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Eve Down Under Bombshell: No Sov overhaul until at least Winter 2014

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Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#141 - 2013-12-02 15:34:57 UTC
Pinky Hops wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
and CCP is quite content with that.

Because it's completely irrelevant to the game who controls what. The game ticks on anyways. It's not something that actually matters.

Also, you can't "win" EVE....In fact, if the amount of whining on the forums is any indicator, goons seem to be losing at EVE.

Can't win

I would think that those sitting on trillion ISk/month income streams might look at that differently, and those that have to fight against the ones with those income streams would certainly disagree that you can't win Eve.

If every non-CFC player in Eve, including every other null sec group, every wh group, every FW group, and all of high sec, if they all rose up against the goons, in the end, the goons would win, because there is zero chance of such a coalition remaining intact, and some would be bought off (a la Black Legion style) to fight for the goons.
Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#142 - 2013-12-02 15:40:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Andrea Keuvo
Part of the problem is finding a method for holding sov warfare which is not "biggest blob wins" or cram people into a system until the node crashes. The other part of the problem is that most of the space available is near worthless and doesn't provide the people that live in it better than level 4 mission income. I'm not talking about the alliance guys mining the moons, I'm talking average joe player who lives in some god awful -.2 system.

People hold metric shittons of space because crap truesec systems cannot really support more than a few players. This garbage space is used by hordes of renters and the few decent systems mixed in are kept by the sov holding alliance. The obvious fix for this would be an ihub upgrade that allows you to increase the truesec value of your space by -.1 per level, up to a maximum of -1.0. So after a period of time and with max upgrades even a crap -.2 system can become a decent -.7 which can support the activities of a decent number of pilots.

The anomalies that spawn in nullsec need to be fixed as well. There are like 20 different kinds and exactly 3 of them are ever run by anyone. Nothing that provides you with less than level 4 mission income should be spawning in nullsec. Some high level anoms that can be group run by fleets of BS or capitals providing higher levels of income than hisec incursions would be nice as well. It gives people a reason to fleet up, and puts more juicy targets out for the people looking for pvp, while providing enough reward to justify the risk.

Fixing sov warfare, the best idea I've heard so far is something faction warfare like with multiple sites that need to be plexed. These sites should range from gated to ungated, with the gated sites varying in the type of ship they will allow entry to. The gated sites should allow in a max number of total ships at any one time to prevent plex blobbing and once a system is under attack all types of cynos should be jammed to prevent easy mode titan bridge blobbing until a specified number of plexes have been taken by the attackers. The entire system needs to be designed around multiple different activities that need to be done by multiple different shiptypes and significant thought needs to go into how to prevent it from becoming the massive blobfest that we have right now.

Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
This entire thread is really pointless, when you think about it.
goons have won Eve. Period. Fullstop.

They do what they want, when they want, to whomever they want.

Altering sov mechanics will only slow or accelerate the speed that they conquer the rest of sov null sec, or whatever other space CCP gifts them (do we see conquerable high sec stations in summer 2014 or winter 2014?). It will not change the fact that inexorably, goons take control of more and more of the game (and the key prize, the game's income streams), and CCP is quite content with that.

This is probably currently true, but any "fix" for sov that doesn't create massive penalties/disincentives for having huge coalitions would be a failure before it was released. One of the major problems we have now is there is no reason not to form the largest possible group that you can. If there were economic, logistic, and strategic penalties associated with having a massive alliance/coalition then you wouldn't have the situation we have today. These would, of course, need to be structured in a way to prevent people from just breaking a massive alliance into a dozen smaller ones that just blue each other. The simple solution would be that a blue counts the same as a member towards the number of members you need where the penalties start to take effect.
Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#143 - 2013-12-02 15:45:40 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Can't win


Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
every other null sec group, every wh group, every FW group, and all of high sec, if they all rose up against the goons, in the end, the goons would win

This is probably not even true, first of all. The same was said of BoB. Furthermore, it's irrelevant. Like I said, the game does not care who controls what.

It just does not matter. There's several pages of QQ, in this thread, some of which is even from goons, about how little they think a lot of their own sov matters....

