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Does CCP play EvE?

First post
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#41 - 2013-11-22 16:05:13 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
AFAIK they are allowed to have alts like you or I so they can play the game, but they can't do certain things like suicide ganking. They also have to play batman and keep their real identity a secret, because devs can't have known alts. Also if you join CCP then you have to put your current account(s) in a stasis of sorts, and you can't access it until you stop working at CCP.

I heard this information almost two years ago so it may be out of date. Of course there is the possibility that this information is completely wrong too, because I read it somewhere on the eve wiki, which was a little hectic and untrustworthy back then.

This is still the case yes, also added tidbit: CCP employees aren't allowed to scam/corptheft either on their playing account. Neither are they allowed to inform their corp/alliance of upcoming changes that aren't known, or game-information that can give their friends an advantage over others (by examples telling m to invest in marauders because nexy patch will enhance m greatly, skyrocketing demand)

Normally the Internal Affairs section in CCP watches over this (was founded after the T2BPO debacle)

All sounds good in theory.
But completely impossible to enforce.

How does this IA dept (which I am not sure even exists but in name only since the last IA head returned to the goons), monitor personal phone calls or skype on personal computers when a dev calls up his goon buddy and discusses what is being changed in the game, and what the goons would like changed to expand their empire?

Say some group quietly starts buying Guidance Systems, or any P4 product, weeks before the announcement was made of handing high sec POCO's over to the cartels. How does the IA track purchases made by who knows how many alts scattered over how many in-game corps associated with who knows how many accounts, and then the subsequent sales when prices skyrocket?

No one seriously believes the IA has the people and technical resources to track every single item affected by every single game mechanic change. And also, to suggest that the dev's, who the vast vast majority are plucked from null sec cartels, suddenly drop all friendships and allegiances when they get hired by CCP is totally ludicrous. That is not how human nature works.

Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

So to suggest that CCP has the ability to change human nature, or the resources to chase down any dev that is willing to hand inside information over to their in-game (and out-of-game) friends is just naive.

I'd pay a whole lot of real life money for copies of an MRI scan of your brain.

I appreciate your concern for my well-being.
Federal Navy Academy
#42 - 2013-11-22 16:10:21 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

I don't really see the problem here. They're required to put their characters in stasis, and when they do so they're allowed to say that its to go work for CCP. Also maintaining in-game contacts doesn't make you friends, particularly in Eve.

Also, are you really suggesting anything in your post or just trying to discredit CCP and/or their Internal Affairs department? Yeah its impossible to enforce perfectly. Devs have power and they're allowed also play the game. Same with GMs of literally any MMO. There are risks but there are also certainly benefits for allowing this. Having a clear set of policies for what is OK and what is NOT OK is important, and having people responsible to enforce those (even when its difficult) is also important. As an Eve player, I'd rather trust the devs to not abuse power than play a game developed by people that don't play it. Being transparent about what Dev alts are allowed to do and not do makes it easier to have that trust.

For CCP, is there a formally stated restriction on which players or player groups you may associate with in game? It would be pretty suspect if a dev alt played with the same people his original account was with. Furthermore, how does the whole batman thing work when corp-forum picture threads are a thing, and with voice comms being uniquitous? I feel I would recognize quite a few of the devs' voices even through teamspeak just from watching the Alliance Tournaments. Do you guys use any voice distortion or do you literally do the Christian Bale Batman voice?

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#43 - 2013-11-22 16:12:59 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

I appreciate your concern for my well-being.

All joking aside, I really do wonder about someone who is so cynical that they imagine "cabals" and "cartels" and various types of collusion in a video game and the company that makes its.

The conspiracy ideas you always throw out are not worth taking seriously. However, the question that comes to my mind is "so what if it is?". Even if CCP was a subsidiary of "Goon Domination Inc", so what? EVE is a game, YOU (Dinsdale) are not some kind of share holder in CCP (ie they owe you nothing more than access to EVE Online in exchange for your sub) and what goes on behind the scenes has nothing to do with you, me or any other subscriber.

