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Looking to learn nullsec survival and PVP? Then join OUCH!

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Zurakaru Ze
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#741 - 2013-12-30 09:19:03 UTC
Now, if we can only get Bren to actually post on the blog.

Hello fellow capsuleers!

Boy, I sure had a full class yesterday. I covered fleet tactics, scouting, and provided an introduction to what it takes to be the FC. Also covered was the meta game that EVE relies on.

Where were you in during this? We provide you the tools to survival in null sec. These tools not only will allow you to survive, they will allow you to thrive. WH and Low sec should open up to you as well.

See you space cowboy.
Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#742 - 2014-01-08 01:51:47 UTC
Zurakaru Ze wrote:
Now, if we can only get Bren to actually post on the blog.
I'm sorry sexy, I'll get right on it. Big smile

Join OUCH. You don't know what you don't know. Cool
ahab Soikutsu
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#743 - 2014-01-11 11:55:57 UTC
I have just finished the Ouch training course and i have to say it was one of the best times i have had in eve. I spent all my time in high sec before it, too scared to venture into null. These guys trained me in high sec only letting me into low sec once i was ready. The classes are well run and with low numbers of students and teach everything you need for survival in null.

You can do it the hard way and just jump into null and die or get these guys to show you the way.

Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#744 - 2014-01-17 03:17:32 UTC
ahab Soikutsu wrote:
I have just finished the Ouch training course and i have to say it was one of the best times i have had in eve. I spent all my time in high sec before it, too scared to venture into null. These guys trained me in high sec only letting me into low sec once i was ready. The classes are well run and with low numbers of students and teach everything you need for survival in null.

You can do it the hard way and just jump into null and die or get these guys to show you the way.

We're glad to have had the opportunity to help you build the confidence for you to play YOUR Eve.

Good luck and thanks for joining us. Big smile
Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#745 - 2014-01-23 03:57:05 UTC
There was some big fight thingee in HED-GP the other day. Something about nodes overloaded and a bunch of capitals were lost. People are writing CCP complaining that they lost their ship. I guess there some tears on more than one forum.

CCP apologized... I don't understand why. I mean, if playing Eve on the same grid with 2000 of your closest friends breaks the game, maybe you should do small gang PvP instead?

No TiDi. No node crashes. Sounds like much more fun to me, but what do I know?

Anyway, we'll teach you how to get to HED-GP. You have to decide if you really want to jump in there. P
Epsi Lon
Orion Technologies Inc
#746 - 2014-02-01 04:18:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Epsi Lon
RL sucks, well at least it does tonight. Stuck at work; I could be out on the bubble with Ops members and students. Teaching classes and shooting at shiny internet spaceships; this is my Eve. I fully enjoy the team focused, small gang warfare in which OUCH engages.

Life is much simpler in OUCH than it was in the Sov alliances: fewer rules, little drama, virtually no politics, great allies, and lots of action with a great group of pilots. Yes, life is good in OUCH.

If you want to experience the good life in nul-sec space, join OUCH. Let us show you how to survive and thrive in nul.
Rene Yang
Appetite 4 Destruction
#747 - 2014-02-02 23:42:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Rene Yang
tldr: bump!!Big smile

To new capsuleers,
If you are fresh out of the tutorial and curious about NULLSEC,
if you've heard the advice of joining a player corporation as soon as possible, but get overwhelmed by the number of choices
if you feel like you have to earn X amount of ISK and reach Y amount of skill points before pursuing your pvp dream
or if you are willing to plummet myself into the wild west of EVE from day 1 but don't want to do so blindly

Please consider a sojourn with OUCH while thinking about your eve future.

Although we focus on nullsec survival/basic pvp, the situation awareness you gain from OUCH training will benefit you whatever you do (pvp or pve), wherever you live (low, null and high sec, wormhole space...)

Join OUCH-UNI channel.
Arcarian Naari
#748 - 2014-02-03 03:24:33 UTC
Well, I was looking into joining a corp. to learn about surviving in null-sec, as well as learning to be a combat pilot, preferably in a Capital class ship. For the training what is the difference between EVE time and EST? As well as how do I sign up?
Epsi Lon
Orion Technologies Inc
#749 - 2014-02-03 19:50:54 UTC
Arcarian Naari wrote:
For the training what is the difference between EVE time and EST? As well as how do I sign up?

