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EVE should be translated to spanish
I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.
Ayyy LMAO.
“This is war. You never want to fight fair. You want to sneak up behind your enemy and club him over the head.”
– Kara Thrace aka "Starbuck"
CDIA Based overlay resource for After Effects 6
Eve pathfinders Youtube
Meet the Mario Kart 8 - Capsuleer Club Cup
"Grr Kimmi Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide Join Eve Radio channel in game!
97% of girls would die if Justin Bieber were about to jump off a cliff. Post this in your sig if you`re part of the 3% yelling,
_[center]For your Freighter **sized shipping needs, contact _[u]Lord Chanlin[/u].** _ Fast, affordable, reliable service._[/center]