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Dedaf's industrial tool

Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#341 - 2013-12-02 21:47:39 UTC
Hey Dedaf,

I'm trying to use your tool, but when I try to update anything, it says:
"Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method"

I cannot check the server or do anything that requires checking from some other source.
I manually checked the prices too, and they seem to be wrong, so I'm sure it didn't update it.

I'm using version 15.8.5 (currently the latest)
My computer is Mac OS X version 10.7.5, and I'm using microsoft excel that I've bought from a mac store. I believe it's Excel 2011.
What should I do to make it work?
(I'm enabling macros when I use the program too)

United Brothers Of Eve
#342 - 2013-12-03 10:40:11 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Hey Dedaf

Love your tool, been using it for months. Just downloaded your latest version, I was using 15.1.6 before, and now I'm getting an issue where some of the columns aren't wide enough and result in ###### cells.

I know it's an easy enough fix I just obviously can't do anything with the sheet being protected.

Cells that are an issue in particular are the ISK total on materials in stock on T1_Rig_production and Price/30 days on POS production.

On Office on a mac if it makes a difference.

Hi Yroc
You can still change the columns width even if the sheet is locked.
Solution: Open the tool, then go to the top fan called "Page Layout" (4th from left) then put a "V" marker in the View under Headings. then you wil be able to view columns and rows, and then you can change the size.
I have removed those Headings to make the sheet look more simple and nice.

Stevez Ftw wrote:
WIth latest version Im getting Run-time error '-2147217376 (80041020)':

any idea why

Hi Stevez
The problem you are seeing have something to do with an error in the VBA of excel. Please follow FAQ 6 to start with, and if that doesn't help, then check out 4 and 7 as well, that should solve the issues you have with excel.

Gulboy wrote:
Hey Dedaf,
I'm trying to use your tool, but when I try to update anything, it says:
"Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method"

I cannot check the server or do anything that requires checking from some other source.
I manually checked the prices too, and they seem to be wrong, so I'm sure it didn't update it.

I'm using version 15.8.5 (currently the latest)
My computer is Mac OS X version 10.7.5, and I'm using microsoft excel that I've bought from a mac store. I believe it's Excel 2011.
What should I do to make it work?
(I'm enabling macros when I use the program too)

Hi Gulboy
I have not seen that error before, but it seems to me that you are having issues with the macros. Please make sure you are not saving the file on your C:\ drive, as the rights for macros are restricted there.
Othervise follow FAQ 4, 6 and 7 for try and fix the VBA of your office version, as it is not the tool, but a fault in Excel.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#343 - 2013-12-03 15:34:01 UTC
That fixed it! Thanks Dedaf.

One other thing.

On the Planet tab, when I choose category and type for Item Slot 4, the additional item needed name shows as "0" and the mineral values under additional items show as #N/A, which then causes a number of other cells to show as #N/A including the minerals needed at the top of the sheet.

United Brothers Of Eve
#344 - 2013-12-04 08:51:26 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
That fixed it! Thanks Dedaf.

One other thing.

On the Planet tab, when I choose category and type for Item Slot 4, the additional item needed name shows as "0" and the mineral values under additional items show as #N/A, which then causes a number of other cells to show as #N/A including the minerals needed at the top of the sheet.

Hi Yroc
Im glad i could help.
Regarding the problem in the PI tool, then i have corrected the error now and uploaded a new version 15.8.6
Thanks for helping making the tool better.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Aerys von Raumfahrt
Shadow Legion X
Seriously Suspicious
#345 - 2013-12-12 03:35:46 UTC
How do I remove API? I put in the wrong API into the corporation API slot, and then it went white and now I can't seem to select that cell to delete it.
United Brothers Of Eve
#346 - 2013-12-12 05:38:59 UTC
Aerys von Raumfahrt wrote:
How do I remove API? I put in the wrong API into the corporation API slot, and then it went white and now I can't seem to select that cell to delete it.

When you copy directly from the web, then Office want to be smart and take all the formating of the text from the web. To avoid this, then make sure to activate the cell first (double click) and then paste the key.
If you have saved the sheet, then i think the best option is to download the tool and try again.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#347 - 2013-12-13 23:00:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
New version 15,9,2
With an all new Shopping list tool, that will tell you what to go shopping for, from the missing material across all the production sheets in this tool.
Sins the shopping tool is all new, then please double check numbers and material types, before you go and spend all your money.
It now also possible to import you private asset (stations only) so, sheets like T1, T2 ship and T2 Items, will now automatically update your material in stock.
For this to work, you will have to add AssetList in your API key.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Yroc Jannseen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#348 - 2013-12-14 16:13:51 UTC
Hi Dedaf

May have found one other bug on the planet sheet.

I have SBU's on item slot 1 and it appears that it is not adding recursive computing modules into the price and it is not adding them to the amount needed.

Also would it be possible to add a Invested/Market Value/Profit calculation to the Planet sheet, like the one that is on the T1 Rig sheet? Perhaps base it off whether or not build or own is selected under price for P3's/P4's.

Also can you think of an easy way to import data from an old workbook when you do an update?

I'm on a mac so sadly, I enter everything manually.

Shopping list sounds very handy!
United Brothers Of Eve
#349 - 2013-12-14 23:09:37 UTC
Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Hi Dedaf

May have found one other bug on the planet sheet.

I have SBU's on item slot 1 and it appears that it is not adding recursive computing modules into the price and it is not adding them to the amount needed.

Also would it be possible to add a Invested/Market Value/Profit calculation to the Planet sheet, like the one that is on the T1 Rig sheet? Perhaps base it off whether or not build or own is selected under price for P3's/P4's.

