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Eve Down Under Bombshell: No Sov overhaul until at least Winter 2014

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Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#181 - 2013-12-02 18:12:59 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
This is exactly what I am talking about, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec and leave it in terrible shambles but, any attempt to bring highsec in line is resisted with huge tantrums.

If nullsec is so bad, why are people paying so much ISK to rent space there?

What are these renters doing out there? Do they rent space, put up a POS, and then it's to the forums to complain about nullsec being nerfed?

Or are they bearing it up just like they would do in highsec, only pay the rent and risk it in nullsec for... what reason?

Would that be more ISK?

Is the goon rental program not going well? Will more goodies mean more profit renting out space? Will space be rented out that is not normally rented out, or will it become possible to raise the rent?

Not a clue, I certainly wouldn't do it. Maybe if I brought up my gun collection and my affections for family members I would understand.

I see.

So I called our your BS of pushing the red herring that nullsec is some bastard child and highsec has it all by pointing out what the players are actually doing, and you have to resort to a reply like that.

Go ahead and answer the questions. If nullsec is such a wreck, why do players rent space there?

I'm sure you have an answer but if your only recourse is to resort to personal attacks, then chances are you are having trouble with the truth.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2013-12-02 18:17:37 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:

La Nariz wrote:

Not a clue, I certainly wouldn't do it. Maybe if I brought up my gun collection and my affections for family members I would understand.

I see.

So I called our your BS of pushing the red herring that nullsec is some bastard child and highsec has it all by pointing out what the players are actually doing, and you have to resort to a reply like that.

Go ahead and answer the questions. If nullsec is such a wreck, why do players rent space there?

I'm sure you have an answer but if your only recourse is to resort to personal attacks, then chances are you are having trouble with the truth.

I make it pretty clear I have no idea why someone would want to do that, just like I have no idea why someone would want to bring up their gun collection and tell the internet about their familial ties.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#183 - 2013-12-02 18:18:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
This is exactly what I am talking about, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec and leave it in terrible shambles but, any attempt to bring highsec in line is resisted with huge tantrums.

If nullsec is so bad, why are people paying so much ISK to rent space there?

What are these renters doing out there? Do they rent space, put up a POS, and then it's to the forums to complain about nullsec being nerfed?

Or are they bearing it up just like they would do in highsec, only pay the rent and risk it in nullsec for... what reason?

Would that be more ISK?

Is the goon rental program not going well? Will more goodies mean more profit renting out space? Will space be rented out that is not normally rented out, or will it become possible to raise the rent?

Answer this question. How many renters are there compared to high sec lvl 4 runners?

You asking why a small, tiny minority (renters) within another minority (null sec dwellers) are risking it out in null sec, without asking the real question: Why aren't more players doing this is the rewards are so good.

The answer to the quesiton is complex, there are people renting and doing stuff in null. It might be because in their situation the isk is better, or the danger is more fun, null is a change of pace and so on. But that doesn't change the facts about high sec's capability to support people, which is why a lot of non-renter null players like me have high sec alts for isk making.

As tedious as i sometimes find incursions (can't do more than a couple hours before leaving fleet to decompress), it's steady null sce like isk for nothing more than my investment of a scimitar and watchng broadcasts so i know who to rep (and for the love of God someone teach these people where the "IN POSITION" button is).
Underworld Property Accounting Partnership
#184 - 2013-12-02 18:33:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Sh0plifter
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.

Incursions. go troll elsewhere

LOL...incursions don't pay off with escalations and A type sand X type modules plus faction pirate BPC's.
You might want to check my employment history.

I was part of FCON (I apologize for that, though not my doing), and we lived in Pure Blind, parked right on the low sec pipe into it, while we had PL and Darkside gangs rolling down from the SoE station. Our space was terrible tru-sec. I made more money there, before NC folded, than I ever have made in incursions, or any other action in high sec.

I was part of -well, I won't bore you with irrelevant information.

I have done high sec, low sec, NPC null, SOV, and wormhole.