Our classes are scheduled Thursday evenings at 01:00 Eve time which is Wed night 8PM EST/US, and on Sat/Sun afternoons at 18:00 Eve time which is 1pm EST/US. You can simply search for the "Open University for Celestial Hardship corporation in game, and apply for membership.

Join channel OUCH-UNI for more details.

Note: Students are only allowed to fly T1 frigs with T1 fittings in our classes. We don't teach capital ships, but we will teach you how to survive and then introduce you to pvp.
Arcarian Naari
#750 - 2014-02-03 20:05:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Arcarian Naari
Got it.
Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#751 - 2014-02-11 03:29:06 UTC
"Hey there, I'm new here... Can I come out to the camp?"

"Of course you can," we say.

Fifteen minutes later, our new guy's got the first kill of his PvP career: an effing Archon.

"Time of your life, huh kid?" :D
Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#752 - 2014-02-15 00:35:29 UTC
It's Valentine's Day. You can play romance at home, or you can roam in Eve, but if you come to Curse, I can tell you that you're likely to get... laid? Twisted
Epsi Lon
Orion Technologies Inc
#753 - 2014-02-22 01:56:22 UTC
OUCH is first and foremost a training corporation. Our program teaches pilots how to survive the dangers of nul-sec. Many pilots join the program, some graduate, most move on, but a few apply to join the Operations team. Students, upon graduation, can apply to join OUCH Operations.

OUCH Operations is not for everyone, but for those who enjoy: teaching new pilots, team focused small-gang pvp, and expanded training opportunities, OUCH can be a good place to call home.

If new (or old) to Eve, join us and let us show you how to kill more and die less..
Drakul Sorn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#754 - 2014-03-01 04:56:42 UTC
How do I apply?
Twisted Syko
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#755 - 2014-03-01 16:40:58 UTC
Drakul Sorn wrote:
How do I apply?

You can go to OUCH-UNI channel in game and there is a link at the top to apply. OUCH-UNI is also our public channel for anyone to ask questions in.

Also if you go to people and places you can search for corps and type in the corp you are looking for, But come in to OUCH-UNI channel, its much easier.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#756 - 2014-03-04 01:16:47 UTC
It's been awhile since I posted, so I figure I better get busy if I'm gonna to retake the lead from Bren on number of likes.

Our cadre of instructors continues to grow. It always amazes me how many players willingly give several hours of their playtime each month to help others.

Our instructors have come up through our program. Often, OUCH provided them their first opportunity to learn the ropes in nullsec. After spending time with us, they realize how little they knew and how OUCH has so enriched their game time. Many feel the obligation to give back, and then find the experience very rewarding. They decide to stay. To teach. And they continue to learn and grow.

Join us. Let us introduce you to null sec and to a greater Eve community.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#757 - 2014-03-06 09:01:14 UTC
The new HERO coalition is deploying to Sendaya so we will undoubtedly see an increase in traffic through the Curse pipeline. Exciting times. Ships to blow up. New and certain to be immature posts in local. Good time are rolling our way.

Seems like a great time time come learn null sec survival. Join us.
Elan Traven
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#758 - 2014-03-20 01:36:32 UTC
HERO/Brave have indeed come out to Curse's doorstep and now is an exciting time to try the PVP lifestyle with structured classes and seasoned instructors to move you along. Feel free to join the OUCH-UNI channel in game and chat with us!
Jin Sanjuro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#759 - 2014-03-22 02:14:44 UTC
My academics in [0uch] are winding down, just the practical portion and then I can petition to graduate. I started playing Eve when it popped up on sale on Steam back in January, and farted around doing PvE missions in hisec until stumbling across [0uch]. The quality of "education" has been nothing short of outstanding. The instructors are knowledgeable, experienced and eminently approachable about any manner of basic questions about the game. No matter what you want to do in Eve, whether it's industry, nullsec PvP, FW, or PvE, the knowledge and experience gained in 90 short days in [0uch] is invaluable. I cant stress enough what an amazing opportunity this corp offers to new players, and recommend anyone brand new to the game seriously consider floating this corp an app.
Bren Genzan
Open University of Celestial Hardship
Art of War Alliance
#760 - 2014-04-02 02:21:11 UTC

We have been busy this month. I think we've held a record number of classes held in the last two months. We have lots of new students in the pipeline. We have lots of pilots applying to stay in Operations and pay it forward. Plus more small gang pvp than you can shake a Harpy at.

I really can't complain. If this interests you, give us a hollar. Smile