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Eve Down Under Bombshell: No Sov overhaul until at least Winter 2014

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Deunan Tenephais
#421 - 2013-12-03 19:07:21 UTC
The problem here come from interruptions by neutral tagged players, not knowing if they will down you or not you must take as a given that they will, so you must interrupt your farming sessions.
The answer is simple: ask to CCP for an automatized pseudo-concord system that can be put into place in null sec once sovereignity has been established, without this system acting in any other case.

And null sec lack of industrial capacities emanate from a very simple fact: null sec is underpopulated.
And no one can do anything about that, not even CCP, unless they simply remove entire parts of null sec to densify the nullseccers population.
Valterra Craven
#422 - 2013-12-03 19:12:50 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

The point here is that the isk in high se cis too good for how easy it is. Less isk OR harder PVE in high sec fixes the problem. As it is now, High Sec PVE is so easy the ship mostly like to be lost to is is a CONDOR in a tutorial mission. See the blog post I linked.

That's a really easy argument to make considering your vast wealth and SP pools. The same can not be said for new players starting out with nothing. Hell even a vet like myself lost a merlin doing the new tutorial missions in the last adv combat because I didn't realize just how far away they'd be able to fire compared to my merlin with a **** fit that couldn't catch them, and was unable to defend myself.

Jenn aSide wrote:

So you confirm that you've never flwon in an incursions. The individual ship i let him use doesn't matter, in fact that ship was probably a DRAG on the fleet's isk making (because missiles have a travel time).

The fact is he made enough isk for a "rare" pirate faction ship with 3 DAYS of high sec "protected by concord" combat PVE. It's nonsense.

I'm confirming nothing of the sort. I'm merely pointing out that giving a brand new char access to high level PVE content is an utterly silly argument to make when looking at the overall balance of the game.

Jenn aSide wrote:

you know what it would take to make miners not mine in null sec?

1 frig with a cloak. hulkageddon required Goons and others to SUICIDE their ships over and over again, and deal with sec status loss.

But still you cling to the easily debunkable fact that the space with no concord is "safer". This just means you're not interested in objective truth.

Yeah and the argument is safety. My point is that it super easy to stay safe in null, which you just pointed out. Just dock up. Its lawless space, if you want to use it, you have to protect it.

Again back to real world examples, it would take a massive amount of gang activity with huge losses to shut down the industry of a city. It would only take one well trained person in a farm community to scare everyone there shitless.

Keep in mind that I'm not advocating that a cloaked frig should be able to shut down activity in a system. That is indeed a balance issue that needs to be looked at. Again the answer is a buff to null, not a nerf to hi sec.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#423 - 2013-12-03 19:13:53 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
The problem here come from interruptions by neutral tagged players, not knowing if they will down you or not you must take as a given that they will, so you must interrupt your farming sessions.
The answer is simple: ask to CCP for an automatized pseudo-concord system that can be put into place in null sec once sovereignity has been established, without this system acting in any other case.

This would be bad, because people would farm up massive amounts of isk. You don't fix an imbalance by created bigger imbalances. CCP had to nerf null sec anomalies because they were putting out way too much isk driving the money supply "too hot" in their words.

You cannot buff null isk making without screwing over everyone else. You can balance high sec isk making (less isk but more LP, or more difficulty/danger in high sec combat PVE for example) without trashing the economy.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#424 - 2013-12-03 19:15:53 UTC
Quick fix? Make any and all incursion pockets equivalent to a 0.0 "dungeon". Since the system already has the cyno avoidance barrier in place, whereas the whole system would retain it natural security system, each and every incursion pocket could be set at 0.0 without Concord interference.

So let the farmers look over their shoulders instead of rolling in the cash without worry.
Valterra Craven
#425 - 2013-12-03 19:17:49 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

You're gonna hate the next few expansions lol.

Unlikely. PoCo's are still protected by concord and the war dec system. Just because changes happen to allow more player control, doesn't mean those safety nets are conversely going to be taken away. The second you take away those protection game mechanics is the second Eve dies.
Valterra Craven
#426 - 2013-12-03 19:20:21 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
The problem here come from interruptions by neutral tagged players, not knowing if they will down you or not you must take as a given that they will, so you must interrupt your farming sessions.
The answer is simple: ask to CCP for an automatized pseudo-concord system that can be put into place in null sec once sovereignity has been established, without this system acting in any other case.

