we have to live in the real world. If you don't fight, you die." - Rick Grimes, The Walking Dead

Lily Liang
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#736 - 2014-01-23 14:14:09 UTC
Rayford Carpathia wrote:
Lily Liang wrote:
I have been playing Eve for more than a year now. I have never had so many disconnects until now. Since Rubicon, I am getting a lot of disconnects. The more clients I run, the worse it is. reports 21.61Mbps down/3.7Mbps up right now, but a single client just D/C. If I autopilot across hisec, my ship usually does not get to the destination without one or more disconnects.

I learned how to force the loader to use DX9 only, but that has not fixed the problem. I have changed all the graphics to the most simple settings.

Is there anything else I can do on my end? Keep to one client only? Stay out of losec/nullsec?

Try resetting your router. That seemed to work for me when I was getting disconnected a lot.

I have never had to do that before, but its worth trying. Thanks for the suggestion.
Kevin Emoto
No Code of Conduct
Fluffeh Bunneh Murder Squad
#737 - 2014-01-24 17:16:03 UTC
Rayford Carpathia wrote:
Lily Liang wrote:
I have been playing Eve for more than a year now. I have never had so many disconnects until now. Since Rubicon, I am getting a lot of disconnects. The more clients I run, the worse it is. reports 21.61Mbps down/3.7Mbps up right now, but a single client just D/C. If I autopilot across hisec, my ship usually does not get to the destination without one or more disconnects.

I learned how to force the loader to use DX9 only, but that has not fixed the problem. I have changed all the graphics to the most simple settings.

Is there anything else I can do on my end? Keep to one client only? Stay out of losec/nullsec?

Try resetting your router. That seemed to work for me when I was getting disconnected a lot.

Resetting the router hasn't worked for me. I've been getting disconnects at the rate of 2-3 per hour with no clear reason as to why since the last patch. Regardless of the number of clients I'm running, and when running multiple clients, only one may disconnect and the others continue on (till they crash 10-20 minutes later).

I'm getting about 70mbps/12mbps from speed test thru Comcast.

Current Windows machine with more than sufficient specs.

Cleared settings, cache, started from launcher and from the direct CCP Exefile... makes no difference.

I get no unexpected disconnects from the other games I have been playing more and more in the last week (MW:O, DarkFall, WoT...)

Again, this has only begun since the last update.
Kevin Emoto
No Code of Conduct
Fluffeh Bunneh Murder Squad
#738 - 2014-01-24 17:18:06 UTC
Please fix the 'Route in Space' issue, since Rubicon, the 'magic throbbing rainbow scribble' appears in space.

I used to be able to turn it off, but now it comes on itself and cannot be turned off....
Momiji Sakora
Omni Galactic
Central Omni Galactic Group
#739 - 2014-01-25 12:38:05 UTC
Clients show turret modules on different hardpoints. Probably an optimisation issue, but still feels out of place.

For example, the Stratios; 5 harpoints, 4 on the rear "SPOILER" and 1 above the prow of the ship.

On my screen, two turrets at the spoiler, 1 on the dorsal prow.

On second client, three turrets at the spoiler, none on the prow.

I suspect it's just optimisation, but this really bugged me when I found out. (This disconnect happened too when trying to explain to a corpie about their turrets and how they displayed on their ship, they got it right, but it still wasn't showing for me! - This time in a Maller).
Niscy Stoy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#740 - 2014-01-28 21:42:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Niscy Stoy
Every time i warp towards the Sinid warp gate the client freezes for upwards of 10 seconds, when the client unfreezes I am 600+KM away from the warp gate and travelling in excess of 10,000km/s and slowly decreases to zero. Clicking warp on the gate in the overview then does nothing but makes my ship travel towards the gate at normal speed. If i log off and on my ship is travelling at 100,000+km/s in a random direction from where i logged off facing. Trying to do anything from then onwards slowly makes my ship decrease back down to zero (takes a hell of a long time). I am currently manually travelling at my Drakes max speed (161 km/s) towards the Sinid warp gate which is over 700km (after re logging a few times). I have a lot of missions in the Sinid area as I am doing CBD security L3 missions, I can't be doing this every time.