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Seeking PvP Training Services

#21 - 2013-12-16 12:10:59 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
I ask again, WHERE you operate. HIhg sec PVP, Low sec PVP, FW PVP, 0.0 PVP and WHole PVP, Forum PVP are completely different beats.

We currently operate in highsec. We have spent some time in lowsec also and we have even participated in FW (both as attempts in the past to improve our ability to PvP). But right now, we are in highsec. We are basically starting over. We were inactive for a good length of time and we are now in a rebuilding phase. We want to learn from our mistakes so we do not repeat them, hence the reason for this post now while we are just getting started.
Marlin Spikes
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2013-12-16 14:10:16 UTC
For new players who are learning the basics, maybe try Eve Uni and save a few iskies. They will teach the basics and get your players to fly well under an fc.

Bombers Rule!!!

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-12-16 22:12:24 UTC
Marlin Spikes wrote:
For new players who are learning the basics, maybe try Eve Uni and save a few iskies. They will teach the basics and get your players to fly well under an fc.

I'd be worried about the uni application process for this if you can't work out a deal.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Christian Lionbate
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-12-17 09:00:25 UTC
Zol Interbottom wrote:
then where did the other 100m go?

Haha Concord scammed you good Blink
#25 - 2013-12-17 18:02:19 UTC  |  Edited by: rswfire
Grunanca wrote:
Send me a mail ingame, I can prob help you with option 2 and provide some videos on top to help you guys get started.

I'll reach out to you soon, thanks.

Haedonism Bot wrote:
I believe I can help you arrange something. I am a skilled small gang and solo PvPer, and I would be willing to join your corporation with an alt and help to teach you a thing or two. Contact me in game and we will work out the details.

You don't need any introduction at all. :)

I read your blog post some time ago about your incident with Brave Newbies. Was a great read.

I'm sure there's much we could learn from you and I'm glad you're willing. I'll reach out soon.

Marlin Spikes wrote:
For new players who are learning the basics, maybe try Eve Uni and save a few iskies. They will teach the basics and get your players to fly well under an fc.

E-UNI is great, but I imagine the requirements of actually getting into that corp would be burdensome, and it would separate our players from our community while they are a part of it. That's something we're hoping to avoid. I appreciate the feedback, though.

Zol Interbottom wrote:
then where did the other 100m go?

Isn't it obvious? Taxes.
Yi-Ming Gren
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#26 - 2013-12-18 02:39:19 UTC
Seems you have wars on multiple fronts, why would you need to hire someone for PVP lessons when there are so many willing to give you antimatter for free? Undock in something nice and shiny, PVP will come to you.
#27 - 2013-12-18 03:36:09 UTC
Yi-Ming Gren wrote:
Seems you have wars on multiple fronts, why would you need to hire someone for PVP lessons when there are so many willing to give you antimatter for free? Undock in something nice and shiny, PVP will come to you.

We always have wars on multiple fronts.

And we're not really in a position to fight you right now. There's like three of us, and we're not Cannibal Kane. xD

This is a project I am trying to put together as part of a larger that goes beyond this alliance.
Leigh Akiga
Kuhri Innovations
#28 - 2013-12-18 06:48:38 UTC
I recently read about your situation and I would like to suggest that you consider renting in 0.0

All the people that you are currently having problems with will not go to nullsec. You would essentially cease to exist to them. Also- the PVE activities that you enjoy in highsec are more profitable in 0.0

It may seem scary and alien and entirely too dangerous but as someone who has spent their entire eve career in nullsec I can say that- once you grow accustomed to your surroundings it is quite 'safe' and I use that term loosely because danger may be all around but only if you are careless.
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#29 - 2013-12-18 06:52:34 UTC
I hear Goonswarm has some wonderful new property down in Delve....:)

You should contact them, their prices are very reasonable.

You might have to front a security deposit tho, they are very wary of possible spies.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#30 - 2013-12-18 10:51:01 UTC
The only real training option is to go get shot at.

That said there are a number of options for the risk averse to look into such as Uni, Agony, or RvB. These are good options for basic levels of mechanics. However, the environments are (in many ways) contrived. As such you can learn as many bad habits as good.