This would be bad, because people would farm up massive amounts of isk. You don't fix an imbalance by created bigger imbalances. CCP had to nerf null sec anomalies because they were putting out way too much isk driving the money supply "too hot" in their words.

You cannot buff null isk making without screwing over everyone else. You can balance high sec isk making (less isk but more LP, or more difficulty/danger in high sec combat PVE for example) without trashing the economy.

And the problem that you and every other person in here advocating for nerfs to hi sec income, is that a lot (if not all) of your complaints can be addressed without touching the income of either sec's.

Frankly the only thing this game REALLY needs is more isk sinks.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#427 - 2013-12-03 19:24:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Damn forum ate my post and took my job.
StarField Explorations
#428 - 2013-12-03 19:27:21 UTC
Hey GD,
Rarely post but often read, been in game since 2006 without break (except for holidays Big smile) I love eve and have always wanted this game to be the game we all know it can be. Even so, I read GD daily and have put on my asbestos pants before continuing...

I'll first off freely admit I don't live in nul atm, I have lived in nul off and on, and under the current sov mechanics - even been in a small corp trying to hold sov (a `junction` system with 7 gates in and out, hilarious. Like pitching a flimsy tent on a motorway junction Shocked ) But I have some ideas on Sov;

Sov to me says `who is the dominant force in the system`, who is calling the shots? Not `who put up large HP sructures (flags) that say they own it, but they don't seem to be around? To remedy this maybe;

* Make sov based on occupancy and activity;
To represent this maybe something similar to the incursion bar, maybe more axis if multiple entities are contesting. The entity with the largest share of this bar/pie chart is the sov holding force - but with a range in the `middle` of this chart to give a contested status to a system. These balances shouldnt flip overnight, but maybe a week or two time spans would be viable. (on this score I'll admit I wouldnt know what to suggest) The way this bar/chart moves will be critical to gameplay as follows;

* Occupancy is the number of pilots of a particular alliance/corp within the system, basic I know but maybe good for determining space that is actually used by `sov holders`. And I'd reckon a clear mechanic here should be cloakers dont count, one potential exploit. Systems rarely used could even fall into `unclaimed` status?

* Activity, this is key to the idea. Activity constitutes ratting, mining etc normal "im here using this system" type activities, these things and ocupancy above will `move` the sov bar/chart, more slowly than the following though. The main thing that should gain sov however is the purpose of eve - pew pew. Killing ships of rival sov claimants helps claim the system significantly - thus enforcing military superiority in the system. Again, these changes should take time, but not an age to swing from one to the other.

* BIG strucures - these things will still be important, but not neccesary to conquer. Maybe a big change in these would be they are property of the sloar system rather than alliances, almost independant entities who will provide usual control and bonuses to the holding sov group though. ie your outpost will still let you charge docking and decide who can dock etc, but once sov is gained by another group - they take orders from them. Structures could still be destroyed ofc, but maybe make the hp grind way less critical. Essentially moving structure smashing way down the list of stuff to do, and make it about internet spaceships.

What I'd hope these changes would achieve would make sov yours `if you use it/defend it`, not `if youve stuck a flag in it and never been back`. I'd also hope these move sov away from sructures and make it about spaceships, which is kinda why we are here.I'll admit the above ideas aren't too fleshed out, but hope they contribute to lines of thought on sov. And apologies if I've shiptoasted. Big smile

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#429 - 2013-12-03 19:28:02 UTC
Guttripper wrote:
Quick fix? Make any and all incursion pockets equivalent to a 0.0 "dungeon". Since the system already has the cyno avoidance barrier in place, whereas the whole system would retain it natural security system, each and every incursion pocket could be set at 0.0 without Concord interference.

