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Market Discussions

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500m @ 5% for 2 months

Faros Tellassil
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-11-26 23:17:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Faros Tellassil
Updated 27/11/2013

Hi, I am fairly new to EVE, but the manufacturing system has really captured my interest. As such, I am requesting a bond to help kickstart my career.

Bond Amount: 500 Million ISK

Duration: Two months

Interest Rate: 10% per month (total 50M ISK)

Collateral: None - I am relatively new to EVE, and as such have nothing of any value to offer as collateral.

Skills: Here's my Eveboard:

Plan: I intend to make a profit by manufacturing faction ships and modules. I will be using various market tools to calculate which items will get me the biggest profits, and then purchasing BPC's from an existing contact with which to construct them. I have already calculated in the cost of the blueprints and, while profits and the exact items I manufacture will depend on the current market, I am confident I can still make a profit.

Exit Strategy: Nice and simple, sell everything to minimise loss and make back as much of the loan as possible.

This is the first bond request I've written, so let me know about anything that needs changing.
Blueprint Seller
Bring Me Sunshine
#2 - 2013-11-27 06:14:08 UTC
Faros Tellassil wrote:
This is the first bond request I've written, so let me know about anything that needs changing.
Your interest rate is too low for a first time bond without collateral.

Your business plan, while potentially viable, is somewhat lacking in detail. There is no indication that you have properly researched and prepared for your project, no indiciation that you have put any work in already. This suggests you may just be putting up these words as an excuse to get the money, for a scam or "reputation grind", rather than for an actual project. Alternatively it suggests that if you are honest you may not be up to the task of carrying out your plan.

For me personally, no amount of interest will persuade me to invest in an first time bond without collateral and only a very basic business plan, but there are others that frequently do. They will expect 10% or thereabouts in interest.

If you could provide a screenshot or eveboard link of your character skills, this would go some way to prove you are currently capable of carrying out your plan.

You say you have an existing contact that will provide BPCs for your project. Who is this person and how did you come into contact with them? What is their pricing on BPCs and have you ensured you can make a profit after paying for those BPCs?
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-11-27 09:21:57 UTC
Blueprint Seller wrote:
Faros Tellassil wrote:
This is the first bond request I've written, so let me know about anything that needs changing.
Your interest rate is too low for a first time bond without collateral.

Your business plan, while potentially viable, is somewhat lacking in detail. There is no indication that you have properly researched and prepared for your project, no indiciation that you have put any work in already. This suggests you may just be putting up these words as an excuse to get the money, for a scam or "reputation grind", rather than for an actual project. Alternatively it suggests that if you are honest you may not be up to the task of carrying out your plan.

For me personally, no amount of interest will persuade me to invest in an first time bond without collateral and only a very basic business plan, but there are others that frequently do. They will expect 10% or thereabouts in interest.

If you could provide a screenshot or eveboard link of your character skills, this would go some way to prove you are currently capable of carrying out your plan.

You say you have an existing contact that will provide BPCs for your project. Who is this person and how did you come into contact with them? What is their pricing on BPCs and have you ensured you can make a profit after paying for those BPCs?

what he said
Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#4 - 2013-11-27 11:46:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Drab Cane
Faros, send me a message in-game. Perhaps I can help with assets and advice. I'd like to know the following:

  1. what you've built so far,
  2. what level your manufacturing skills are,
  3. the current available ISK you have to spend on manufacturing, and
  4. what profitability analysis you've done so far.

All information would be confidential.
Faros Tellassil
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-11-27 18:25:22 UTC
Ok, here's a link to my eveboard:

As far as the interest rate goes, I could up that to 10% per month.

And my plan is not to manufacture T1 goods, but faction modules. My contact has LP to spare and is willing to use that to buy faction BPC's and then sell them to me for ISK. I have already calculated that certain blueprints will make me a decent profit despite the cost of purchasing them in the first place.
#6 - 2013-11-27 18:46:38 UTC

Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#7 - 2013-11-28 08:37:14 UTC
Received eve-mail from OP. Hopefully we can talk further this weekend, and we can firm up his production plans.

Since he's posted his skills on the forum, I feel free to discuss them. The skill set looks pretty sparse. I'm worried that he doesn't have any trade skills, or mining skills. They aren't necessary for a production character, but still.
#8 - 2014-01-01 07:54:01 UTC
Faros Tellassil
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-01-22 17:23:31 UTC
I have just about reached the end of the two-month loan period and I have found that the bond has worked very well for me. I have been in contact with the investor, and we have agreed to extend the loan for a further two months at the same rate of interest (10% per month).
Drab Cane
Carbenadium Industries
#10 - 2014-01-23 02:14:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Drab Cane
EDIT: Needed to read thread before posting. Post was unnecessary.
Halastar Sayashi
#11 - 2014-01-23 08:23:37 UTC

Visit Halastar Liquidity Co. for loans

Now offering both Collaterized and Uncollaterized Loans.

Interest Rates can be negotiated, mail me today! ;)

#12 - 2014-01-23 09:25:18 UTC
Halastar Sayashi wrote:

Visit Halastar Liquidity Co. for loans

Now offering both Collaterized and Uncollaterized Loans.

Interest Rates can be negotiated, mail me today! ;)

Please don't insert adverts into every loan thread. We tread a slightly fine line here on MD as far as what is allowed is concerned. Periodically, overzealous mods will come along and try to move all threads such as yours, and sometimes all loan request threads, to Sell Orders on the grounds that they do not belong in Market Discussions. The conventions that have developed to differentiate MD from Sell Orders in this respect include not spamming adverts and not bumping the loan service thread more than once a week.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Faros Tellassil
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-02-27 12:34:40 UTC
I have now repaid the interest due this month. There is one month left on the contract.
#14 - 2014-02-27 13:45:28 UTC
Faros Tellassil
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2014-03-27 17:18:37 UTC
The bond has now matured and been paid out.

At the start of the bond, I had a net worth of approximately 700M ISK (including investment). Using this money primarily to purchase BPC's from incursion runners and sell on finished goods, I increased this value to 1.6B ISK (before repaying) over a four-month period. I feel that I handled the money fairly well, but I could have made a much bigger profit if I had invested more time into it.

Due to the exam period approaching I will not be looking for further investment at the present time, but I will most likely do so again at some point in the future.

A great deal of thanks to I LKE IT for fulfilling my bond.
#16 - 2014-03-28 16:27:13 UTC