Low-sec is **** for mission runners outside of "owning" a L5 Mission hub. Mining is great if you can hold down several systems with POSes and park a rorq for max bonuses. Before the changes to T2 production it was great for moons. Now, you fight over Merc/Plat, and if you run T2 production some of the other highly relevant moons. Without moons you can average 200-400m a day as a miner without sites/C1-C3 WHs to farm. Site Running 2 systems can run you anywhere from 700m+ in a day down to 50m before you are belt ratting.

NPC Space - Level 4 agents in good Pirate NPC space is riddled with other farmers who more then likely want to kill you. Higher risk with for higher (LP) rewards then high sec.
-Anoms/Signatures: Blah blah blah, typical null information. 50m-700m+ a day in a single system.

Sov Space - Completely upgraded Constant sanctums with a ratting carrier. 10 min per Sanctum, 50-75m per sanctum depending on loot/salvage (if you bother.) Producing 300-450m/hr. 2.7b/day (6 hour ratting period).

High Sec - Level 4 missions generate anywhere from 10m in turn in rewards, depending on mission generates anywhere from 10-45m per mission. Soloable in a decently, non-expensive, typhoon. Typhoon is replaced after 3 missions. So 120-330m/hr (not including LP) so 720m - 1.98b/6hr period (again LP not included)

WH - meh, just stupid amounts of isk in C5/C6 with lots of risk.

Ontop of all of this; in high sec if you are T2 fitted, you have less chance of losing your ship to a gank where as in lowsec/nullsec. I look for mission/site running ships to shoot on a daily. Bad news with high sec is you generally have to go find somewhere else to mission run, or fight during a wardec.

The higher the risk, the higher the reward.
Deunan Tenephais
#185 - 2013-12-02 18:33:43 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
So you are for power creep then, ~buff null don't nerf high~. EVE lore should have no place in game balance and instead should be crafted around the game design. For example if we apply ~EVE lore should make sense~ then there should be no missions or pirates in highsec as CONCORD would have all that handled themselves.

When it's bringing up things to the level of already existing things then there is no powercreep.
And New Eden should at least stay somewhat coherent lore-wise, or else why have something more than "You are a space pilot, you can do things in space. Good Luck !" and that's all.

La Nariz wrote:
E: The other argument ~newbees will see prices and despair~ this is the same argument that was raised against the ice changed and it didn't happen. It won't happen this time either. The people that get the short end of the stick are the NPC corp members, as they should, they enjoy the most safety so they should have the least reward potential.

Since when trial accounts started mining ice ? One can mine ice with a venture ?
It's not because some bullshitters use a valid argument for their propaganda that the argument is bullshit in itself, high sec need to be somewhat profitable to attract and retain new customers, that you want it or not high sec is what new people will see of Eve, it need to be a little shiny.

And NPC corp members already have the short end of the stick, what with these 11% taxes and getting nothing but the ships from the tutorials ?
Yeah, they can't get wardecced, but they can't wardec either, so it's all fair.
Helion Production Labs
Independent Operators Consortium
#186 - 2013-12-02 18:34:34 UTC
Sov changes by the end of 2014 isn't such a bad timeframe. Maybe the plan is to fix life and living in null sec for the summer and then fix sov warefare for winter? It could happen.

Why fix the sov system if theres still no reason to live in 8 of 10 null sec systems?

Every day I'm wafflin!

Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#187 - 2013-12-02 18:41:07 UTC
In response to 'come up with an idea' instead of just complaining, here.

Now can I complain?
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#188 - 2013-12-02 18:47:11 UTC  |  Edited by: La Nariz
^^: Still doesn't address the point that it removes content because it removes the situation where each group gets to choose its engagement time. The attacker gets to decide when the first fight occurs and the defender gets to decide when the second fight occurs. It also punishes smaller groups that will not have the TZ coverage. Its a try though good try.

Deunan Tenephais wrote:

When it's bringing up things to the level of already existing things then there is no powercreep.
And New Eden should at least stay somewhat coherent lore-wise, or else why have something more than "You are a space pilot, you can do things in space. Good Luck !" and that's all.

