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Collectors Edition pricing

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Arkani Arkaral
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2013-12-21 11:05:14 UTC
So I notice a special offer on the CE.
$99.99 or the same in Euros.......This is a massive difference, do you guys not understand currency exchange rates or something?

I want to give you my money but im not going to be so blatently ripped off.
Junn Typher
#2 - 2013-12-21 11:24:01 UTC
Because you gotta add the taxes ...
Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-12-21 11:33:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Aivo Dresden
You can't just do Dollar to Euro. It is true that 100 dollar is like 75 euro, but still. These things are decided and measured up for local economies and currency values. Same reason why games on Steam might sell for 19.99 in the EU and for almost half that in Russia, India, ....

I do agree that the difference is considerable now and CCP should pay more attention to this. Between the EU and US there shouldn't be a 25% difference in Price, especially considering how well the Icelandic markets are integrated in the EU economy. If anything, it should be more expensive in the US.

Anyway, I ordered my copy. I consider it a Christmas present for myself. :D
Mr Pragmatic
#4 - 2013-12-21 11:46:32 UTC
Arkani Arkaral wrote:
So I notice a special offer on the CE.
$99.99 or the same in Euros.......This is a massive difference, do you guys not understand currency exchange rates or something?

I want to give you my money but im not going to be so blatently ripped off.

Well that is capitalism. Vote with your wallet, hippy.

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#5 - 2013-12-21 12:41:52 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
Arkani Arkaral wrote:
So I notice a special offer on the CE.
$99.99 or the same in Euros.......This is a massive difference, do you guys not understand currency exchange rates or something?

I want to give you my money but im not going to be so blatently ripped off.

Well that is capitalism. Vote with your wallet, hippy.

Or bypass the geographical zoning thing through certain online services which work on the basis of "item is delivered to our US address and then we send it to your EU address".

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

CCP Falcon
#6 - 2013-12-21 13:07:19 UTC
The reason that the Collector's Edition is being sold at 99.99 USD / 99.99 EUR relates to the fact that sales taxe (VAT) in the EU must be displayed on the sale prices of goods, whereas in the US you can say "$99.99 + TAX". We also have to take into account currency exchange rates, fluctuations and all kinds of details including where the items are being shipped from.

There's very little in the way of difference between the final two prices, so it's not as if one region is getting a huge discount over the other. Sadly, when most people see 99.99 USD / 99.99 EUR, the torches and pitchforks come out because they don't realize that this is the case, and aren't aware in the differences in exchange rates and tax legislation between the EU and the US.

Hope this helps. Smile

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Kate stark
#7 - 2013-12-21 13:14:43 UTC
is there any chance of an eve CE without the non eve content for a reasonable price?

Yay, this account hasn't had its signature banned. or its account, if you're reading this.

Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-12-21 13:48:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Aivo Dresden
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included?

That reminds me of the first time I went to the US and walked in to a 1 dollar store with 1 dollar in my pocket. Major disappointment ensued.
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#9 - 2013-12-21 13:51:22 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included?

That would be off-putting for the american buyers who would already expect more to be added to the price :)
Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#10 - 2013-12-21 14:03:39 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included.

Because sales tax in the US varies by state. There is no such thing as a national "item+tax" price.
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#11 - 2013-12-21 14:19:20 UTC
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included.

Because sales tax in the US varies by state. There is no such thing as a national "item+tax" price.

If there's an awkward, unpractical and silly way to do something as simple as a sales tax, the USA will come up with 52 different ways, each one even more awkward, unpractical and silly then the one before. P

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#12 - 2013-12-21 14:55:19 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included?

That reminds me of the first time I went to the US and walked in to a 1 dollar store with 1 dollar in my pocket. Major disappointment ensued.

Because the taxes are different in each state and so on. There isn't a national tax, the states collect the taxes on stuff like this.
Mr Pragmatic
#13 - 2013-12-21 15:24:03 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included.

Because sales tax in the US varies by state. There is no such thing as a national "item+tax" price.

If there's an awkward, unpractical and silly way to do something as simple as a sales tax, the USA will come up with 52 different ways, each one even more awkward, unpractical and silly then the one before. P

Better than the punishing 19% VAT tax on everything here in Germanistan.

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Arkani Arkaral
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2013-12-21 15:28:24 UTC
Thanks for the response, makes more sense now.
As has been said, might be good to look at a better way to display the prices to save on torches, they are not free you know! :)
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#15 - 2013-12-21 15:29:24 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Tyburn Stannis wrote:
Aivo Dresden wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

Thanks for letting us know. That makes sense. In order to avoid the pitchforks from coming out, why can't both prices be displayed with tax included.

Because sales tax in the US varies by state. There is no such thing as a national "item+tax" price.

If there's an awkward, unpractical and silly way to do something as simple as a sales tax, the USA will come up with 52 different ways, each one even more awkward, unpractical and silly then the one before. P

Better than the punishing 19% VAT tax on everything here in Germanistan.

Thanks to The Merkeli and the Troika coalition, we enjoy 21% VAT on everything here in Ispain. Sad

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Skill Training Online
#16 - 2013-12-21 15:30:55 UTC
It is the price Europe pays for being communist.

Big Safety Net, Big Tax System.

In America we have anarchy.

No Safety Net, Small Tax System.

Just the other day I figured out that 9mm ammo costs less per round than McDonalds French Fries do per fry.

Thank You Obama!

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-12-21 15:40:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ElQuirko
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Thanks to The Merkeli and the Troika coalition, we enjoy 21% VAT on everything here in Ispain. Sad

More like thanks to your ruined economy. Next time invest wisely - Merkel is the only person in Europe that's fixing the situation.

Skill Training Online wrote:
In America we have anarchy.

*Nearly chokes on own tongue in shocked confusion*

Dodixie > Hek

Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2013-12-21 15:54:41 UTC
Kate stark wrote:
is there any chance of an eve CE without the non eve content for a reasonable price?

I don't think you understand the point of a collectors edition.

This is a terrible thread. As such, it's locked. - CCP Falcon

Neo T.E.C.H.
#19 - 2013-12-21 16:51:23 UTC
2 months after it shipped Ugh

I know it's Christmas CCP, but remind me never to pre-order any of your products again. Thanks.
Kristina Rin
Squid Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2013-12-21 16:59:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Kristina Rin
for me the total fee to Vietnam is 250$, 150$ box 100$ shipping fee and 1 month of waiting :D

2014 !!!

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