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EVE Online: Rubicon - Issues

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CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#281 - 2013-11-20 15:42:11 UTC
Spaminator wrote:
Switched out of my tengu inside a station into another ship and saw this:

"You were recently pulled forcefully from your Tengu which resulted in you losing 210745 skill points from the skill Caldari Electronic Systems."

Helluva bug.

Details: Switched from Tengu to an ibis.

Was your tengu very badly damaged or anything else unusual about it? I can't repro this. Also did you submit a support ticket about the skill loss?

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

hal 5000
Acme Technologies Incorporated
#282 - 2013-11-20 15:43:27 UTC
I am also stuck in a "play" and "launching" loop in the launcher. Says it is launching and then goes back to play with no full screen attempt. I believe this to be the same issue Palomahna Rana and Tatodo Ronuken are having.

Windows 7 64 - reinstalled everything - never had an eve problem launching before.

Any help would be appreciated of course.
Commerce Trade Federation Corporation
#283 - 2013-11-20 15:48:31 UTC
Appears to be a notification error... and yes I submitted a ticket on it.

When checking my skill list... level 5 is still there... so I am assuming this is a bug related to notifications.... as the ibis is the 'goto' ship after a loss.
Commerce Trade Federation Corporation
#284 - 2013-11-20 15:50:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Spaminator
Oh, and sorry... forgot to say there is no damage on the ship... cargo bay was empty at the time.... all module slots filled.

...and the 'ship swicth' was performed using the drag and drop method.
Elladar Sylvari
State War Academy
Caldari State
#285 - 2013-11-20 16:03:11 UTC
Having issues with Alliance owned customs offices since the patch. Customs offices that were working fine before the patch with the appropriate tax rate are now showing a 100 percent tax. The settings on the pocos was not changed, and has been double checked. The values are still the same as they were before the patch however when trying to use the structures, they operate at 100% tax. Anyone else having this issue?
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#286 - 2013-11-20 16:03:37 UTC
Dario Kaelenter wrote:
So result is : Skill requirements are the same. The skill requirements displayed on the Ship info are incorrect.

No, the skill requirements displayed on the ship are correct. Those skills you don't have are 'new' requirements for the Command Ship skill (new in '', since they've been like that for 6 months)

Anyone who didn't inject Command Ships before Odyssey would now need to train those skills before they can inject the Command Ships skill. Since you injected Command Ships before Odyssey, those extra skills don't affect you.

The only thing that's wrong is the '15 days training time required' line
poddy Itinen
Sarah Twelve Corporation
#287 - 2013-11-20 16:07:56 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Intarabis wrote:
did the update, had to use a workaround to get it done. that part worked, eventually anyway.

trying to launch the game, it says launching but the game never starts. it goes pack to the 'play' button like it all worked as usual..

is this some DirectX issue? ive got x11 so what else can i do?

how can anyone call this a succesfull deployment?

ive seen other people post the same issues but i havent found an answer anywhere, seems to me this is a major issue.

any help CCP?

Could you please follow the instructions at to get a log from this problem. Then please send a bugreport through Include my name in the bugreport, then i'll have a look at it.

i am getting the same says launching then reverts back to the play button done everything i can to fix it and nothing works
Kia Lafemme2
Defenders of Tash-Murkon Foundation
#288 - 2013-11-20 16:12:54 UTC
I played most of the day yesterday, the only problem most of the day was the new stuff icons were all black squares.

Suddently in a mission my screen began flickin and almost all icons + rats in space turned black,
and then the client freeze up, after a time where the game were frozen,
it totaly crashed with an exe file error message.

I could not start the game up again right away, took me around 10 minutes before i could,
and when i finaly did get online again, my Kronos which was in bastion mode,
was now a pod. :(

Today the game is totaly unplayable, because af allmost all stuff is now black icons.

Please get this **** fixed.

I have made a petition abouth it, because i think CCP ows me a new Kronos,
since i lost it because of the patch errors.
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#289 - 2013-11-20 16:35:39 UTC
Any news/updates about the launcher since i get no answer from your customer support...
Palomahna Rana Avuli
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#290 - 2013-11-20 16:45:43 UTC
Florian Kuehne wrote:
Any news/updates about the launcher since i get no answer from your customer support...

recvd earlier this morning:

This is a fix I got from CS,
"Our launcher developers posted a fix to the Rubicon launcher issue here:

Please let us know if the issue persists after trying their solution."