That is basically what we have already.

Deunan Tenephais wrote:

Since when trial accounts started mining ice ? One can mine ice with a venture ?
It's not because some bullshitters use a valid argument for their propaganda that the argument is bullshit in itself, high sec need to be somewhat profitable to attract and retain new customers, that you want it or not high sec is what new people will see of Eve, it need to be a little shiny.

And NPC corp members already have the short end of the stick, what with these 11% taxes and getting nothing but the ships from the tutorials ?
Yeah, they can't get wardecced, but they can't wardec either, so it's all fair.

Trial accounts get to see a sample of everything the changes I suggested don't change that. The same style argument is what I was referencing with highsec it literally is "you can't change highsec it will hurt the newbees" which isn't true, the ice changes didn't.

The second point you reference ~nerfing highsec is the end of the world and it will never be profitable again~, yeah that's not true either if anything industry will be more profitable after the changes because it will remove some of the riskless content from it. No more hiding in an NPC corp and having access to 50+ slots within two jumps of you. Oh yeah lets compare that to nullsec industry, where the system of Sobaseki has more slots than all of Deklein combined.

The thing that has been referenced time and time again to keeping newbees in the game is finding a group of people that are fun to hang around with. Encouraging players to form their own groups instead of remaining alone in an NPC corp with a multi system local channel is a good thing. Discouraging NPC corp membership is the way to do this because they have pretty much just become refuges for risk averse older players. Which is not what they were intended for.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#189 - 2013-12-02 18:51:01 UTC
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#190 - 2013-12-02 18:54:51 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.

That is another idea that has been passed around, newbees remain in the academy corp for a period of one year subscribed and after that get dumped into the npc corp that is involved in their FW. That means that for one year subscribed anyone can drop corp and be in the invulnerable npc corp but, vets that have been around forever don't get that shield.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#191 - 2013-12-02 18:58:41 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Jythier Smith wrote:
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.

That is another idea that has been passed around, newbees remain in the academy corp for a period of one year subscribed and after that get dumped into the npc corp that is involved in their FW. That means that for one year subscribed anyone can drop corp and be in the invulnerable npc corp but, vets that have been around forever don't get that shield.

If EvE had great PvP there would be millions of players that love PvP and don't play EvE flooding to it. If you think a bunch of carebears that want nothing to do with EvEs PvP suddenly will be interested in it because they're forced into it, you've got a nasty surprise coming.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#192 - 2013-12-02 18:59:34 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
This is exactly what I am talking about, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec and leave it in terrible shambles but, any attempt to bring highsec in line is resisted with huge tantrums.

If nullsec is so bad, why are people paying so much ISK to rent space there?

What are these renters doing out there? Do they rent space, put up a POS, and then it's to the forums to complain about nullsec being nerfed?

Or are they bearing it up just like they would do in highsec, only pay the rent and risk it in nullsec for... what reason?

Would that be more ISK?

Is the goon rental program not going well? Will more goodies mean more profit renting out space? Will space be rented out that is not normally rented out, or will it become possible to raise the rent?

some of us like a little bit of pew after we are done carebearing for the day
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2013-12-02 19:08:00 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
This is exactly what I am talking about, its perfectly okay to nerf nullsec and leave it in terrible shambles but, any attempt to bring highsec in line is resisted with huge tantrums.

If nullsec is so bad, why are people paying so much ISK to rent space there?

What are these renters doing out there? Do they rent space, put up a POS, and then it's to the forums to complain about nullsec being nerfed?

Or are they bearing it up just like they would do in highsec, only pay the rent and risk it in nullsec for... what reason?

Would that be more ISK?

Is the goon rental program not going well? Will more goodies mean more profit renting out space? Will space be rented out that is not normally rented out, or will it become possible to raise the rent?

Not a clue, I certainly wouldn't do it. Maybe if I brought up my gun collection and my affections for family members I would understand.

