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[Video] Feeling Alright

First post
Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#1 - 2011-11-18 23:55:35 UTC
My first attempt at a PvP video. I would love any advice from the more experience video makers as to how I can improve the editing etc. on the video (Never used Vegas before this).

All filmed in the first month or so in Heretics.

Ships Used: Hawk, Vengeance, Merlin, Rifter and Drake.

I will get a downloadable version sorted out once I can be arsed Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smile

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

Harlot Hohannson
Eye on Wang Poo
#2 - 2011-11-19 01:05:19 UTC
Really nice vid dude, and the Drake fail was superb too :P

PROTIP: If you burn out your grouped high slots, ungroup them to see if any of them survived.
Naomi Wildfire
Shadow Cartel
#3 - 2011-11-19 01:19:20 UTC
how I can improve the editing etc

as for me, the most important thing is to present whats going on, what is fighting, what dies?
I dislike overdone editings.

ISD BH Newmind > Jingle bells, Tuxford smells, Falcon laid an egg =D

Sebastian LaFleur
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-19 11:47:08 UTC
Some of the texts went past too fast and were quite small.

Otherwise pretty decent video :)

Expand consciousness. Travel without moving. 

#5 - 2011-11-19 13:01:26 UTC
Nice vid enjoyed alot!!!

Scorpionidae Big smile

Every Day I be Trolling

Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#6 - 2011-11-19 16:57:41 UTC
Cheers guys/gals. I thought the text moments were short but honestly it was that hard to actually get my computer to render it I didn't want to wait to re-render it. Will keep that noted though for my next video.

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

Time Bandits.
#7 - 2011-11-19 18:56:49 UTC
would you like some candy pretty boy??? just step into my spaceship and we will go get some together.....Twisted

been a long time comin' this...


I want moar...

Also, looking forward to your Frig competition..

All the dreams you've ever had - and not just the good ones ! My YouTube -

Caldari State
#8 - 2011-11-20 11:40:50 UTC
Very nicely done first video!

A few fights could've been left out, those where you kill your opponent and barely take a scratch aren't that entertaining to watch. But overall a good job and an enjoyable watch and I look forward to your next one if you decide to make another (please do) :)

Latest PVP Video: Perseverance

Sard Caid does not endorse this message.

Something Random
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-11-20 18:00:55 UTC
Really liked the video - great skills, great fights.

The Dramiel - oh man how close could you make that !!!!!!! edge of seat or what ?lol.

"caught on fire a little bit, just a little."

"Delinquents, check, weirdos, check, hippies, check, pillheads, check, freaks, check, potheads, check .....gangs all here!"

I love Science, it gives me a Hadron.

Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#10 - 2011-11-21 03:06:03 UTC

CCP Manifest
CCP Retirement Home
#11 - 2011-11-21 12:57:01 UTC
I enjoyed watching it this morning, so I bumped it for some more comments for you.

Keep it up!

======== o7 _CCP Manifest | Public Relations and Social Media | @ccp_manifest_

The Dead Rabbit Society
#12 - 2011-11-21 13:54:36 UTC
Yes, agreed, this is lovely example of great piloting skills.

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-11-22 15:43:13 UTC
Decent for a first video

Don't waste time killing a vexors drones if it's a flight of rainbow t1 drones, they aren't a threat and he's certain to be failtanked. Also don't orbit stabbers at range unless there's a reason to do it like he's using small neuts or light blasters or something else that is ********. Orbit 500 and he will track you even worse, you wont risk losing scram (as you did), and it wont take forever to kill him.

Enjoyed it overall


Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-11-22 15:50:55 UTC
CCP Manifest wrote:
I enjoyed watching it this morning, so I bumped it for some more comments for you.

Keep it up!

You guys should do this more often. Most of the EVE crowd is completely unaware of the video making community, missing out on all the awesome videos being made, especially regarding small gang/solo stuff. I'm sure all the video makers would appreciate if you helped bring their hard work to the masses


Comy 1
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2011-11-22 21:47:41 UTC
Quick tip: Ungroup your weapons when you burn them out. There are likely atleast a few that can still shoot. The group goes gray as soon as 1 of them burn out.
Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#16 - 2011-11-23 00:41:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Iam Widdershins
Video making tips:

In the project properties, make sure that you have the video output settings configured correctly. Field order (also known as interlacing) should be set to None (progressive) so that each video frame updates the whole thing instead of only every other line. This will make the action much more crisp and alleviate those horrible lines that drag along every time something moves horizontally.

Frame rate should be the same as your FRAPS footage (29.970 and 30.000 are both good, as long as your original footage is the same; you can enter a number manually to get 30 fps). It bears mentioning that if you are properly speeding up all your footage it's not critical that the frame rates are exactly the same, but it's good practice. My first video was in NTSC 29.970 fps but I think I'm just gonna go with flat 30 from now on.

There are two ways to speed up any given video clip. You can either hold down Ctrl and drag resize it, or you can right click it and go to Properties, and under the Video event tab you can set Playback rate. In addition to this, you can go to right click > Insert/remove envelope > Velocity, which will give you an adjustable, editable line ('envelope') over the clip that determines a playback speed multiplier for that clip. You can add points, change the curve type for each section, etc.

I usually set all my clips to 2.0 playback speed, then adjust the Velocity envelope to raise the speed further, appropriate for each part of the clip. Most of my clips are at somewhere between 2.5x and 3x playback speed, but parts like where you spent 2 minutes clearing that Vexor's drones can be sped up to well over 6x without a problem.

You can add still images to the media pane of the video; transparent PNG images are particularly useful, for censoring sensitive / private / boring information (your chat window stack) and to provide a better backdrop for the text of your information and commentary during the fights. You can add a layer just for this, right on top of your main video layer.

