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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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Hulasikali Walla
Brave Nubs
#441 - 2013-11-22 10:33:09 UTC
I've got issue when launching more than 2 accounts ( used to launch up to 4 accounts at the time before rubicon )

The game as "micro-freeze" up to 1 long second long, more than once a minute.
Alt tab is vvvvveeeeerrrryyyyy long.
My second screen goes black ( not off, just black )

Nvidia driver up to date, might be a problem with direct x 11 ?
Quay Industries
#442 - 2013-11-22 11:36:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Steijn
Raj Matheo
The Raj Corporation
#443 - 2013-11-22 11:44:09 UTC
Had multiple issues with the launcher/login page after the latest patch. Blank launcher stuck on login page, it took reloading the launcher a number of times to login.
JTK Fotheringham
Ducks in Outer Space
#444 - 2013-11-22 11:57:42 UTC
Was there a launcher update or new patch? I couldn't tell, the launcher froze with a grey progress bar. I minimised it to visit forums, and when I returned, it was yellow, but I had no login screen.

Rebooted the launcher, and was able to log in smoothly, but got stuck on character selection - I couldn't enter the game.

I figured this might have been due to the system I was entering not being loaded right, so I rebooted again. This time was able to log in smoothly, character selection worked (still no ship preview), and behold, no black icons as far as I could tell. But I logged when the emergency reboot message came up - so I've no exhaustively checked all categories of black icon.

Thanks for fixes.
Quay Industries
#445 - 2013-11-22 12:01:17 UTC
ah, that was what my earlier post was about but as it cleared i just thought it was me, hence why i removed the post.
Himitsu vanya
#446 - 2013-11-22 12:04:31 UTC
So, after hotfixes 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 we still have this issues:

  • Camera zoom is reset after every gate jump.
  • Sound, when you undock or someone pass through gate (or maybe you too) is looping forever. You can hear it even when you from ~10+ AE from any gate.
  • Can't use\click "back" button when seeing some crafting material from blueprints. Here is screenshot what is I mean:
Mehrune Daeghon
The Clandestine Operations Project
#447 - 2013-11-22 12:09:08 UTC
The empty overview bug is also back. That when you gate into a system, there's nothing on the overview, no stations, no gates, even though it's set to show them and on the main screen it won't show any white boxes either. The only way to fix it is to manually fly back to the gate by double clicking in space and then right click the gate and jump. Nice when navigating through nullsec and you jump into a gatecamp...
Nevyll Conway
State War Academy
Caldari State
#448 - 2013-11-22 12:10:36 UTC
Agree with Himitsu vanya, the camera zoom is still broken. I get max zoomed in after undocking, jump through gate, jumping to beacon, using jump portal, basically ALWAYS. Very annoying and the problem was in Odyssey as well. Please fix it! Thanks!
Simon Aaron
Bald Eagles
#449 - 2013-11-22 12:23:13 UTC
I am running Windows 7 64-bit SP1 with an Geforce 8800 GT graphics. Since loading the Thursday, 21 November, updates to EVE I am unable to run EVE.

When I check the DirectX settings in the launcher it says only "DirectX 9" is available, however previous versions of the launcher were defaulted to "DirectX 11".

The launcher loads correctly but when I hit "Play" a CMD window opens and I receive an error message saying there is a problem with driver "d3dx10_42.dll". I have removed this file and re-installed DirectX from both the Microsoft site and via the "DirectXRedist.exe" program provided with EVE. Neither resolves the problem.

I have uploaded the log file to


MBizon Osis
#450 - 2013-11-22 12:26:29 UTC
the latest patch is an improvment I can see the moble tractor icon now. Still not the small drone or ship ones yet but in the info panel the larger picture of t1 drones yes i can now. The T2 still no.
JTK Fotheringham
Ducks in Outer Space
#451 - 2013-11-22 13:45:03 UTC
MBizon Osis wrote:
the latest patch is an improvment I can see the moble tractor icon now. Still not the small drone or ship ones yet but in the info panel the larger picture of t1 drones yes i can now. The T2 still no.