I see.

So I called our your BS of pushing the red herring that nullsec is some bastard child and highsec has it all by pointing out what the players are actually doing, and you have to resort to a reply like that.

Go ahead and answer the questions. If nullsec is such a wreck, why do players rent space there?

I'm sure you have an answer but if your only recourse is to resort to personal attacks, then chances are you are having trouble with the truth.

It is actually, you can mine all of the ore you want, what are you going to do with null manufacturing stations that have like very few slots to play with.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2013-12-02 19:16:11 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Jythier Smith wrote:
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.

That is another idea that has been passed around, newbees remain in the academy corp for a period of one year subscribed and after that get dumped into the npc corp that is involved in their FW. That means that for one year subscribed anyone can drop corp and be in the invulnerable npc corp but, vets that have been around forever don't get that shield.

If EvE had great PvP there would be millions of players that love PvP and don't play EvE flooding to it. If you think a bunch of carebears that want nothing to do with EvEs PvP suddenly will be interested in it because they're forced into it, you've got a nasty surprise coming.

The classical highsec argument ~you want to force people to pvp~, everything you do in this game is pvp. So there is no avoiding it and there is no forcing people into it. You cannot force someone into something that they are already in.

There would be nothing stopping those people from avoiding as much direct pvp as possible by forming a player corporation. Of course that corporation would be vulnerable to war and a player corporation in the opposing FW could go after that person more easily if they so chose to. It adds more consequences to actions.

For example you're a mission runner in the FW NPC corp and you post on the forums a huge rant about someone ninja salvaging from you. You throw a huge ~highsec tantrum~ and demand CCP nerf everything you hate. So this opposing FW player corporation hunts you down and kills you.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#195 - 2013-12-02 19:20:55 UTC
Winter 2014 is not the end of the world, only a year long timeframe.

It's a year to revamp the most ****** and complex system in the game. How complex? It affects:

- Individual income
- Alliance level income
- Fleet composition
- Supercapital industry
- Supercapital/capital use
- Market

I'm no market wizard, I'd call myself and my violent tendencies worthy of a glorified caveman but with Baltecfleets and Siegefleets rolling around I'd probably invest in sale of Megathrons and Hounds? There's also market for SBUs, TCUs all that stuff.

How ******? It was already pointed out. Renting and farming ISK in a cynojammed system with a smartbombing Nyx or whatever works by the virtue of nobody giving a **** about you or you just being in the middle of nowhere. A bunch of cloaky campers are very successful at grinding renter farming to a halt and making their income plummet.

If you compare a lot of income streams - including L4 missions (baseline income comparable to anomalies, and every time said anomalies proved to be more profitable they were nerfed. We all remember Naga ratting and how that ended.) and incursions, hisec pays at the very least the same for a fraction of the risk. At most if you're ultra-blinged you'll get suicide ganked but most of this stuff is doable with T2 fits anyway.

Furthermore, Sov costs ballbusting amounts of ISK to maintain and upgrade. A small group of players is well and able to take a system or constellation, even hold it, but why would they? It will cost them more than they can profit from it. About the only reasons to hold sov nowadays are:

- Jump Bridges/Beacons
- Tower bonuses and moongoo
- Denying someone else holding sov

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#196 - 2013-12-02 19:32:25 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Jythier Smith wrote:
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.

That is another idea that has been passed around, newbees remain in the academy corp for a period of one year subscribed and after that get dumped into the npc corp that is involved in their FW. That means that for one year subscribed anyone can drop corp and be in the invulnerable npc corp but, vets that have been around forever don't get that shield.

I'm okay with the shield, I just don't want them in the same corp chat as the newer players making them all bitter before they even start.
Jythier Smith
BGG Wolves
#197 - 2013-12-02 19:33:17 UTC
Trii Seo wrote:

- Jump Bridges/Beacons
- Tower bonuses and moongoo
- Denying someone else holding sov

So we need more reasons to hold sov then.
GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#198 - 2013-12-02 19:43:16 UTC  |  Edited by: xttz
Rainbow Dash wrote:
Everyone wants sov to be revamped, but no one has a good idea how.

