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The Marmite Collective Wardeccing... for a good cause ? Really ?

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Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#121 - 2013-11-27 15:52:53 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Tron 3K wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Tron 3K wrote:
What would be the difference if they just wardecced you without the message? This sentence alone should end this mofoing thread of stupidity. I hope Marmite or whoever they are keep the plex that idiots give to them instead of fighting.. Pussies, a lot of you!

You ... you hope they use a real life disaster to scam PLEXes out of people and then use them for their own benefit, depriving people in real life need of the help that the PLEXes should be providing? Are you ill or just stupid?

Its a game you really think they are doing it to give back? Please HTFU..

All players have been warned about exactly this in the Dev blog.

CCP Falcon wrote:

Please note that CCP regards any scamming attempts surrounding PLEX for GOOD to be morally reprehensible, and any attempts at scamming relating to this program will be met with the harshest and swiftest action at our disposal.

So you see, if they are doing this, and they are keeping it for themselves, then they are doing something wrong, and CCP will step in. If they are actually doing what they claim they are, then it is not a scam, and CCP have no reason to step in.

Yes I know this. I never said it was a good thing but I was more referring to the guy bitching bout getting wardecced.. its in the game.. Whether there is a message with it or not..
Tron 3K
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#122 - 2013-11-27 15:57:25 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Tron 3K wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
Tron 3K wrote:
What would be the difference if they just wardecced you without the message? This sentence alone should end this mofoing thread of stupidity. I hope Marmite or whoever they are keep the plex that idiots give to them instead of fighting.. Pussies, a lot of you!

You ... you hope they use a real life disaster to scam PLEXes out of people and then use them for their own benefit, depriving people in real life need of the help that the PLEXes should be providing? Are you ill or just stupid?

Its a game you really think they are doing it to give back? Please HTFU..

I hope they do for their own sake as they will be permabanned otherwise. That is not in question. What amazes me is seeing you advocating stealing from a real charity because 'Its a game, lolz, htfu'. It takes a special type of person to think that's ok.

/facepalm I'll say this in a way stupid can understand. Why do I have to explain every little detail I swear common sense is gone.. Is it a bad thing that they are doing? No. Is it bad if they kept it for themselves? No..... *Here comes the part of common sense that I figured didn't have to be reiterated* Unless they actually sent that message or said they were doing it for PLEX for good. Then ban their asses..

My first post was just to say that this dude was being wardecced and he whined like a little *****..
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#123 - 2013-11-27 16:05:41 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
I think it could be worse. They could be asking for Billions of ISK to line their own pockets.

Anyway, those who say the Red Cross keeps 90% of the money for themselves need to get their facts straight. All you have to do is Google and see 9% of the money donated is used for administrative costs, like salaries and other things it takes to run a business. And out of that 9%, only 4% goes to salaries. The rest is for fundraising expenses and so on. That means 91 cents out of every dollar donated is used for relief efforts, which is pretty damn good.

There are a lot of other charities that only give 9 cents out of every dollar, and use the rest to line their pockets. Get your facts straight before spouting off, it makes you look stupid.

Careful, you're going to confuse people with facts... and risk ruining their own self justification for not donating.

Which is pretty silly actually... nobody is going to get upset with them for NOT donating.

Guilt is a funny thing.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#124 - 2013-11-27 16:10:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
The OP would lead one to believe that if they demanded a sum for themselves to drop the war dec that would be perfectly okay, but specifying that the ISK be donated to charity is bad.

At what point did that remotely make sense to you?

Nobody cares if you are "blackmailed" out of ISK (by the way, it's not called blackmail in this circumstance... it's called terms of surrender).

Now if you had to pay cash to make a donation you might have a point... but you don't. Your donation would be in ISK. You do realize that right?

Holy crap, get a grip.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Pinky Hops
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#125 - 2013-11-27 16:16:48 UTC
This doesn't really seem like all that big of a deal to me.

I would however be more impressed with Marmites if they just straight ransomed a shitload of ISK and contributed a huge amount of PLEX of their own.