What kind of life does one have if all they can point to as an accomplishment is "I exposed the truth in a world that doesn't exist!!!". Frankly, it's not CCP or goons are any shadowy cartels that have a problem, it's you.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#44 - 2013-11-22 16:35:01 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

I appreciate your concern for my well-being.

All joking aside, I really do wonder about someone who is so cynical that they imagine "cabals" and "cartels" and various types of collusion in a video game and the company that makes its.

The conspiracy ideas you always throw out are not worth taking seriously. However, the question that comes to my mind is "so what if it is?". Even if CCP was a subsidiary of "Goon Domination Inc", so what? EVE is a game, YOU (Dinsdale) are not some kind of share holder in CCP (ie they owe you nothing more than access to EVE Online in exchange for your sub) and what goes on behind the scenes has nothing to do with you, me or any other subscriber.

What kind of life does one have if all they can point to as an accomplishment is "I exposed the truth in a world that doesn't exist!!!". Frankly, it's not CCP or goons are any shadowy cartels that have a problem, it's you.

For a world "that does not exist", you sure spend a lot of time on these forums defending the people that share your views on how you want it to be shaped. Far more than I do. And yeah, if the 14 plus sites that buy and sell ISK did not exist, and there were not plex sales by non-CCP-approved agents, then I would agree that this little universe of Eve had no real life impact.

But those sites do exist, and the illicit sales do take place, so guess what: Eve does have a real life connection.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#45 - 2013-11-22 16:44:31 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#46 - 2013-11-22 16:49:58 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Nice try being obtuse there.
The point that you are ignoring is that the human condition is you favour your friends.
It has always been that way, and does not look to change.
Alice Ituin
#47 - 2013-11-22 16:51:24 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
I'd love to have a CCP employee AWOX me.

Did you miss the live event?
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#48 - 2013-11-22 16:57:06 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

For a world "that does not exist", you sure spend a lot of time on these forums defending the people that share your views on how you want it to be shaped. Far more than I do.

I don't spend time running around every conceivable EVe related site and blog screaming the sky is falling. And "how I want it to be shaped"? No, EVE is what it is, I simply comment on the posts by people who have unrealistic ideas about the game we're all playing, but it's nothing more than that.

Without intending to, you reveal your agenda, it's the same agenda as all the players who constantly harp about the things you do. You want to "shape" the game into something rather than accepting it as presented. I've known many like you in games and real life, never happy with what is, always trying to bend things to your advantage.

Which I think is why every other word you type is "goon", because they (through organization and cooperation with each other and like minded players) actually succeed in having an influence on the game, whereas all you can do is play impotent freedom fighter from the sidelines. You'd gain a lot more traction (with the community and probably with CCP) if you didn't come off as crazy and jealous.


And yeah, if the 14 plus sites that buy and sell ISK did not exist, and there were not plex sales by non-CCP-approved agents, then I would agree that this little universe of Eve had no real life impact.

But those sites do exist, and the illicit sales do take place, so guess what: Eve does have a real life connection.

Connection to real life , maybe, but how does that connect to YOU? My theory is that you think that without the "unfair" influence of money, CCP would be more open to making the game more like you think you'd enjoy it (or more fair to the "masses" or whatever). I don't know, only you do.

But if that is the case, have you considered that you might be wrong? have you considered that EVE is the way it is because it was meant to be this way, and that it's you (more specifically, your wants and needs as a player) that don't fit? In the past when I found myself playing a game that I realized that I fundamentally didn;t like (WoW) I just quit, I didn't go to war against blizzard. But your every post drips contempt against a video game company (CCP) that you are still handing money to.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#49 - 2013-11-22 17:01:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Nice try being obtuse there.
The point that you are ignoring is that the human condition is you favour your friends.
It has always been that way, and does not look to change.

Right. But again, if so, then what?

Your posts suggest that you think CCP is favoring someone else over you and/or the rest of the community. If that's the case, why then are you voluntarily giving CCP money? You are funding the inequality you rage against. On a side note, do you also notice that the same community that you seem to think is getting the shaft mostly ignores you. Even if the unfair situation you describe exists, if no one else cares, why continue?