My Reply:

yes that updates to the older launcher but immediately then downloads the new launcher files that put the broken launcher back into my files and closes and then reopens the launcher in the broken version... so, doesnt work for me... WISH that it did...and I deleted the whole launcher file contents and it just keeps putting it back as soon as the corrected launcher loads... and that forum topic has been closed.. and if the system is auto correcting any old version back up to the newest broken version.. I dont have a clue as to how to fix it and I paid for a year's subscription and have been online a month and now unless EVE corrects the problem.. how long can I expect to be locked out of EVE? (it updates the launcher faster than I can put in my ID and login to the launcher) I have done 3 clean installs.. all files removed... tried the launcher updater, tried the repair, tried the clearing all my caches and rebooting, checked my firewall and virus programs.. I am flat out of options from my end... HELP!
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#291 - 2013-11-20 16:53:28 UTC
i just dont know what to say
nothing works really, i mean i can log in but i have to open eve again and again for each session and i dont know what happens if they bring out a patch cause the launcher isnt working^^, no responses or really tries to help here and the customer support sleeps.

had a simple question in the feadback thread, same no respsonse...
Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#292 - 2013-11-20 16:59:43 UTC
Fighter bomber skill description.

in the requiered for tab, the Shadow isn't listed.

i know.. nitpicking :)
Amely Miles
Second Exile
#293 - 2013-11-20 17:00:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Amely Miles
i got the same launcher issue as alot of people here ....tried the repair tried uninstalling and redownload right after DT yesterday Download ended at 3am my time i tried to launch and got a error ...redownload this time offline installer and sitting at 94% complete ...its going up but very slowly...point being after dealing with the same thing for Odyssey and now this Expansion its getting a Bit Old CCP....please quit messing with anything that uses the Launcher....and feel free to reimburse me for sitting here for 2days in game time and or SP/ISK/Aurum if feeling generous...After all i didnt break the launcher why am i suffering for something i didnt do?

As I slipped my finger slowly inside her hole, I could immediately feel it getting wetter and wetter.

I took my finger back out and within seconds she was going down on me.

"I really need a new boat," I thought to myself.

CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#294 - 2013-11-20 17:23:59 UTC
Jericho Guardian wrote:
Intarabis wrote:
thank you
will look into that
but i just figured out i was able to launch the game when i play with only one monitor. having a second monitor linked somehow cripples the launcher. addding a second monitor after launch doenst seem to make it crash however, its related to the launching with more than one monitor active. could be just my problem.

gonna try some stuff to get the second monitor also in play, if it wont work i will definitely send a report.

Interesting. Was hoping this might fix my issue, but as with all fixes today, I am unsuccessful.

Can you detail what your issue actually is? None of your forum posts explain what the problem you're experiencing actually entails.
CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#295 - 2013-11-20 17:25:05 UTC
Dante Allegari Volta wrote:
Since the expansion yesterday, I have been getting this message when I try to use the launcher:

Browser cannot display the webpage for: http://none/en?steam_token=

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:
Internet connectivity has been lost.
The website is temporarily unavailable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
There might be a typing error in the address.
If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, please check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled on your browser.

Could you grab the logs from the EVE Launcher and paste them to for me; I can dive through them and see if there's something obvious in them.
CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#296 - 2013-11-20 17:26:42 UTC
hal 5000 wrote:
I am also stuck in a "play" and "launching" loop in the launcher. Says it is launching and then goes back to play with no full screen attempt. I believe this to be the same issue Palomahna Rana and Tatodo Ronuken are having.

Windows 7 64 - reinstalled everything - never had an eve problem launching before.

Any help would be appreciated of course.

Could you post the EVE Launcher logs to for me? You can find them inside the launcher\cache folder in your EVE installation.
Florian Kuehne
Tech3 Company
#297 - 2013-11-20 17:39:32 UTC
wtf logged in, after 5secs got eve.exe didnt work anymore LOL
tried to start again bluescreen win rebooted, are u kidding me?
Huang Mo
Tianxia Inc
#298 - 2013-11-20 17:59:21 UTC
How about creating a "Launcher Issues" thread next time you do a release ? It seems pretty predictable that it will be the main issue.

I don't want to belittle the Launcher problems but it is a pain to wade through page after page of basically the same complaint when you want to check if a bug has been reported already.
hal 5000
Acme Technologies Incorporated
#299 - 2013-11-20 18:00:39 UTC
CCP Atropos wrote:
hal 5000 wrote:
I am also stuck in a "play" and "launching" loop in the launcher. Says it is launching and then goes back to play with no full screen attempt. I believe this to be the same issue Palomahna Rana and Tatodo Ronuken are having.

Windows 7 64 - reinstalled everything - never had an eve problem launching before.

Any help would be appreciated of course.

Could you post the EVE Launcher logs to for me? You can find them inside the launcher\cache folder in your EVE installation.

Certainly. It is here:
Bush Trimmer
Resource Kings
#300 - 2013-11-20 18:21:25 UTC
hal 5000 wrote:
CCP Atropos wrote:
hal 5000 wrote:
I am also stuck in a "play" and "launching" loop in the launcher. Says it is launching and then goes back to play with no full screen attempt. I believe this to be the same issue Palomahna Rana and Tatodo Ronuken are having.

Windows 7 64 - reinstalled everything - never had an eve problem launching before.

Any help would be appreciated of course.

Could you post the EVE Launcher logs to for me? You can find them inside the launcher\cache folder in your EVE installation.

Certainly. It is here:

All i am in the exact same position as you! No reply from tickets, bug reports or anything and I simply cannot start the game

I have re installed, changed my default browers
Deleted files as per the eve support section
Tried to used different methods / buttons to bypass the launcher that have not worked
changed files as forums suggested
I am running direct x 11 (always have been)
Ran the program with the firewall off and yes it has access to the net
Used only 1 monitor

Hmmmm any help for me too, customer support has been zero atm!