Other recommendations I can make:
Use Lagarith or another lossless codec to output from Vegas instead of raw format, it saves a lot of space and barely slows it down at all. Then use VirtualDub to recode from Lagarith to your final codec. I recommend X264, usually with CRF 20 or so.
I also re-code my FRAPS footage to X264 with VirtualDub, with a CRF of 13 or 14 (virtually indistinguishable from the raw video, but dozens of times smaller). The main disadvantage of this is that it now requires a ton of processing power to decode the footage, so I will also recode it again to half-scale XVID to use while I'm actually editing the video. When I actually render it, I replace all the resources for the video clips with the full-scale X264 sources. Doing it like this, I have hours and hours of high-quality footage stored in only 20GB of space.

Notes: Make sure you get komisar's build of x264vfw, and not Masternobody's; not only does it have more options, but it will actually show up in the list when you need to use it.
Edit: I was vexed by a lousy lack of options for encoding MP3 in Windows 7; I found that this registry file fixed my problems.

You can see my videos here and here.

Oh and some pvp tips: I split drake launchers so that the first 2 and the last 2 are in one group, the middle 3 are in a second group, and arrange them so that slot 3 or 4 is empty/utility. I do this with all my 6/7 gun or launcher ships: just overheat the first, outside group and you can keep it overheated for much longer (more than twice as long with more than twice half as many modules overheated) with much less risk of burning out all your guns.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#17 - 2011-11-23 00:48:44 UTC
Iam Widdershins wrote:
Video making tips:

In the project properties, make sure that you have the video output settings configured correctly. Field order (also known as interlacing) should be set to None (progressive) so that each video frame updates the whole thing instead of only every other line. This will make the action much more crisp and alleviate those horrible lines that drag along every time something moves horizontally.

Frame rate should be the same as your FRAPS footage (29.970 and 30.000 are both good, as long as your original footage is the same; you can enter a number manually to get 30 fps). It bears mentioning that if you are properly speeding up all your footage it's not critical that the frame rates are exactly the same, but it's good practice. My first video was in NTSC 29.970 fps but I think I'm just gonna go with flat 30 from now on.

There are two ways to speed up any given video clip. You can either hold down Ctrl and drag resize it, or you can right click it and go to Properties, and under the Video event tab you can set Playback rate. In addition to this, you can go to right click > Insert/remove envelope > Velocity, which will give you an adjustable, editable line ('envelope') over the clip that determines a playback speed multiplier for that clip. You can add points, change the curve type for each section, etc.

I usually set all my clips to 2.0 playback speed, then adjust the Velocity envelope to raise the speed further, appropriate for each part of the clip. Most of my clips are at somewhere between 2.5x and 3x playback speed, but parts like where you spent 2 minutes clearing that Vexor's drones can be sped up to well over 6x without a problem.

You can add still images to the media pane of the video; transparent PNG images are particularly useful, for censoring sensitive / private / boring information (your chat window stack) and to provide a better backdrop for the text of your information and commentary during the fights. You can add a layer just for this, right on top of your main video layer.

Other recommendations I can make:
Use Lagarith or another lossless codec to output from Vegas instead of raw format, it saves a lot of space and barely slows it down at all. Then use VirtualDub to recode from Lagarith to your final codec. I recommend X264, usually with CRF 20 or so.
I also re-code my FRAPS footage to X264 with VirtualDub, with a CRF of 13 or 14 (virtually indistinguishable from the raw video, but dozens of times smaller). The main disadvantage of this is that it now requires a ton of processing power to decode the footage, so I will also recode it again to half-scale XVID to use while I'm actually editing the video. When I actually render it, i replace all the resources for the video clips with the full-scale X264 sources. Doing it like this, I have hours and hours of high-quality footage stored in only 20GB of space.

Notes: Make sure you get komisar's build of x264vfw, and not Masternobody's; not only does it have more options, but it will actually show up in the list when you need to use it.

You can see my videos here and here.

Cheers for this Widdershins, it is much appreciated. Will bear it all in mind when I do my next vid.

Decent for a first video

Don't waste time killing a vexors drones if it's a flight of rainbow t1 drones, they aren't a threat and he's certain to be failtanked. Also don't orbit stabbers at range unless there's a reason to do it like he's using small neuts or light blasters or something else that is ********. Orbit 500 and he will track you even worse, you wont risk losing scram (as you did), and it wont take forever to kill him.

Enjoyed it overall

Thankyou for the advice Will, I went into the Stabber fight with the plan to get close, hence having PP loaded but he started neuting. However my mistake was not reloading at this point and using barrage, instead I tried to do with high damage ammo for some reason (I blame booze).

As for the vexor fight I honestly have no idea why I continued to shoot his drones after the Cat was dead and the thorax had warped off, as the dps was generally terrible anyway.

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#18 - 2011-11-23 00:57:05 UTC
As much as this video may not show it, i do know that when one group burns out it doesn't mean all the launchers are (they were in the video) , i just thought filming the drones killing the cane in the end would make for a mildly amusing ending.

I do usually have them split but as this was filmed a while back i can't really remember why they weren't.....meh ah well

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2011-11-23 01:20:29 UTC
Korg Tronix wrote:

Thankyou for the advice Will, I went into the Stabber fight with the plan to get close, hence having PP loaded but he started neuting. However my mistake was not reloading at this point and using barrage, instead I tried to do with high damage ammo for some reason (I blame booze).

As for the vexor fight I honestly have no idea why I continued to shoot his drones after the Cat was dead and the thorax had warped off, as the dps was generally terrible anyway.

ah ok, didn't notice he had a neut, but still you should stay close until you're nearly capped out which will take a while for a small neut, then gain range.