CCP isn't your government that owes you fairness as a citizen who pays taxes (and as a human in general). It's a private for profit corporation producing a product (EVE et al) for it's own enrichment/profit.
Gary Bell
The Initiative.
#50 - 2013-11-22 17:02:35 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Nice try being obtuse there.
The point that you are ignoring is that the human condition is you favour your friends.
It has always been that way, and does not look to change.

Honestly I am amused by you.. I bet you have an entire tinfoil house..

On a real note.. Eve is a fun game and can be enjoyable.. But it is.. alas.. Still a game..I dont know many people who manage to land a job doing something they enjoy, and then risk if for fake spaceship money lol.. Back in the day maybe..

When EXAMPLE ONLY goons tech was in full swing RMTing that money would be worth it to the toon of hundreds of thousands of dollars but now, the job would be much more worth it in everyway.

So yeah.. You need a brain scan.. And to come out of your tinfoil bunker, and breath some air..

People have friends, it happens.. And friends even if they have not spoken in years tend to "Reach Out" when something serious in RL happens such as Vile Rat..

What I honestly hope happens is CCP reachs out to you with an IP ban for again taking a person you dident know and wrapping a topic about said person in tinfoil and rolling it all over the place..

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#51 - 2013-11-22 17:25:57 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Nice try being obtuse there.
The point that you are ignoring is that the human condition is you favour your friends.
It has always been that way, and does not look to change.

Right. But again, if so, then what?

Your posts suggest that you think CCP is favoring someone else over you and/or the rest of the community. If that's the case, why then are you voluntarily giving CCP money? You are funding the inequality you rage against. On a side note, do you also notice that the same community that you seem to think is getting the shaft mostly ignores you. Even if the unfair situation you describe exists, if no one else cares, why continue?

CCP isn't your government that owes you fairness as a citizen who pays taxes (and as a human in general). It's a private for profit corporation producing a product (EVE et al) for it's own enrichment/profit.

OK, fair point.
Why do I keep giving CCP money, or more importantly, my time?

Well, from the perspective of money, I have built up enough ISK and skills in game that I pay for my account through plex so no real life money changes hands between CCP and me each month. Yes, the point that SOMEONE is paying for this game every time they buy the plex that they in turn sell to me, is totally valid. But it is not my real world money.

As for my time I spend playing the game, which I actually do, and spend so much time on the forums, it is because I remember a different game once. Yes, the null sec cartels have always been there, and have been favoured by CCP (T2 BPO's to BoB seems like a distant memory now). But never have it been so industrialized and the cartel's intentions to control high sec been so blatant. Years ago this was a great game, and people could at least expect their game style to exist the next year.

So with respect to that past game, I tilt at the windmills of the current CCP management and the goons, with the ever so faint hope that sanity may yet prevail at CCP and they radically change the course of Eve back towards a more neutral stance.

And frankly, I could ask you the same question: why do you spend so much time on the forums attacking people who don't want to see CCP mutate Eve into the game you crave?
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2013-11-22 17:32:46 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Case in point. Read the Playboy article that covers the biography of the goon killed in Libya. The article specifically mentions a former member of the CCP security team (also was a former goon) "reaching out" to the leader of the goons. People who have cut off relationships with one another don't "reach out" like that, unless they are still friends.

This just in: CCP aren't allowed to have friends.

Nice try being obtuse there.
The point that you are ignoring is that the human condition is you favour your friends.
It has always been that way, and does not look to change.

Have you even held a job before? Most people don't do things for their friends that could potentially put their jobs at risk.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Eko Fromtv
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#53 - 2013-11-22 17:41:27 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

I'd pay a whole lot of real life money for copies of an MRI scan of your brain.

I lol'd irl HARD. I would send you some isk as thanks for making me laugh, but I;m a cheap bastard, so I won't :)

(Ice) Miner for life.

CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#54 - 2013-11-22 17:42:07 UTC
EVE is the space one right?

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

Yummy Chocolate
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#55 - 2013-11-22 17:44:25 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
EVE is the space one right?

no. well yes. it's a shipspace thing. with space. in ships.

wait.. no... What?