And here you are saying people "won" at EVE.

Deunan Tenephais
#144 - 2013-12-02 15:45:54 UTC
Stahlregen wrote:
Pretty much, yeah.

The only thing missing is that your summary understates massively how painfully convoluted and pointlessly intricated the whole process of taking, maintaining and ceding sov is.

A summary always understate complex things by virtue of summarizing, but I did write "considering efforts involved".
Perhaps I should have wrote it for all three main complaints, but it's really not a big thing.

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#145 - 2013-12-02 15:50:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Pinky Hops wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
and CCP is quite content with that.

Because it's completely irrelevant to the game who controls what. The game ticks on anyways. It's not something that actually matters.

Also, you can't "win" EVE....In fact, if the amount of whining on the forums is any indicator, goons seem to be losing at EVE.

Can't win

I would think that those sitting on trillion ISk/month income streams might look at that differently, and those that have to fight against the ones with those income streams would certainly disagree that you can't win Eve.

If every non-CFC player in Eve, including every other null sec group, every wh group, every FW group, and all of high sec, if they all rose up against the goons, in the end, the goons would win, because there is zero chance of such a coalition remaining intact, and some would be bought off (a la Black Legion style) to fight for the goons.

Isn't this what they said about BoB, and the old Northern Coalition? I dunno, I was too busy flying with Raiden and the Russians while destroying the Northern Coalition.

Your problem is that you like to feel powerless, because deciding you are powerless (thus choosing not to fight) is easier on the ego than fighting and (God Forbid) losing. It's why you people screech endlessly and impotently on the forums hoping to Backdoor a victory though CCP intervention.

If the American Colonists thought like you do (while facing the most powerful empire on Earth at the time), I'd be drinking Tea and eating Crumpets right now instead of drinking beer and eating apple pie (don't knock it till you try it)!
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#146 - 2013-12-02 15:55:27 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.


For the last week, cloaky campers have be blanketing my Alliance's ratting space. They have gotten a few ratting ship kills. Not much ratting going on there right now (except for folks like me, but then again I don't mind ratting in a warp stabbed drone/fof missle ship lol). Op success right?

Well, not really, seems that have a much harder time camping us out of high sec and NPC null level 4 missions, low sec missions and FW and high sec incursions for some reason, all of which has some of my corp mates openly asking "why are we putting up null sec crap when we can make isk a lot easier in empire".
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#147 - 2013-12-02 16:08:27 UTC
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#148 - 2013-12-02 16:12:20 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#149 - 2013-12-02 16:16:41 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#150 - 2013-12-02 16:17:04 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.
Andrea Keuvo
Rusty Pricks
#151 - 2013-12-02 16:19:44 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.

Incursions. go troll elsewhere
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#152 - 2013-12-02 16:20:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Onictus
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Which is why everyone has high sec alts, amirite?

What you missed if "can be" more lucative then high sec if:
1) you happen to catch a +6/10 sit
2) you have a fully upgraded system
3) you don't have cloakies camping every ratting system in the region
4) there aren't 6 roaming gangs floating around with interceptors
5) you aren't involved in a SOV war/strategic defnse

Because of all of those its a wash, I rather easily match what I make in a morning scanning and ratting in null sec in empire via basically level 4 missions. Without having to dock for interceptor gangs, avoid cloaky campers and hotdropers or any other gang that is floating around.

....and that small gang objective crap? Get the idea out of your head, because the existing political blocks can do small gangs as well, and we have a LOT more manpower to do it.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#153 - 2013-12-02 16:21:17 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

An income statement has two columns to it.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#154 - 2013-12-02 16:23:12 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

I have no proof please ignore my inane tinfoil-encrusted ramblings.


This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#155 - 2013-12-02 16:24:57 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

This is a lie.

Compare ANY high sec system with a single lvl 4 agent to (for example) this null sec system with no upgrades, no ice belts, no sigs (I just passed it scanning for sigs, none in there) and 4 belts.