It's kind of lazy to ask others to do it "for you."
Miku Yumi
Emergency Medical Assistance Unit
#126 - 2013-11-27 16:50:19 UTC
Marmite is only dangerous to noobships and shuttles, use a neutral alt to do your tradehub business and Marmite ceases to exist. Problem solved.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#127 - 2013-11-27 17:11:25 UTC
Well PFG scams will result in a ban, since CCP has zero tolerance for such things. Just pay the fee and be happy about it.

Katrina Oniseki

Amarr Empire
#128 - 2013-11-27 17:13:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Obmud
Batelle wrote:
Haedonism Bot wrote:
I applaud Marmite's generosity.

The OP needs to remember that Marmite would be wardeccing people for profit anyway. It is kind of their thing. They have just chosen to forego some of their isk profit to help the good people of the Phillipines in their time of need. Nobody is forcing you to pay. In the case that you have some sort of ideological objection to helping Filipinos, you can feel free not to donate and enjoy the war for what it is (you racist ****).

Actually, OP is just upset that marmite is making him feel bad for not paying the ransom. Using out-of-game events to make people feel guilty or uncomfortable in game is just going too far, damnit! (saracsm)

yeah lawl totally, lawl.

To bad i'm in an npc corp and all i do fly around in low sec and null if at all. But hey, we lawld, right... lawlawl Lets not acknowledge that people could have for once an opinion on something that doesn't affect them directly.

Obmud wrote: I just thrive on forum drama. - by Riot Girl - at 2013.11.28 04:46:00

You should sig that, it will look good on you.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2013-11-27 17:16:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Pinky Hops wrote:
This doesn't really seem like all that big of a deal to me.

I would however be more impressed with Marmites if they just straight ransomed a shitload of ISK and contributed a huge amount of PLEX of their own.

It's kind of lazy to ask others to do it "for you."

Thank you. This is exactly what we are doing next to a smallscale special for some people 'in the know' that have nothing to do with the OP. Call it a little roleplay schtick where a small rodent kicks a bear in the nuts laughingly and demands to hand over the goods. Rest assured, we'll be donating and we'll be donating more than all these sour pusses whining about things they only know 1% of will ever donate.

Also, as clearly proven by the goonies on many occassions and just now above, Marmites are completely harmless if you fly anything with a gun ducktaped to it. Heck, appart from said goonies, Marmites hardly kill anything in this game, how they can afford to wardec everyone and their mother is completely beyond me... I think Tora is secretly a nullbear using his spacepower to RMT and pay for decs.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2013-11-27 17:17:33 UTC
Obmud wrote:
Icarus Able wrote:
Deal with it. Extortion is a valid game mechanic.

Blackmailing people into doing stuff that they wouldn't do otherwise in the RL world is a criminal offence. It has nothing to do with a game mechanic, that is EXACTLY my point and it nowhere justifies everything you do just because ccp tolerates the double isk scammers in jita. I have problems understanding your logic to be honest.

Eve treats blackmail, extortion and other illegal activities as part of the game. Many games don't, but this is a large part of the draw of eve for many players. There are plenty of other games that would ban this sort of activity, but thats why its being done here, not there. Just because someone plays a villain in game does not make them a bad person in real life.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Thomas Harding
#131 - 2013-11-27 17:26:36 UTC
All I know is that I wouldn't want to be the PR spokesman who tries to explain people who don't know anything about EVE how this is a good thing.
RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2013-11-27 17:28:32 UTC
Op I understand how you feel. They decked us too however, they are harmless. You could fight them with a slop fitted welp fleet and win with minimal casualties. I am giving my money to a homless veteran here in America, because in my set of morals I believe that you have to help yourselfs before you can help others. 60,000 homless veterans in America yet we can send help to other countries and fight 2 wars (I fought in Iraq 09-10 mind you) yet we cannot seem to take care of our homless.

Make no mistake, I am a patriot of my country however, the bigger picture has been overlooked for quite some time. (This statement is to the RL) We need to quit this rediculous bickering and become the United People of Earth. We need to look to the stars instead fighting over material posessions. If this planet could come together and form a bond of understanding for one another, we could progress as a unified people. Yes there will be disagreements, however a wise man once said that "compromise is a decision that neither party are happy with". If the planet was united, sending relief to that area of the planet wouldn't be anything but a natural reaction. However hatred and jealousy prevail along with self entitled behavior and corruption. Again OP I do understand.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#133 - 2013-11-27 17:34:16 UTC
I think I just learned to love Marmite.