Brave is a great new option for folks and can be looked into on an individual level for good times. But it likely will not appeal to those who are worried about committing assets.

For a realistic chance at moving a whole lot of people I would advise for either NPC null or renting. For the NPC Null you get much of the benifet for living in null and the isk potential associated, without having to deal with sov mechanics. Also null NPC mission LP can be very valuable.

For renting you get a larger body of potential income, but you get the associated politics of the parent body. The case in point being that third front deployment by gents where the first couple weeks of pain was felt only by renters. Also renters often will draw gangs to your door. But that is a good thing if you want to learn. Heck with access to a bridge network and a gang of interceptors you can be violencing other renters pretty quickly.

Send an eve message for vale rental contacts and terms.
#31 - 2013-12-18 17:01:46 UTC
This went in an unexpected direction, but an interesting one.

I agree with everyone that has said going out there and fighting is a way to learn. Perhaps the best way. But I think a structured learning environment has value also. You can minimize a lot of early and common mistakes if you offer a training platform. And it has the benefit of ensuring everyone is taught the same things.

For some, it's the only comfortable way they'd be willing to learn, rather than being thrown to the wolves. For others, it just provides a good initial introduction where they have someone there to help them along. So we'd be out there fighting, but with a shared level of knowledge. Anything after that is an attempt to apply the knowledge we've learned.

This is something I imagine RvB and E-UNI are both very good at providing. I respect both of those organizations and think they provide an awesome platform for a lot of players. We often refer people to them if they express an interest that matches up with them more than us. Many of them had already considered them though and just want to join a different community.

Highsec is full of hostility, and it's often very one-sided. I don't know of very many groups that actively try to provide an opposing force, an opposite, to that aggression...offering a conflict that acts as a counter-balance. I've always felt that would be fun...a "good vs. evil" sort of conflict. That is what we tried to create the first time around.

So our "situation" was entirely self-created. And there's no putting the genie back in the bottle. Most of us would not want to even if we could. I don't think any of us thought it would be easy, but Eve continues to surprise me at the number of challenges it can create. It can get frustrating and I've been known to be reactionary, but I ultimately enjoy the challenge and complexity. I still think it's a fight worth fighting for.

All of that said, we need to regroup, and taking on a new challenge might be fun also.
Thanatos Marathon
#32 - 2013-12-18 17:05:29 UTC
I wouldn't pass up Mr. Shadow Cartels offer if the price isn't too steep, even though you can't really hotdrop people in hisec.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-12-18 19:07:50 UTC
rswfire wrote:
This went in an unexpected direction, but an interesting one.

I agree with everyone that has said going out there and fighting is a way to learn. Perhaps the best way. But I think a structured learning environment has value also. You can minimize a lot of early and common mistakes if you offer a training platform. And it has the benefit of ensuring everyone is taught the same things.

For some, it's the only comfortable way they'd be willing to learn, rather than being thrown to the wolves. For others, it just provides a good initial introduction where they have someone there to help them along. So we'd be out there fighting, but with a shared level of knowledge. Anything after that is an attempt to apply the knowledge we've learned.

This is something I imagine RvB and E-UNI are both very good at providing. I respect both of those organizations and think they provide an awesome platform for a lot of players. We often refer people to them if they express an interest that matches up with them more than us. Many of them had already considered them though and just want to join a different community.

Highsec is full of hostility, and it's often very one-sided. I don't know of very many groups that actively try to provide an opposing force, an opposite, to that aggression...offering a conflict that acts as a counter-balance. I've always felt that would be fun...a "good vs. evil" sort of conflict. That is what we tried to create the first time around.

So our "situation" was entirely self-created. And there's no putting the genie back in the bottle. Most of us would not want to even if we could. I don't think any of us thought it would be easy, but Eve continues to surprise me at the number of challenges it can create. It can get frustrating and I've been known to be reactionary, but I ultimately enjoy the challenge and complexity. I still think it's a fight worth fighting for.

All of that said, we need to regroup, and taking on a new challenge might be fun also.

