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If I wanted to.....could I?

Tweek Etimua
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-12-09 21:05:26 UTC
So there hasn't been much fun in the way of Isk making for me. So there's been a few "jobs" I've wanted to do but haven't been sure where to start. Smuggling is one of em. If I were to get into smuggling what should I be doing/ getting ready to do?
Federal Navy Academy
#2 - 2013-12-09 21:14:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Batelle
the first thing you should do is realize that smuggling NPC contraband is mostly pointless and is a completely undeveloped feature. For something similar, I would train up blockade runners and and supply high-value, low-volume goods like modules and rigs to lowsec and npc nullsec stations.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Tweek Etimua
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-12-09 21:23:13 UTC
I just think its a real drag to have to log in and do mindless grinding to make isk. I do't want to mine, i suck at PI, industry and playing the market. Not sure how people make money off loot..can never get any thing to sell.

Was hoping to find a fun way to make isk is all.
Troedoff Dude
Potato Security
#4 - 2013-12-09 21:43:48 UTC
Suicide Ganking can be profitable.
Shizuka Mena
#5 - 2013-12-09 23:49:43 UTC
Trading is pretty easy. Eve Uni has some recorded classes on it that tell you pretty much all you need to know. Ganking can make money. Sleeper sites are more fun than regular missions/ratting. Or plex if you have cash but not isk.
Tweek Etimua
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-12-10 00:02:49 UTC
Shizuka Mena wrote:
Trading is pretty easy. Eve Uni has some recorded classes on it that tell you pretty much all you need to know. Ganking can make money. Sleeper sites are more fun than regular missions/ratting. Or plex if you have cash but not isk.

Yea i use to plex but don't have the luxury of doing that and am now having to learn how to earn Isk. I'm currently in FW but that's not going so well with Test in on the action now.
Eram Fidard
#7 - 2013-12-10 00:20:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Eram Fidard
If you want the equivalent of "smuggler" do what the first responder suggested.

I'll elaborate a little more.

1. Find a war zone, and staging system. This will necessitate some research on your part. Find out where the 'big kids' are fighting, go there. Many of these staging systems are in npc null or lowsec, so anyone can dock.

2. Research your customer base. Find out what ships they are losing, what drones they use, ammo and bomb types, etc. Add to 'shopping list'

3. Cross-reference your 'shopping list' with the market in the staging system and Jita (if that's where you are buying) prices to find where the margins are.

4. Buy low, transport, sell high. The buying and selling are the easy bits and don't need much in the way of SP. The transportation is another matter entirely, and will take some practice on your part.


-Don't move too much at once. One wrong decision can cost you everything. Don't let that happen, don't risk it all.

-Use a scout. Two accounts is best for this, but you can always recruit a friend.

-Cloaky haulers. Cloaky haulers. Cloaky haulers. Blockade runner is your largest and best option to start, T3 strategic cruisers are good for moving medium volumes of high-value mods, Covops frigs can be used effectively to move implants and little else.

-MWD-Cloak trick. Learn it, live it, love it. Especially in lowsec, more especially for your (covops frig) scout to get through bubble camps, and most especially when you are flying with a regular (non-covops) cloak.

oh and since you apparently have to tell people this now:

-Don't autopilot your high value cargo in highsec o_o (extra protip: you can use hisec to practice your mwd-cloak and never get scanned or caught)

edit: Don't attempt while in FW

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Tweek Etimua
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-12-10 00:43:48 UTC
It just seems a lot of this stuff is obsolete since a large majority of players have multiple characters and/or duel box.
Eram Fidard
#9 - 2013-12-10 00:49:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Eram Fidard
I disagree. The second account facilitates moving around dangerous areas, since you can be your own eyes. That doesn't make transportation or 'smuggling' obsolete.

One can travel solo smartly and mitigate a lot of the risk, but if you are wanting to move larger volumes of cargo you will be in a ship that doesn't escape so easily. The best blockade runner pilot can still get caught by a smart solo 'dictor. So you will need a scout. Second account or better yet, a seasoned vet friend are the best scouts.

The other route you could go is Jump Freighters, which will mean ~7 billion isk and 3 months solid training investment to start. Oh, and someone to light the cyno (aka friend or alt).

Friend or alt? It's a choice all eve players will arrive at sometime. As it should be. What would be the point if one could travel safely through null all alone in a bloated whale of a cargo ship?

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Haedonism Bot
People for the Ethical Treatment of Rogue Drones
#10 - 2013-12-10 01:39:19 UTC
I think most of us can relate to your frustration with grinding isk, and your desire to find a less conventional and more profitable way to play your game. Fortunately, if you have a little creativity, there are lots of options.

As for smuggling, it can be profitable to haul goods to areas where there is a market but prices can be higher. For a short while, a long time ago, I used to move goods from Jita into Solitude, for example (Solitude is a highsec island surrounded by low/null). I made ok isk doing this. When I was in Brave Newbies, I couldn't help but notice that there would be isk to be made selling modules and rigs in their home system. Another thing you could try would be setting up mobile siphon units on high value moons and "smuggling" the moon goo back to market. The trouble with smuggling, though, is that ultimately it is just a lot of hauling things around, and hauling things around is about as much fun as watching paint dry.

Here are a few other unconventional ways of making isk and playing your game that you might find more interesting - scamming people, corporate infiltration, suicide ganking, ninja baiting, reverse awoxing, ambushing people in lowsec exploration sites, founding an industry corp and tricking a bunch of miners into contributing ore for a big manufacturing project for like a month then selling it all to buy yourself a monocle, wardeccing carebear corps and getting them to pay you ransom to drop the war, wormhole daytripping, faction warfare, joining a big nullsec alliance and fighting in massive battles, teaching yourself to FC small gangs with whoever you can get to come with you, bumping miners for the New Order, starting a new EVE lottery.

Basically, there's as many ways to play this game as you can think of. You just need to take a little initiative and think of something, then try it.

Vote Sabriz Adoudel and Tora Bushido for CSMX. Keep the Evil in EVE!

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#11 - 2013-12-12 00:02:14 UTC
I highly recommend AWOX piracy as a way to make ISK.

Join a corporation, pretend to be a newbie, then as soon as the opportunity presents itself shoot up and hold ransom a high value ship. Offer a ransom to let their ship go, and honor it (this will help you get repeat business). Then demand a ransom to leave corp, and dishonor it and keep hunting (again, this will help you get repeat business).

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-12-12 02:53:51 UTC
Haedonism Bot wrote:
tricking a bunch of miners into contributing ore for a big manufacturing project for like a month then selling it all to buy yourself a monocle


hehehehehe heheheh hehehehwhe hwhw




Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-12-12 04:28:55 UTC
seriously...incursions are probably your best bet...considering what you say you suck at.