Try manually clearing your cache from in-game, not the launcher. Some folks in the black icons thread in "workarounds &c" found this effective.
Blue Harrier
#452 - 2013-11-22 13:49:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Blue Harrier
At last, cleared cache and my icons are back Big smile.

If you log in and your icons are still black then hit [Esc] Clear Cache and restart, they will then re-populate (in my case sloooooowly), but they did get there in the end.

Thanks for a small victory.

Oh and my desktop returns to normal now instead of greyed out like it's done for the last 18 months please note how you did this and please don't change anything, please Shocked

"You wait - time passes, Thorin sits down and starts singing about gold." from The Hobbit on ZX Spectrum 1982.

Cathy Okagima
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#453 - 2013-11-22 14:21:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Cathy Okagima
Am unable to copy or paste anything is anyone else experiencing this issue.

Ming Tso
Caldari State
#454 - 2013-11-22 14:41:39 UTC
Blue Harrier wrote:
At last, cleared cache and my icons are back Big smile.

If you log in and your icons are still black then hit [Esc] Clear Cache and restart, they will then re-populate (in my case sloooooowly), but they did get there in the end.

Thanks for a small victory.

Oh and my desktop returns to normal now instead of greyed out like it's done for the last 18 months please note how you did this and please don't change anything, please Shocked

Do you have a mac? Because I do, I've done everything you've done, and my icons are still corrupted. Can't update the drivers because "Apple does it for you" so that's not the problem. Cleared both ingame cache and out of game cache, and all that does is reset all the icons to the same scrambled pattern again, only this time they're all scrambled the same way.
Teh Minez0r
Virtual Intergalactic Army
#455 - 2013-11-22 15:17:08 UTC
I'm a bit confused. If I switch the tab from Skills to Certificates inside the Character Sheet, the button still says "Open Training Queue" instead of "Open Certification Planer" while it also opens the Training Queue. Is this meant to work like that or is it a bug? Can't find the Certification Planer anymore now... lol
Hulasikali Walla
Brave Nubs
#456 - 2013-11-22 15:24:37 UTC
Hulasikali Walla wrote:
I've got issue when launching more than 2 accounts ( used to launch up to 4 accounts at the time before rubicon )

The game as "micro-freeze" up to 1 long second long, more than once a minute.
Alt tab is vvvvveeeeerrrryyyyy long.
My second screen goes black ( not off, just black )

Nvidia driver up to date, might be a problem with direct x 11 ?

Same with today's patch

Working fine with DirectX 9
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#457 - 2013-11-22 15:42:57 UTC
I'm unable to launch the game since today's morning. Launcher works fine. I log in, the white loading bar completes its endless journey and... I see black nothingness. I only have mouse pointer and can move it freely. After pressing [ESC] I also have a full game options menu. But nothing else. A bunch of reloads and system reboots did not help.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any solutions?

Kae Arjar
#458 - 2013-11-22 16:04:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kae Arjar
Kae Arjar
#459 - 2013-11-22 16:27:00 UTC
Kae Arjar wrote:
[quote=Wolvson]I'm unable to launch the game since today's morning. Launcher works fine. I log in, the white loading bar completes its endless journey and... I see black nothingness. I only have mouse pointer and can move it freely. After pressing [ESC] I also have a full game options menu. But nothing else. A bunch of reloads and system reboots did not help.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any solutions?

Yeah i'm having the same problem but haven't found a solution yet i'm afraid

Edit: What i did was ran TQ from my singularity folder, it patched from Sisi to TQ and now everything works so unless you have a backup eve folder like i do for singularity then best thing to try would be a complete uninstall and reinstall
Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#460 - 2013-11-22 16:30:32 UTC
cannot connect to server error each time i try and log in. claims eve is offline, but seems everyone on mumble is playing so eve is obviously not offline.

le sigh