So let the farmers look over their shoulders instead of rolling in the cash without worry.
i'm all for it, but omg the crying that would ensue the very 1st day when someone losses his autopiloting freighter in "high sec" lol. There aren't enough jita monuments to quell the anger!
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#430 - 2013-12-03 19:32:44 UTC
This thread is terrible. A lot of people in this thread are terrible, their experience on the subject being mostly from legends. As I said earlier, I'm not an economy wizard or isk printer, in fact I prefer to spend time looking for people my butt-budies can punch in the face rather than earning money.

Now, this thread did get derailed slightly from "Why sov null income sucks" to typical "Why null income sucks". Income from pirate missions, with rare implants - Slaves, Snakes and highly valuable ships like Cynabals, Machs, Drams, Bhaals, Vindis all that good stuff pay well. Then again, those are not available in Sov Null.

So first let's take a look at our favorite customers: DEDs, Belts and Anomalies.

- DEDs have a random chance of spawning high-end loot. If you're lucky you may have billions in your pocket in one day. If you're unlucky or just average, you may come out with a nice stack of Overseer Effects and that's it. GG, thanks for trying the RNG, no hard feelings.

Their spawn rate isn't exactly super-high. Cutomers at those stops are either locals with the firepower to burn them quickly and run off to the next one, increasing their chance of getting good loot or squatters that find some safety in the fact they'd have to be scanned down - and that DEDs have gates, making it harder for an enemy to land tackle. On the income scale of things, they don't factor that bad - your biggest reward, a module/bpc, is a commodity. Its price changes and stays relevant to the value of ISK.

- Anomalies are your trusty-rusty thing to deal with, just kill rats and warp to the next one. They're basically upgraded belts with names - they are visible immediately to an enemy, and the only thing they do have is more rats than there are in a belt. Income is an absolute sum of rat bounties + loot. Bounties don't adjust for market changes. At this moment, a Forsaken Hub pays about 20m ISK - you're not buying anything shiney for 20m ISK. 1,4 mil bounty on a battleship was actually worth something a long time ago.

Even if you only and only fly doctrine fleets, a doctrine DPS boat (Mega, Zealot, TFI/Hyperion whatever FOTM your alliance picked for this month) will set you back over 200 million ISK. That's a base minimum, some ewar sips (weblokis, pointing proteuses) can cost up to and over a billion ISK. Those ships are reimbursable past the first investment, but if you happen to be PvPing too the money from your losses will start adding up.

Anomalies (And DEDs for that matter) are composed out of big amounts of rats dealing certain type of damage. Ideally you want to burn through them as fast as possible, so you minimize tank and maximize gank (Old Hub-burning blaster naga comes to mind.) to burn rats down quickly and bounce to the next anomaly. Oh and you want it done AFK preferably, because shooting hundreds of rats is mind-numbingly boring.

This generates income of ticks that pile up with time. Unlike with DEDs there's no incentive to stay on the field when hostiles arrive - they can see you and your tank is far from pvp worthy - to actually tank the rats and achieve firepower needed to take them out quickly, you likely left your resist holes as they were and just stacked on hardeners corresponding to rat damage. It's a "dock or die" situation, binary outcome and rarely a fight.

Surely this brings up a thought... what if you didn't stack so highly on gank to grind anomalies fast? What if you plugged all holes, went in full pvp fit and laughed in the face of danger? Well, then your income would drop - to the level it'd actually be more viable for you to...? nailed it - do it all in hisec. There's no danger there - hell, missions, just like pirate ones, sides from bounties give you LP. LP that can be traded for commodities that don't have a set ISK value.

Okay so... up the bounties!
Terrible idea, even economically ******** people like me get it - it will only increase the amount isk made out of thin air and put into the economy. Okay at first, then the value will stabilize and we'd be back to square one.

Increasing amount of DED/Faction loot would be equally bad, just driving down the price of modules that are actually supposed to be quite rare. I'm sure T2 manufacturers would love every battleship flying with a Core X-Type.

From my uneducated opinion, null kind of needs a shift to commodity-based income (like wormholes). By the looks of what Ghost Sites do and the relic/data revamp, CCP is testing the waters here. Then hisec needs a nerf. Badly.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

S'No Flake
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#431 - 2013-12-03 19:36:51 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
S'No Flake wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Pinky Hops wrote:

Perhaps because you can just camp gates and cargo scan people until you see one worth suicide ganking, then do it up?