Also can you think of an easy way to import data from an old workbook when you do an update?

I'm on a mac so sadly, I enter everything manually.

Shopping list sounds very handy!

HI Yroc
Thanks, i have found the bug regarding the recursive computing modules and will upload a new version soon.
I will thinking of a way to implement the investment and market value system to the the PI tool, as you describe.
About the workbook, then i do not have any knowledge of that system, so i wont be able to make VBA for it im afraid.

Thanks for your feedback, and for helping improving the tool.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Pu Pu Platter
Asian Food
#350 - 2013-12-14 23:51:38 UTC
Been using the tool for a long time and love it. But in the new version I cannot find how to input my "in stock" numbers, particularly on the T2_Items sheet. All the boxes are grayed out. Where can I enter my materials in stock?

Caidin Global Academy
#351 - 2013-12-15 01:37:14 UTC
Just want to double check that the newest link for the tool is in the first post. I downloaded it but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. May be user error so I will continue to go through manual. Looks awesome though.
United Brothers Of Eve
#352 - 2013-12-15 11:14:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
Pu Pu Platter wrote:
Been using the tool for a long time and love it. But in the new version I cannot find how to input my "in stock" numbers, particularly on the T2_Items sheet. All the boxes are grayed out. Where can I enter my materials in stock?


Hi Pu Pu Platter
Sorry i havent been very clear about the asset change.
But from release 15.8.8 you have been able to import your station asset. To do so you will need to add AssetList right to your character API key. You need to changed the APIkey to also include the asset, then your in stock fields will automatically update, depending on which station you have selected en the T2 item sheet. so io more manual work.

Goghliath wrote:
Just want to double check that the newest link for the tool is in the first post. I downloaded it but it doesn't seem to be working correctly. May be user error so I will continue to go through manual. Looks awesome though.

Hi Goghliath
all the links i this post should be going to the same blog.
I have made that blog, so i can maintain the sheet/forum even if I dont have an active account in eve.

Yroc Jannseen wrote:
Hi Dedaf

May have found one other bug on the planet sheet.

I have SBU's on item slot 1 and it appears that it is not adding recursive computing modules into the price and it is not adding them to the amount needed.

Hi Yroc
this bug have now been fixed in the newly uploaded version 15,9,3
Thanks again for helping making the tool better.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Painstouch Hawk
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#353 - 2013-12-16 20:42:00 UTC

Amazing job on the tool.

However, I'd like to see a special, new list in there. A modified ore calculation for corporate contracts.


Insert all the amounts (copy paste possible?) of different ORES contracted to a corp, insert a specific value for the specific ore (buyback programs), include high-er yield ores, if no buy back, select a price for those ores from a specific region/system as a sell/buy/average value. Let the magic do its thing... Profit! (No, not really, but it's amazing nevertheless).

I have it working on my own already, but it's less than pleasant or tidy or awesome as you could do it.

What you think? On a scale of 1 to forget-it, could it be implemented?

United Brothers Of Eve
#354 - 2013-12-19 12:07:41 UTC
HI Painstouch Hawk
Im not 100% sure i fully understand the use of the tool that you describe, but im always interrested in new idears, so for sure i would like to see the work you have done. Maybe that way i can have a better undestanding, and maybe implement it in a future version. Or modify one of the other tools to have the option to do what you request.

contact me ingame, then we can have a talk about it.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

United Brothers Of Eve
#355 - 2013-12-20 13:21:53 UTC
kookalt wrote:
For those experiencing error 1004 and using Excel 2013 do not use the restore function.

When changing over to a new version, manually copy and paste ur api data. The same goes for ur various production sheets. Something in the restore borks VB scripts in 2013 and does not allow you update beyond the initial first time and comes back with an error 1004: password error

Hi Kookalt
I have been reading about this runtime error 1004: password error
and it seems that it is a bug in Excel 2013, when dealing with password protected sheets.
I have just made a change to my tool, to see if i can get around this bug. So if someone using 2013 (ONLY 2013) could let me know if the error is there still or not? then that would be great.


Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

The Unimatrix
#356 - 2013-12-20 18:01:28 UTC
Can you use open office with this tool?
United Brothers Of Eve
#357 - 2013-12-23 10:09:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Dedaf
New version 15.9.8
The tool can now import asset from Character, Corp Office & POS hangars. Please see FAQ5 on how to setup the APIkeys.
Excel 2003 and earlier, and OpenOffice does not support the new Excel VBA.

Marry Christmas to you all.

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Muster Max
Blinky goes to Hollyhole
Blinky Red Brotherhood
#358 - 2013-12-24 09:08:12 UTC
Dedaf wrote:
New version 15.9.8
The tool can not import asset from Character, Corp Office & POS hangars. Please see FAQ5 on how to setup the APIkeys.
Excel 2003 and earlier, and OpenOffice does not support the new Excel VBA.

Marry Christmas to you all.

can NOT?
United Brothers Of Eve
#359 - 2013-12-24 09:32:27 UTC
hehe can NOW Smile

Want to know what is best to mine or build at which cost? then try out Dedaf's Industrial Tool

Azz T
Carthum Continuum
#360 - 2013-12-25 22:22:12 UTC
Hey, Awesome Tool.
Is it possible to run a query to list all the T1 BPO's I own and compare with Eve so I can see what BPO's I am missing?

I would assume this would use API to get my assets.

Would it also be possible to automatically enter the ME/PE levels of the BPO's I own in manufacturing sections?