The high sec system with 1 lvl 4 agent could supply a mission to every single eve player in existence, the null sec system i linked can't provide even the equivalent of level ONE mission income to even a single person. And SOV null sec is littered with such systems.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#156 - 2013-12-02 16:26:21 UTC
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.

Incursions. go troll elsewhere

LOL...incursions don't pay off with escalations and A type sand X type modules plus faction pirate BPC's.
You might want to check my employment history.

I was part of FCON (I apologize for that, though not my doing), and we lived in Pure Blind, parked right on the low sec pipe into it, while we had PL and Darkside gangs rolling down from the SoE station. Our space was terrible tru-sec. I made more money there, before NC folded, than I ever have made in incursions, or any other action in high sec.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#157 - 2013-12-02 16:27:48 UTC
Onictus wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Deunan Tenephais wrote:

La Nariz wrote:
Yep you hit some of the big ones, when highsec is better than the space you can own it creates a problem.

I'd rather say, when in a supposedly sandbox game the space you take pain bettering will never be as good as for-casuals-dev-generated-content, then there is a problem with the health of the sandbox.

This is the problem right here, there are plenty of good transitory solutions to it as well but, CCP hasn't told us where they stand on the problem.

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Which is why everyone has high sec alts, amirite?

What you missed if "can be" more lucative then high sec if:
1) you happen to catch a +6/10 sit
2) you have a fully upgraded system
3) you don't have cloakies camping every ratting system in the region
4) there aren't 6 roaming gangs floating around with interceptors
5) you aren't involved in a SOV war/strategic defnse

Because of all of those its a wash, I rather easily match what I make in a morning scanning and ratting in null sec in empire via basically level 4 missions. Without having to dock for interceptor gangs, avoid cloaky campers and hotdropers or any other gang that is floating around.

....and that small gang objective crap? Get the idea out of your head, because the existing political blocks can do small gangs as well, and we have a LOT more manpower to do it.

The "null sec is so lucrative, high sec has nothing" people never ever want to answer that question, because they know what the answer means.
Vardaugas Family
#158 - 2013-12-02 16:28:48 UTC
Personally I like the image of nullsec being ISK poor and resource rich while highsec is ISK rich and resource poor. But to the point where highsec needs to buy imported resources if they want to build anything bigger than a shuttle and nullsec needs to export resources if they want to pay for their taxes and fees. Magnified up until the point where nullsec is throwing a tea party and highsec goes to nullsec to scrounge up resources while getting their asses kicked just like history classes.

How to do that without smashing the economy though.... ah, **** the economy, just smack it with a hammer, it'll roll with the punches.

(I am fully aware how unrealistic such a scenario is)
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#159 - 2013-12-02 16:31:05 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.

Incursions. go troll elsewhere

LOL...incursions don't pay off with escalations and A type sand X type modules plus faction pirate BPC's.
You might want to check my employment history.

I was part of FCON (I apologize for that, though not my doing), and we lived in Pure Blind, parked right on the low sec pipe into it, while we had PL and Darkside gangs rolling down from the SoE station. Our space was terrible tru-sec. I made more money there, before NC folded, than I ever have made in incursions, or any other action in high sec.

You make less because you limit yourself to fail armor fleets lol.

And like all high sec partisans, you refuse to admit that null exploration is RANDOM. you don't always get the good stuff (you can see this in the missions and complexes forum every time someone asks "are plexes broken, I got no loot" lol).

More proof you're interested in an agenda rather than the truth.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#160 - 2013-12-02 16:31:12 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Andrea Keuvo wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

That is because the "problem" you describe it, does not exist, as null sec , even the very worst area, is vastly more lucrative than any place in high sec.

Prove it.

Prove I am wrong.

Incursions. go troll elsewhere

LOL...incursions don't pay off with escalations and A type sand X type modules plus faction pirate BPC's.
You might want to check my employment history.

I was part of FCON (I apologize for that, though not my doing), and we lived in Pure Blind, parked right on the low sec pipe into it, while we had PL and Darkside gangs rolling down from the SoE station. Our space was terrible tru-sec. I made more money there, before NC folded, than I ever have made in incursions, or any other action in high sec.

Before the NC you mean before the Anom income nerf?