People do this all the time. I was talking to a goon the other day who was bragging to me about how they PLEX fairly easily by just suicide ganking in highsec.

Go into the map and filter by "ships destroyed in the last hour" and glance at where those ship kills are.

Now go over to the deep portions of nullsec. Strangely there are almost no ship kills! Funny how that is.

i'm sure someone could post a link to more recent info, but here's a good starter for you.

Apple vs Apples... How many of those 0.0 PvP kills are outside of wars / battles for timers.

Apples vs Apples, how many of those high sec kills are ganks rather than groups like RvB blowing up frigates all day every day?


Not that 0.0 is not dangerous... it is ...
And some people like that other way nobody will be in 0.0 and everyone will be in HS.

The assertion is that null sec is "safer" than high sec. It's like saying "South Central LA is safer than Beverly Hills because in the hood yo homie next door can call you on your cellie and tell you the Crips are coming".......

I didn't get that reference ... hey... i'm living up north ... but anyway... nobody is saying it's not dangerous.
What i'm saying it is: It's not that dangerous!
The tools to protect yourself are there. In WHs it's way more dangerous. No intel, no local, no bubbles on a static gate, etc and nobody it's complaining.

Making money in 0.0 is easy. Not as easy as HS but easy and you can make a lot more ISK in 0.0 sov and even in NPC 0.0.
Valterra Craven
#432 - 2013-12-03 19:52:11 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Guttripper wrote:
Quick fix? Make any and all incursion pockets equivalent to a 0.0 "dungeon". Since the system already has the cyno avoidance barrier in place, whereas the whole system would retain it natural security system, each and every incursion pocket could be set at 0.0 without Concord interference.

So let the farmers look over their shoulders instead of rolling in the cash without worry.
i'm all for it, but omg the crying that would ensue the very 1st day when someone losses his autopiloting freighter in "high sec" lol. There aren't enough jita monuments to quell the anger!

I think you misunderstood his idea. He said "incursion pockets equivalent to a 0.0 "dungeon"" This means only the pocket were people are fight the incurrions would have no protection.

He didn't say the system itself would have no protection. So your scenario wouldn't be possible given his idea.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#433 - 2013-12-03 19:59:59 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
The problem here come from interruptions by neutral tagged players, not knowing if they will down you or not you must take as a given that they will, so you must interrupt your farming sessions.
The answer is simple: ask to CCP for an automatized pseudo-concord system that can be put into place in null sec once sovereignity has been established, without this system acting in any other case.

And null sec lack of industrial capacities emanate from a very simple fact: null sec is underpopulated.
And no one can do anything about that, not even CCP, unless they simply remove entire parts of null sec to densify the nullseccers population.

They could nerf highsec so nullsec can be competitive and people like me move our alts back to nullsec. Apparently though highsec cannot stomach the smallest of changes but, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec into oblivion for ~reasons~. Its time for highsec to be put back where its supposed to be in the reward chain, the bottom.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Valterra Craven
#434 - 2013-12-03 20:04:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:
The problem here come from interruptions by neutral tagged players, not knowing if they will down you or not you must take as a given that they will, so you must interrupt your farming sessions.
The answer is simple: ask to CCP for an automatized pseudo-concord system that can be put into place in null sec once sovereignity has been established, without this system acting in any other case.

And null sec lack of industrial capacities emanate from a very simple fact: null sec is underpopulated.
And no one can do anything about that, not even CCP, unless they simply remove entire parts of null sec to densify the nullseccers population.

They could nerf highsec so nullsec can be competitive and people like me move our alts back to nullsec. Apparently though highsec cannot stomach the smallest of changes but, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec into oblivion for ~reasons~. Its time for highsec to be put back where its supposed to be in the reward chain, the bottom.

I'm pretty sure the idea that anyone can stand any nerf without complaint is false.

Its human nature to fight for the resources you have. Expecting people to act against their self interest is foolish.

Changes have been happening in the last 6 months that have shaken a lot of entrenchments on both sides.

