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Where were you 6 months into Eve?

First post
Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Snuggle Society.
#141 - 2013-12-28 09:45:42 UTC
Snuggling. Snuggling.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Bad Girl Posse
#142 - 2013-12-28 10:26:40 UTC
Solitude Low sec, 15 jumps from the sticks making station and gate bookmarks, training Nav skills.
No WTZ back then.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

#143 - 2013-12-28 10:58:52 UTC
Paul Otichoda wrote:
Just out of curiosity what were people doing after 6 months playing EVE (assuming you can remember)

Flying around pure blind trying to dodge G , IRON and the occasional BOB invasion .

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Fal Dara
Vortex Command Corporation
#144 - 2013-12-28 11:21:32 UTC
6 months into EVE, in 2004:

I had just got done with mining for over a month in a thorax, and had built my first BS myself (one of the last in the corp to get one)

I then took this apoc--ofcourse, fitted with mining lasers, as this was 2004, and went to low sec to try mining there. Something i had never done, but seemed a reasonable thing to do (i was not in a corp known at the time for its pvp prowess). About 10 minutes into happily nomming on some jasper, a Raven landed next to me. Concerned, i tried to warp--and failed. A scorpion then landed, and the destruction of nearly the whole previous 6 months of personal effort was destroyed ... my drones managed to chew through 80% of the ravens armor before i finally popped. I was too stunned and crushed to warp out, and was promptly podded. I logged out, logged into, and unsubbed till march. about 6 months.

I also strated this character with 6k skillpoints... took eons to make it useful, because it was so hard to make isk at the time .... spent forever mining in my frigate. back then, you built up the mins to get a ship built, because there were still few on the market, and expensive too.

When i first joined, early 2004, ONE corpy had a BS--a dominix. We thought him a God.

My, how things have changed.