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How to Recruit: A Guide for the New Recruiter

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Captain Meric
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2013-12-01 08:06:09 UTC
Recruiting is the hardest, longest, yet most satisfying thing in eve in my eyes.

I started my recruiting days with a small corp between six months to a year in. (No it wasn't this character this one is newer than that the one I started with ).

I had been chatting up our local mining hole, bouncing between HQ and Gallente space talking to people who seemed nice in local. From there I had asked my CEO (who was doing the recruiting ) to take a look a few people, brought them in and I was handed the job.

So, recruiting can be done by anyone in eve, as long as you know what your corporation and alliance is about. You can then rely that information to potential recruits.

IF you mission run or mine, feel free to invite some local population (though still have your ship a least somewhat PVP fit... just in case it is eve ) to fly with you. (in high sec )

IF you know of a corp that is failing for whatever reason, ask the ceo what's up (every time I asked this the CEO would say he is burned out and he didn't want to continue to run a corp ) if something like this happens and you are on half way decent terms with them, have them merge into you (Push to give the old CEO some sort or recognition though so he is honored if he makes the move with you so it will go that much easier, even if it's something as a cheesy toast to him and his mates coming over )

Don't be mad that some of those guys won't come over and seek other employment. When a corp falls not everyone wants to stay the same place. Again make sure you do your own background checks. I recommend doing them several times just to be sure.

if you have forums and other recruiters, I would tell all recruits that there is a 24 -48 hour wait, find these forums, post your covo in spoil tab (recruiting you usually want to have it save to your hardrive and fine the files to pull into the forum ) then post your synopsis and feelings of this person. (again, if you have a bad feeling about this one that doesn't go away or he just won't fit into what you are doing then don't even get to this part )

If you don't have a website, then make a Mail tab just for recruiters/CEO to post in so you all have the information. This can be basic as a list of names you talked to that day and a quick line of why yes or no, to whole paragraphs.

If someone does fit through the cracks and does start awoxing (killing corp mates ) like NightCrawler 85 said, don't blame yourself. It will happen. Just mitigate the losses (best way is basically not trusting anyone but an inner circle of people for a CEO so things from assists don't get stolen ) (more a CEO note here I guess, I'm a little new to the CEO thing but I have had all hats before in game more or less )

Also, don't forget that you yourself is in this game to have fun, find some time to fly with your mates and put recruiting on hold. Many corps do recruiting drives one or two weeks a month then see how they work out while they go about daily lives. Recruiting blitz are a good thing this way as you know when you have open doors and when you will will maybe only have to deal with one or two that come in through your more passive attempts to get them in (IE the in game advert )

If you have a fleet doctrine and the recruit cannot fly it yet, but is willing to train up for it, still take a look at the guy. He might have to fly tackle or hauler or such for a bit, but you could miss out just because he was a week or two away from flying one of your ships.

Know all your fleet doctrine ships and what is going on in the corp. Recruiters really need to know everything going on so they can answer about every division you have. Work hand and hand with you CEO on this, If he needs more of a certain type of pilot, add that your looking for those in your recruit drive.

Some forums have a way of daily checking API and skills to make sure you fit what they are looking for. I don't have to much information on this so someone with more computer knowledge than me can tell you how that all works, A good way to keep up to date one what the guy is doing during a probationary period.

I recommend, even if this has done ops outside of corp with you, make him go through a probationary period of some sort of time (most like normal jobs 30 60 90 day type deals, I think 30 is enough personally ) where they aren't given anything and if needed you can get items for them and such. This does help deter some people of corp thief when they know they will have to wait to access even your public items that everyone can take freely.

So, in the end, be in the know about all your divisions of your corp, what they are up to, what they are flying, and what the need from you.

Oh and start ups are fun... Giving it a shot myself and have helped get a few off the ground (though most aren't around today ) Big smile I'm not in full recruitment mode myself yet but in a few days my own will be in my signature (you can always ask your corp mates too to place a little tag to your forum or to a recruiter to spur more views as well )

Never tell your recruits that if you are war deced to just sit in station and play another game/ another alt (most don't have alts if new). This is the fastest way for your guys to wave bye to your corp and look for something else to do, instead fight, move somewhere for a bit, anything that keeps them in the game. Even if you have to tell your CEO to do these things for "the moral of the recruits" or some such thing.

Make sure their play time is what you want, Casual, hardcore or somewhere in the middle. Make sure recruits know if you have a certain, kill, yield, hours log, things before the join so they know going what is expected and can make a better decision.

if I covered something NightCrawler already did sorry, but hope it helps

Oh. and make sure if you say if your "Kid friendly" or not, many have kids and others don't want to censor themselves in you TS/VENT/Mumble servers.
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#42 - 2013-12-01 08:25:37 UTC
Due to the length and amount of information there is no way i would be able to add even half of it in the OP, so instead i created a new section called "special notes" and added a direct link to your post.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write it Big smile
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#43 - 2013-12-01 09:45:31 UTC
NightCrawler 85 wrote:
Due to the length and amount of information there is no way i would be able to add even half of it in the OP, so instead i created a new section called "special notes" and added a direct link to your post.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write it Big smile

You could move this to the Evelopedia?
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