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How much longer CCP?

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2013-12-18 04:31:24 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
We don't need to keep having growth, but there is a pretty obvious correlation between growth and revenue, and likewise between revenue and development resources.

I'm no economist, but I'd be willing to wager that the cost of making games is only going up. Take labor costs as a small part of it. They can't raise the subscription price on us to pay their staff if the industry's salary standards go up, so the only answer is to get more subscriptions. Eventually there's a ceiling where they can't afford to continue paying the staff they have, and will (assuming no adjustments to the budget) either lose employees to layoffs or resignations. That's just a small part of it though, and I'm sure there are many other costs associated with it, including servers, real estate (for offices), advertising, and other associated things.

Our $15 a month subscription doesn't change with the rest of the economy. It stays the same. The only way to make more money off the same game is to get more people playing it. Right now, it seems CCP is managing to do this with a steady but slow growth pattern that appears sustainable from the outsider's perspective. They're still turning a profit, and they're still able to hold these ever larger fanfests. However, we've also seen two or three major layoff rounds in the last two years. I don't think those are a very good sign.

Granted, I have no real numbers on hand to back any of what I'm saying. I just figure it's a good idea to make sure EVE keeps growing to support the growing cost of it.

That said, OP is full of ****.

well, CCP could always fix the global economy to make everyone's money worth something again. which makes every USD worth more, alleviating the subscription numbers problem entirely.
Crimson Vectore
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#82 - 2013-12-18 06:03:01 UTC
If CCP really wants more subs and players they should just make the game easier.