Ice belts are now much smaller and less easy to farm
Player controlled PoCos got added

Null got a massive buff to industry slots
Null got a massive buff to anom asteroid belts.

I think your time would be better spent on fighting for buffs to null in the appropriate areas rather than fighting to take away resources from someone else.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#435 - 2013-12-03 20:11:42 UTC
Mortimer Civeri wrote:
Highsec: 650 systems (out of 1212 total) hold…
• 2,890 copy slots
• 5,580 each of ME, PE, and invention slots
• 68,050 production slots
Lowsec: 306 systems (out of 694 total) hold…
• 1,479 copy slots
• 2,909 each of ME, PE, and invention slots
• 28,741 production slots.
(NPC) Nullsec: 144 systems (out of 6022 total) hold…
• 970 copy slots
• 1,940 each of ME, PE, and invention slots
• 10,400 production slots.

The best system in the game is Nonni, a 0.5-system 5 jumps from Jita, with its 50 copy, 100 ME/PE/invention, and 750 production slots. The only thing that keeps it from being completely ridiculous is that it only has two moons, so there's no room for any additional POS.

To put this in perspective, the entire region of Scalding Pass has two conquerable factories (100 slots total), five player-built refineries (25 base slots) and three player-built factories (150 base slots, 215 base effective slots given their speed increase) for a grand total of 340 effective production slots. Under half of what exists in a single highsec system, after building eight outposts.

This doesn't account for upgrades, which I can't check on dotlan. If the factories were all upgraded to tier 3 (which is expensive), you'd have just over Nonni's slots with 782 base slots.

Tell me again how this is fair and balanced?

You have taken into account the Odyssey changes into the overall numbers you have listed above? Because it really doesn't look like you have. They look like the old pre Odyssey figures I saw back then. As looking at Scalding pass it is 81 Systems. I'm assuming every system has an outpost here. But you need to take into account all the other Outposts these days. Since the worst manufacturing outpost (Gallente Research) has 35 Manufacturing slots. * 81 systems = 2835 slots. While a single Factory Outpost can get to 310 slots according to Odyssey patch notes.

Additionally in your total figures, you are comparing 144 Null systems vs 650 High systems. If we then take the ratio of systems with stations and multiply that out, we get a very interesting ratio.

650/144 = 4.51(Now known as N)
970*N = 4378 Copy slots. Or nearly double high security space.
1940*N = 8756 ME/PE/Invention slots. Hey, that's like 1.5 times High Sec.
10400*N= 46944 Manufacturing slots. Highsec finally wins here. But it's still 80% of High Sec.

So, when you actually look at the maths properly rather than deliberately biasing the numbers, Null Sec's industrial power is actually fine. And if all of those 6022 systems got built in (Is there a game mechanic that limits this or simply funds? Information on outpost building is nigh on unavailable & out of date, I had to search patch notes for the Odyssey information, Wiki is out of date) Null Sec industrial power would be huge compared to High Sec.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#436 - 2013-12-03 20:12:12 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

I'm pretty sure the idea that anyone can stand any nerf without complaint is false.

Its human nature to fight for the resources you have. Expecting people to act against their self interest is foolish.

Changes have been happening in the last 6 months that have shaken a lot of entrenchments on both sides.

Ice belts are now much smaller and less easy to farm
Player controlled PoCos got added

Null got a massive buff to industry slots
Null got a massive buff to anom asteroid belts.

I think your time would be better spent on fighting for buffs to null in the appropriate areas rather than fighting to take away resources from someone else.

Yet that massive buff to industry slots did not even bring null close to competing with single highsec systems like Sobaseki. Anom's have been nerfed.

CCP has already said they don't want power creep so that means nerfing highsec. You can search the thread for the arguments that have already made about it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#437 - 2013-12-03 20:17:41 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

You have taken into account the Odyssey changes into the overall numbers you have listed above? Because it really doesn't look like you have. They look like the old pre Odyssey figures I saw back then. As looking at Scalding pass it is 81 Systems. I'm assuming every system has an outpost here. But you need to take into account all the other Outposts these days. Since the worst manufacturing outpost (Gallente Research) has 35 Manufacturing slots. * 81 systems = 2835 slots. While a single Factory Outpost can get to 310 slots according to Odyssey patch notes.

