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Another small corp quitting.

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#1 - 2013-12-28 10:57:53 UTC
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.
#2 - 2013-12-28 11:00:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Xasnevian
First? Can I have your stuff? HTFU?

I'm not really good at this... but I'm sure someone else will correct me :)
#3 - 2013-12-28 11:03:15 UTC
You can't have our stuff, we may need it when our addiction returns and we cant find a new game=p, Anyone know someone selling really big storage lockers?
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#4 - 2013-12-28 11:03:24 UTC
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

Good luck and have fun elsewhere. There are more games coming to the genre, so maybe some of them will be a good replacement for the EVE you used to play.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-12-28 11:04:25 UTC
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

weird for me pi is lower as before(low sec , as high sec pi is worthless anyhow) , and never lost a mining vessal , you mine in hulks? those are kinda the shittiest mining barge in high sec.

The police horse is the only animal in the world that haz his male genitals on his back

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-12-28 11:04:38 UTC
Xerogee wrote:
Hey community and CCP.

Too many of these whinny posts i know but i'll try to be brief. Played this game for a number of years, great game, keeps my mind active and love to multi-task mine at the office. We are a small mining carebear manefacturing corp that lives in the middle of nowhere in Hi-Sec, mines builds ships and does research etc. Since customs office change went in, within 2 days large corps all moved in and put up customs offices with stupid tax rates etc. We tried to compete, even declared war and tried too take down some offices, no chance with huge corps with unlimited equipment of the best calibre. We supplied our own own starbase fuel, ice mined. rock mined, supplied the market with all sorts of stuff. Now our ICE is hard too get and bots were only tricked for a maybe a week, our Pi stuff is taxed too hell, people gank with alarming regularity and with no consequences on alts. We can live with everything except that CCP has taken the fun out of the game in Hi-Sec. We don't want too move too low sec, quite happy here enjoying the game, less and less and less. Bye, great game, hope Hi-Sec gets some love in future patches and we can come back and enjoy the game like we like too play it. If i want too see the rich get richer and the poor work ever harder to survive with no joy, i'll visit real life. Peace

BTW I understand the EVE universe is ruthless, but when you keep taking the fun out of a game, it stops being a game.

Move further away from Jita. The ganking will be less prevalent and the POCO won't be taxed as high.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-12-28 11:05:16 UTC
Here hoping for free stuff. Left disappoint.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

#8 - 2013-12-28 11:12:06 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
You can do 2 things :

- Stick to what you are doing and get your fun drained when stuff doesn't work as you like.

-Change your playstyle to fit your goals.

Now you said you guys like to do the industrial side of the game and i noticed you are a verry small corp.Instead of complaining about your ice mining or poco's how about you try and get the best out of it in a less and/or safer way.Tell your friends to train marketskills and try that side of the game.

Marketing + the research and building you guys do makes it a much more profitable game and much safer too.You can let others haul your stuff to make it even safer , join the haulers channel for this or use the frogs.

The only thing that get's people to ragequit the game is because they are too scared/stubborn/small minded to change their habbits.Like the last ragequit post from a guy who got ganked 5 times ... he did not mention ALL 5 times where in the same system and that all kills where done by the same corporation.

Do this right and you'll be thanking the guys who are bugging you now for getting your profits to skyrocket in a short time.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#9 - 2013-12-28 11:12:19 UTC
Have you done the maths on what you're doing?

PI is cheaper than ever; ganking is rarer than ever (due to harsher consequences than ever); ice mining is more worthless than ever; normal mining is… well, a bit better, actually, but still not really a good way to spend your time — you'd get far more by acquiring ISK and just buying the materials you need.

It just mainly sounds like you guys haven't looked at any alternatives to just keep doing what you're doing where you're doing it. Highsec as gotten a lot of love in the last couple of patches, and it's not going to go back to the way it was. The key (as always) is adaptation and versatility. It doesn't really have anything to do with ruthlessness but rather with just being aware of your environments and the vast multitude of options it is offering you.
Josef Djugashvilis
#10 - 2013-12-28 11:16:10 UTC
Just curious, where do folk get their information that gank rates are up or down, and over what time period?

This is not a signature.

#11 - 2013-12-28 11:20:07 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just curious, where do folk get their information that gank rates are up or down, and over what time period?

The more people complain the weather is crap the more it will be seen as a factuall statistic , no matter how bright the sun is shining that day ..

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

#12 - 2013-12-28 11:22:26 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just curious, where do folk get their information that gank rates are up or down, and over what time period?

They see this:

They didn't die before.