Help the poor or no more trade hub shopping sprees! NICE!
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#134 - 2013-11-27 17:44:23 UTC
So my understanding of this is that Marmite are doing exactly what they usually do, but donating a large fraction of the take to PLEX for Good?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

CCP Falcon
#135 - 2013-11-27 17:44:33 UTC

I've spoken with the GM Team regarding this, and the decision is quite simple.

Corporate extortion via demand for payment to cease hostilities is a valid game mechanic.

If this valid game mechanic is being used as a method of raising ISK for a good cause, then CCP will not intervene.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#136 - 2013-11-27 17:48:47 UTC
Marmite is your typical risk-averse hisec wardec alliance. So OBVIOUSLY the solution would be to kill as many Marmites as you can, sell their loot, and buy yourself a PLEX to get rid of the guilty feeling. Big smile

In all seriousness, trying to make another person feel guilty is just human nature, it happens IRL al the time. Ever had somebody at the front door collecting funds against cancer research? Ever gave a cuppa or a sandwich to a homeless person? Ever saw a fundraising ad? It's all the same. Please donate or we make you feel like a jerk. Very common concept in today's marketing, and entirely appropriate behaviour for Eve Online.

This actually makes me see Marmite in a different light. I considered them risk-averse hisec scum before, scurrying little carebears that dock at the slightest threat. This initiative may not put them on the map as anything else, but at least the forces driving them are evidently positive ones.

I hate it too when people try and manipulate me emotionally. On the other hand raising awareness about global matters is never a bad thing. As long as this is done with a smile on people's faces (without personal attacks on someone that doesn't play along) I have no problem with it, and applaud Marmite for this creative combination of content generation and fundraising.
RAIN Arthie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2013-11-27 17:49:50 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've spoken with the GM Team regarding this, and the decision is quite simple.

Corporate extortion via demand for payment to cease hostilities is a valid game mechanic.

If this valid game mechanic is being used as a method of raising ISK for a good cause, then CCP will not intervene.

Infantry Carrier Squad Delta
.........☻/☻/☻/☻/ ︻╦╤─ .
▂▄▅ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ ██▅▃▂

What if we knocked on your CCP door and locked you down in your system for months and extorted you claiming it was for a good cause? Would the game mechanic still allowed? Probably not.
CCP Falcon
#138 - 2013-11-27 17:58:21 UTC
RAIN Arthie wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've spoken with the GM Team regarding this, and the decision is quite simple.

Corporate extortion via demand for payment to cease hostilities is a valid game mechanic.

If this valid game mechanic is being used as a method of raising ISK for a good cause, then CCP will not intervene.

Infantry Carrier Squad Delta
.........☻/☻/☻/☻/ ︻╦╤─ .
▂▄▅ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ ██▅▃▂

What if we knocked on your CCP door and locked you down in your system for months and extorted you claiming it was for a good cause? Would the game mechanic still allowed? Probably not.

CCP Falcon's Character Sheet wrote:
Current Skills: 448 (Skill Points: 507,010,560)

lol, come at me bro.

On a more serious note, I'll reiterate:

Corporate extortion via demand for payment to cease hostilities is a valid game mechanic.

If this valid game mechanic is being used as a method of raising ISK for a good cause, then CCP will not intervene.

If, however, people don't follow through on their word with this and the proceeds don't go to PLEX for GOOD as promised, then there'll be issues, because it's regarded as a scam.

CCP Falcon || EVE Universe Community Manager || @CCP_Falcon

Happy Birthday To FAWLTY7! <3

Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2013-11-27 17:59:09 UTC
RAIN Arthie wrote:
[quote=CCP Falcon]

What if we knocked on your CCP door and locked you down in your system for months and extorted you claiming it was for a good cause? Would the game mechanic still allowed? Probably not.

Ok, that was truly dense...
Please accept the final verdict as it is.. remember it's not a crime if it's not against the law.. and the law has just spoken.

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#140 - 2013-11-27 18:01:23 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:

I've spoken with the GM Team regarding this, and the decision is quite simple.

Corporate extortion via demand for payment to cease hostilities is a valid game mechanic.

Bookmarking this for the purpose of education of future generations.