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[Beyond Rubicon] What Mobile Structures would you like to see?

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Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#841 - 2013-11-20 23:05:40 UTC
Personalized jump bridges allowing you to jump to any target system.

It would also require a bridge structure on both sides, and is only one way.

I.E., I can jump to a beacon in Jita, but would have to set up another bridge in order to return
EXACTLY like how warp gates work in missions.

The only thing i'm not set on is whether it should be limited to personal use, fleet use, corp use, alliance use, or anyone use.

Again, they're free targets so anyone can break the chain.
Also, it would be fun to camp these..

POSSIBLY limited to sub-cap ships.
Exotic Dancers Union
#842 - 2013-11-21 00:11:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
Dear CCP Fozzie

On behalf of the Exotic Dancers Union and all the freelancers in our sucessful and among capsuleers very appreciated industry i officially hand in the following request:

The ongoing problem with the station atmosphere decontamination makes it very difficult for our workforce to get to our customers captains quarters. The only way in (and even more important: out) is provided by docking with a spaceship, which puts our employees in an unpleasant situation of beeing extremly dependent on the goodwill of the capsuleer they work for and / or beeing susceptible to blackmail.

We request the introduction of a mobile pleasure hub (preferably colored in red or pink) that allows us to contribute our
services in a clean and save enviroment. The cargohold of a spaceship is NOT a appropriated workplace for Union-certified workforce. I'm sure you agree with us.

Please help us to keep and even improve the high quality standards in our business!

Yours faithfully

Ronny Hugo
Goonswarm Federation
#843 - 2013-11-21 01:06:56 UTC
Why don't the mobile depots have their own type like the haulers? You know, ammo hold, ore hold, etc.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#844 - 2013-11-21 03:05:43 UTC
a mobile MWD disruptor - 20km radius lasts 2 minutes and ONLY disrupts MWD function not warp-out. Deploys in 10 seconds.

Call it a deadspace generator or something
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#845 - 2013-11-21 03:14:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Omnathious Deninard
Ok after much though here are some thnigs I would like to see as mobile structures.
All would last 1 HR and could not be scooped once launched.
They would have meduim HP and require anchoring IV.
Volume would be around 200~300 m3
Only one structure of this tyoe can be anchored per system.

  • Mobile Ore Prospecting Array
  • Mobile Survey Networks
  • Mobile Entrapment Array
  • Mobile Pirate Detection Array
  • Mobile Quantum Flux Generator

Each would act like there level 3 counterpart.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#846 - 2013-11-21 06:22:52 UTC
I really like the idea of mobile, player controlled bill boards, especially given the theme of more player content, less defined walls.

I don't really have a good answer for moderating the content these might see(read: I don't want to warp to a gate and see Goat Porn) except maybe a pretty tight filter or banning/muting the owner, but the concept of being able to anchor a bill board on the gate to whatever system I'm living in with our alliance logo or something sounds really cool.

Also, deployable weapons/Ewar/Cap. war. Must, Must, Must.

1-2 per ship, or a skill that modifies it, bandwidth usage and behavior like drones(MINUS assist), and having to remain on field, connected to them.

Possibly also a second variant that does considerably less DPS but tracks fairly well and reaches fairly far that you could anchor and leave, to protect your billboard, for instance.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

sytaqe violacea
Choir of morning
#847 - 2013-11-21 11:12:18 UTC
Mobile Ship Synthesizer
It's synthesize Minmatar Ship from junk or other ship.
200 MetalScraps to 1 Rifter.
2 Rifter to 1 Thrasher
5 Thrasher to 1 Stabber
6 Stabber to 1 Hurricane
4 Hurricane to 1 Tempest

Mobile Capital Ship Synthesizer
It's produce Minmatar Super Capital Ship from subcapital or capital.
250 Typhoon to 1 Ragnarok
sytaqe violacea
Choir of morning
#848 - 2013-11-21 11:43:45 UTC
Mobile Mad Scientist Lab
*Low-sec only*
Player can produce *random* combat booster from one *random* Trade Goods and one Synth Combat Booster using it.
Ingredient :
Janitor + Synth Exile Booster
Result :
+3% Armor Repair Bonus
+50% Warp scrambler length
-30% Turret Falloff
-30% Capacitor Capacity

The random combat booster has 0~3 random positive effects and 0~5 random negative effects.
It's very very rare that a very very good booster appears.
But it happens frequency that a not so bad (useful under a specific situation) booster (like previous one) appears.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#849 - 2013-11-21 15:32:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Saeglotakk
Hey Guys,

First off, I think you deserve a congrats for Rubicon. There are a few small niggles but it was launched without too much fuss and the features are great. The new ceptors are a bit insane and after bailing out a freighter and seeing a load of PVE kills, I had a couple of thoughts.