Frostys Virpio > CCP: Continously Crying Playerbase

Felicity Love >... was thinking "moar popcorn"... but now, seeing the truly awesome contribution this thread is going to make to the Greater Glory Of EVE.... imagonnamakkadapizza....

Lady Areola Fappington
#56 - 2013-11-22 17:47:45 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Yes, the point that SOMEONE is paying for this game every time they buy the plex that they in turn sell to me, is totally valid. But it is not my real world money.

It really doesn't matter what mental gymnastics you do to justify it, you generate capital for CCP by your very existence. You give CCP (sub*alts) a month. Should you quit, you would be depriving CCP of the same.

Ultimately, I think you like EVE in it's current incarnation. In a world of setting your own goals, you've set yours to be grrgewnz.

Personally, I think it's kind of sad that your defining mark in EVE is to see conspiracies everywhere revolving around a group of people good at a vidya game, but hey, if that's what it takes to continue generating funds for CCP, then good on ya. A normal person in your imaginary land of Gewns Conspiracy would just say "screw it, I quit".

Also, didja know, Goons are everywhere? The teller at the bank, your dentist, the mechanic working on your car, cashier at the store...any of them could be an evil Goonie. I've even heard that gewnz have managed to infiltrate every Fortune 100 company, along with local, state, and federal government in the USA. There's even goonz working for non-US governments!

7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided. --Eve New Player Guide

Vincent Athena
#57 - 2013-11-22 17:47:59 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
EVE is the space one right?

No. Eve is a Sci Fi simulation sandbox game that includes space and spaceships.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

#58 - 2013-11-22 17:51:12 UTC
/tinfoil hat

CCP Guard wrote:
EVE is the space one right?

it's really a terrible submarine sim, but you've gotten away with it this long, might as well keep nodding and agreeing with us.

DIVE DIVE DIVE .. I mean 'Jump' .. now we know why "D" is the Jump key.

/tinfoil hat_off

There are good ships,

And wood ships,

And ships that sail the sea

But the best ships are Spaceships

Built by CCP

Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2013-11-22 17:52:58 UTC
Alduin666 Shikkoken wrote:
AFAIK they are allowed to have alts like you or I so they can play the game, but they can't do certain things like suicide ganking. They also have to play batman and keep their real identity a secret, because devs can't have known alts. Also if you join CCP then you have to put your current account(s) in a stasis of sorts, and you can't access it until you stop working at CCP.

I heard this information almost two years ago so it may be out of date. Of course there is the possibility that this information is completely wrong too, because I read it somewhere on the eve wiki, which was a little hectic and untrustworthy back then.

How about skill training the can do that right?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#60 - 2013-11-22 17:56:41 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

I appreciate your concern for my well-being.

All joking aside, I really do wonder about someone who is so cynical that they imagine "cabals" and "cartels" and various types of collusion in a video game and the company that makes its.

The conspiracy ideas you always throw out are not worth taking seriously. However, the question that comes to my mind is "so what if it is?". Even if CCP was a subsidiary of "Goon Domination Inc", so what? EVE is a game, YOU (Dinsdale) are not some kind of share holder in CCP (ie they owe you nothing more than access to EVE Online in exchange for your sub) and what goes on behind the scenes has nothing to do with you, me or any other subscriber.

What kind of life does one have if all they can point to as an accomplishment is "I exposed the truth in a world that doesn't exist!!!". Frankly, it's not CCP or goons are any shadowy cartels that have a problem, it's you.

For a world "that does not exist", you sure spend a lot of time on these forums defending the people that share your views on how you want it to be shaped. Far more than I do. And yeah, if the 14 plus sites that buy and sell ISK did not exist, and there were not plex sales by non-CCP-approved agents, then I would agree that this little universe of Eve had no real life impact.

But those sites do exist, and the illicit sales do take place, so guess what: Eve does have a real life connection.

1: We understand that you have no idea how an Internal Affairs group operates, no need to make it painfully obvious.

2: While such stupidity exists, it is rare to find someone dumb enough to endanger their job, references, and career... to cheat at a video game.

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