Additionally in your total figures, you are comparing 144 Null systems vs 650 High systems. If we then take the ratio of systems with stations and multiply that out, we get a very interesting ratio.

650/144 = 4.51(Now known as N)
970*N = 4378 Copy slots. Or nearly double high security space.
1940*N = 8756 ME/PE/Invention slots. Hey, that's like 1.5 times High Sec.
10400*N= 46944 Manufacturing slots. Highsec finally wins here. But it's still 80% of High Sec.

So, when you actually look at the maths properly rather than deliberately biasing the numbers, Null Sec's industrial power is actually fine. And if all of those 6022 systems got built in (Is there a game mechanic that limits this or simply funds? Information on outpost building is nigh on unavailable & out of date, I had to search patch notes for the Odyssey information, Wiki is out of date) Null Sec industrial power would be huge compared to High Sec.

The bolded part is wrong and highsec can have multiple stations per system so your points are moot. This isn't including the fact that the player made outposts do not come close to npc handed stations.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#438 - 2013-12-03 20:21:07 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:

I'm pretty sure the idea that anyone can stand any nerf without complaint is false.

Its human nature to fight for the resources you have. Expecting people to act against their self interest is foolish.

This is a dodge some people use to excuse their lack of willingness to see the right thing done. And it's untrue. I benefited from null sec pre-anom nerf. I benefited from incursions pre-incursion nerf. I made a boatload of isk before the FW nerfs. I supported every one, because I'm playing a video game and the important thing is quality game play not imaginary space money.

I fly a mach. I love my mach. CCP said they are gonna nerf the Mach (I hope not too much), I agree with it. you also see that I (a null sec PVE player) and AGAINST buffs to null sec.

Don't try to assume everyone is as selfish as everyone else is. Some of us don't condone imbalance even if it benifits us.


Changes have been happening in the last 6 months that have shaken a lot of entrenchments on both sides.

Ice belts are now much smaller and less easy to farm
Player controlled PoCos got added

Null got a massive buff to industry slots
Null got a massive buff to anom asteroid belts.

I think your time would be better spent on fighting for buffs to null in the appropriate areas rather than fighting to take away resources from someone else.

"Taking away" something that is imbalanced isn't really taking away something, it's balancing. I'm sorry that some of you can't see that the pile you are sitting on isn't proper, but the fact is it isn't and those of us interested in a great overall game experience are going to continue to say so.

And WTF is an "anom asteroid belt"?
Valterra Craven
#439 - 2013-12-03 20:22:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Valterra Craven
La Nariz wrote:

Yet that massive buff to industry slots did not even bring null close to competing with single highsec systems like Sobaseki. Anom's have been nerfed.

CCP has already said they don't want power creep so that means nerfing highsec. You can search the thread for the arguments that have already made about it.

I'm not sure how you ever expect to compete with a sytem like Sobaseki, regardless of buffs or nerfs. The sheer amount of people in empire will always dwarf null sec, and because of that the two will never be equal or balanced. Not to mention the fact that in your production systems you aren't competing with anyone else, whereas in high sec I have to actively look for slots that are not in production in a station and then I wouldn't get the benefit of the time savings of Null outposts...

Anoms were nerfed how exactly in the last 6 months?

I know that income was adjusted awhile back, but I dont recall any more Nerfs to null in recent history.

Powercreep aside, CCP seem to be willing to give you guys more buffs all things considered in the last 6 months. Maybe you should broker more of those buffs that are not directly related to income that would make sense and not fall in power creep?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#440 - 2013-12-03 20:24:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Valterra Craven wrote:

Anoms were nerfed how exactly in the last 6 months?

How where they buffed? Unless you think that "2 less frigates in a sanctum" thing was a "buff" lol. if that's what you mean, then you're wrong it was a nerf, becuase they added frigates to the best anom (forsaken hubs) which made it harder for you average null anom farmer to make isk (most null systems won't have sanctums if you upgrade).