How the hell do we protect our indies/PVEers now?

How the hell do we catch an interceptor?

This is where my idea for a new type of deployable come is. Mobile Decoy Unit.

Decoys have long been a part of war. Everything from planes painted on the ground to fool aerial photography to countermeasures from seeking missiles. Yet they do not exist within EVE.

The idea is that the decoy unit can be positioned anywhere in space and it provides false information to D-Scan and Scanning Probes. The unit would have to be powered by something so for this example lets say helium isotopes (though it could be cap boosters whatever...) Whoever deploys the decoy, can choose which ship they want the decoy to represent. The rate at which the decoy uses its fuel is relative to the mass of the ship it is pretending to be. So decoy frigates less fuel, decoy capitals lots of fuel!

The nice idea here is it can be used both offensively and defensively. Mining fleets etc, could put these all over a system returning false positives and therefore making it difficult to pinpoint a real mining barge. On the other hand, covert gangs could use them as bait to lure in potential victims.

Perhaps an extension of this idea would be a decoy unit which returns a null-response for a certain area say 50/100km across. This would mean ships which cannot cloak can effectively hide from D-Scan and Scanning Probes whilst still being visable on grid. On one hand this might give mining fleets a few extra seconds to get safe. On the other, it might keep a hostile fleet out of sight until they are ready to strike. (Maybe this is a little OP?)

I think this type of deployable would be an interesting addition and would certainly help with answering my questions last night!

Let me know your thoughts,

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#850 - 2013-11-21 18:12:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Xindi Kraid
I would love to see player anchorable gate guns. As much as I don't really care for alliances, it would be cool if there were more ways for them to turn their space into pseodu-empire territory. It should be more involved than just anchor , collect killmails. it should probably require some sort of fuel, and obviously ammo so you actually have to actively maintain your space.

Another idea: Personal ship hangar: MUST be deployed WITHIN 5000 meters of a mobile depot. It functions as a depot add on, when you launch it, the ship hangar rather than being a separate object adding clutter just attaches itself to the depot, giving it a ship maint bay.

Last, I would like to see stationary turrets that function somewhat like a ship. They come in the standard sizes that ships do and use all the modules ships do, but they will function unmanned automatically. You fit them like a normal ship by jumping into them and putting on modules then you can hop into a hauler and place them into the cargo bay (unlike ships).

Then you fly where you want th structure and launch it, and it will carry out functions appropriate to its modules. Put on mining lasers and it will mine any rocks nearby, salvagers will salvage, it will activate tanking modules when under fire and attack hostile targets if it has weapons and offensive drones and heal friendly targets if it has logi onboard.

You could also have a couple modules specific to the structures like refing arrays or labs so they can function as a sort of personal mini pos.

Lacking engines and such, these structures would be smaller than ships with similar CPU and PG, but more fitting rousources increases volume, so the largest structures able to fit battleship scale equipment would need to be moved around by a hauler. That could open up a role for a dedicated structure hauler with a bay for hauling these around (said bay could also allow POCOs, towers and SOV structures etc.)
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#851 - 2013-11-21 20:33:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Rythdar
Just a brainfart really but... here goes. Mobile refining and mining base. Rorq has its industrial core. Orca could have its own but it only works as a ore storage when deployed(zero speed but increase in tank, we are talking half a billion isk ship, not a cheap mobile structure.)

Once the orcas industrial core has been deployed, you could link it with mobile structures

Mobile refiner
- a cheap, poorly tanked deployable that would refine. Refining has average yield but takes time(5, 10 mins per patch?) Ore nor minerals cant be retrieved during refining and the structure cannot be repackaged. Only when its idle.

Mobile ore compressor?

A defense structure against belt rats(doesent attack players and can only be deployed in a asteroid field/ice field)?

Mobile CQ for those hulk pilots who want to take a break, har har

But the real brainfart was this;
A mobile mining structure. Must be deployed on the surface of the asteroid. Need to be manually operated. Higher yield of ore but more danger. Basically turn it into a mini game. Has its own UI where you have to watch the X-ray of the asteroid, be careful not to bend the drill yadda yadda, overheating, come up with something. Just something to make mining more interesting. Ore goes into a jetcan so it has its danger with jetcan thieves. Only the orca/rorq pilot can operate it or carry the structure. Can be destroyed easily and due to the close proximity of the jetcans, they go too if the structure goes.