They died once.

Hence ganking must be up for everyone.

Additionally, if nasty corp near by move and set up somewhere else. Bit like you have to do in low and null sec
#13 - 2013-12-28 11:22:32 UTC
flakeys wrote:
You can do 2 things :

- Stick to what you are doing and get your fun drained when stuff doesn't work as you like.

-Change your playstyle to fit your goals.

Now you said you guys like to do the industrial side of the game and i noticed you are a verry small corp.Instead of complaining about your ice mining or poco's how about you try and get the best out of it in a less and/or safer way.Tell your friends to train marketskills and try that side of the game.

Marketing + the research and building you guys do makes it a much more profitable game and much safer too.You can let others haul your stuff to make it even safer , join the haulers channel for this or use the frogs.

The only thing that get's people to ragequit the game is because they are too scared/stubborn/small minded to change their habbits.Like the last ragequit post from a guy who got ganked 5 times ... he did not mention ALL 5 times where in the same system and that all kills where done by the same corporation.

Do this right and you'll be thanking the guys who are bugging you now for getting your profits to skyrocket in a short time.

What this guy said OP. Start trading and manufacturing / inventing on side as well if you like that and join the high-rollers. Or you could just quit.

Always happy to look after anyone's stuff if they are quitting :)
#14 - 2013-12-28 11:28:08 UTC
I'll try too better explain. Casual players, small corp, ENJOY mining (shock). Trained many skills for specific tasks and rolls for ridiculous amounts of times, tasks and rolls degraded, devalued and now controlled by mega corps and bots CCP cant control. No more enjoyment. All good suggestions btw, yes we should adapt and change , but when your only playing several hours a week and you worked your ass off to build up your carebear empire and enjoyed logging on when you could find the time, and CCP makes mega 0.0 empires control your local ****. It's just, meh, got better things too do, it's still a great game, just not for us anymore. Enjoyment is a personnel thing.,
#15 - 2013-12-28 11:33:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Xerogee
In addition all the mega corps had too adapt too was making more isk from me, we had too adapt too paying it. =p Kinda feels like being taxed by the rich, makes me feel sick. last comment :)
Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#16 - 2013-12-28 11:33:35 UTC


Paragraphs, motherf*cker, do you use them?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#17 - 2013-12-28 11:35:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Xerogee wrote:
I'll try too better explain. Casual players, small corp, ENJOY mining (shock). Trained many skills for specific tasks and rolls for ridiculous amounts of times, tasks and rolls degraded, devalued and now controlled by mega corps and bots CCP cant control. No more enjoyment. All good suggestions btw, yes we should adapt and change , but when your only playing several hours a week and you worked your ass off to build up your carebear empire and enjoyed logging on when you could find the time, and CCP makes mega 0.0 empires control your local ****. It's just, meh, got better things too do, it's still a great game, just not for us anymore. Enjoyment is a personnel thing.,

…except that CCP has not made mega 0.0 empires control anything. That's just you making excuses.

See, the thing is, I'm in a (very) small casual highsec industry corp. I have trained the (fairly few) skills required for mining. So I don't buy these “woe is me” stories. Also, guess what? Fun or not, a lot of the things I trained for were very easy to identify as a pretty wasteful use of my (indeed, our) time. Finding better, more interesting, more controllable activities was truly trivial. No ass-off-working needed. Just bump the skills and get going — hell, it's one of the real beauties of the EVE progression system.

You want a carebear empire? Then you have to do that thing that all empires have to do to survive: don't stagnate.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-12-28 11:42:30 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Just curious, where do folk get their information that gank rates are up or down, and over what time period?

Tippia gets her 'data' from the ether, specifically 'what'ether' and 'where'ether' its convenient to get it from. In short its just made up nonsense Lol

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Sunshine and Lollipops
#19 - 2013-12-28 11:47:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Infinity Ziona wrote:
Tippia gets her 'data' from the ether, specifically 'what'ether' and 'where'ether' its convenient to get it from. In short its just made up nonsense Lol

Incorrect on all counts.

I get my data from the simple fact that I used to make good money from sitting on the Jita undock or Perimeter gate(s) stealing gank loot, and you could count the CONCORD clouds along every highway. The money is gone, as are the clouds (and not just in the sense that they don't appear in force like in the olden days).

This makes it based on an observed reality, unlike every claim ever made about some supposed increase in ganking.
Dave Stark
#20 - 2013-12-28 11:48:45 UTC
for those that didn't read the OP, and nobody would blame you for that.

the tl:dr is "game requires effort, i'm quitting"
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