Reiisha wrote:
Instead of complaining about it, why not offer solutions that could actually work? CCP is just a stumped about it as you guys and are looking for a proper way to do it.

We're kind of stuck in a catch-22 right now. We do have people making big, sweeping suggestions on what to do with sov and null-sec - some of these ideas are good, others aren't so much. However the troubling issue is that rather than bite the bullet and move forward with them, CCP are absolutely terrified of making any changes beyond little stat tweaks (more factory slots in outposts, woop woop).

I've tried to help break out of this cycle by proposing a package of changes in Digin's thread that instead focuses on one aspect of sovereignty. These changes address many common complaints about sov warfare (making it easier to understand, reducing structure grind) in a way that is small enough to be handled and tested within one expansion cycle. The idea is to modify existing game mechanics in a way that doesn't break everything else connected to it.

Once implemented, CCP are then free to come back and look at other aspects of null-sec in similarly manageable chunks. They can then follow up by overhauling other components, such as:

  • What factors cause sov levels to rise (such as player activity in local, producing items nearby, etc)
  • Income rebalance - how ratting, anomalies, mining, PI and other activities interact with sov.
  • Taxation - how alliances gather income from their territory
  • Upgradability - what improvements can be made by owners of territory to leave their mark on their space
  • Objectives - what reasons do people have to take sov?

There's no reason why sovereignty can't be broken down and focused on as one aspect at a time. We didn't have all ships rebalanced at once, V3 textures weren't all done in one expansion, and hell we didn't even get all Captains Quarters in the same patch.

What CCP need to be doing is to stop putting things off out of fear of change, bite off a chunk of the sov system, and chew on it until they're done. Then take the next bite.
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#199 - 2013-12-02 19:48:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Trii Seo
Jythier Smith wrote:
Trii Seo wrote:

- Jump Bridges/Beacons
- Tower bonuses and moongoo
- Denying someone else holding sov

So we need more reasons to hold sov then.

Greed is an amazing catalyst for conflict. In this case, the infamous "Greed is good" holds true.

Once upon a time, the CFC's income was threatened. It seemed it would no longer be able to use its Tech moons to manufacture rows of golden dicks to decorate walls of their stations. Instead of downgrading to silver dicks, they went to war to take Fountain.

Result? About... two months of war culminating in what was ultimately the biggest fight of EVE: the siege of 6VDT. Content for hundreds of players.

Now, 0.0 can't be 100% massive war all the time - people will burn out. For how epic they are, those wars often involve a lot of effort to supply and coordinate. It needs to have its share of lull where people make money, do small gang pvp - over time, they'll wish another war was here already. I'd say we need a system that encourages things like 6VDT (maybe at the same time in multiple places even - to break up the load per system/node. Still big battles, less tidi?) and isn't so grindtastic the morale and money of the enemy folds before the infrastructure goes up in flames.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#200 - 2013-12-02 19:54:29 UTC
Jythier Smith wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Jythier Smith wrote:
It's really bad to have risk-adverse vets be the entry point for new players in EVE. There should be a corp that risk-adverse vets get dumped into that aren't the same as the newbie NPC corps.

That is another idea that has been passed around, newbees remain in the academy corp for a period of one year subscribed and after that get dumped into the npc corp that is involved in their FW. That means that for one year subscribed anyone can drop corp and be in the invulnerable npc corp but, vets that have been around forever don't get that shield.

I'm okay with the shield, I just don't want them in the same corp chat as the newer players making them all bitter before they even start.

The chat thing is a good idea I hadn't considered we don't need people who are bitter and mad that they didn't get their way poisoning the newbees. The shield in its current state I am not okay with, if you want that shield then you need your reward decreased as well. An alternate solution, perhaps shifting those players to a more restricted tax heavy npc corp. An NPC corp that forbids the use of things like freighters and L4 missions.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea: