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Help we have been WAR decced! Or are you?

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#1 - 2013-12-09 12:47:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Ynot Eyob
Topic is something you often read on the forums, and often for new Corporations they dont know what to do and dont fell they can eighter fight or even log into EVE to enjoy their game.

Iv started our corp 5 years ago as a pure industrial Corporation with no skill what so ever in WARs and WAR decs. If it havnt been for the first Corporation who ever decced us, and future helpped us with the exspirance we needed, i think multiple people would have stopped playing.

4 years ago we formed The Obsidian Front a 70% indi and 30% pvp alliance. For 26 of 52 weeks a year we were decced by various Corporations and alliances. Just resonly we have started deccing other on our own, but mainly because of our aims and objectives.

To share my exspirance with others, and hopefully give newer Corporations a chance see, that WARs aint all bad. To show them how to survive and mabe even give their targets a fight for their money and enjoy them self, I have desided to give my service once a week, for the corp i find most in need.

I will give corporations basic PVP training how to survive in wars, and have a chat with the CEO on things to enforce within corp while at WAR, I will also provide a clone service if needed.

I will do this for free, donations after are welcome, but my main goal is to make WARs more enjoyable for all.

What do you need to do?

You need to send me and ingame mail, and ask for help. As this will only be once a week, there is noway i can help everyone. But i will try and help as many as posible.

You need to be English/ Danish speaking and be able to use eighter, TeamSpeak, Mumble or ingame voice.

NB: There is no way i, my corp or alliance will fight your wars or even get involved with them.

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2013-12-09 14:22:19 UTC
My personal hint, from someone that is on other side. Why the war targets do not get in touch with each other to coordinate a bit is beyond me... That is how larger groups could from. From cooperation. From dealing with a problem in common, together.

Its is way more effective, rewarding and fun than sit docked or whine "but we are so few and untrained..".

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Silvetica Dian
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2013-12-09 14:53:54 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
My personal hint, from someone that is on other side. Why the war targets do not get in touch with each other to coordinate a bit is beyond me... That is how larger groups could from. From cooperation. From dealing with a problem in common, together.

Its is way more effective, rewarding and fun than sit docked or whine "but we are so few and untrained..".

The reason i left high sec and moved to null is i tried to do that very thing but no one was interested. There were dozens of corps dec'd by the same people and NOONE wanted to join forces and do something. So i went somewhere else in the game where people were willing to act together to change the circumstances.

Money at its root is a form of rationing. When the richest 85 people have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion (50% of humanity) it is clear where the source of poverty is.

Ynot Eyob
Nisroc Angels
The Obsidian Front - Reborn
#4 - 2013-12-09 16:13:29 UTC
I belive many have found their ways when it goes for WARs, but there is really no need to join forces in empire wars, or rarely needed. People just need to know what to do even in a small Group of people.

5 people can still manage to hunt Down single targets if outnumbered with fairly low ISK to.

The past 6 years iv just seen so many people stop playing EVE just because of a WAR dec, and its not because they dont enjoy the game, but fell helpless and dont see a way to be able to fight or live trough a WAR, with Little knowlage and a few ISK.

This is what i wana try and change

Nisroc - Angel of Freedom Nisroc is known as "The Great Eagle".

Abiding Ormolus
#5 - 2013-12-09 17:34:48 UTC
The problem with joining forces is that the guys who decced you won't fight most cases that is .. because most often corps dec other corps for easy kills and maybe a quick profit,so they will gate camp or play station games and maybe have a little brawl but only if they know they have the clear advantage. 90% of the time they will use shiny stuff and if they think there's a risk of loosing a shiny they will not play...or go and search for other targets.

Just because i am blond does not make me stoopid !

Hammar Wolf
Money First
#6 - 2013-12-09 18:02:13 UTC
I support this endeavor.

Plenty of people will fight you if you form a gang, especially if you are relatively inexperienced and ill equipped. Pretty much any pvp organization will give you a fight. It may not be fair, it may not be sporting, but you will probably get a fight if you undock as a group and find a way to get seen. You can also try baiting. If you have little reputation as a pvp corp, then it works to your advantage when baiting one or two pvpers.

Most of the time undock games are played by war targets, not the people camping them. Those camping are often so bored and lacking in thought that they will shoot anything that undocks, even if it is likely bait. In larger pvp alliances, there are many war decs to consider, if someone chooses to not fight you, it may be because they have much bigger threats in local - people who would take advantage of a situation created by a different war target.

F1 Platoon leader