I think you are over analyzing the entire process of "learning" how to pvp. The best way to get experience in this is to hop in a frigate, get a small gang together, and go for roams in low. Get your pilots used to working with your FC's. Training under other FC's in other corps may help, but then they will come to understand only that FC's actions, and that may become counterproductive in the long run. Losses are arbitrary as youll likely fit T1 throwaways (at this point) and your pilots will learn the things that matter the most... things like how to cut orbit. How to slingshot. What fits work on what. And most importantly, what fights NOT to take, and what corps NOT to **** off (like being an arrogant smartass and getting wardeced by every notable merc corp in eve, all the while telling your alliance you have NO IDEA why the big bad mercs pick on you). E-Uni and other corps that give classes obviously know their ****, but not every pilot is going to benifit from that type of instruction.

TL/DR: Want to pvp? Go pvp.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

#34 - 2013-12-18 19:38:14 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
I think you are over analyzing the entire process of "learning" how to pvp. The best way to get experience in this is to hop in a frigate, get a small gang together, and go for roams in low. Get your pilots used to working with your FC's. Training under other FC's in other corps may help, but then they will come to understand only that FC's actions, and that may become counterproductive in the long run. Losses are arbitrary as youll likely fit T1 throwaways (at this point) and your pilots will learn the things that matter the most... things like how to cut orbit. How to slingshot. What fits work on what. And most importantly, what fights NOT to take, and what corps NOT to **** off (like being an arrogant smartass and getting wardeced by every notable merc corp in eve, all the while telling your alliance you have NO IDEA why the big bad mercs pick on you). E-Uni and other corps that give classes obviously know their ****, but not every pilot is going to benifit from that type of instruction.

TL/DR: Want to pvp? Go pvp.

Leto, I can understand if you feel the need to distance yourself from our alliance, but you've already done that. And if you have a problem with me still, there's not much I can really do about it. I know I made mistakes, and I tried to own up to them. I took a long break from Eve to gather some perspective and came back to a lot of wardecs, many of which made perfect sense...a few that did not. I am not sure when I have ever said I didn't know why someone wardecced us, but I'll just take your word for that. I think calling me arrogant might be giving me too much credit (more like negligent and thoughtless at times), but I am most definitely a smartass. But I am not too proud to admit when I've made mistakes, and some of the things I've said and done I regret and feel embarrassment over. But what's done is done. Feel better now? If not, I'll try really hard to care.

TL;DR: Let it go already, man, geeze.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2013-12-18 20:05:08 UTC
rswfire wrote:

Leto, I can understand if you feel the need to distance yourself from our alliance, but you've already done that. And if you have a problem with me still, there's not much I can really do about it. I know I made mistakes, and I tried to own up to them. I took a long break from Eve to gather some perspective and came back to a lot of wardecs, many of which made perfect sense...a few that did not. I am not sure when I have ever said I didn't know why someone wardecced us, but I'll just take your word for that. I think calling me arrogant might be giving me too much credit (more like negligent and thoughtless at times), but I am most definitely a smartass. But I am not too proud to admit when I've made mistakes, and some of the things I've said and done I regret and feel embarrassment over. But what's done is done. Feel better now? If not, I'll try really hard to care.

TL;DR: Let it go already, man, geeze.

Lol..., the best thing you ever did for FSN was get us wardecced. ****, without that, id still be shooting at red crosses or /uninstalled. But the heart of my post was intended to be helpful, not about you. Pvp if you want to learn pvp. No other way to do it. You cant teach everything, and there is really no point where your going to be "ready" to pvp. Its like sitting in the menu screen of battlefield or COD, finger hovering over the "find match" button, thinking to yourself "oh man, should I do it?" LOL.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2013-12-19 00:48:44 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
*drama* Pvp if you want to learn pvp. No other way to do it. You cant teach everything, and there is really no point where your going to be "ready" to pvp.

This is kinda true. If you want your pilots to learn, I suggest getting them as much exposure in as short of time as possible. Other organizations may help, but you're probably better off hiring a FC to teach and run ops, than sending your pilots to another organization. The largest problem you will run into with other organizations is that you may have instances where your allies differ from theirs leading to tensions. You already have active wardecs, take advantage of them. Run some locators, gank them in space, or even contact them and call them out for fights. You will lose. A lot. However, in the process, you'll get some respect for trying and learn some stuff. When you guys aren't running ops, encourage people to read blogs and such. Play with fits, learn to reship fast to counter your opponents.