Just a brainfart.

edit. Actually, since it all happens out in space and is vulnerable to attack, the mineral gain could be higher
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#852 - 2013-11-21 23:08:45 UTC
im not sure if its already posted.

mobile laboratories who can be anchored everywhere.
Production lines.
shield bubble high amount of shields, no ship can enter when shield is active and gets kicked out when in it and the shield gets activate but it protects other mobile stations.
mineral compression unit.
cloaking device when in its sphere the ship gets cloaked.
"Spaceweb" hacking device can only be anchored in null everybody in its range is invisible to local

some might be reusable other throw it away, but im tired so i wont think to hard about that.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#853 - 2013-11-21 23:15:47 UTC
I'd love a bookmark-duplicator!

Not just a regular one, but one that works something like this:
> Dump Vouchers into hold
> (if avaiable, set a password)
> Drag'n'drop activation sequence in textchat
> another person anywhere activates another bookmark-duplicator, drops the activation sequence, types the password, waits 5 minutes... voila!
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#854 - 2013-11-22 13:05:27 UTC
Mobile Cloak Field Generator
sytaqe violacea
Choir of morning
#855 - 2013-11-22 18:05:11 UTC
Mobile Forge
It produces random named modules from meta0 modules.
Material :
100x Warp Scramble Ⅰ

Output :
40x Initiated Harmonic Warp Scrambler Ⅰ
30x Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler Ⅰ
20x J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler Ⅰ
10x Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler Ⅰ
Vol Arm'OOO
Central Co-Prosperity Union
#856 - 2013-11-22 19:28:45 UTC
Turrets, warp disruptors, energy drain and vamp. Similar to pos defensive items but without the pos and able to float anywhere. Imagine being able to really fortify a gate or a belt or some other location in a system.

I don't play, I just fourm warrior.

Princess Honneamise
#857 - 2013-11-22 19:40:12 UTC
EXQUISITE TAILORING BOUTIQUE ( anchorable structure )

-4000 m3 4000 kg
-350,000 PG 25 CPU
-100k shield HP, 1.5M armor HP, 100k structure HP

You will need thousands of TRITANIUM pieces if you want to level up TAILORING SKILL.
It will cost thousands of ISK to buy the MONOCLES, or if you farm them, it will take a lot of time to farm everything.
TAILORING SKILL is good combined with MANUFACTURING SKILL because you will be able to wear " Men's 'Form' Shirt (black)" you craft.
If you are low on ISK, I recommend you to try this ISK FARMING MACHINE ( also know as syphon), it can help you to make loads of ISKS.
If you are still TRAINING your character or you just started a new alt ( woah its the same !!!), I recommend you to use a leveling guide.
You can level your character to level 5 in 70 days .
Keep in mind, this Tailoring guide is made to level your profession as fast as possible, so sometimes the Women's 'Phanca' Cybernetic Arm (left) you will make might not be the best items for your level or they won't be really profitable if you want to sell them on the market.


The EVE MOONS PROJECT is the most complete and accurate moons database for Eve Online

Beta Maoye
#858 - 2013-11-22 20:14:30 UTC
Mobile punching bag.

Player can set a name on it and give it a short description. It can easily be seen in space and overview. Last two hours in space before it decayed. It cannot be deployed within 200km of another punching bag. It will produce isk when someone pew pew at it and stop producing isk if not receiving hit. The amount produced depends on security level of space. It produces 1,000isk per minute in high sec.; 5,000isk per minute in low sec.; 25,000isk per minute in null sec. The amount produced will be automatically deposited into player's account.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#859 - 2013-11-22 20:50:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Che Biko
(Sub-warp) Race Checkpoint

Creates a holographic circle in space (radius around 2.5 km for frigate races)
Logs the names of pilots passing through the circle along with the time they passed through.

Depot Signature Diffuser

Can be placed near a Mobile Depot
Makes it hard/imposable to pinpoint the location of the Depot and Diffuser using scan probes.
Angus McRothimay
Fenrir Vangard
#860 - 2013-11-22 21:30:43 UTC
Capsuleers seem to be striving for independence from the Empires so, how about freeing them from having to use station cloning facilities.

A Mobile Pod hanger with jump clone facilities .

Deployable in both k-space and w-space, after you dock if you jump to a clone the Mobile Pod hanger cloaks and begins to gestate a new clone. Jumping back to the clone in a mobile pod hanger destroys the hanger (other versions could be re-usable) .

The gestation period could be the same as normal jump clones or skill dependent with science, biology and a new clone production skill. Maybe with a skill to determine the number of these that could be deployed.