I've run with eve uni, and while I love the organization, they teach large fleet combat. You'll learn some stuff about organization, but not much about the actual mechanics of piloting in a fight.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#37 - 2013-12-19 03:07:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Haedonism Bot
Hey rswfire,

I read your latest blog entry and your comments here, and I'm going to say some things that are actually non-trollish here for a change. Sorry, C&P.

When I was a new player in EVE, I was a student at EVE University, and was exposed to a lot of attitudes that were similar to your own. I developed some prejudices against highsec wardeccers, scammers, gankers, can flippers, etc, mainly because the community that I was a part of at the time viewed these activities as illegitimate gameplay, "bullying" in your language. They were wrong about that. (Grrrr Kelduum Revannnnnn....) After leaving the Uni, I spent some time small gang PvPing in null sec and founded a corp to teach new players to do same. Shipping hundreds of T1 frigates out to Curse for them to blow up got a little pricey, and I simply couldn't stand to shoot any more rocks or red crosses, so I came back to high sec and tried my hand at killing mission runners for profit.

Pretty soon, I was approached by the Belligerent Undesirables, who also liked to kill mission runners, and invited to join their community. Hanging out with this group, who include virtually all of the people who have ever wardecced you, I soon discovered that the high sec "griefer" community is about the most mature and intelligent group of people you will find in this game. This may be bad for business if it gets out, but fortunately, only I, you, Psychotic Monk, a couple dozen Mittani alts, Sabriz Adoudel and Unsuccessful at Everything actually look at the forums. Scamming, ganking, wardecs, minerbumping, suspect games, smacktalking, AWOXing, ninja baiting, and all that are legit gameplay, loads of fun, and not even remotely related to bullying.

Welcome back to EVE. I suggest you get a fresh start and do something different. The first thing you should do is remove that offensive Hitler video from you website. Seriously. I sort of get how you might think that is funny, but it's just weird. I watched it and it almost seems like you are on the side of Hitler saying that James 315 isn't cool. I've got a pretty thick skin and don't really give a **** about those kind of jokes, but as a historically oppressed minority I don't exactly think Naziism or white supremacy is funny either.

The second thing that you should do is rethink your Firesworn community. You don't need to be a high sec alliance. My suggestion would be to start a Firesworn chat channel and invite all the old gang to hang out there. Then join Brave Newbies and go live in lowsec. BNI is large and chaotic enough that if you are craving leadership roles, all you really have to do is stand up and say, "Here I am, follow me." You could have a "Firesworn Squad" if you want. When you leave high sec, you leave all that history behind. As you go along you will gain experience and meet new people, and maybe you can lay the groundwork for a successful alliance without all the baggage.

If you guys want to go on a couple small gang PvP roams, I would actually be willing to do that with you without AWOXing you, as was my original intent. You don't need to bring me into your corp, just hit me up sometime and we'll cruise around in low sec in low value ships and see if we can find something to kill. You can join my public channel Revolution! if this sounds interesting.

TL;DR: I am awesome. Give me your stuff.

Edit: Apperently "H1tler" is profanity filtered out of these forums. With good reason. Delete that video.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

#38 - 2013-12-19 03:26:33 UTC
Haedonism Bot wrote:
TL;DR: I am awesome. Give me your stuff.

I actually do think you are awesome. :-)

My opinion has changed a lot over the past year and I wrote about it today. It's kind of a rough draft though. I wrote it in one sitting and I noticed I missed a few important things, like how my opinion of Monk had changed recently. I read the player profile interview on him and something he said hit a nerve and we talked a bit and it just made me see him differently. (Guessing you're referring to that post probably.)

I will delete the video. It was made by someone over the summer I believe and it was meant in good fun, not to offend. But coming from you, if you feel that way, it must really be over the top. Just for the record, I would have been targeted by him if I lived back then, so it's really not meant offensively. Thanks for the constructive reply.
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#39 - 2013-12-20 00:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Tora Bushido
Hope you dont mind my alt taking over Firesworn Productions Big smile (corp for sale)


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-12-20 01:42:09 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
Hope you dont mind my alt taking over Firesworn Productions Big smile (corp for sale)

Bid - 10 isk

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

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